Advice on my Ebay Snafu


Hi all, I've come across a bit of a problem and wanted to see if you had any additional advice you might be able to offer.

Two days ago I sold my Macbook on ebay. The next day I got an email from the guy asking to have it shipped elsewhere. I was hesitant to ship to anything except the address listed in paypal so I called them up to discuss it. Apparently they were feuding with their roommates and wanted to have it shipped to a post office or something, but ultimately they said it would be okay to ship to the regular address, they would just try and pick it up ASAP. I went to the UPS store and shipped it via next day air (originally it was going to be a cheaper UPS service but I was feeling generous). About two hours ago I get a call from the buyer saying the package wasn't there... they talked to a UPS rep who confirmed it was dropped off at the back door, but alas, no package. The tracking info seems to confirm this...under "package location" it says "rear door"

Something strange is going on... either it was stolen by some random joe, the buyer's roommates he's on bad terms with took it, or the buyer himself is giving me the runaround... regardless of what happened I'm completely on tilt, the last thing I want is to lose out on nearly a grand, so I just wanted to run by you the precautions I took and the facts I currently know and see if I'm in a relatively safe spot and/or if I should take any further measures:

-Apparently if you want to REQURE to have it signed for you have to specify it, otherwise the driver will either leave the item if they feel it is in a safe place, or just try to deliver it later. I didn't opt for the required signature confirmation (I certainly would have though, but the UPS store clerk never even mentioned it)
-I had insured the package for its full price
-I contacted the UPS store to put a "tracer" on the package, I'm still not quite sure what this is but it was advised by the customer service guy

I appreciate any advice. Thanks!
I've been snooping around, and noticed they bought another macbook on the 4th, I dunno maybe they're just buying up computers, but it does seem rather shady to me...

My big concern is the delivery confirmation. I noticed that ebay says you gotta get the package signed for if its over $250, which I did not. I fufilled all the other requirements on the seller protection FAQ and I'd like to think that my 100% rating from nearly 1400 sales would carry some leeway, but I'm still a bit worried.
If he is a scammer, you better watch out. Without signature confirmation, you are fuck out of luck.

But, I would advise eBay if he has multiple purchases of the same item, to be aware of some suspicious activity. What about the insurance on the package? Wouldn't that cover against any loss (theft)?
bread's done