All that I learned, I learned from old school games



--Freshly cooked pieces of meat or fresh fruit always come out of garbage cans after you punch them, no matter how deep in the ghetto you are.

--When you go to the ghetto, you will be accosted by large packs of thugs, composed of various sets of identical twins or triplets. Beat them up to make them disappear!

--That group of guys are part of a larger gang that definitely just kidnapped your girlfriend.

Add some more!
I think you're onto something here.

-Random animals are always carrying money, weapons, clothing, and all necessary things.
--money doesn't buy happiness but 100 coins buys another life

--attack everything you see, if it was bad it'll die, it it was good it'll get mad

--dropped items will do anything to get your attention
I learned the phrase "Shred head" in Super Mario Bros.

I learned the phrase "Smoke That thing" from Trouble Makers

I learned the phrase "Kiss my dick and suck my ass" from Mystical Ninja

I learned the phrase "Snap Pussy" from Super Mario RPG

I learned the phrase "Twinkle Toes" from Super Mario Kart.

I learned how to use a knife from Biohazard.

I learned how to use a Gun from Killer7

I learned about weapons from Perfect dark.

When somebody misses a hit off me I say "MISS!!"

My Nickname/avator evolved from Bomberman N64 and Pokemon.

God Almighty I realize now that most games take things and themes from real life. Videogames took my life away like the Natives during colonial times. Before Videogames my life was paradise like the series Ann Of Green Gables.
Yes I laughing right now..I want to go home to my beautiful feilds green on the slanted rock.

:lol: what?

---when you kick an elf, it will drop food or a potion for you to drink. Kick it repeatedly till things stop flying out of it. Don't worry about killing it though, it doesn't have a life bar, thus its immortal.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']I learned the phrase "Shred head" in Super Mario Bros.

I learned the phrase "Smoke That thing" from Trouble Makers

I learned the phrase "Kiss my dick and suck my ass" from Mystical Ninja

I learned the phrase "Snap Pussy" from Super Mario RPG

I learned the phrase "Twinkle Toes" from Super Mario Kart.

I learned how to use a knife from Biohazard.

I learned how to use a Gun from Killer7

I learned about weapons from Perfect dark.

When somebody misses a hit off me I say "MISS!!"

My Nickname/avator evolved from Bomberman N64 and Pokemon.

God Almighty I realize now that most games take things and themes from real life. Videogames took my life away like the Natives during colonial times. Before Videogames my life was paradise like the series Ann Of Green Gables.
Yes I laughing right now..I want to go home to my beautiful feilds green on the slanted rock.[/QUOTE]

haha what the fuck are you talking about?
Regalsin-- just curious, not to make fun or anything, but is English your second language?
-Roast chicken is always the best way to replenish your strength, no matter how badly you've been beaten up
-Whenever you're in a fight with a bunch of thugs there's almost always a lead pipe handy to help you kick some ass
-Evil geniuses always have lots of spikes hanging around their secret bases
-Robot dogs are a great form of air and marine transportation
-Hitting brick blocks with your head can often lead to monetary rewards
-In any town you come across, each person has one and only one thing to say to you, except for the mayor/elder/priest
[quote name='Strell']I learned that it is very dark, and you are likely to be eaten by a grue.[/QUOTE]

Ah, nothing plays like the classics.
--Boomerangs require no skill whatsoever. Throw it and it will automatically come back. However, if you walk away after you've thrown it, it may or may not come right back to the spot you walk to. It all depends on which model you bought.

--It's possible to adjust where you land after you've jumped straight up into the air.

--Sometimes when you beat people up, they disappear and only their cash remains.

Keep these coming people, I want to compose them in a master list in the OP :)
If you take out your anger on a chicken their friends will come and peck your eyes out.

When your car crashes there's no insurance company that will come lift your car with a turtle on a cloud with a crane.

No matter how fast you run you still won't be able to fly.

Aliens in spaceships all fly in similar patterns.
--Eating mushrooms will allow me to break through those pesky floating brick structures.

--If I flip an enemy crab over, I can attack it for massive damage.
Contrary to some female's opinion, it does NOT take 5 missiles to open a door.

John Madden has not aged in 15 years...he looks the same then as he does now.

You cannot restart your life via a "reset" button or L1+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start.
-talking fungus telling you that "the princess is in another castle" is not a side-effect of too much gaming, in fact it is telling you that you aren't gaming ENOUGH
-if you crouch for a few seconds on a white block you can fall through to the background
--Finding the hidden whistle will transport you to far away lands. Finding too many whistles will land you in the darkest world though.
stole these of some website...a long time ago...

--Ninjas are common, and fight in public frequently.

--There is no problem that cannot be overcome by violence.

--Piloting any vehicle is simple and requires no training

--You can smash things and get away with it.

--If someone dies, they disappear.

--If you see food lying on the ground, eat it.

--Money is frequently found lying on the streets

--Gang members all look the same, and often have the same names.

--The operation of any weapon is a simple and obvious procedure.

--Death is reversible ((but only for you!)).

--Whenever huge fat evil men are about to die, they begin flashing red or

--Shoot everything. If it blows up or dies, it was evil and deserved it. If it survives, pick it up - it was probably a bonus.

--When the odds are 200 to 1 against you, it's no problem.

--When racing, don't worry if your vehicle crashes and explodes. A new one will appear in its place.

--You can overcome most adversaries simply by having
enough quarters

--You sustain injury if you shoot innocent people

--All martial arts women wear revealing clothes and
have great bodies and all martial arts men have rippling
muscles and angry expressions

--All shopkeepers carry high-tech weaponry.

--The most powerful fighters always wait until you
have acheived a near-impossible, flawless win
record and/or killed a certain number of opponents
before they appear in your presence and beat the
!@*X&#^ out of you.

--When you are born, you drop out of the sky (a stork?) and are completely invincible for a short time.

--If it moves, KILL IT!
bread's done