Ahhh....i have a feeling im screwed...


CAG Veteran
I recently got a brand new playstation 3 40gb, with 2 games as a gift for my birthday last week. Now don't get me wrong, i love my cousin for buying me this, but i really wanted the 80gb model with MGS4 and the DS3....my cousin said he was cool with me exchanging it for an 80 gb at walmart since thats where he got it from...but the problem is he lost the receipt and they never gave him a gift receipt...so basically im stuck with a playstation 3 i dont want to open and 2 unopened games aswell...im thinking i should just give it a shot and see if walmart will let me get store credit or something, although i know its highly doubtful that they will let me return something that expensive without a receipt...i basically have no other choice (i'd lose money on ebay or pretty much anywhere else if i sold it online), so my first thought was to come one here and (hopefully) hear some success stories, if not im still gonna give it a go...whats the worse they can do to me? :cry:

thanks for your time guys
Returning it without a receipt is either pretty similar to or IS a thing called RETURN FRAUD and talking about that on here is forbidden. Why doesn't your cousin have them look up the transaction in the system if they paid via credit card and have them print up a new receipt for them?

That would be the BEST solution, since they WON'T do a no receipt return on the 40 gb unless your cousin goes with you and brings the payment form they used to verify it in the system.
returning something from the place it was actually bought from is fraud....?

and i dont think my cousin paid in credit or debit and i'd prefer not to bother him but if it comes down to it i'll call him or something, he's a really busy guy obviously he bought me a $400 gift and 2 games he worked hard for that money and i don't think dragging him to walmart to return a gift would be right...

i dont want nothin to do with this fraud talk im just trying to exchange something that was truly bought from walmart, im not trying to screw anyone over...
You know that, but the store doesn't and their policy has been changed in recent years to reflect that. They had a very lenient policy that MANY must've exploited in times past, so they tightened it up to prevent return fraud. Unless they can find a recent record of the item being bought there(which they COULD probably track by the serial#, if they still scan it into the system like they used to when you bought it), then you're SOL unfortunately.
Yeah, just give it a shot and try to return it and tell them you got it as a gift, but you wanted the more expensive version. If they can't track it by serial number or they just won't do it, the worst thing that could happen is they just tell you they can't do it.

Might as well give it a shot.
Return Fraud? Returning an item from a store it was purchased as a gift? Walmart does returns like that all the time around christmas, The worst they can say is "we wont take it", or "you can only return for a similar item" trying is better than sitting with something you don't want.
If they're not lazy, they can check the serial number too to see when it was sold and where it was sold, which they might be able to return it with.

And losing a receipt to a $400 item is never a good thing.
They should take it fine. Wal-Mart takes returns without a receipt all the time. They wont give cash without a receipt, but they'll give store credit, which is what you want anyway.
[quote name='Sinnbox']Return Fraud? Returning an item from a store it was purchased as a gift? Walmart does returns like that all the time around christmas, The worst they can say is "we wont take it", or "you can only return for a similar item" trying is better than sitting with something you don't want.[/quote]

I can't even count the number of threads which have been created where someone asks if Wal*Mart takes receiptless returns because they 'got a gift' and the giver doesn't know wtf they did with the receipt. Some of those turned out to be legit, some of them turned out to be people trying to return stuff to a store they didn't get it from and commit return fraud.

Call me a doubting Thomas, but I smell something fishy in this thread. That's all I'm saying.
I agree with most others, you shouldn't have a problem returning the system for at least store credit. They SHOULD have the serial number in their data base, and can at least check that that specific system came from their store, and therefore would be able to take it back. You might have a bit more trouble returning the games since there's no way of tracking where they were bought from, but I would figure that if they are willing to take back the PS3, they would most likely take back the games as well for your trade towards the 80GB bundle. Just seriously go in and try it out, you have nothing to lose other than the possibility of being rejected.
Walmart won't touch this item as a return/exchange without a receipt. Their non-receipt policies have gotten much stricter in the last 12 months, due to over-rampant abuse by people doing the "buy at store X at price Y, and return to Walmart at full retail price" routine. They'll take down your name/address/phone # info, and they'll limit you to 3x per year. Plus, it's not on anything for more than $50.

If he lost the reciept, he can go back to the store he purchased it from and have him deal with it. Walmart won't give you the time of day for something that expensive.
[quote name='EtchColi']They should take it fine. Wal-Mart takes returns without a receipt all the time. They wont give cash without a receipt, but they'll give store credit, which is what you want anyway.[/QUOTE]

They stop doing that for items over $50
[quote name='62t']They stop doing that for items over $50[/quote]

I used to work at walmart if it's over $50 they usually ask for the manager for an overide code and you get that amount on a giftcard. At least that's how it was, also they open up the game even if it's sealed to make sure everything is inside, that's how strict they are. I believe there policy is 3 returns per 6 months with no receipts still. As far as hardware gaming you just may be SOL.
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I know we see alot of stupid shit posted in regards to return fraud.

I dont see it being a problem if he's wanting to take it back and upgrade to the 80 gig. Dont ride his jock like he's trying to pull a fast one.

As others have said, if he paid via credit or debit, they can track the purchase in their system to help you out.
well, i went to walmart today and was somewhat satisfied...i walked in and the lady at the entrance scanned all three of my items and gave me the little stickers with the proof that these were bought already, so i walk up to customer service and a nice lady greets me and i tell her my situation, she seemed a bit unsure so she got some other guy to come and he told me absolutely no i cant return the games or ps3 without a receipt, well it's not like me to just give up so i just kept jockin at him until he called the assistant manager over and he explained to me that he could return the two games, but not the playstation 3 that was bought from walmart....just like the 2 games...so i kept asking him why that makes any sense at all...i even told him to look it up in his system but he said i had to buy it from that exact walmart..., and best yet he wouldn't even let me talk to the real manager, he was just an assistant manager, i asked repeatedly for the manager and he kept telling me he was until i pointed toward the poster above us with the real managers face on it...he said i'd have to come tomorrow morning to talk to the manger, so i just had to settle for the two games being returned for store credit for about $120, of course i had to show them my ID though, so they probably got me blacklisted now....

i think walmart is really out of line with this crap, thanks to all the guys that exploited this return fraud crap now fellas like me cant return shit that was actually bought from freakin walmart...shouldnt they have a special barcode or something that can prove to you that it was from walmart??? i mean god dam...

i still have the 40gb ps3, no games now...i think i might just put it up on craigslist for $350...thanks to stupid walmart i lose about $75..lucky me..
Don't stores scan the serial number when they sell the system? I would think that would give them a record as to whether or not the system was sold at WM.

I wonder if the recent $100 gc promo is affecting your ability to exchange.

Either way, you are not really out anything as you received this as a gift. From here you can either sell it and put the money toward the 80gb or just enjoy the gift that your cousin so generously gave to you.

Oh, to have such problems...
Honestly, I don't see how this is Wal-Mart's fault. They didn't lose the receipt, and they have set policy's. You were lucky to get the games returned
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I can't even count the number of threads which have been created where someone asks if Wal*Mart takes receiptless returns because they 'got a gift' and the giver doesn't know wtf they did with the receipt. Some of those turned out to be legit, some of them turned out to be people trying to return stuff to a store they didn't get it from and commit return fraud.

Call me a doubting Thomas, but I smell something fishy in this thread. That's all I'm saying.[/quote]

dude stfu and take your baseless acuasations elsewhere okay dbag.

[quote name='Rig']:lol:

I love the OP's first post on CAG, when compared with the rest of his posts in this thread.[/quote]
LoL. Nice eye, Rig. I was about to stick up for the guy when I read your post. So, his first thread, coupled with his name and then his only other posts are in this thread, does not look too good for this dude's credibility...
Regardless of OP credibility, Walmart will scan the serial number first and it will tell when and where it was bought from. If per se it was bought from Best Buy, they will inform him of such. If it was bought at a Walmart, they should be willing to take the return. Unlike most merchandise, game systems have such serial numbers that are registered.
[quote name='Will']I know we see alot of stupid shit posted in regards to return fraud.

I dont see it being a problem if he's wanting to take it back and upgrade to the 80 gig. Dont ride his jock like he's trying to pull a fast one.

As others have said, if he paid via credit or debit, they can track the purchase in their system to help you out.[/quote]

Well, if people didn't 'rent' 360's from Best Buy or whatever while theirs is in the shop, then return them as supposedly 'unopened' once they get theirs back from Microsoft, then none of us would have a problem with this. But, to me(and quite a few it seems)it seems a tad fishy that someone could lose a receipt in less than two weeks and they can't be bothered to have their relative who bought it for them go in with them to aid in the search for the sale info by any means necessary. As I said before, I wish I had a relative like the OP's cause I'd love a 40 gb PS3 and 2 new, full price games.

As I said before, I keep my receipts for AT LEAST the original 90 day return period from MANY stores and some receipts I've kept for warranty purposes for MUCH longer. Anyone who doesn't is a putz really, since many companies require that info to know whether or not the item still qualifies for warranty service or not.

Of course, the OP calling the manager they dealt with an ASSistant manager really speaks volumes about their character, since they come across as a whiney little crybaby who didn't get their way and now they're havin a tantrum about it online. And yes, I've done it too, so yeah the pot is calling the kettle black/hypocrite/etc/etc.

Oh and miktau, I'm just a naturally suspicious person, who thinks EVERYBODY is out to fuck me or other people over. And you know, MANY of my 'gut feelings' about people have been dead on before. Don't like it, add me to your ignore list. Simple as that.

But personally, I don't blame the ASSistant manager for not wanting to return a $400 electronic item without a receipt. Oh and since I DO own a PS3, I can tell you that the PS3's box has NO opening it in to show the serial # from the system like the PS2's boxes had and I'm not sure if the serial # is listed ON the box anyplace.

So, unless the cashier DID scan a serial # sticker ON the box, there may be NO WAY to tell if the PS3 the OP is trying to return was bought from them or elsewhere really.
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[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Well, if people didn't 'rent' 360's from Best Buy or whatever while theirs is in the shop, then return them as supposedly 'unopened' once they get theirs back from Microsoft, then none of us would have a problem with this.[/QUOTE]
The question is, why do you have a problem with this? Why such the hard-on?

Best Buy is a mature corporation. They set a return policy. it says return any item for any reason within 30 days. Who are you to say which reasons are legit and which reasons aren't? If I want to buy an Xbox (which I don't), play the shit out of it for 29 days, then return it, it is up to Best Buy to decide if I am breaking their policy, not you.
[quote name='Zing']The question is, why do you have a problem with this? Why such the hard-on?

Best Buy is a mature corporation. They set a return policy. it says return any item for any reason within 30 days. Who are you to say which reasons are legit and which reasons aren't? If I want to buy an Xbox (which I don't), play the shit out of it for 29 days, then return it, it is up to Best Buy to decide if I am breaking their policy, not you.[/quote]

Because I don't wanna buy an already USED game system that's being passed off to me as NEW because some assclown decided to use it while theirs was being repaired and thus puts me at possible risk of a RROD or other problems because there's no telling how hard they abused the system?

That sounds about right to me. If people were patient, they could wait the 3 weeks or whatever till Microsoft or whoever repairs THEIR system and not pull this bullshit. That's why I verify serial#'s when I buy systems anymore, since I don't dare end up with someones 'newsed' system. If I want to fall into that newsed trap, I'll go to Gamestop so I can be properly fucked over.
bread's done