Addicted to capsaicin (hot shit).


My friend brought back the peppers that his 93 year old grandfather (from the South) pickled and packed. So crisp and fresh tasting... they kill anything you see in a jar at your supermarket. Best peppers I've EVER had in my life. I've been cutting them into slices and eating them like chips. It made me realize, although I've always eaten a lot of hot stuff, I think I am totally addicted the heat and flavor of all things hot by this point. I feel like I can eat pretty much any level of heat by now. I'm not saying it's not tough on the tastebuds sometimes (and I prefer sauces/peppers that actually do have *a taste*) but my tolerance seems really high. I can't even seem to get a wasabi burn anymore (you know the one that goes through your nose) ....

I appear to be blessed with an iron stomach. I never get ill from all this hot stuff (as my friends put it, "I shant eat that, for fear of the dreaded sting ring")and it seriously gives me an adrenaline rush.

I wonder if there are any drawbacks to this addiction - because I feel pretty damn good after I eat a pepper.
My friend has the same predeliction, but then again most of his extended family has pepper farms and pepper parties throughout the year. That and they love cultivating new varities with ridiculous heat. 20+ years of intensely-hot freshness leads to a wonderful tolerance to most heat.

Man, I wish I had that myself. Enjoy it!
Of out curiousity, are you a smoker? The two people I know who love hot spicy everything, are both smokers. They can tolerate some insanely hot shit. I always wondered if there was a correlation.

Also let us know how long it takes to find your soulmate after eating some Guatemalan Insanity Peppers.
Peppers and hot stuff like that are good for your body. I think the only drawback is when they leave out the other end or sometimes dont react well in your stomach.
It sounds like you don't suffer from the drawbacks, so eat as much as you like.
[quote name='CouRageouS']Also let us know how long it takes to find your soulmate after eating some Guatemalan Insanity Peppers.[/quote]

[quote name='coltyhuxx'] I can't even seem to get a wasabi burn anymore (you know the one that goes through your nose) ....
I love the wasabi burn. :lol:
I also believe that I have an iron stomach, as I have yet to find something so hot that I'm unable to eat it.

And I'm not a smoker.
I love hot shit too. I often wonder if I'm somewhat invulnerable to it cause I can eat hot stuff and not even sense the spice whereas my parents or my brother will start sweating and tearing up from the same stuff. Also, I've been known to eat balls of wasabi.
Whenever I cook food, I have to be careful if people other-than-me are going to eat it.

I swear, some people around here think ketchup is spicy. If I put a drop of benign stuff into food, people throw fits about it. I'm talking like black pepper.

Meanwhile I eat ancho peppers for fun. It's like this sweet, hot leathery beef jerky. Mmmmmmm.

And a local place here makes a habanero sauce that is delectable.

Drinking said sauces for money is fun.
bread's done