A Life of Solitude and Numbness.


2 (100%)
I was born to two parents who loved me as much as the next person's. At three I began formal schooling. From then on I was pushed to excel, and that I did. I was always at the top of my class, for I put little else before my studies. My family moved every few years, and I was frequently being transferred to upper division this and that, so I rarely had time to make friends. On rare occasion where I settled in long enough to be forgotten as "the new kid" I could never bring myself to branch out. Call it shyness.

I finished high school at fifteen and dove headfirst into a full college curriculum (before obtaining my diploma I was taking classes concurrently). Thoughts of courting female students were entertained briefly; I surmised that my age would be off-putting, so I bothered not in the slightest bit. My friend told me not to worry, that "anyone can get laid in college." I proved him wrong. Not that I made any serious attempts -- after all, I did have more free time. But the will I had not. I did not feel an emptiness. I did not feel the need for an intimate companion: what this "girlfriend" concept supposedly fulfilled.

While I pressed forth with my undergraduate work, my friends (both of them) dated off and on throughout their high school tenure, going to parties and dances, and all the other social activities I supposedly missed. Sometimes I would get forcefully dragged to one of these, where I would silently sit, safely secluded from the action. Each time a female would wander my way (in all likelihood sent by a friend), looking to pursue a conversation. If by chance she could hold interest long enough to learn I was already in college, she would express intrigue and say to the effect of, "You're pretty advanced." To this day no one has understood why I fervently decline that statement.

Years later I am living alone off of grants and a fairly lucrative job. I still have only two friends, who themselves are in their second year at their respective universities while I am in the middle of graduate school. Any free time is spent in my apartment. This summer I was coaxed by a girl into seeing a movie with her. That was the first time I have ever done any sort of leisurely/social activity with a female peer. Not even a date.

Interesting is Mr. Anderson's topic about his love life. He is entering into a world which I know through observation only. It is odd that he is compelled to romantically pursue a female, to the point where on the first day he has "narrowed down [his] potential relationships." Why does he do this? I will never fully grasp that. I will always be numb and embrace solitude. To him I would suggest he do the exact opposite of everything I've done. Perhaps that will beget happiness.
Sounds to me like you're a late bloomer. Given time, you'll seek out female companionship. It's a very rapid onset once it begins. The candles will still be trailing smoke on the birthday cake and whammo everybody is looking blankly at your empty chair but you're out in a dark alley sporting a cheap leather jacket and groping a lady of the night. yikes.
[quote name='GameDude']First off, how old are you?

And secondly, how do you get grants to get an apartment? Are they for school or something?[/quote]

I am almost twenty. My grants pay not for my apartment, but make sure that I do not have tuition to worry about.
[quote name='"RBM"']Sounds to me like you're a late bloomer. Given time, you'll seek out female companionship.[/quote]

I agree. Once you start seeing that all of your friends are married or engaged and don't have the time to hang out with you anymore or only want to do "couples" things, then the desire to seek out a member of the opposite sex for yourself increases. Remember that there are women who are in the same situation as yourself.
Wait wait. So say you do get married and you're in Hawaii on your honeymoon. You're about to have sex with your wife when she says "Oh honey you're so.....ADVANCED." Would you do?
[quote name='n2x0000'][quote name='GameDude']First off, how old are you?

And secondly, how do you get grants to get an apartment? Are they for school or something?[/quote]

I am almost twenty. My grants pay not for my apartment, but make sure that I do not have tuition to worry about.[/quote]

Hmm...you should probably drop out of school for like 2 years until your age is like the other kids...let's face it, most women don't date younger dudes. Honestly, I don't care how smart or mature you are, but you're too young for graduate school.
[quote name='n2x0000']I was born to two parents who loved me as much as the next person's. At three I began formal schooling. From then on I was pushed to excel, and that I did. I was always at the top of my class, for I put little else before my studies. My family moved every few years, and I was frequently being transferred to upper division this and that, so I rarely had time to make friends. On rare occasion where I settled in long enough to be forgotten as "the new kid" I could never bring myself to branch out. Call it shyness.

I finished high school at fifteen and dove headfirst into a full college curriculum (before obtaining my diploma I was taking classes concurrently). Thoughts of courting female students were entertained briefly; I surmised that my age would be off-putting, so I bothered not in the slightest bit. My friend told me not to worry, that "anyone can get laid in college." I proved him wrong. Not that I made any serious attempts -- after all, I did have more free time. But the will I had not. I did not feel an emptiness. I did not feel the need for an intimate companion: what this "girlfriend" concept supposedly fulfilled.

While I pressed forth with my undergraduate work, my friends (both of them) dated off and on throughout their high school tenure, going to parties and dances, and all the other social activities I supposedly missed. Sometimes I would get forcefully dragged to one of these, where I would silently sit, safely secluded from the action. Each time a female would wander my way (in all likelihood sent by a friend), looking to pursue a conversation. If by chance she could hold interest long enough to learn I was already in college, she would express intrigue and say to the effect of, "You're pretty advanced." To this day no one has understood why I fervently decline that statement.

Years later I am living alone off of grants and a fairly lucrative job. I still have only two friends, who themselves are in their second year at their respective universities while I am in the middle of graduate school. Any free time is spent in my apartment. This summer I was coaxed by a girl into seeing a movie with her. That was the first time I have ever done any sort of leisurely/social activity with a female peer. Not even a date.

Interesting is Mr. Anderson's topic about his love life. He is entering into a world which I know through observation only. It is odd that he is compelled to romantically pursue a female, to the point where on the first day he has "narrowed down [his] potential relationships." Why does he do this? I will never fully grasp that. I will always be numb and embrace solitude. To him I would suggest he do the exact opposite of everything I've done. Perhaps that will beget happiness.[/quote]

Don't worry, it'll make it easier when the government locks you away at some research facility while you reverse engineer alien technology.
[quote name='JSweeney']WSB! You know darn well you aren't supposed to speak of that![/quote]

Mummies suffer no consequences.
Let's all chip in and buy this guy piece of ass. Hey .... wait.... He said he has a lucrative job....
n2x0000 go buy yourself a piece of ass. You'll be glad you did.
[quote name='snotknocker']go buy yourself a piece of ass. You'll be glad you did.[/quote]

I would rather obtain said piece on my own merit.
You're different from most people. That's ok. Most people feel the pressure and a need to hang out with girls and/or get laid in order to feel fulfilled. You and I both know that that is a short sighted fix for any fulfillment issues.

Since you're still very young, don't worry about dating too much. However, I would encourage you to seek out relationships with other people through various extracurricular activities or community events. I'm a lot like you; we're both introverts and value our time alone. And while it's good to spend time alone, you also want to give yourself opportunities to develop social skills and experience with others. That doesn't mean you do it with the goal of getting laid, but with the goal of developing yourself into a more well-rounded individual. Although you'll always be strong in certain aspects of your personality, as you grow and mature, you'll realize a need to develop the weaker aspects to complement your character.

Eventually, in your time spent with various guys and girls in social events, you may come across a girl you might be interested in. And since you'll have spent time in various social settings, you'll have the experience and development to build a fulfilling relationship with that special girl later on down the road. No need to rush it... but you do want to think ahead and start taking small steps toward building the skills you need when that day comes.
[quote name='buttonmasher']You're different from most people. That's ok. Most people feel the pressure and a need to hang out with girls and/or get laid in order to feel fulfilled. You and I both know that that is a short sighted fix for any fulfillment issues.

Since you're still very young, don't worry about dating too much. However, I would encourage you to seek out relationships with other people through various extracurricular activities or community events. I'm a lot like you; we're both introverts and value our time alone. And while it's good to spend time alone, you also want to give yourself opportunities to develop social skills and experience with others. That doesn't mean you do it with the goal of getting laid, but with the goal of developing yourself into a more well-rounded individual. Although you'll always be strong in certain aspects of your personality, as you grow and mature, you'll realize a need to develop the weaker aspects to complement your character.

Eventually, in your time spent with various guys and girls in social events, you may come across a girl you might be interested in. And since you'll have spent time in various social settings, you'll have the experience and development to build a fulfilling relationship with that special girl later on down the road. No need to rush it... but you do want to think ahead and start taking small steps toward building the skills you need when that day comes.[/quote]

Or you could always take the John Nash approach...

"I don't exactly know what I am required to say in order for you to have intercourse with me. But could we assume that I said all that. I mean essentially we are talking about fluid exchange right? So could we go just straight to the sex."


"I find you very attractive. Your assertiveness tells me that you feel the same way about me. But ritual remains that we must do a series of platonic actions before we can have intercourse. But all I really want to do is have sex with you as soon as possible."
It's true you could be a late bloomer or maybe you're just one of those nonsexual people. I have a friend along those lines, sex really just doesn't occur on his things to do list for some reason or another.

Or maybe you're gay and don't know it yet. I don't mean that in a negative way, but if you aren't attracted to women it's a possibility.

Whatever man, just do what makes you happy.
[quote name='snotknocker']Let's all chip in and buy this guy piece of ass. Hey .... wait.... He said he has a lucrative job....
n2x0000 go buy yourself a piece of ass. You'll be glad you did.[/quote]

lol, but seriously what is the point of this topic?
[quote name='n2x0000']I was born to two parents who loved me as much as the next person's. At three I began formal schooling. From then on I was pushed to excel, and that I did. I was always at the top of my class, for I put little else before my studies. My family moved every few years, and I was frequently being transferred to upper division this and that, so I rarely had time to make friends. On rare occasion where I settled in long enough to be forgotten as "the new kid" I could never bring myself to branch out. Call it shyness.

I finished high school at fifteen and dove headfirst into a full college curriculum (before obtaining my diploma I was taking classes concurrently). Thoughts of courting female students were entertained briefly; I surmised that my age would be off-putting, so I bothered not in the slightest bit. My friend told me not to worry, that "anyone can get laid in college." I proved him wrong. Not that I made any serious attempts -- after all, I did have more free time. But the will I had not. I did not feel an emptiness. I did not feel the need for an intimate companion: what this "girlfriend" concept supposedly fulfilled.

While I pressed forth with my undergraduate work, my friends (both of them) dated off and on throughout their high school tenure, going to parties and dances, and all the other social activities I supposedly missed. Sometimes I would get forcefully dragged to one of these, where I would silently sit, safely secluded from the action. Each time a female would wander my way (in all likelihood sent by a friend), looking to pursue a conversation. If by chance she could hold interest long enough to learn I was already in college, she would express intrigue and say to the effect of, "You're pretty advanced." To this day no one has understood why I fervently decline that statement.

Years later I am living alone off of grants and a fairly lucrative job. I still have only two friends, who themselves are in their second year at their respective universities while I am in the middle of graduate school. Any free time is spent in my apartment. This summer I was coaxed by a girl into seeing a movie with her. That was the first time I have ever done any sort of leisurely/social activity with a female peer. Not even a date.

Interesting is Mr. Anderson's topic about his love life. He is entering into a world which I know through observation only. It is odd that he is compelled to romantically pursue a female, to the point where on the first day he has "narrowed down [his] potential relationships." Why does he do this? I will never fully grasp that. I will always be numb and embrace solitude. To him I would suggest he do the exact opposite of everything I've done. Perhaps that will beget happiness.[/quote]

I enjoyed reading this although I'm not quite sure why.

But, yeah, numbness and embracing solitude. Sounds familiar.
[quote name='n2x0000'][quote name='snotknocker']go buy yourself a piece of ass. You'll be glad you did.[/quote]

I would rather obtain said piece on my own merit.[/quote]

Don't dismiss the idea too quickly. It can be very difficult to approach relationships with a clear head when your brain is at war with itself over what desire it most wants to fulfill. Getting some practical experience in the purely physical side of things, IMHO, makes you less likely to fall into a bad relationship just because you got laid a few times in the process. (Ferris Bueller's concern for friend Cameron is something I've seen played out in reall life all too often.) Sex is swell and better still with a woman you genuinely like but the pursuit of it can lead to great suffering when it clouds your judgement.

Look at it this way, there are many fine young women who can use help with their tuition. How many might prefer a night 'tutoring' you to the equivalent period of degrading wage slave work?
You are almost 20 and you are already in graduate school? You are really advance. If you don't like a life of solitude and numbness then you got to start doing something to change it.
[quote name='evilpenguin9000']
Or maybe you're gay and don't know it yet. I don't mean that in a negative way, but if you aren't attracted to women it's a possibility.

My library of pornography have you believe otherwise. By the way sblymnlcrymnl, that Taylor Rain picture looks quite a bit like Jenna Haze.
[quote name='"buttonmasher"']You're different from most people. That's ok. Most people feel the pressure and a need to hang out with girls and/or get laid in order to feel fulfilled. You and I both know that that is a short sighted fix for any fulfillment issues.

Since you're still very young, don't worry about dating too much. However, I would encourage you to seek out relationships with other people through various extracurricular activities or community events. I'm a lot like you; we're both introverts and value our time alone. And while it's good to spend time alone, you also want to give yourself opportunities to develop social skills and experience with others. That doesn't mean you do it with the goal of getting laid, but with the goal of developing yourself into a more well-rounded individual. Although you'll always be strong in certain aspects of your personality, as you grow and mature, you'll realize a need to develop the weaker aspects to complement your character.

Eventually, in your time spent with various guys and girls in social events, you may come across a girl you might be interested in. And since you'll have spent time in various social settings, you'll have the experience and development to build a fulfilling relationship with that special girl later on down the road. No need to rush it... but you do want to think ahead and start taking small steps toward building the skills you need when that day comes.[/quote]

Well said.....
Buttonmasher did a great job summing a myriad of valid points. Also, don't discount that it could just be the way you feel at this point in your life, and maybe there isn't anything wrong with that. I know personally, In my teens I used to be quite a socialite...tons of friends,played in a band, good with the ladies, seemingly well liked...then shortly after I got married, something in me changed (and no it wasn't being married or my wife). I went from being all these things I previously was to a complete hermit - rarely venturing outside of my house except to go to work. This was a phase I went through for 4-5 years ...then something in me changed again, and I started wanting social interaction again (sadly, much to the distaste of my wife) - now I have more or less rejoined my social circle and broadened it to include a whole new group of friends as well. I'm a social as I ever was again, maybe more so now- unfortunately it's causing some friction in my relationship, so perhaps it's not always for the best. I guess my advice would be don't be overly concerned about it. If it's meant to be that way, it will be.
[quote name='n2x0000'][quote name='evilpenguin9000']
Or maybe you're gay and don't know it yet. I don't mean that in a negative way, but if you aren't attracted to women it's a possibility.

My library of pornography have you believe otherwise. By the way sblymnlcrymnl, that Taylor Rain picture looks quite a bit like Jenna Haze.[/quote]

It kinda does, but believe me, it's Taylor. I have some other pics from the shoot that would dispell all doubt, but I'm not going to post them here.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']It kinda does, but believe me, it's Taylor. I have some other pics from the shoot that would dispell all doubt, but I'm not going to post them here.[/quote]

[quote name='PsyClerk'][quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']It kinda does, but believe me, it's Taylor. I have some other pics from the shoot that would dispell all doubt, but I'm not going to post them here.[/quote]


Here's Jenna:


And here's Taylor:

bread's done