Amazon Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Xbox One 18.28

Also $21.99 on PS4. It was on sale a little while ago on PSN for $23.99, better I didn't pick it up. It would only sit in my backlog while it gets cheaper. $15.99 GCU is probably my buy price.
Did they put the Multiplayer back in? And if so is it pretty much like other AC multiplayer or did they add some new modes?
Did they put the Multiplayer back in? And if so is it pretty much like other AC multiplayer or did they add some new modes?
Pretty sure this one has no multiplayer. I own the game, but haven't gotten around to really playing it so I can't remember, but I am 99.9% sure it has no multiplayer.

Great deal for Syndicate though, it's definitely better than the last few AC games IMO. I've not played a ton of it, but I like it much more than Unity and a little more than Black Flag. These games seem to get cheap, cheap, cheap though and I wouldn't be shocked to see this hit around $10 -$15 on Black Friday.

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