Aaaah! Somthing is wrong with my computer!!!

Sofa King Kool

18 (100%)
Ok, I have no idea whats going on, but everytime the screen saver comes on, it freezes and i get think pink/green things all over the screen, then I move the mouse and it goes back to my desktop. Everythings fine. But just now, all of a sudden, I got them while I was using the computer. Everything locked up, I couldn't move the mouse or do anything. So I rebooted and came right here to type this. Anybody know whats going on? And does the fact that my computer has been on for almost 48 hours have anything to do with it?
It sounds like it's artifacting... didn't you just make a thread on overclocking too? You probably overclocked it too much.

Leaving the PC on has nothing to do with it probably... I leave mine on for a week at a time with no problems.
[quote name='d00k']I didn't overclock it though. Nobody told me how.[/QUOTE]

Does it sound like this?

When my VPU finally recovered, my screen has all sorts of graphical artifacts. Objects on my screen now have scattered teal, tan and black dots all over them, that will usually contour the shape of an image. My only guess is that my computer is having trouble rendering specific colors? I have pinpointed that the black dots appear on tones of red. Blue artifacts appear on shades of pink. teal pixels (the most common) appear mostly on greens, yellows, and grays. If i paint a square of the teal dot color in microsoft paint, it has gray artifacts, but no other coors give me artifacts with the default tones in microsoft paint. All of these artifacts are constantly flickering and static-like

Could be your video card going bad too.
[quote name='Roufuss']

Does it sound like this?

Could be your video card going bad too.[/quote]
I only saw it for a second before I shut the computer down, so I don't really know much else, other than what I described. The crap on the screen wasn't moving or anything though.

I really hope its not my card going bad because I have absolutely no money for a new one. Nothing has happened since that one incident though. Maybe it was just some little screw up with something. It would be the first time my computer has done something weird like that.
[quote name='d00k']I only saw it for a second before I shut the computer down, so I don't really know much else, other than what I described. The crap on the screen wasn't moving or anything though.

I really hope its not my card going bad because I have absolutely no money for a new one. Nothing has happened since that one incident though. Maybe it was just some little screw up with something. It would be the first time my computer has done something weird like that.[/QUOTE]

Were they solid blobs or kind of flickering? What did the blobs look like? Circular, squared, etc?

It really sounds to me like it could be your video card, espicially since it froze your computer up which means it's probably not the monitor.
I agree that it is most likely a video card overheating issue.

If you have an Nvidia card you can use the Nvidia Control Panel's temperature monitor feature to take a look and see what kind of heat the card is putting out. I have a 6800GT and I have to take it apart every so oftern to clean out the dust that builds up inside of it or else I would have the same kind of issues you are experiencing.
I also have to agree that is it is most likely a Video Card overheating problem. Does your PC have good ventilation and cooling System? Do you live in an area where it is naturally hot outside?
Also, if your system has been used for a while, you might want to make sure its clean from dust. My last box was starting to get video lock ups and artifacting and it was really annoying. It looked clean at a glance... but after building my new box (no harm done, I needed to upgrade anyway) and taking apart the old one for parts, I discovered it was PLAGUED with dust and dust-bunny like stuff. There was a ton of dust built up inbetween the heatsink and fan on the cpu fan. This was causing it essentially to overheat because it blocked the flow of air.

I'm with the rest. Its either overheating of some sort or your video card is going bad.
[quote name='d00k']I really hope its not my card going bad because I have absolutely no money for a new one. Nothing has happened since that one incident though. Maybe it was just some little screw up with something. It would be the first time my computer has done something weird like that.[/quote]
It's unlikely to be a one-time thing I'm afraid. Start saving your pennies; you're going to need a new card soon.
i had my last pc for about 6 years and one day i started getting artifacts and then it just died.....i opened it up and the heat transfer gel stuff in between the chip and the heatsink had finally dried out and stopped transferring heat away from the chip
i definately dont think it's leaving it on.
I havent turned my pc off since the day I bought it
apart for some power outages and maybe the 2 times that i moved it to different rooms
bread's done