Advice on CAG Trader


I need some advice and descriptions on how the CAG trader system works, I am seriously considering making a trader thread. I have about 38 games Xbox and PS2 and I called into Gamestop and got an offer of 380 instore credit dollars, $10 for each. Although, I am only a little interested in trading. Do you generally get more offers for trading or cash?

Edit: Basically I'm asking would you take the credit or trader

anyway thanks and if it's in the wrong forum feel free to move it:bouncy:
$380 tradein credit = 1 transaction
Selling 38 individual games = up to 38 transactions, up to 38 mailings, up to 38 chances to get screwed. Use the CAG trader ranking as your guide. Start small and build up trade rep then you'll be entitled for buyers to pay first vs you sending first.
If you got a quote of $380 you probably have some recent games in there that will bring in good value on trades or straight sales here. Alternatively, just put them up on eBay. It's not all that hard to do. But as cappy points out, it is a lot more work than just dropping them at GS for credit.

If you have the patience I'd definitely put up a list and just say for people to send you offers (be sure to say that you want money more than trades, but will listen to either) If the offers are all junk, then you can go to GS and not feel bad about it :lol: With 0 FB you should be willing to send first even for a sale and I'd make sure the first few deals are with established traders until you get enough FB for some people to agree to pay you first. If you don't want to do that, I'd go to either eBay or GS and skip the trading board here. Many eBay buyers will buy (and pay up front) to 0 FB sellers.

Or at the very least, type up your list of games and I'd wager a few CAGers would be willing to give you their take on GS's offer.

This could maybe go in Deal Discussion, but I'll leave it to another mod to make the final call as I don't really feel that strongly on this one as you are asking for assistance on a section of the site after all.
Thanks for your opinions cobra and wubb I won't be making a decision until Saturday so feel free to post your opinion
ebay generally a good place to sucker some people to buying lots that look big and good, but arent really that good. So break that up, and sell it in like 2-3 lots and you should be able to sell em for a good amount, unless you have newer stuff, in which start a list here, give it some time, then whatever isnt gone here, dump on ebay
I was thinking about putting it up on trader, but now I have found even more games and have a pretty big amount of 78, prolly gonna be 80 If I can make myself give up Far Cry and 1 of my Halo 2's (which I really should) I know having 80 games is gonna hurt me going to Gamestop, having this many games I now am selling over 20 xbox games that came out at or near its launch. In case you needed any info I am selling 50 xbox games, 13 PS2 games, 13 Gamecube games, and 4 PS1 games, I know I'm not gonna get much for the PS1's, but I'm going to get an "estimate" on all of them at GS tomorrow before they close. An yeah Murc that was the best part about ebay having a gigantic amount of games, making them look shiny and selling them high
bread's done