Achievements they SHOULD have made


I was thinking about games with good achievements and bad and I thought about the times I did something in a game hoping to get a little "achievement unlocked" blip but didn't. So I thought it might be fun to hear about other folks experiences.

Here are a couple of those moments for me...

Protecting the Little Sister from the Splicers near the end of Bioshock. I did it with only one little sis even though if she'd been killed, another would have shown up. Saving her got me Nothin'! I felt ripped off.

Watching the entire movie with my girlfriend. I should have got something like "Movie Buff" or SOMETHING! It was still fun to watch it in tiny-vision though.
Ugh, multiplayer achievements are shitty IMO.

I'd like to see at least a couple fun ones in games. Although ones that you can only get at one point in a linear game can also be a drag because if you aren't actively looking at the cheesemints (and therefore possibly seeing spoilers) you can very easily miss your opportunity.

Oblivion: Hunter - Killed a deer with a bow.
[quote name='help1']Harder Halo achievements.[/quote]I dont know man, two for one is hard as hell to get.
But an achievement for 5 no scopes in a game would be hot.

More online achievements for Forza
The reason I don't really care for online cheesemints is because you get chuckleheads who ask if people want to just go for cheesemints in random XBL games. I think Halo makes it even worse by making most of the online cheesemints apply to ranked games only (so you can't rig it with friends as easy.)

But it is fun to get easy kills on the guy who only cares about trying to get his Mongoose kill cheesemint. Thankfully you can't hear your opps once the game starts or I'm assuming it would be a lot of "Aw c'mon guys everyone stand together right here and let me kill you."
[quote name='doc_zaius'] -Bioshock
Protecting the Little Sister from the Splicers near the end of Bioshock. I did it with only one little sis even though if she'd been killed, another would have shown up. Saving her got me Nothin'! I felt ripped off.
I felt the exact same way. I even reloaded the section when
one little sister died.
Not because I expected a achievement, though, mostly because I'm such a sap
I felt terrible for letting her die. Seriously, I would have been depressed for weeks if I let a single one of those poor little girls die.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of online achievements either, mostly because I'm not great at them (Halo 3), while others scream for you to cheese (Smackdown vs Raw).
F.E.A.R. achievements that didn't make the game completely boring would've been nice.

Who the hell at Monolith thought of the achievement where you had to finish the entire game without bullet time? They might as well have described the achievement as "Play through the entire game without having any fun".
[quote name='brandizzle']how about going through a single online match without hearing the word "noob"[/QUOTE]
How about "Having a Ridiculously Huge Image-Based Signature?"
[quote name='mrelusive'] They might as well have described the achievement as "Play through the entire game without having any fun".[/quote]

I feel the same way about the Mass Effect "friend of...." achievements. It's a lot more fun to play through by mixing up you squad and hearing all the things they have to say to each other. I don't want to go through the game with the same dang people every mission.
[quote name='wubb']Ugh, multiplayer achievements are shitty IMO.

It's a fine line because for some they can be ok and are probably expected (ie CoD4, Halo 3) but for some games where its basically a single player and multiplayer was tacked on as an after thought, the multiplayer cheeses are brutal .. ie The Darkness, Fear, Saints Row.
I wish the co-op achievements on Guitar Hero II would be replaced...or at least some kind of online functionality so I can play with my friends.
[quote name='Maklershed']It's a fine line because for some they can be ok and are probably expected (ie CoD4, Halo 3) but for some games where its basically a single player and multiplayer was tacked on as an after thought, the multiplayer cheeses are brutal .. ie The Darkness, Fear, Saints Row.[/quote]

what I hate about multiplayer achievements, sometimes the multiplayer disappears before I get a chance to get them, ie. Carcasonne. You can't find a ranked match nowadays at all.
Get rid of all games that give out 1000 achievement point in a total of 5 minutes (ehhemm Avatar)

Thanks to that I lost a $20 giftcard in the oldspice challenge. Those bastards!
its a shame that more people don't play wing commander arena its a pretty fun game.. I like to think of it as a twisted metal style game..

i agree.. its hard to get some of the xbla achievements because not a lot of players play them all the time..

(that means if anyone wants to hit me up for pretty much any XBLA game.. LMK.. friend me.. )
[quote name='TFN']COD4 multiplayer achievements would've been nice.

Achievements on the Xbox Originals would've been nice as well.[/quote]

I thought that would be great as well, I would've bought alot of the originals if they added online multiplayer and achievements, Halo 1 would've been awsome.

Otherwise I just wished the GH3 achievements were easier... I've beat the game Medium-Expert yet only have about 300 points. The ones such as to beat hard or expert with a controller are impossible, although they were glitched and unlocked automaticly.
I've said it before but for Rock Band 2 a Blues Brother-ish Achievement:

Getting the Band Back Together: Start a world tour with the same four bandmates that finished World Tour in Rock Band 1.
[quote name='Corvin']I've said it before but for Rock Band 2 a Blues Brother-ish Achievement:

Getting the Band Back Together: Start a world tour with the same four bandmates that finished World Tour in Rock Band 1.[/quote]

I hope Harmonix is listening.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I'd love to see a "CAG that went a month without bitching about something" achievement.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure MS insists all cheesemints be achievable.
Completing Halo 3 on Legendary, Solo (Specifically as the first play-through).

Taking 5 days to complete a 5 hour game, playing it with so much cover it might as well have been Gears of War in 1st-person, deserves more than zero points.
I just want some interesting achievements. I think some linear achievements are okay, but I think developers need to take a look at Dead Rising and that games list of interesting achievements. Those achievements actually game the game some decent replay value. Plus it had unlockables, which is always nice.
In HL2: Episode Two, there's a part where there's two carts attached to each other, and inside is four crates strapped down. If you try to use the gravity gun on the crate to pull it out, the carts start rolling forward and fall down a cliff. There's very little time to get all four boxes out of the cart, but I managed to, and there was no achievement. I was kinda shocked.. there's so many random achievements in Orange Box, i'm suprised that that wasn't one of them.
Well I'll probably never play them but it would be nice if they replaced ANY unattainable achievement in any game. I mean unattainable, Like in those old ea sports games. I know of one unattainable achievement in monster madness - Collect all the stuff on the school rooftop. You can't do it because they put some tape behind an invisible barrier. Brilliant.
I think it woulda been kinda cool if, in Dead Rising, they put drums as a weapon. Unlock a "Rock Star" achievement after killing a zombie with them, a bass guitar, and an electric guitar.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']I remember wishing Dead Rising would give you more achievements for dicking around and killing zombies in funny ways.[/QUOTE]

Yeah! Screw saving 50 survivors. I wanna kill zombies in creative ways!
[quote name='SNAKE EYES EX']The Game: Call of Duty 4
Achievement: S'Mores Are Yummy!
Camp in one place for an entire match[/quote]

that's awesome.
Seeing suggestions in a thread like this and the suggestions for Ninja Gaiden 2 makes me thank baby Jesus that only a very select few people can make them and they have to approved by a bunch of other people before they can get into a game.
noob online - playing any game with online multiplayer/co-op without first goign through any of the single player tutorials..

i did this for Gears of War and was completely lost.. good times though heh..
[quote name='Maklershed']Seeing suggestions in a thread like this and the suggestions for Ninja Gaiden 2 makes me thank baby Jesus that only a very select few people can make them and they have to approved by a bunch of other people before they can get into a game.[/quote]

then why are so many so god dang terrible?
bread's done