Advent Children reminds me of why I hate anime.


37 (100%)
also, ranting.

I just watched Advent Children. It'd been circulating around work for like two weeks now so I finally just nabbed it instead of continuing to say "I'm going to wait".
It's not that I wasn't entertained or anything - it had its moments - but it wasn't for me. I hate anime. I like a lot of video games that have anime in it (though I think every game based on anime I've ever played, I still hated), but not because of that.
Advent Children did little more than remind me why I hate anime shows and movies.

1. Blood. There wasn't any. Something isn't automatically good if it has blood or anything, but I think if there isn't any where it should be, that something can be worse. I forgive this in a lot of games, because the focus is usually on the gameplay. Sure, it's fun in games like Vandal Hearts where slaying an enemy causes them to erupt with red shit greater than the mass of their whole bodies, but in a movie, seeing someone get shot in the face at point blank range and getting off with a splotch on their brow sets off my wtfalarm.
I realize that there are a lot of bloody animes out there. I've seen them. This doesn't apply universally.

2. Flying peoples. I can't tolerate it. It's something else that I forgive in a lot of games because it's not really the focus, and wizbang in video games is all well and good, but midair fights have always pissed me off.
There was a particular scene in Advent Children that made me laugh out loud, and you can probably guess which. It's right before Cloud slays Bahamut (or whatever else the creature is supposed to be). He jumps like 100 feet into the air - and then each character jumps out under him, and gives him a push, so that he flies higher. What the hell?
So, let's excuse the whole flying thing, anyhow, just for a minute. The whole scene where this happens is just plain hokey. It's like they were written into a corner or something, and instead of backing up and thinking "This doesn't make much sense", they thought "How can we make him fly that high?"
The scene's probably supposed to be symbolic of their friendship and the way that humans depend on each other to survive and so on (it reminded me, a little bit, of how I might have imagined Marduk and Tiamat), but it could've been done a thousand different ways. I would've maybe started with it being on the ground.
The complaint isn't that "it's not realistic"; it's that it's hokey. In my own words at the time of viewing - stupid.

3. Sephiroth emerges. I understand that these guys are Sephiroth clones (or "larva", whatever) that can eventually become Sephiroth, but Kadaj turns into Sephiroth from out of freaking nowhere. While the Sephiroth fight scene was cool in its own right (in an "I-guess" sort of way; see #3), the way I see this is just an excuse to put the 'real' Sephiroth into the movie, because everyone loves Sephiroth. He is, after all, the typical long-haired villain clad in black, and they're so in; forever.

4. Rock and roll background music? This is just a personal thing, I guess, but when the background music sounds like a power metal, it really gives me the whole "bad 80s film" vibe. I realize this movie was made in Japan, and things are different in the mystical wonderland of Japan. This seems to happen in a lot of anime, and a lot of anime games; not only FF7 itself, but in many other games. Guilty Gear comes to mind. I don't know if this is explainable or anything, and it's more of a personal nitpick than something I actually see as a 'flaw', though it does worsen the whole experience for me.
yeah, I'm with yah. But when it comes down to it, it's eye candy.

Trying to have any resemblence of character development coming from such an epic RPG (though one that I'm too fond of) to a 90 minute wank fest is going to be tough.

So its rife with plot holes, so I was like "wait, wtf happened to that giant ball of fire Cloud passed through," so I was like "ugh, this is the lamest way for heroes to show up EVAR."

It's still pretty nice, and probably the best damn FMV i've ever seen.
I'd write more, but my brain is fried from doing a whole ton of homework, and then watching Advent Children, which somehow combined to actually make me feel dumber.

If I made a general 'anime hate' thread, it's be like 10 times as long, and I don't have the patience to write that much if I'm not getting anything out of it. At least, not now.
While I agree with many of your points, to hate an entire form of animation based on only a few steriotypes seems a bit foolish and closed-minded. It's akin to saying "I hate movies". Anime can have just as much variety if you know where to look.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']While I agree with many of your points, to hate an entire form of animation based on only a few steriotypes seems a bit foolish and closed-minded. It's akin to saying "I hate movies". Anime can have just as much variety if you know where to look.[/QUOTE]

i agree with this, tho i hate most anime, I fucking love Cowboy Bebop

and in terms of legitimate art - Miyazaki is one of the greatest creators of film ever. Nothing in animation or in live action holds a candle to My Neighbor Totoro, or Princess Mononoke for that matter.
I like a few series...Lain, Elfen Lied, Cowboy Bebop, and Samurai Champloo. the rest of it, I am kinda not to hot on. naruto is okay, but i have to be in the right mood.

Advent children? pure eye candy, purely for the fans, made no sense whatsoever, saw it once, been there done that, next plz.

edit: oh right Sleepy, how could I forget Miyazaki? Spirited away is like this generations Alice in wonderland.
[quote name='Sedmire']

4. Rock and roll background music? This is just a personal thing, I guess, but when the background music sounds like a power metal, it really gives me the whole "bad 80s film" vibe. I realize this movie was made in Japan, and things are different in the mystical wonderland of Japan. This seems to happen in a lot of anime, and a lot of anime games; not only FF7 itself, but in many other games. Guilty Gear comes to mind. I don't know if this is explainable or anything, and it's more of a personal nitpick than something I actually see as a 'flaw', though it does worsen the whole experience for me.[/QUOTE]

I agree. It really distracts me for some reason. The PoP:WW soundtrack still generates deep-rooted hatred within. Of course, there are a few instances where (if done properly) it could really add to the experience as a whole.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']While I agree with many of your points, to hate an entire form of animation based on only a few steriotypes seems a bit foolish and closed-minded. It's akin to saying "I hate movies". Anime can have just as much variety if you know where to look.[/QUOTE]

I've watched more than one episode of, and hated, all of the following, as well as a good dozen others that I can't remember the names of:

- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Cowboy Bebop
- InuYasha
- Bubblegum Crisis
- Ah! My Goddess
- Xenosaga
- Wild ARMs
- Zone of the Enders Dolores
- Sailor Moon
- Dragonball everything
- Something about tarot cards and giant robots
- Gundam somethingsomething
- Record of Lodoss War
- Something a lot like Record of Lodoss War...

I'm sure that a good number of these feed off of how much I've hated previous examples, but I keep thinking that I'll give anime another chance, and that this way-cool series that some guy said was awesome really will be. For me, it boils down to a lot of anime being visually impressive, but mind-numbingly formulaic and hokey.

I liked the movie Akira for a while back in like, what, 1992? Watched it since, and it hasn't had the same appeal.
Oh guys, I just got a memo in, it reads as follows:

I hate you too.

Funny, that scene with cloud fighting bahumut I absolutely adored. Something about the overwhelming calm in the middle of battle.

As far as not liking J-Rock, you're not alone. I think its great, but then again I love metal. Manowar! Born to live forevermore!

Ummm its been like a month since I watched it, I can't remember the catalyst for sepheroth's reemergence, oh now that i'm watching it again, I can tell you why. Because he got super pissed. Whenever someone in anime get's superpissed they can power up.

As for the blood? Eh, sometimes you have to sacrifice to get more sales to a larger audience. It's not like FFVII was a gorefest to begin with.

Then again we're all entitled to our opinions and I of course love anime. Though I mostly go for romance and high school dramas these days. Or sports titles.

I didn't think advent children was the most amazing story of all time, but it wasn't really trying to. But the direction and art design was amazing. Truely showed us what the video game culture has influenced as far as the style of editing and camera shots. It's so hyper kinetic and relentless. I found it a thing of beauty.

But to each their own, I enjoy watching almost everything. I figure life is too short to hate. I'm sure you'll find some anime that you'd enjoy if you looked hard enough.
[quote name='Sedmire']I've watched more than one episode of, and hated, all of the following, as well as a good dozen others that I can't remember the names of:

- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Cowboy Bebop
- InuYasha
- Bubblegum Crisis
- Ah! My Goddess
- Xenosaga
- Wild ARMs
- Zone of the Enders Dolores
- Sailor Moon
- Dragonball everything
- Something about tarot cards and giant robots
- Gundam somethingsomething
- Record of Lodoss War
- Something a lot like Record of Lodoss War...

Wow, you picked some hard to like series. I wouldn't recommend Ah my goddess for someone who isn't a romantic. (was it the movie or the OVAs? because the movie wouldn't make a lot of sense, though it is beautiful).

Original bubblegum crisis is hard to love, it's a bit hokey but enjoyable.

If there's one final anime that I can recommend it would be Hoshi no Koe (or Voices of a distant star). If you don't like it or have some emotion stirred in you, then you are dead inside (kidding, but it does make me a bit weepy). And its only 30 minutes long.

And if you didn't like cowboy bebop, then anime is probably not for you. Still the series really only picks up after episode 5. But if you're not into sci-fi I can't see why you'd get that far.

Maybe Irresponsible captain Tylor (the series not the OVAs, since the ovas come later), which is a brilliant comedy, but then again it is scifi based.

Also Trigun, Hellsing, and Escaflowne are excellent.

But still I don't want to try to recommend you anything that you're gonna hate so try voices of a distant star and leave anime behind forever. Try A Better Tomorrow and a Better Tomorrow II by John Woo, they're spectacular. But you might not like them because they're highly unrealistic gun battles.
[quote name='jonny98']I hate anime.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't have said it better myself. Part of it may be the rabid fanboys and girls, but anime is one of the things in this world that I can't stand.
[quote name='Genocidal']Couldn't have said it better myself. Part of it may be the rabid fanboys and girls, but anime is one of the things in this world that I can't stand.[/QUOTE]
I can't stand the people around here (not CAG really. I mean where I live) who like anime. It's all they talk about, ad nauseum, until you want to fucking hit them.
I've either seen back-to-back episodes on TV, in random dorm rooms, or felt the urge to pop into the anime club on campus (smelliest room ever) and see if maybe I'll catch something really cool that I don't even know about.

Anime comedy bugs the crap outta me, too. Like half the time it'll be a dude who for no reason tweaks out and his mouth becomes large enough to fit a person inside and they scream something that's not that funny. Every instance of comedy I can really remember has been random siliness witless comic relief in the midst of something dramatic. It's like anime can't take ITSELF seriously, even when it would be better for it to do so. I'm not a piss-n-fart-joke kinda person, but the wiggin' out and screaming stuff doesn't do it for me, either.

Escaflowne is the one above Gundam.

btw, when I kill John Woo in his sleep, I will be using his own no-recoil hack against him.
[quote name='Sedmire']btw, when I kill John Woo in his sleep, I will be using his own no-recoil hack against him.[/QUOTE]

Dude, they're only 9mm, they don't even have recoil when your penis is that huge to dampen the kick back.

Yea, random back to back episodes are heinous. I generally don't like things that I haven't seen sequentially from the begining.

And Irresponsible Captain Tylor doesn't have any of those "jokes" that you are talking about. It's about a man with the worlds largest case of dumb luck and has serendipity smiling over him at every instance. Just supurb script writing.

And you're talking about a select few titles that can't take themselves seriously. If you want something with not a single joke in it try watching boogiepop phantom. You probably won't like it coz it's not all that great and its quite strange.

I hate the anime club too. I somehow remember how to bathe myself even after watching the amount that I've seen.

But hey if you think you're going to hate something from the onset of watching it, you'll most likely prove yourself correct. I've only seen like 2 films in my life that I thought I was going to detest but ended up enjoying thoroughly, one of them was a bad chick flick with Luke wilson, "alex & emma" (don't ask).

You could try His and Her Circumstance. But that's a hard one for anyone who hasn't watched a bunch of anime to get started on. A beautiful little high school romance.

Did you ever try the Rurouni Kenshin OVAs? (Distributed as Samurai X in the states) Now that is amazing, if you haven't seen it and end up hating it then you will definately hate all anime that has ever been produced or will ever be produced.
[quote name='Sedmire']I've watched more than one episode of, and hated, all of the following, as well as a good dozen others that I can't remember the names of:

- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Cowboy Bebop
- InuYasha
- Bubblegum Crisis
- Ah! My Goddess
- Xenosaga
- Wild ARMs
- Zone of the Enders Dolores
- Sailor Moon
- Dragonball everything
- Something about tarot cards and giant robots
- Gundam somethingsomething
- Record of Lodoss War
- Something a lot like Record of Lodoss War...

I'm sure that a good number of these feed off of how much I've hated previous examples, but I keep thinking that I'll give anime another chance, and that this way-cool series that some guy said was awesome really will be. For me, it boils down to a lot of anime being visually impressive, but mind-numbingly formulaic and hokey.

I liked the movie Akira for a while back in like, what, 1992? Watched it since, and it hasn't had the same appeal.[/QUOTE]

I have some questions:

1) If you don't like, why do you continue to watch it? I don't like reality TV so I don't watch something like Big Brother.

2) Who recommends this stuff to you? I mean honestly whoever it is stop listening. For every decent series that they recommended in there there's two that suck or you'd only like if you are pretty involved in certain kinds of anime. Not to mention they constantly jump across sub-genres. I mean the same guy who likes Berserk or Cowboy Bebop generally doesn't like a series like Ah! My Goddess. I'll you give a rule of anime too. Anime based on video games sucks about 95% of the time, don't watch them.

3) I understand these are generally recommended to you, but why are you just watching classics? To be honestly I can think of maybe 2 or 3 shows on that list that were made in the last 5-10 years. They are indeed considered classics, but that's by the standards of anime fans. If you are not a fan but want to give anime a shot break the mold and watch something more modern. Anime nowdays comes in all shapes and colors of sub-genres, something more comtemporary is far less likely to be as formulaic which appears to be your main issue.

Edit: Also some extra advice, don't jump into a middle of a series either and expect to like it that much. Alot of anime unlike most live-action TV follows a pretty consistant storyline, often if you jump in the middle you'll hate whatever it is just because it's confusing and you won't get a feel for what the series is like at all.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I have some questions:
1) If you don't like, why do you continue to watch it? I don't like reality TV so I don't watch something like Big Brother.
I guess I'm just hoping eventually I'll see something I like. Sometimes I hear about something cool and I'll watch it with that hope...and be let down time and time again.

[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']2) Who recommends this stuff to you? I mean honestly whoever it is stop listening. For every decent series that they recommended in there there's two that suck or you'd only like if you are pretty involved in certain kinds of anime. Not to mention they constantly jump across sub-genres. I mean the same guy who likes Berserk or Cowboy Bebop generally doesn't like a series like Ah! My Goddess. I'll you give a rule of anime too. Anime based on video games sucks about 95% of the time, don't watch them.
The token anime guy tells me about them. There's always one in every group of college students.

The video game based anime was watched more out of curiousity. I watched the Xenosaga ones with full knowledge they would suck, I only listed them because I knew their names.

[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']3) I understand these are generally recommended to you, but why are you just watching classics? To be honestly I can think of maybe 2 or 3 shows on that list that were made in the last 5-10 years. They are indeed considered classics, but that's by the standards of anime fans. If you are not a fan but want to give anime a shot break the mold and watch something more modern. Anime nowdays comes in all shapes and colors of sub-genres, something more comtemporary is far less likely to be as formulaic which appears to be your main issue.[/QUOTE]
If you want to reccommend me something where people aren't flying all over the place and grunting for minutes at a time summoning spirit power orb-of-light spells with funny names or blowing buildings up from 100 yards away with mind bullets or something, please do. I don't need a long-haired reluctant mercenary anti-hero with a dark past or an amnesiac villain with hidden superpowers or a ninja chick, I just need something that genuinely WORKS without seeming to focus on character design before all else.

[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Edit: Also some extra advice, don't jump into a middle of a series either and expect to like it that much. Alot of anime unlike most live-action TV follows a pretty consistant storyline, often if you jump in the middle you'll hate whatever it is just because it's confusing and you won't get a feel for what the series is like at all.[/QUOTE]
If it's good, it'll be just as cool in the middle as it is at the beginning. I've watched plenty of good movies, shows, and played plenty of games from partway in and has no real trouble enjoying them anyhow.

What does it for me is not how 'deep' or symbolic the plot is (or seems), it's how well-written it is. It's using a careful choice of words, and the way I see it, most of the time the translations are crappy (sub or dub) and don't accomplish this.
[quote name='Sedmire']If you want to reccommend me something where people aren't flying all over the place and grunting for minutes at a time summoning spirit power orb-of-light spells with funny names or blowing buildings up from 100 yards away with mind bullets or something, please do. I don't need a long-haired reluctant mercenary anti-hero with a dark past or an amnesiac villain with hidden superpowers or a ninja chick, I just need something that genuinely WORKS without seeming to focus on character design before all else.[/QUOTE]

Cowboy Bebop. Comedy that you can understand without being Japanese. Action. Character Development that works, but isn't the whole point and only slight amounts of morality and symbolism interspersed. The pinacle of good anime.
[quote name='Sedmire']If you want to reccommend me something where people aren't flying all over the place and grunting for minutes at a time summoning spirit power orb-of-light spells with funny names or blowing buildings up from 100 yards away with mind bullets or something, please do. I don't need a long-haired reluctant mercenary anti-hero with a dark past or an amnesiac villain with hidden superpowers or a ninja chick, I just need something that genuinely WORKS without seeming to focus on character design before all else.[/QUOTE]
Anything by Studio Ghibli, but particularly Grave of the Fireflies, Kiki's Delivery Service, and Princess Mononoke.

Also, give Monster a shot. As I've said in the anime threads, it's probably the most well-written and sophisticatedly-told story that I've seen in a very, very long time.
I hate the stereotypical anime fan. I like a lot of anime though.

Sure anime like DBZ is gonna suck if you watch the episodes more than once it's a soap opera. Not meant to be seen more than once. Kind of the same for Inu-Yasha/insert action anime here but those have a little more repeat value.

Stuff like Cromartie High School and Excel Saga and FMA and GTO and Berserk are infinitely good. If you don't like them you probably don't like cartoons in general.
I find it amusing in itself that "Duo_Maxwell" is recommending anime things. But I'm sure that was going to be seen from the screen name. XD Just teasing in all honesty.

I would have to agree that if you're looking for something without all the typical anime-wonk (which is just generally the cliched charm of it all), I'd go for something more modern and serious in tone like Paranoia Agent.

FFVI:AC Spoiler.
*Kadaj became the Almighty Banged One because of the large amount of Jenova cells he came into contact with. This is how I understand it. See movie dialogue for hints.*

And of course no one's going to understand the movie; people only claim to understand the game still. XD
[quote name='Maxim726X']I thoroughly enjoyed Beserk.[/QUOTE]
I agree on Berserk, give that one a chance. Also give Gungrave a chance, it kinda declines in quality a bit at the midpoint of the series, but the stuff set in the past during the first half is pretty interesting. Though I'll completely agree with you on Neon Genesis Evangelion, I don't know why many people hold that as the pinnacle of series anime.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']Cowboy Bebop. Comedy that you can understand without being Japanese. Action. Character Development that works, but isn't the whole point and only slight amounts of morality and symbolism interspersed. The pinacle of good anime.[/QUOTE]

Cowboy Bebop is bad ass, how can anyone not appreciate mushroom samba...freakin hilarious...
Seriously what were you expecting from FFVII:AC? Realism? Super deep plot? From a 90 minute picture based on a 40+ hour game about magic and spikey haired guys carrying giant swords? LOL. Seems like you came into the movie with odd as hell expectations. It seemed clear to me that it was a fanservice fest and for that it succeded. The fight choeregraophy was flat out amazing! You really can't doubt that. So I assume you have some odd aversion to unrealism. I mean you are certainly entitled to your opinion but it just seems super weird to me.

Oh and I'd suggest, as Kirin Lemon, you not hate on an entire medium cause of a couple of shows that are to your distaste. Also, DON'T watch random episodes in shows. The vast majority of anime is very serial. Things aren't going to make much sense and you'll miss too much to get full enjoyment.

Oh and what did you not like about Cowboy Bebop? That's got no ninjas or super powers and what not and is pretty much loved by like everybody who sees it. I suggest you give it another go.

As for shows you can try out:

Fullmetal Alchemist (TV)
Honey and Clover (TV)
Fighting Spirit (TV)
Monster (TV)
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo (TV) (Futuristic re-telling. It's artisitc out the wazoo though you may not fall in love with the style)
Great Teacher Onizuka (TV)
Samurai Champloo (TV)
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
Berserk (TV)
Full Metal Panic Franchise (Original, Fumoffu and Second Raid) (TV) (Last two seasons are head and shoulders above the first one but you kind of have to watch the first one for background)
Kino's Journey (TV)
Tokyo Godfathers (movie)
The Twelve Kingdoms (TV)
Planetes (TV)
Now and Then, Here and There (TV)
Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex (Both TV seasons not the movies)
His and Her Circumstances (Ending kind of sucks though)
Heat Guy J (TV)
Fantastic Children (TV)
Gungrave (TV) (Ignore the first episode, it's really a lot more than it seems. First show/movie, animated ot not, from any country that I can rememeber made me cry in the last 10 years)
Paranoia Agent (TV)
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (Movie)
Giant Robo (OAV)

All these shows are low on the super powers (or if they have them have great plots and characters and aren't just people shooting beams for 30 mins) If you need a better description of any of the shows I'll be willing to give them to you. If you can actuallly give these shows a far chance and hate all of them.....well then you're some kind of super hater robot or something.
Seriously what were you expecting from FFVII:AC? Realism? Super deep plot? From a 90 minute picture based on a 40+ hour game about magic and spikey haired guys carrying giant swords? LOL. Seems like you came into the movie with odd as hell expectations. It seemed clear to me that it was a fanservice fest


Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Cowboy Bebop

If you hate everything from NGE to Bebop you shouldn't really bother trying to watch anime. Lodoss (on your list) is stereotypical fantasy, so if you don't like fantasy, fine. Otherwise the rest of it is middling grade anime IMO at best.

Go back to mindless American 'reality' television consisting of people plotting against each other, or quickie 44-min self-contained stories that wrap up nicely and hit the reset button at the end of each ep (a few shows like Alias excluded from this generalization).

Characterizing anime as all about people jumping crazy, etc is a very stereotypical viewpoint.

Meanwhile I'll watch Berserk for the 3rd time, or catch up on Samurai Champloo (my wife is big on this series) :D
[quote name='Jeoff']Stuff like Cromartie High School and Excel Saga and FMA and GTO and Berserk are infinitely good. If you don't like them you probably don't like cartoons in general.[/QUOTE]

Excel Saga is terrible. In fact, it's more or less "Japanese" comedy. It doesn't appeal to most American tastes. Also gonna have to disagree on Samurai Champloo. Seems like a bucket of cliche mixed in with stylish animation.

[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Anything by Studio Ghibli, but particularly Grave of the Fireflies, Kiki's Delivery Service, and Princess Mononoke.[/QUOTE]

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind blows them all away. By far the best anime movie ever. Certainly a better than Mononoke's ending (which is essentially supposed to be a remake
[quote name='Sedmire']... or felt the urge to pop into the anime club on campus (smelliest room ever) ...[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately that seems to hold true of most anime group meetings. I can't speak about all of them but there is the distinctive odor of people who have either not washed their clothing in a few months or haven't bathed for a few weeks. Quite funky, absolutely unpleasant, and shockingly sad.

I remember going to a few anime clubs during my undergrad years. It ended pretty quickly when they started going on long diatribes about how talented the Japanese voice actress for Marge Simpson was based upon her breadth of works. When you can start quoting 30 other series she had voices in, from major characters to "Random Schmuck #17", it gets pretty tedious. That and showing the most obscure, unwatchable, "never released in the US probably because it's a steaming pile" material isn't really a good idea for programming.

I used to be a bigger anime fan back in the day, admittedly, but the lack of anything remotely watchable over the past few years has pretty much been the final nail in the coffin. Yes, there have been some series that are worth watching, without a doubt, but not really anything I'd tend to spend money on.

And in regards to Advent Children...yup, 90-minute fanboy wankfest, and little more than that. Basically a tribute to the fans in order to get their money, that's about it. Oh well, it's not as if they could have possibly fit an interesting story in there with less fight scenes and cameos...or could they? ...nah, it's Square-Enix lately, so it's mostly unlikely. Shame.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']I hate most anime fans.

I don't hate anime myself, but I'm tired of anime cliches.[/QUOTE]

Im up there with you. Anime fans piss me off. I used to be into it bigtime in the mid 90's before it became trendy. I used to want to go to an anime con, but the fact that I would have to walk around surrounded by losers in homemade costumes kept me away. I loved those late 80's early 90's animes like violence jack and devil man and riding bean. never liked DBZ.

The only recent ones I liked were EVA (until the last few shows), and Kenshin.

The only anime I am still interested in seeing the end of is Violence Jack.
Ok... Wouldn't it just make more sense to not watch anime and quit wasting time with all this bitching about how not real it is?

Do you throw a fit every time Daffy takes a shotgun to the face and just gets a little soot?

ZOMIGAWDS! U cannaught b hit awn teh hed wif an anvul & life!

[quote name='capitalist_mao']Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind blows them all away. By far the best anime movie ever. Certainly a better than Mononoke's ending (which is essentially supposed to be a remake[/QUOTE]
Eh, I disagree. Though it holds sentimental value, it's not one of Miyazaki's stronger films. Also, the wonderful, wonderful manga has spoiled me, and the film doesn't even come close to meeting such a high standard.
Anime would be great if is wasn't so fucking campy.

Catgirls? Cute little kids? WTF?

Anime seems like it's more targeted towards pedo-bestiality perverts and normal people.

Some shows, like Cowboy Bebop, are an exception, and they are really good.

However, shit like escaflowne (music changes and they enter a campy catgirl sequence) or fullmetal alchemist (how many episode DON'T have an agonizingly long "cute" sequence?) is totally unwatchable and I don't see how the anime market survives.

The people that get off on the pedo-bestiality and "cute" stuff (otakus) really freak me out, and in all seriousness I think they should be killed on sight.
[quote name='The VGM']Anime sucks ass. Berserk and Hellsing suck the least ass.[/QUOTE]

after reading the manga, I can safely say that Hellsing sucks ass. Hopefully the new series won't.

what's this thread about anyway?

Just watch elfen lied-- it's short, crazy, brutally violent, racy, has very interesting character development and tells an interesting story, even if it is completely unrealistic. I dunno. *shrug* Tried watching a lot of different shows over the past year, only liked a couple, and this one was my favorite by far.

The people that get off on the pedo-bestiality and "cute" stuff (otakus) really freak me out, and in all seriousness I think they should be killed on sight.

whoa whoa whoa...anime fans are *not* furries. I'm not even an otaku, like i said earlier, but even a hint of furriness towards something I kinda like makes me uneasy :lol:
Everybody has their likes and dislikes.. if you dont like anime dont watch it, its as simpel as that. and if you do watch it. dont complain about it..

I'm a huge anime/manga fan.. favorite shows is Naruto and Bleach.. ohh and fore those who havent seen Naruto, it converted even the bigest Anime hater intoo a hardcore Anime fan ^^
[quote name='ninyu'] ohh and fore those who havent seen Naruto, it converted even the bigest Anime hater intoo a hardcore Anime fan ^^[/QUOTE]

Just so you know, it also work in reverse =P

But anyways I watch a lot of anime. My favorite series being Hellsing. Oh, and if you're rock/punk fan, I'd recommend checking out Beck. It has one of the best soundtracks ever.
[quote name='Quackzilla']fullmetal alchemist (how many episode DON'T have an agonizingly long "cute" sequence?)[/QUOTE]
About 95% of them.

Ugh, Naruto. Ugh, Bleach. Ugh, Elfen Lied. Ugh, Hellsing. Yeah, let's all recommend anime that the OP will undoubtably hate, great idea.
[quote name='Sedmire']
The token anime guy tells me about them. There's always one in every group of college students.

The video game based anime was watched more out of curiousity. I watched the Xenosaga ones with full knowledge they would suck, I only listed them because I knew their names.[/quote]

I won't lie I like anime and I watch a good amount of it. However, I used to have friends before I was a big anime fan that tried to get me to watch certain comedy series. I quickly figured out I don't like most anime comedy series. I started watching Gundam on cartoon network. A show nobody recommended to me, and I really liked. My point is don't just use people's opinions to quide your tastes, find something that you would think appeals to you be it from a trailer or just reading the back of a box. Also you may want to check out some of the reviews on, they inform you of the story and content of a series upfront.

[quote name='Sedmire']
If you want to reccommend me something where people aren't flying all over the place and grunting for minutes at a time summoning spirit power orb-of-light spells with funny names or blowing buildings up from 100 yards away with mind bullets or something, please do. I don't need a long-haired reluctant mercenary anti-hero with a dark past or an amnesiac villain with hidden superpowers or a ninja chick, I just need something that genuinely WORKS without seeming to focus on character design before all else.[/quote]

I'd say Cowboy Bebop fits tha tbill but apparently you didn't like it. Perhaps more modern and realistic anime is more up your alley. I'd say something like Yugo the Negotiator, Now and Then, Here and There, or even Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex (though that does place in the future). If you want somethings more looked at as classics I'd suggest somethings like Castle of Cagliostro, Grave of the Fireflies, or maybe Crest of the Stars. Most of them are more realistic than something like Dragonball or the like which you are obviously looking to avoid.

[quote name='Sedmire']
If it's good, it'll be just as cool in the middle as it is at the beginning. I've watched plenty of good movies, shows, and played plenty of games from partway in and has no real trouble enjoying them anyhow.

What does it for me is not how 'deep' or symbolic the plot is (or seems), it's how well-written it is. It's using a careful choice of words, and the way I see it, most of the time the translations are crappy (sub or dub) and don't accomplish this.[/QUOTE]

Again, this doesn't hold true necessarily for anime. If you jump in at say episode 14 you are generally just goiing to not like whatever it is. Granted the show maybe just as cool I guess, but anime generally uses about 8-10 episdoes to explain lots of things that are usually essetienal to the plot. You'll miss the whole point of the characters and why they are there, the story and character development will no doubt seem terribly shallow. I don't want to doubt what you said, but I doubt you'd enjoy playing an RPG that is 60 hours long on hour 30.

As for the translations, they are actually quite good nowdays. A well-written plot always includes a decent look at the characters, why they are there and how they will develop through the series. No good writer would just skip an exposition, which is generally what you do when you jump in mid-series in anime.

[quote name='Sedmire']
I guess I'm just hoping eventually I'll see something I like. Sometimes I hear about something cool and I'll watch it with that hope...and be let down time and time again.[/quote]

In the end, there likely needs to be a point you stop trying to like something. While for some it can be something that grows on you, but ost of those people end up finding just one or two shows they like and none others. Plus, the more you watch and don't like it the more likely you'll just stereotype and generalize it. Anime is one big genre after all so lots of shows will have common traits, that's how genres work. You just need to stop paying attention to those recommending things. Sometimes there are "chick flicks" that get really good reviews or become the #1 movie everyone is watching, yet I don't pay it much attention because I typically don't like those movies. Next time someone mentions an anime series just say "Nah I really don't like anime".
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']
Ugh, Naruto. Ugh, Bleach. Ugh, Elfen Lied. Ugh, Hellsing. Yeah, let's all recommend anime that the OP will undoubtably hate, great idea.[/QUOTE]

What's wrong with those shows ??, actualy. nvm.. im not going to start a discussion.. as i said.. everybody has their likes and dislikes. and im not gona judge ppl..


to Sedmire:

Ohh, btw.. i think Advent Children rawked ;)
bread's done