Alpha Protocol PC $10 with free shipping from Newegg

The question is...Worth It? I wanted this game to be good more than any other prior to it's release. The barrage of negative reviews kept me away, but I still kinda want to give it a shot.
The general consensus from people who played it are favorable. The main fault of the game is lack of polish. It has bugs and glitches, but the choice system is phenomenal and the combat is more rpg than shooter, in same vain as Deus Ex. Also the voice acting can be bad.
If you're going to pick a version to play, the PC version seems to be the best option for multiple reasons:

* Lockpicking in-game is mcuh easier with keyboard and mouse
* Much less issue of texture pop-in
* Better performance
I regret not picking this up during the steam sale. Hopefully it will be on sale again during the Christmas sale. I would much rather have it on steam as my boxed games usually disappear. :bomb:damn roommates.
[quote name='Zin_LG']The general consensus from people who played it are favorable. The main fault of the game is lack of polish. It has bugs and glitches, but the choice system is phenomenal and the combat is more rpg than shooter, in same vain as Deus Ex. Also the voice acting can be bad.[/QUOTE]

I thought it had some of the better voice acting this gen. It lacks polish, mainly in the gunplay, but I had alot of fun with it.
I will never buy a game from Obsidian. The only exception I'll make is Fallout: New Vegas, and even then, I'm gonna wait a year so they can fix all their glitches and bugs that should've never been there in the first place.
Thanks for posting this deal, Zin_LG! I just bought a computer able to play newer games last weekend and my PC library consists of just a couple of titles on Steam. Now I'll have a game that interested me on the consoles, but according to what I read seems to have been executed much better on the PC.
This game has some seriously janky shit in it from a gameplay perspective. With that being said, it is an awfully fun game overall. I picked it up during the Steam sale and have no regrets about the purchase.
It's a fantastic game. You have to realize that this is NOT a run-and-gun game, and I think a lot of people were trying to play it that way, so that's why you hear about a lot of people saying that the shooting is inaccurate - they're not waiting before they shoot so he can steady the aim (the crosshair tightens in on the person).
Another game critics have to loathe because it's their duty to be critical of all of a game's aspects, and fans loved because they, well, don't.

This game is awesome. If you were excited for this game, get this game. If you liked Deus Ex, get this game. If you want to compare this game to Mass Effect 2 for whatever uninformed reason, do not get this game. This game is a classic RPG, not a modern action game with RPG elements.

It IS glitchy as fuck. It IS broken in a few ways. The graphics ARENT amazing. However, the story is fucking rad as fuck and the voice acting is actually really good. I played this game for the story, and that is exactly what I got out of it.

[quote name='Scorch']It's a fantastic game. You have to realize that this is NOT a run-and-gun game, and I think a lot of people were trying to play it that way, so that's why you hear about a lot of people saying that the shooting is inaccurate - they're not waiting before they shoot so he can steady the aim (the crosshair tightens in on the person).[/QUOTE]

This is exactly right. Your accuracy is ultimately based on a die roll determined by your stats. Again, this is a CLASSIC RPG, not a modern action game with RPG elements (Mass Effect 2). Understand that, and you will not have a problem with it.
FYI, I believe the PC version does not have achievements (i.e. Games for Windows and NOT Games for Windows Live). Can anyone confirm?
In case anyone is wondering, the pc drm is uniloc which limits the game to 5 concurrent installs. Sega has promised to remove the drm via patch 12-18 months from the game's initial release. They did this with another game recently and followed through on their promise to remove the drm so there is no reason to think they will not do the same here.

As for the game itself, it is buggy but fun provided you do not try and play it like call of duty. It took me an hour or two to get used to the pace and play of the game but once I settled in I was hooked. Easily worth $10.
Awful awful awful awful awful awful game. Seriously awful. Stealth is extremely broken. Enemies wall hack and then dissapear and reappear. Aiming is trash. bad game. However the graphics always looked fine to me. If you can deal with or somehow bypass the awfulness then it could be a fun game
[quote name='Scorch']It's a fantastic game. You have to realize that this is NOT a run-and-gun game, and I think a lot of people were trying to play it that way, so that's why you hear about a lot of people saying that the shooting is inaccurate - they're not waiting before they shoot so he can steady the aim (the crosshair tightens in on the person).[/QUOTE]

Have to backup Scorch and others here. Great game if you're not looking for Mass Effect 2. Sega screwed up so much not releasing this Oct. 09 instead of May 10 as you can tell Obsidian didn't touch the game during the delay. All because someone from Sony didn't like the game. They would have gotten so many more sales if they had come out before Dragon Age and ME 2.

I have a friend who might get the game at that price for the PC version, but not if it doesn't have achievements. So as with fleshribbon, I need to know if it's GFWL before I tell my friend about it.

Edit: Wikipedia says no.
[quote name='woodcan']FYI, I believe the PC version does not have achievements (i.e. Games for Windows and NOT Games for Windows Live). Can anyone confirm?[/QUOTE]

Thats correct. I'm playing the PC version of it right now and there is no achievements or GFWL in the game.
I tried talking my son out of wanting this game because the talk about this game seemed so bad. I eventually broke down and bought it and I really enjoyed it. Its one of the rare games that I've actually finished this year. I definitely think its worth $10.
This game is really really fun. I honestly didn't run into anything that really bothered me, the bosses are a big spike in difficulty but I was a stealth build so taking a boss down with a pistol gets challenging. But for $10 hell for $20 I would recommend this game in a heartbeat, just a fun game to play.
Glad to see such positive experiences. Its only and GFW game and a GFWL.

[quote name='rant']In case anyone is wondering, the pc drm is uniloc which limits the game to 5 concurrent installs. Sega has promised to remove the drm via patch 12-18 months from the game's initial release. They did this with another game recently and followed through on their promise to remove the drm so there is no reason to think they will not do the same here.

As for the game itself, it is buggy but fun provided you do not try and play it like call of duty. It took me an hour or two to get used to the pace and play of the game but once I settled in I was hooked. Easily worth $10.[/QUOTE]
The patch to remove DRM was already released. Its in my opening post.
The DRM Sega implemented was super fair and they held up their promise to patch it out of existence after a few months. I hope there is more of that in the future.
Game is seriously overrated. It's pretty much exactly like Mass Effect's marriage of RPG and Gears, only instead marrying RPG and Syphon Filter. Other than that, really exactly the same.

The plot is utterly terrible. The characters, however, are quite nice and the amount of choices you have to piss them off or befriend them is kinda nice.

That said, they still usually only yield incremental percentage differences and don't have that huge an effect on your adventure. There really isn't but a couple of choices that will actually change up the levels you play.

THAT said, the game is still pretty solid for a light stealth shooter with slight RPG elements. But the lousy, inconsistent plot is proof that Obsidian isn't nearly as good as people think they are. They sure do know how to write a decent bunch of characters though.

No major glitches on my run through. Several questionable design decisions in the game, and level design is pretty much uniformly crappy, but AP is still worth a playthrough. Probably will be cheaper on Steam's Christmas sale though, so I say hold off.

$10 is the right price for it.
bread's done