Ace Combat: Assault Horizon $44.99 at Amazon (TRU PM) - Release Date Delivery


Haven't seen this posted yet, but Amazon finally PMd TRU to pre-order Ace Combat: Assault Horizon at $44.99. TRU has free standard shipping, but Amazon has release date delivery for $0.99. I just canceled by TRU preorder!
[quote name='xxjonoxx']Cool, just cancelled my $58 preorder at Amazon to reorder at this price. Thanks![/QUOTE]

Not that it matters, but wouldn't you have been covered by their pre-order price guarantee anyway?

Either way, nice find OP.
[quote name='nuuuuj']Not that it matters, but wouldn't you have been covered by their pre-order price guarantee anyway?

Either way, nice find OP.[/QUOTE]

Technically yeah, but I had a situation once where the price on a game dropped for like 10 minutes when Amazon PMed another store, but then it instantly went back up. I trusted the preorder guarantee and the price of the game never dropped. After contacting Amazon they told me the price was never supposed to be that price, so it technically never dropped, even though people placed orders for that price and had them ship just fine. I don't take chances with it now.
I'm on the fence about this game. Gonna keep it on preorder just in case. I canceled my TRU preorder as well cuz I decided I don't want Bodycount for $44.99.
bought, saver to buy now and cancel later if need be. I'm looking at you Kmart deals
videos of this look super awesome. sweet find. Got a month and a half to wait for it...luckily NHL and about 6 other sick games come out soon (well, unluckily, since money is sparse and I am having a tough time figuring which games to buy)
Amazon has been pretty sucky lately when it comes to shipping orders to my PO box, almost every game I want to get won't go to my box.

It seems to be random and makes no sense how it works.
Since for example had I preordered this when it first popped up my PO Box would be eligible and only until later does it get rejected.

Since this is what happened to me with Deus Ex.
I had it preorderd then cancelled and then went to preorder again, only to not be able to ship to my box now.

It's not like they can't they just seem to have a very weird system in place.
last one in the series i played was ace combat 4: shattered skies on the ps2. i was so in love with that game. i think thats the one with the crazy gigantic gun in the final level, and you have to fly through some trench to take it, some good times were had
I've been waiting for a pre-order deal to pop for Ace Combat. Thanks OP
Now I just have to hope that all of these pre-order copies are updated to the limited edition like in Europe.
I really want to pre-order this, but I want the best possible version of the game... can't decide between PS3 or 360.

Oh, if only they had made AC6 on PS3 I wouldn't have this problem.
I already have friends to fly with on 360 and my PS3 is hogged as a Netflix box in the living room, so the choice was pretty simple for me. I'd say get this game on 360 for the benefits of Live and an established Ace Combat community and get Starhawk on PS3.
a new ace combat game, I know this is a new release but I'll wait a couple of months until it hits $19.99 or less...
Was pleasantly surprised with this one at E3. It's got a much more cinematic feel, which is really cool. Also, attack helicopters!
you can't go wrong with the ace combat series...but, I'm on the same boat as fellow posters:

Should I get the PS3 or 360 version?
Man, tempting... it's been a long time since I've played an Ace Combat game. I may have to get this too. Thanks OP!
I'm on the fence with spending more than $40 on a game.

Apache Air Assault is my favorite game next to Black Ops, I recommend it to anyone interested in Ace Combat or other flight sims.
I will have to knock the dust off of the flighstick I got withe ace combat bundle last time. I love that flight stick. Definately going with the 360
Does anyone know if amazon previously had a pre-order bonus credit offer for this game (before they lowered it to $44.99)? I only ask bc I had it pre-ordered on May 29th, (and the price was already adjusted) but I can't seem to fine my original email when I ordered it which would have listed it there. I usually only pre-order games I'm somewhat interested in when they are in my quick picks or have a promo credit up, that way if they drop in price I save even more. But unfortunately I can't find that e-mail, and that is only place amazon has pre-order credits listed after you have placed the order. Thanks.
[quote name='jdb230']Does anyone know if amazon previously had a pre-order bonus credit offer for this game (before they lowered it to $44.99)? I only ask bc I had it pre-ordered on May 29th, (and the price was already adjusted) but I can't seem to fine my original email when I ordered it which would have listed it there. I usually only pre-order games I'm somewhat interested in when they are in my quick picks or have a promo credit up, that way if they drop in price I save even more. But unfortunately I can't find that e-mail, and that is only place amazon has pre-order credits listed after you have placed the order. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Had none.
[quote name='tukai']I will have to knock the dust off of the flighstick I got withe ace combat bundle last time. I love that flight stick. Definately going with the 360[/QUOTE]

I wish we knew if different flight sticks would work. I'd love to get a throttle/stick for my ps3 for this game
Got the PS3 version in stead of the 360. The Ace combat series was born on the PlayStation (except for Ace combat 6) so i will by this version. I wonder if we will have to fly through another tunnel at the end of this game?
I pre-ordered (so thanks OP) but I'll probably cancel once I get the Walmart GoW3 headset fiasco taken care of, then pre-order GoW3 at Amazon again. There are so many games I want to play coming out in the next few months so I can probably wait on AC:AH even though $45 at release is really, really tempting.
I decided to go for it as well - but with some slight anxiety.

I have fond memories of this game on PS2 (AC4: Shattered Skies) but will feel nervous until I see some solid reviews - although it's almost odd to say that since the series very consistently gets 8.5's.
[quote name='simpleblur']It is tempting, but having never played an Ace Combat game I wish there was a demo.[/QUOTE]

There's a demo for Ace Combat 6. That game's actually pretty good.
I'd bite if amazon hadn't changed their policy that won't let you use your game credit on titles you already have preorders. Id pre order now and apply my 20 from GoW
[quote name='xxjonoxx']Technically yeah, but I had a situation once where the price on a game dropped for like 10 minutes when Amazon PMed another store, but then it instantly went back up. I trusted the preorder guarantee and the price of the game never dropped. After contacting Amazon they told me the price was never supposed to be that price, so it technically never dropped, even though people placed orders for that price and had them ship just fine. I don't take chances with it now.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, well my Forza 3 LE price did change to $60 when Amazon had it listed at that for a few hours(?) without having to reorder.
[quote name='Trance Addix']Hmm, well my Forza 3 LE price did change to $60 when Amazon had it listed at that for a few hours(?) without having to reorder.[/QUOTE]

I'm still kicking myself for not buying that as soon as I saw the thread noting the drop. I actually had to think about it. and I missed it. DOH!
[quote name='UltimateIdiot911']Heads up, there is now a $10 credit. So for those who preordered the game at 45, the deal just got sweeter.[/QUOTE]

Yup, just came to bump for the same. Back to 60$ but great for everyone that got in at 45$
[quote name='Coraanu']There's a demo for Ace Combat 6. That game's actually pretty good.[/QUOTE]

they say that assault horizon is a reboot of the franchise and you shouldn't judge it by the other Ace Combat games. Who knows if this is true or if this is marketing.
bread's done