Advice on handhelds.


Hey all I figured I'd throw this out there since I've always gotten good advice/info on this forum.

I have a $200 gift card to Bestbuy (xmas present) that I want to buy a handheld with, my question is psp or ds?

I do own a ps3 as well I know there is some connectivity between the two.

I'm really torn, ds has some great games on it and most of the games are cheap, the psp has some good games on it and the fact that I can play my psn psx downloads on it is great!

I'm torn, WWYD!
Well, I have a dslite and have never owned a PSP. In a world of unlimited playtime and cash, I would own both. I think they are both good platforms and have their strengths and weaknesses which you can read about all over gaming forums.

BUT, if you can only get one, then your deciding factor should be the GAMES. Look at the top games on both systems using and decide which system has the most games you want to play. Thanks my input. Good Luck.
I'd vote original DS as I've had mine since launch and never had a problem, plus the GBA slot is awesomeness. Since you won't be able to get that at Best Buy I'd check out the DSi I suppose. The DS has a huge library of games, however, a lot of it is crap. It just depends what your into really, if you like RPGs go with the DS for sure as there is just a ton of them and most are great. Also the regular nintendo titles are there, zeldas, marios, mario kart, etc.
I have both, and like both, but play my PSP WAY more than my DS. It depends on the games you like really. DS has the Mario games, Tetris, Zelda, a ton of kid games, Guitar Hero On Tour and a crap load more. The touch screen is cool and works well with most games.

The PSP has near-PS2 quality graphics, but not as many game choices. But it does have amazing games like God of War, Little Big Planet, Grand Theft Autos (DS also has Chinatown Wars, which I like better on the DS), Metal Gear series, Syphon Filter series, Katamari, etc.

So if it was me, I would choose PSP. But good luck with your decision, either one you will have fun with.
while both platforms are great and not to dis mission42, I'll put my vote in for the PSP Go. Surely you can squander another $50 and get yourself the best thing on the market. Sure there is connectivity b/t the PS3 and PSP but the advantages of having the smallest handheld (gaming only all you iphone lovers) with the ability to store a ton of games, music, movies, photos and comics is a real plus. The ease and convenience is unrivaled.

If I only had one shot and $200 going for me, I would definitely want to get the most for my money and not something that is more likely to be phased out. The DSi may have cheap games on DSI Ware, but they look pathetic. You can get full fledged PSP games for about $10 digital during random sales. And minis are always under $10. You can put videos on it by ripping them to an ISO from a DVD you get for a $1 at redbox or thru netflix.
[quote name='shredman']Well, I have a dslite and have never owned a PSP. In a world of unlimited playtime and cash, I would own both. I think they are both good platforms and have their strengths and weaknesses which you can read about all over gaming forums.

BUT, if you can only get one, then your deciding factor should be the GAMES. Look at the top games on both systems using and decide which system has the most games you want to play. Thanks my input. Good Luck.[/QUOTE]

Going just by games its really to close to call imo. Both systems have some good games I'd have to give the edge to the DS but where the PSP catches up imo is the psx games...

I wish one was on sale to make it easier lol!
[quote name='riskzero']Going just by games its really to close to call imo. Both systems have some good games I'd have to give the edge to the DS but where the PSP catches up imo is the psx games...

I wish one was on sale to make it easier lol![/QUOTE]

Only other thing I would say is if you could try to transfer this credit to somewhere that sells used game systems you could almost get both for a little bit more. I know that doesn't help much....

Oh, and if you go PSP, don't go with the PSPGo. It is the exact opposite of what you said you were looking to enjoy, a system with a huge cheap backlog of games. With a 2000 or 3000 you could get a bunch of games either through here or any used game outlet.

Anyway, I would be in the same boat as you. I own a DS Lite, but I'm not sure I could pick between the two. When it comes to inventive new ways to do things I would pick a DS because some games really stretch what you can do with it.

Tell you what, what are your top 5 games ever? That can help everyone help you decide based on software. (Can you tell I've sold retail before?)
I've got a DS Lite and PSP 2000, and my vote goes to the PSP. I'd recommend not getting the PSP Go, only because you can't use any physical media, which limits your game selection to what's available on the PSN store.

It really comes down to game preference, though. The PSP is very similar to the PS2 in game selection and graphical quality.
I own and love both, but if I was forced to choose one it would be the DS hands down. While PSP has a bunch of games I couldn't live without, the DS just has a far greater quantity of games, especially for an RPG fan.

The PSP connectivity with the PS3 is quite nice though, I can attest to that, particularly the ability to put PSN games (FFVII, SotN, etc) on your PSP.

Don't get a PSPGo, though that probably goes w/o saying.
[quote name='WormFOODx']Only other thing I would say is if you could try to transfer this credit to somewhere that sells used game systems you could almost get both for a little bit more. I know that doesn't help much....

Oh, and if you go PSP, don't go with the PSPGo. It is the exact opposite of what you said you were looking to enjoy, a system with a huge cheap backlog of games. With a 2000 or 3000 you could get a bunch of games either through here or any used game outlet.

Anyway, I would be in the same boat as you. I own a DS Lite, but I'm not sure I could pick between the two. When it comes to inventive new ways to do things I would pick a DS because some games really stretch what you can do with it.

Tell you what, what are your top 5 games ever? That can help everyone help you decide based on software. (Can you tell I've sold retail before?)[/QUOTE]

LOL! Wow thank you for all the help I really do appreciate it, I've been debating this since xmas when I got all the store credit...

My personal top 5 games;
1. Xenogears
3. FF Tactics
4. GoW 1 + 2 (Kratos not Marcus)
5. Bioshock
[quote name='Brownjohn']I've got a DS Lite and PSP 2000, and my vote goes to the PSP. I'd recommend not getting the PSP Go, only because you can't use any physical media, which limits your game selection to what's available on the PSN store.

It really comes down to game preference, though. The PSP is very similar to the PS2 in game selection and graphical quality.[/QUOTE]

This. I also own a DS Lite and a PSP 2000. My vote goes to PSP as well, and I'd avoid PSPGo at all costs. I also prefer DS Lite to DSi, because there's no good reason for the DSi. Slightly bigger screen, but really bad battery life and no improvement on touch screen sensitivity, and the cameras are horrible.

The 2000 is also better than the 1000 and 3000s, but I doubt you'll find any more 2000s. Yes, the DS has more selection of games, but most of the games have crappy graphics and/or controls (you try playing something that has to use the touch screen and have it mis-click 5% of the time and causing you to lose battles is not fun... I'm looking at you, Galactrix), and out of the great games, PSP probably has nearly as many, and then you can add in some PSN games like PS1 classics. You can also output to TV, which was fun when I was playing GoW:CoO.
I think that it depends what games you want to play. However, I have a DS lite, DSi, an original PSP and a PSP 3000, so I've got some insight into the hardware itself.

Between the DS Lite and DSi, I think the DS lite has the advantage because of the GBA slot and less 'clicky' face buttons. The DLC on the DSi is kind of nice, but doesn't come close to the flexibility of having the entire GBA library available to play. The DSi has better hardware controls than the DS lite, however. The volume adjustments are buttons rather than a slider, giving better fine volume control. It also has the ability to adjust brightness while in a game which is nice. The DS Lite's difficult-to-set-properly volume slider is what prompted me to purchase the DSi in the first place. I like to play before bed, and like keeping the volume very low so as not to disturb my wife.

Speaking of loudness, the PSP's disk loading is jarringly loud if you play at low volumes. If you like to keep it quiet, you may be annoyed with how the device grinds when it loads. I found it annoying enough that I don't play the PSP often at all.

The battery life on the PSP isn't all that great. I think I get at most 5 hours off the battery before i have to recharge; the DSx give 10 or 12. The media features on ALL the handhelds are novel at best, irritating to use at worst. As such, I wouldn't suggest buying based on the built-in web browsers, picture viewers, or music playback in any of the devices. If you like mobile movies, though, the PSP has a better screen for it. The DSx can't compete there.

The PSP Go is a bad choice if you go PSP, IMO.. it costs more and doesn't have access to the disk library of PSP games.. perhaps in the future it will make sense, but for now I would suggest a PSP 3000.

As far as games go.. I, personally, have about 45 DS games and 10 PSP ones.. so the DSx platform is better for my tastes. I've become partial to well-implemented touch screen functionality. If you compare, say Puzzle Quest on the DS to the PSP, I would choose the DS version due to the touch controls, which make the game play much faster/better.

So! The real question for you should be "What games to I like playing". It looks like your favorite games ever have versions on the PSP - FFT war of the lions is solid (though some battle animations are slower than the original) and the PSP God of war game is awesome.
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To be fair you can't go wrong with either but here's the biggest question you need to ask yourself:

Do you want a handheld for playing games or do you want a handheld for playing games in addition to playing videos, music, and displaying photos.

While the DSi has some limited multimedia function, like the Lite, it's main purpose is playing games, and boy does it have a huge library of 'em to pick from.

Meanwhile, the PSP doesn't have as large as a library of titles, but it has all the other functionality as well. If you don't have a standalone MP3 Player/iPod you may want to consider this option.

With either choice I guarantee you you'll never run out of games to play.

Also, stay far, far away from the PSP Go.
I have a DS lite and a psp 2000, and all I can reccomend is getting either the PSP 3000 not the PSP GO, or the DS lite, Not the DSi.
The go is downloadables only which sucks if your a fellow cheap ass gamer, and the DS lite is backwards compatible with the awesome library of Gameboy games, where as the DSi is not. In addition, they are much cheaper
I own a ds lite and psp 1000. My vote based on your top five list goes to psp. Ds has some good titles but overall I like my psp more. A FF tactics game is on psp plus GOW COO plus crisis core a prequel to FF VII.
I vote for DS Lite (I don't like my DSi). I use the DS Lite everyday even more often than my favorite system: 360. I love all the puzzle RPG games on it.
Update: Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes is the new puzzle RPG drug. This game rocks -- just as addicting as Puzzle Quest.
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Easily the DS. Not only is the PSP full of ports, the games never work. I bought a few games years ago and all they did was ask for updates. When I chose no it took me back to the XMB and didn't run. So I stopped buying broken games and haven't touched it in maybe 4 years. It was fun for a little while being able to run some emulators but then I got a better laptop and a USB NES pad.

DS always works and has an incredible library of original games. I still have and use my original model, not sure if the Lite or DSi is all that much better. At least with the DS you know Nin is focusing on games. Sony likes to tinker with gimmicks on PSP and let its main use dry up. No physical discs? Goodbye ya piece of crap.
[quote name='MasterSprtn117']PSP definitely. Research into the homebrew scene, and you'll find alot of things you can do with it. It's not too hard either.[/QUOTE]

Outside of illegally playing games on it there's not a whole lot to do with homebrew. Don't let this be a selling point.
Why all the psp go hate? I know it doesnt play UMD's but dont ya think that the digital service will catch up eventually?
[quote name='DPsx7']Easily the DS. Not only is the PSP full of ports, the games never work. I bought a few games years ago and all they did was ask for updates. When I chose no it took me back to the XMB and didn't run. So I stopped buying broken games and haven't touched it in maybe 4 years.[/QUOTE]

You basically just said don't get a PSP, PS3, or 360.... All those consoles make you update.... On that basis, your argument is invalid.
[quote name='riskzero']Why all the psp go hate? I know it doesnt play UMD's but dont ya think that the digital service will catch up eventually?[/QUOTE]

Nope. And if you're like me and own 20+ PSP games, they want you to buy it again. Most at release-day MSRP.
[quote name='riskzero']Why all the psp go hate? I know it doesnt play UMD's but dont ya think that the digital service will catch up eventually?[/QUOTE]

Nope. Unless there's a drastic price decrease people will want the full product for their money. I'm not the only one who collects games and, you know, files on a drive will never look as good as a shelf full of games.

Companies want to drive it towards digital but we won't let it. I like to see sales on games and many people want to resell what they're finished with. Nevermind the mess you get into with trying to transfer, share, backup, or retain full use of what you pay for. DRM sucks.
[quote name='elessar123']You basically just said don't get a PSP, PS3, or 360.... All those consoles make you update.... On that basis, your argument is invalid.[/QUOTE]

Wrong. A 360 is never worth owning. The PS3 is disappointing because of the updates but luckily there's a trick so I only have to update once or twice a year instead of their stupid schedule of like every other week. I want games, not gimmicks. PSP just became too much hassle and the games never ran, the few that were actually worth playing and didn't appear on PS2 as well.

Updates are nothing more than inconvenience. The Wii, DS, and PS2 don't require many updates if at all, and you don't see any problems with those games or sales numbers.
[quote name='riskzero']Why all the psp go hate? I know it doesnt play UMD's but dont ya think that the digital service will catch up eventually?[/QUOTE]

Why the PSP Go hate? Let's go down the list:

1) Non-Removeable Battery. Not only is this a slap to the face of customers that plan on owning the thing long-term, so they can't replace the battery when it finally bites this dust, but it rules out any sort of Extended Life battery like the 1000/2000/3000 series PSPs have. The extended life battery will take a PSP's normal batter life of 2 to 3 hours and nearly double it to something like 5 to 6 hours. If you can't take the battery out you can't put a new one in.

2) Digital Download only means you're stuck with your games. With the current PSP, if you grab a title from, say, Best Buy, and find out that you don't like it, or pray tell, finish it, you have these options:

-Sell it.
-Trade it.
-Loan it to a Friend.
-Give it to a Friend.

With digital distribution, once Sony has your money, that's it, you're stuck with the game. If you didn't do your research and you accidentally bought a turd, whoops, sorry, you're stuck with it. If you don't want the game anymore, whoops, sorry, you can't do anything with it.

3) Digital Download means fixed prices. This is an offshoot of #2, but since Digital Distribution means you only have one place to get games from there is no competition. This entire site is based on getting good game deals, which won't happen on the PSN store. Sure, you might see an occasional sale here and there, but don't expect any deep discounts. No coupons, no price-matching, no buy 2 get 1 free sales, none of it. Expect a title that shows up on the store at $40 to stay at that price for some time.

In a retail environment you have stuff like clearance racks to take advantage of, deals almost every week, and so on. Not to mention you can't buy used/secondhand to save a few dollars either.

4) Already own a PSP? Sony: *Flips Middle Finger*

This, to me, is the biggest one. I really want to like the PSP Go, I really do. I can almost forgive Sony for the lack of removable battery if the damn thing had a UMD drive. Why? I'll tell you why. The 20 or so PSP games and movies that are sitting on my shelf. They're useless. Absolutely useless. Over 3 years of retail purchases for the sucker and I can't even play them on a Go. A shame, too, because, like the Game Boy Micro, The PSP Go looks like it's truly a portable system. I love the smaller size. Alot of PSP 1k/2k/3k accessories don't work either, but I can forgive them slightly for this one.

5) Library Selection: Let's say I wanted to go for broke, sell all my PSP games and start fresh on the PSP Go. Well guess what, over half of what I own isn't even available on the PSN store, with no guarantee that they'll ever show up. My three favorite games, Lumines/Lumines II, Gitaroo Man Lives, and Every Extend Extra are nowhere to be seen and they might never appear. I'm going to move to a system with less selection why?

6) Price. The final kicker. Why on earth am I going to give you almost $100 more for a system that I'm limited so much on? If the Go was priced at $150 or less it wouldn't be such a slap to the face, but as it is, you end up paying MORE for less options. Not only do you lose the ability to change the battery and buy games secondhand, but you also get to pay Sony more for it. Honestly, what the fucking fuck.

7) DRM. Digital Distribution is not always guaranteed to be there. Tell that for the folks that fell for the multitudes of MP3 download services that fell when iTunes took over. With retail games they're there, on my shelf. I can touch them, they exist. With digital downloads, if for some reason Sony decides to close up the PSN store, all the money I gave them over the years isn't worth jack as my games won't work anymore. This will obviously likely never happen, but I still prefer a physical product when possible.

I think none of this would bother me so much if Sony didn't market it as "PSP". If they called it the "Sony Handheld Game System Deluxe 40k" I wouldn't be so annoyed, simply because they're not advertising it as a system that plays "PSP" games. It's like selling a DSi that doesn't play DS games.
Wow Maximum thank you for that explanation. After reading that I wont be buying the go. With the sale at bestbuy of the psp3000 I think I'm going to pick one of those up tomorrow night.

Any suggestions of day 1 accessory purchases?

I'm going to pick up GoW:CoO and Half Minute Hero as the games.

Thank you all for your help and I hope that eventually I can get a DS as well, it sounds like a fantastic system, but I really love my psx games!
[quote name='riskzero']Wow Maximum thank you for that explanation. After reading that I wont be buying the go. With the sale at bestbuy of the psp3000 I think I'm going to pick one of those up tomorrow night.

Any suggestions of day 1 accessory purchases?

I'm going to pick up GoW:CoO and Half Minute Hero as the games.

Thank you all for your help and I hope that eventually I can get a DS as well, it sounds like a fantastic system, but I really love my psx games![/QUOTE]

For shits and giggles here's #8: The PSP Go uses a different type of memory stick than the other PSPs. Newer, smaller, and of course more expensive.

Well, anyways, here's the two things you won't be able to live without.

1) A case. I recommend the Logitech Playgear. You likely won't find it at Best Buy as it's been out for some time, but you can get it from Amazon for < $8. Click the image below to take you to Amazon's page for it.

2) A screen protector. I've tried at least a half dozen brands, but none of them fit right. Even though all the packaging says "FITS 2000/3000 SERIES" they all have a common problem: They're too big. The PSP screen has a slight raised edge around all sides, and most if not all screen protectors are bigger than the edge all the way around, so they'll be a persistent air bubble on each side. So, I gave up and went the generic route. I use a product called Writeright, which are generic screen protectors that you cut to size. Best of all a pack of 12 will cost you around $8 whereas a PSP-specfic screen protector can cost anywhere from $8 to $15 for just one (sometimes two) If you mess up the application of the PSP screen protector, poof, you're out $8. But if you mess up a Writeright, you're out about 60 cents. Much better in my opinion.

I actually ran out because I used some for my iPod Touch and digital camera as well so I need to get a new pack soon to replace the one that's on my PSP that I actually miscut. :p

So there are the definitely must-haves. But here's a few options that I always suggest.

Extended Life Battery Kit. This'll take your average battery life from around 2 to 3 hours to 5 to 6, or even more, depending on the game. $40 and worth every penny.

MicroSD to Memory Stick Pro Duo Adapter. Memory Sticks are stupid expensive for some reason. Here's an alternative. This adapter will accept two MicroSD cards and allow you to insert it into a PSP for use there. If you plan on using the PSP for music or video this is a good investment.

For example: a Memory Stick Pro Duo at 32GB costs you: $200

Two MicroSD cards in the aforementioned adapter: $80 ($40 x 2)

Obviously that's on the extreme end, most people don't need 32GB of storage space. You'll probably be fine with 8 or 16GB, which will still be much cheaper than the alternative.

Let's see...let's see...there's little things like maybe a case for the UMDs or a nice set of earbuds to use with the system, or even a component cable so you can play the PSP on a TV, I dunno, feel free to ask if you have any questions.
Oh, also, even if you don't want Gran Turismo or Assassin's Creed you might want to consider picking up one of those bundles. The Sell/Trade value of the Memory Stick, Movie, and Game might be more than the $50 you'd save on the Core bundle.

Just something to consider.

Edit: I just watched a unboxing of the Assassin's Creed PSP on Youtube. Holy crap is the 3000 packaging improved over the 2000 packaging.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, the 2000 was basically a PSP blister packed inside a cardboard box.
As someone who owns both, I personally play my DS alot more than my PSP. Main reason = Castlevania series. Best series on either handheld IMO.
All this PSP talk is making me consider picking up one of the Assassin's Creed bundles just so I can upgrade to the 3000 and have my PSP in white so it'll match all the rest of my gaming stuff (DS Lite, Wii, 360, Dreamcast, and my TV are all white.)
go with psp. games to look out for: mgs peace walker, persona 3 portable, lunar: silver star harmony, kingdom hearts birth by sleep, ff13agito and parasite eve maybe, if your a naruto fan, naruto accel 3.

games that are available: ff crisis core, gow chain of olympus, ff tactis war of the lion, jeanne d arc, mgs portable ops, castlevania: dracula x chronicles, ff dissidia.

plus some psn classics to boot. with the ds, if nintendo dont support it anymore, thats it. with the psp, you can use it to watch movies, wifi or maybe homebrew it.
[quote name='anbu-black-ops']plus some psn classics to boot. with the ds, if nintendo dont support it anymore, thats it. with the psp, you can use it to watch movies, wifi or maybe homebrew it.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, but "Wat?"

Nintendo doesn't support the Game Boy anymore and mine still works fine. You're acting as though as soon as Nintendo's development focus shifts to a new handheld all current DS systems on the market spontaneously combust.
get a ds lite for the marios, zeldas, kirbys and metroid, and castlevania games as well as gba games if you've missed out on those. the ds also has like 3 call of duty games, brothers in arms and dementium if you like shooters w/ mouse-ish controls. and loading times are mostly non existant.

get a psp for graphics, racing, & sports games. if you're a fan of metal gear or silent hill, then psp is your choice of system. also worth mentioning are the GTAs, the megaman remakes, the tekken games, and the psp's media capabilities.
[quote name='maximumzero']I'm sorry, but "Wat?"

Nintendo doesn't support the Game Boy anymore and mine still works fine. You're acting as though as soon as Nintendo's development focus shifts to a new handheld all current DS systems on the market spontaneously combust.[/QUOTE]

what i mean is when nintendo releases a new handheld system , you are stuck with just playing old ds games (since nintendo wont be releasing ds games and would be focusing on the new handheld they have). example, say dsi games. it wont work on a regular ds/lite. and slowly the software support for the regular ds/lite will die. and you are stuck with playing regular ds games (like the old gb/gbc/gba they are only good for playing old games). with the psp on the other hand. if sony decides to pull the plug on it. you can still enjoy the psp for watching movies and listening to mp3 or maybe wifi. plus you can homebrew it if you want. it looks like you didnt understand what i said. the way you say it is just absurd. spontaneously combust lol.
[quote name='anbu-black-ops']what i mean is when nintendo releases a new handheld system , you are stuck with just playing old ds games (since nintendo wont be releasing ds games and would be focusing on the new handheld they have). example, say dsi games. it wont work on a regular ds/lite. and slowly the software support for the regular ds/lite will die. and you are stuck with playing regular ds games (like the old gb/gbc/gba they are only good for playing old games). with the psp on the other hand. if sony decides to pull the plug on it. you can still enjoy the psp for watching movies and listening to mp3 or maybe wifi. plus you can homebrew it if you want. it looks like you didnt understand what i said. the way you say it is just absurd. spontaneously combust lol.[/QUOTE]

But everything you just said was absurd. If you want something to play videos and music, you're better off with a dedicated device for that. Just because a company stops making new games for a console doesn't mean you just have to pack up and move onto the next thing.
[quote name='maximumzero']But everything you just said was absurd. If you want something to play videos and music, you're better off with a dedicated device for that. Just because a company stops making new games for a console doesn't mean you just have to pack up and move onto the next thing.[/QUOTE]

the psp is a good choice, since you get more of it even if sony stops supporting it. its one good reason to pick it over a ds imo. it has more longevity compared to the ds. its a great device since it plays movies aswell as mp3s. its just a bonus. its not a device mainly for gaming you know. not like the ds. you are just acting like a ds fanboy with your reply.
[quote name='anbu-black-ops']the psp is a good choice, since you get more of it even if sony stops supporting it. its one good reason to pick it over a ds imo. it has more longevity compared to the ds. its a great device since it plays movies aswell as mp3s. its just a bonus. its not a device mainly for gaming you know. not like the ds. you are just acting like a ds fanboy with your reply.[/QUOTE]

But the PSP is a device mainly for gaming. As far as being a portable music or video player it's poor to mediocre at best.

You're right though. It is just a bonus.

And I love how you're using the term "DS Fanboy" as an insult.

So I'll use an equally absurd insult.

Your keyboard has a shift key. Use it sometime.
[quote name='anbu-black-ops']the psp is a good choice, since you get more of it even if sony stops supporting it. its one good reason to pick it over a ds imo. it has more longevity compared to the ds. its a great device since it plays movies aswell as mp3s. its just a bonus. its not a device mainly for gaming you know. not like the ds. you are just acting like a ds fanboy with your reply.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure there should be an Internet law for this.. If there isn't one, I'll take credit for it... BattleChicken's Law... Nice ring to it.

If any person ever uses the word 'Fanboy' in an unironic way, they themselves are a fanboy.
[quote name='maximumzero']1) A case. I recommend the Logitech Playgear. You likely won't find it at Best Buy as it's been out for some time, but you can get it from Amazon for < $8. Click the image below to take you to Amazon's page for it.


I thought I'd share these; I made some new inserts for my PSP and DS Lite playgear cases last night.


[quote name='maximumzero']But the PSP is a device mainly for gaming. As far as being a portable music or video player it's poor to mediocre at best.

You're right though. It is just a bonus.

And I love how you're using the term "DS Fanboy" as an insult.

So I'll use an equally absurd insult.

Your keyboard has a shift key. Use it sometime.[/QUOTE]

shift key lol. i knew i wont win against a fanboy lol.
[quote name='anbu-black-ops']shift key lol. i knew i wont win against a fanboy lol.[/QUOTE]

Let's just keep the fail train a chuggin'.
I have a psp 2000 and a original DS. I like both handhelds. Like many others have said, pick the system for the games. I got my DS because of Valkyrie Profile Covenant of the Plume. I got my PSP, at a time when you could still find 2000 models that can be modded. The game that has made that purchase worth it, is Dissidia Final Fantasy. If you are a final fantasy fan, you need to pick up that game. It's a lot of fun. Amazon has had it on sale a couple times for under $30.

On accessories, I also recommend the extended life battery and the logitech playgear case. Those are must haves.

I'm not sure if you can mod the current model PSPs, but I would keep an eye open for when you can. I modded my psp and it's quite nice. Running games from the memory stick is nice, since you save on battery life and noise. I got some emulators with some favorite classics from my collection (Sonic, Mario, etc). I also like having a little more control over the system. I haven't played with music on my PSP, so I don't know if there are any good homebrew apps for that. With IRShell, I think you can play music and do something else at the same time.

I would recommend getting the PSP now and looking for a cheap second hand DS when you have the money. I managed to get my DS for $15 from a garage sale. I have definitely got my money out of both systems.
I have a DS Lite and a PSP. I go through phases with both of them but I find that I play my DS a lot more on average. They are both good systems so you really can't go wrong with either one of them. My suggestion is to go into a store or get on Amazon and count up the number of games for both systems you actually want and then get whichever system has the most.
I have a lot more fun with my DS Lite. My PSP hasn't been played since the day I bought it. :lol:

The DS just seems to be better for road trips and quick gaming sessions.
[quote name='maximumzero']Let's just keep the fail train a chuggin'.[/QUOTE]

I can't believe he hasn't figured it out yet. Its like Homer Simpson trying to debate physics with Stephen Hawking.
I have both as's a tough call, but it's also up to the consumer and your taste in games. Granted everyone complains about graphics and having to be up the par with the games of today, but in my mind, if the game is good and plays great then it shouldn't be judged if it came out 10 years ago :p

DS has some wonderful games, very fun and a great multiplayer set up (use my DS at the anime conventions I go to). DS is the place to be for RPG's, has the best ones on a handheld. As well as you can't forget New Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart DS, Legend of Zeldas, so on and so forth. It's the system meant for everyone of all ages are able to pick up and play, which makes it so popular.

The PSP in my book is for the Hardcore gamer, as it doesn't have something for everyone it does hold some high quality games on a handheld. Granted don't get the PSPgo, because that was a failure, but the other PSP with the UMD drives are great. Games like LittleBigPlanet, God of War, and the upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker are insane for what is packed on those little UMD's. Not to mention, Sony has been upgrading their online presence with the Playstation Store, allowing people to download games on their system (granted you have a huge Memory Stick on hand) but anything from PSP games to PSone Classics, that you can take on the go anywhere. Even better for the PSP if you have a PS3 so you can connect the two.

DS is my pick, you most likely play it more often

but if you have that feel for more mature titles, PSP is probally your bet
I just wanted to thank everyone for being so helpful, I went with a psp-3000 AC bundle. Bloodlines is meh but GoW CoO is AWESOME!

This thread should be stickied for all the great advice. Thanks again CAG'ers!
bread's done