(Almost) Five Years In, Best PS3 Game to Date

All personal opinion:

Best PS3 game: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. I just got around to opening my GOTY edition and I couldn't put it down for two days straight. Finished the game and after reflecting back on the entire experience, I was blown away from what I just played.

Favorite PS3 game: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. The fan service done in this game (as well as the series' history) makes me continuously cite it as a favorite of mine, and the final boss fight in particular was incredibly memorable. Even though I labeled it as a favorite, MGS4's also really high up there for technical impressiveness as "best PS3 game," though (probably only second to Uncharted 2).

Honorable mentions go to Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Burnout Paradise and Critter Crunch (PSN).

Although, Heavy Rain is sitting here in my backlog. I'm sure once I get around to that one, my opinions will change...
Same here all personal opinion:

BEST PS3 game: No doubt Uncharted 2.. although I like the first Uncharted better, maybe because it was the original and the story just surprisingly impressed me.

Favorite PS3 game: Mass Effect 2.. probably would have been DA:Origins if I played it on PS3. I still comeback to this game and finish it, just one of the best games ever to date in any console. Finished it twice on PC and 3 times on PS3.
[quote name='EarthBound Sucks']PS3 has games?[/QUOTE]

LOL, ya dude...and if you havent heard, HD-DVD beat out Bluray....man, i really hope this guy is being sarcastic.
[quote name='venturin']Wow, lots of love for Uncharted 2! Looks like Naughty Dog had better be working hard to meet or exceed expectations for Uncharted 3.

Also good to see all the Demons Souls fondness. I hoped Valkyria Chronicles would get more love though.. Seriously people, it's terrific, play it![/QUOTE]

I think VC might be my sentimental PS3 favorite... there's no question that Uncharted 2 is the best PS3 game but VC will likely be the game I'll have fond memories of in the future as much of Uncharted 2's praise is due to its technical achievements, which rarely stand the test of time.
Hmmm, I was hyped for VC, then was underwhelmed by the demo... it felt like work. With all games that playing style I get obsessed with doing levels perfectly and it ends up sapping the fun out of the game. But maybe I should pick it up, it is likely in the $18 bin now.
[quote name='snowsquirrel']Hmmm, I was hyped for VC, then was underwhelmed by the demo... it felt like work. With all games that playing style I get obsessed with doing levels perfectly and it ends up sapping the fun out of the game. But maybe I should pick it up, it is likely in the $18 bin now.[/QUOTE]

No I'm the same way and trust me it will drive you nuts.
Demon's Souls is my favorite. Nothing could beat the rush of the first time someone invades you! Best game is Uncharted 2 - I must say well done sir! VC is in the backlog.
Uncharted 2 was great but they kept ruining the multiplayer with stupid patches completely changing the way the game was played. MGS 4 wasn't even the best Metal Gear lol, so thats definately not it. I haven't played some of those like demon's souls but my favorite online game was GTA4(lots of flaws though). Right now my favorite games are Pacman Championship Edition DX and Sega Rally Online Arcade.
SSX will probably take the number 1 spot though.
I really enjoyed Resistance 2, the God of War series, & MGS4. But my all-time favorite ps3 game "so far" goes to, Demon Souls. Such a shame they sold out to microsoft, PS3 should of locked in this title.

#1: Demon Souls
#2: Resistance 2
#3: MGS4
#4: God of War III
I'll go out on a limb here and like OP go with VC and Uncharted 2 as my #1 and #2.

I'd pick ME2 but I've only played that on the PC.

Maybe I should finally try Demon's Souls, I'm ready to replace my tv anyway. :wall:
I had no idea people held Uncharted 2 in such high regard. I'm absolutely shocked.

Did anyone realize that the voice of the slutty chick was the chick from Farscape. Talk about a character who is nothing like the actress (I knew that forceful tone didn't match, what a waste of a character)
Best game: Bioshock. I realize it was a port, but my first experience with it was on PS3. Great story, addictive gameplay, but the unique atmosphere was what really blew me away.

Favorite game: Borderlands. Tons of guns, tons of loot, tons of fun. Can't wait for the sequel.
Best: Uncharted 2. I know I'm with the majority here, but I loved that game. Not into multiplayer third-person shooters, but the single player just blew me away.

Favorite: Borderlands. Quite possibly my favorite game of all time. Had so much fun with my friends, in fact we even enjoyed it so much that we platinumed it. So pumped for next year's sequel.

I'm actually surprised and happy that this game gets a lot of love in here. I love it so much that I can't wait to get home to play it. I'm so excited for the sequel.
Mass Effect 2 or Batman Arkham Asylum.

...the two current gen games that I've beaten more than once. I think it must be a sign.
Of the PS3 games I've so far played, the ones I've liked:

Atelier Rorona
Disgaea 3
Eternal Sonata
Heavenly Sword
Valkyria Chronicles
Best is easily MGS4. The mechanics, the presentation, gameplay: nothing can touch it.

Behind it, I'll list UC2, Heavy Rain, and Valkyria Chronicles.
Best - Uncharted 2

Favorite Exclusive - Infamous

Sentimental Favorite Exclusive - Motorstorm (first game I played online and I was so happy to get ranked God after they did the system and game bundle. Online was flooded with newbies that I could beat. Cheap but fun.)

Favorite Non Exclusive - Mass Effect 2

Need to play - VC, Infamous 2
Best: MGS4. Seriously, the gameplay,story,graphic,sound, etc all are perfect XD.
Favorite: MGS4, Uncharted 2, and Yakuza 3&4.
I think the best PS3 game I've played would be Uncharted 2. Since it gets no love, I'll say my favorite is 3D Dot Game Heroes. It saddens me how criminally undervalued that game is.
No I like 3d Dot Game Heroes too. I wouldnt say its my favorite, but it is pretty awesome. Hard as fukc minigames though.
Since I've only had my PS3 for a short time, I don't think I can actually give one, tho I'd have to say Valkyria Chronicles rates up there. Haven't played A Crack In Time, but I really liked Tools Of Destruction. Heavenly Sword gets an honorable mention for very good execution of a God Of War ripoff that was worth playing.
I, unfortunately don't have that many PS3 titles, but, the amount of user creativity that comes out of the Little Big Planet series is pretty amazing, so I guess that gets my vote.
[quote name='TheLongshot']Heavenly Sword gets an honorable mention for very good execution of a God Of War ripoff that was worth playing.[/QUOTE]
No, Heavenly Sword gets a nod for Andy Serkis. The end.
bread's done