Alice in wonderland TRAILER!!!

I hate when it's considered leaked as if people were not supposed to see it.

I mean, does the movie industry actually hold something of an event to show a trailer? It's not like the full movie is available. The trailer is something for people to watch beforehand and saying it's leaked just creates a buzz.
[quote name='pacemakerguy']charile and the chocolate factory was horrible it sucked ass the original willy wonka was so much better.[/QUOTE]

Yea it was pretty awful. I was hoping Alice in Wonderland would be better but after seeing the previews I really dont have much faith. Johnny Depp and Tim Burton need to stay away from each other. It would be doing us all a favor.
I think johnny depp looks like madonna, but my sister says he looks like Elijah Woods. I don't think I'm going to be seeing this movie. maybe when it comes out on redbox.....
Don't let the 'cool' people hear you say that.

Personally I think he is like poop porn. Some people have a strange fetish for it, but overall it's pretty fucking twisted and I don't get it.

[quote name='slickkill77']Tim Burton needs to be kept away from film. He has had some decent films but way to many terrible films.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='slickkill77']Tim Burton needs to be kept away from film. He has had some decent films but way to many terrible films.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree!!! I think Tim Burton has lost his ability to make things good. I for one am sick of his style. I think Johnny Depp is a great actor but does he always have to be the guy in Burtons movies? I don't yet know if i will watch it but I'll decide in time, I just hope that the Mad Hatter is not the main character like this trailer made it seem.
Depp's performance just feels too familiar now, like a combination of Sweeney Todd, Jack Sparrow, and Willy Wonka...maybe it's the cockney accent throwing me off. Don't think he was right for the role at all, but Burton likes to cram the same people into his movies. Depp, Bonham-Carter, Deep Roy, etc.
Saw this response on another forum that perfectly encapsulates my feelings about this project:

I'm starting to wonder if Tim just has a stack of generic, fill-in-the-blank forms that he fills in and presents to the studios.

Dear Studio Executives,

I have a great idea for yet another Burton/Depp/Elfman production! We'll be filming _________________, and Johnny Depp will play the lead part of _________________. My wife, Helena Bonham Carter, will be perfect for the part of _________________, and Christopher Lee will play the part of the grumpy old ___________________.

Just make out the check to me for $ _______ million dollars, and we'll get started. Call me when you have the money ready. I'll be in the yard picking up dead branches for scenery. It'll be perfect!

Tim Burton, limited visionary
[quote name='slickkill77']Tim Burton needs to be kept away from film. He has had some decent films but way to many terrible films.[/QUOTE]

Not really... here is Burton's biggest problem..

His original ideas... "Beetlejuice"... "Edward Scissorhands"... "Big Fish"... these movies turn out pretty brillant.

It's his "reimagining" of prior works that completely fall flat.

"Planet of the Apes" sucks except for the performance of Tim Roth.

"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" was terrible.. Depp was even bad in it, and they made the Wonka character something it should not have been, the Ompa Loompa's and the songs were terrible. it was wretched.

I don't have much hope for this either.

P.S., his Batman movies were good.
The amount of people that dislike Tim Burton in here pleases me. I'm sick of people acting like he's the greatest director ever.
Fanboy, that quoted comment is so fucking true.

I like Burton, but he's losing his touch. Sleepy Hollow was cool, maybe Big Fish, but all the stuff after has been disappointing as hell.

This movie looks like shit. They fucking backpedaled. Originally it was supposed to be purely based on American McGee's game. They even had Eliza Dushku (lame choice) already halfway signed on for the role. Now it's just another shitty remake like Willy Wonka. Would have rather it remained the American McGee project, with maybe Eli Roth or some other sick bastard directing it. A straight-up R rated movie.
I hate tim burton. No offence but i never seen the magic in any of his films. Im just not into his style. Depp i like but the movies he chooses not so much.
Tim Burton has plenty of great movies including...

Pee Wee's Big Adventure
Edward Scissorhands
Ed Wood
Big Fish
and the Nightmare Before Christmas was his concept.

He has some lukewarm to good movies including...

Mars Attacks
Batman Returns
Sleepy Hollow

Then he has some garbage...

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Planet of the Apes

I have yet to see Frankenweenie or Sweeney Todd but seriously, there is a little too much hate for a guy who has only made a couple shitty movies, both being remakes.
Saw the trailer a few days ago. I wasn't impressed.

I feel like Tim Burton is only being kept relevant by the Hot Topic scene. Most of his fans now are just teenage girls clamoring for any scrap of Johnny Depp they can get. Depp is a great actor, but honestly, it's at the point where I sort of cringe and become disappointed in him every time he accepts a role in a Burton film. Burton's been using the same style for years now, and I can hardly call him a visionary anymore.

Also, I sort of lost any remaining respect I had for the man once I found out how little he had to do with Nightmare Before Christmas. I can't believe how many people are under the delusion that he directed that film, though I suppose that's what happens when you exploit your position as producer and plaster your own name all over the merchandise...
His original ideas do tend to turn out better than the interpretations he does. Then again, most remakes seem to suck anyway, no matter who does them.
[quote name='Rocko']Get out.[/QUOTE]

I don't even know if that means you love it or hate, because plenty of people feel both ways on it.
[quote name='DestroVega']
I have yet to see Frankenweenie or Sweeney Todd but seriously, there is a little too much hate for a guy who has only made a couple shitty movies, both being remakes.[/QUOTE]

I loved Sweeney Todd.

But I agree, I don't get the hate. I don't think he's the greatest director in the world or anything, but I've enjoyed the majority of his films.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.
I like his live action stuff more than the animated stuff he's done. I think Sleepy Hollow was one of the better ones, his style fit well with the story.
[quote name='DestroVega']I don't even know if that means you love it or hate, because plenty of people feel both ways on it.[/QUOTE]

I fucking hate it!
bread's done