- help

I started a video game site,, and need your help. I have a variety of posts about gaming news. I'm not sure if I should take the route of posting stuff that interested me. Should I give my opinion on everything I post about? I want the site to be a different than other sites and stand out, however idk what to do. Please, any feedback is helpful.
Truth is you arent gonna stand out because the major gaming sites will have all the info first and you will just take from that. Also, acsofspades hits me as a card game site not a video game site.
[quote name='Malik112099']Truth is you arent gonna stand out because the major gaming sites will have all the info first and you will just take from that. Also, acsofspades hits me as a card game site not a video game site.[/QUOTE]

Kk. Any suggestions of what I could do that hasn't been done before?
[quote name='hockeyfun66@']Kk. Any suggestions of what I could do that hasn't been done before?[/QUOTE]

Get the news faster than anyone else.
I saw the title and first wondered what a Motorhead forum is doing in the general gaming area.

For those unaware, Ace of Spades is a Motorhead song.
Malik is right. Unless you're scooping the other news sites, you're not going to be able to differentiate yourself from the countless of other sites on the net.
Thanks for the feedback guys. The name Acs is my last name and is pronounced Ace. It originated in Hungary. There is a city their called Acs, although it is pronounced ah-ch in Hungary.
Your best bet would be to write lots of opinion pieces, not news stories. All the big sites like Joystiq, Kotaku, IGN, etc. are going to pick up all the news bits, so you need to differentiate yourself from them.

Try writing about a specific topic that you're really passionate about. You may love video games in general, and its fine to write about that, but you need a gimmick if you want to make a name for yourself. Pick one or two aspects of video games that you love the most and specialize in those.

Also, pick a new name. It looks like "Aks of Spades" which makes no sense to most people. A good name would be catchy, preferably short (or at least a short url), and it would be related to your areas of expertise.
bread's done