HD-DVD firesale (Germany)


53 (100%)
There's a firesale going on at

Alot of titles going for under 15 EURO (and prices are before VAT reduction if you are having them mailed to the US). I also tried to list the German exclusive/noteworthy titles only, there are some Studio Canal like La Haine and others also on sale.

The Jackel
Serpico (Forced/Resizeable subtitles)


The Island
Running Scared
Silent Hill


Alone In The Dark
Three Days of the Condor (Forced/Resizeable subtitles)

Brothers Grimm
Death At A Funeral
Tomb Raider 2


Underworld (Extended Cut)


Saw (Director's Cut) w/ extra online goodies

Details on what is on the Saw disc

Death Sentence

I ended up buying Saw, Silent Hill and Brothers Grimm for 44,14 EUROs shipped ($67.04) which is $1.84 cheaper than buying the American Blu-Rays from Amazon :)
ha, it's one of those i keep hearing how bad it is i want to see for myself

every time i'm buying from xploited i think about adding it, but back out at the last second

and its more like $21 to ship, its 14 euros
[quote name='Stonecoldfreak1']gotta get some cash, but i wouldn't mind doing that. i thought i read someone saying it was like $14 to ship? blah...[/QUOTE]

Current exchange rate for the Euro is like $1.50 so when they say 14 Euro's it means $21.

Three other people interested in doing this? 14 Euro's for all of us would be great. I would charge ya Media Mail or First Class, whichever you want.
Anyone got info on the German version of La Haine? Does the UK version have extra's or not? I mean I assume the German version has DTS-MA for French and at least appears to have English subtitles so can anyone clarify this or not?
If anyone wants to order off my big order, let me know and I will include you with my order and all I ask for is payment for the items when I receive it plus shipping costs to ship it to you via First Class Mail unless you prefer another method. I have two pre-orders in my order so estimated arrival is April 4-10, 2008. I am an honest person and have a 99.9% feedback on my items that I sell off eBay. This way you would not have to pay the high shipping costs, but when I combine this order if anyone decides to go in on my order, you'll have to pay what I am already currently paying if you choose to add the same movies I already added in.

These are the movies I have ordered off currently for myself. Estimated ship date is March 24, 2008 for these items.

1 Exemplar(e) von: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - Die Wiege des Lebens [HD DVD] (Tomb Raider 2: The Cradle of Life)
Verkauft von: Amazon EU S.a.r.L. - EUR - 8,36 Approx. $12.71 plus Shipping

1 Exemplar(e) von: Der Schakal [HD DVD] (The Jackal)
Verkauft von: Amazon EU S.a.r.L. - EUR - 8,38 Approx. $12.74 plus Shipping

1 Exemplar(e) von: Death Proof - Todsicher [HD DVD]
Verkauft von: Amazon EU S.a.r.L. - EUR - 23,49 Approx. $35.70 plus Shipping

1 Exemplar(e) von: Sterben für Anfänger [HD DVD] (Death at a Funeral)
Verkauft von: Amazon EU S.a.r.L. - EUR - 8,36 Approx. $12.71 plus Shipping

1 Exemplar(e) von: Terminator 2: Tag der Abrechnung - Ultimate Edition - Steelbook [HD DVD]
Verkauft von: Amazon EU S.a.r.L. - EUR - 24,75 Approx. $37.62 plus Shipping

1 Exemplar(e) von: Saw [HD DVD]
Verkauft von: Amazon EU S.a.r.L. - EUR - 11,74 Approx. $17.84 plus Shipping

1 Exemplar(e) von: Silent Hill [HD DVD]
Verkauft von: Amazon EU S.a.r.L. - EUR - 8,36 Approx. $12.71 plus Shipping

Christopher I might take you up with another T2 Ultimate and I'll contact you if that's the case. For now though I'd like to get "Renaissance" and possibly "La Haine" asap.
If anyone wants to jump on my order early, like within' the next two days, 3 or more people are welcome. If any more past 3 contact me about doing it I will change the Paypal amount accordingly.
When I say the order is going this will be for stuff in stock.

Is "Planet Terror" anywhere on HD DVD or just exclusively Blu-Ray?
Sarang01 - Okay just let me know what you decide and I will adjust accordingly. We have almost 3 weeks before these items ship out so no rush.

I believe Planet Terror is only on Blu-ray.
[quote name='christophles']Sarang01 - Okay just let me know what you decide and I will adjust accordingly. We have almost 3 weeks before these items ship out so no rush.

I believe Planet Terror is only on Blu-ray.[/QUOTE]

Man two different distributors for the Grindhouse flicks? I mean I knew they would be sold separate but I thought one entity would have the rights to both considering how they were put out in theaters.
So am I reading this right? About $15 for Tomb Raider 2 if I add it to your order christophles?

If that's cool, I'm in for one and I'll be happy to Pay Pal you the money.
[quote name='Sporadic']

I ended up buying Saw, Silent Hill and Brothers Grimm for 44,14 EUROs shipped ($67.04) which is $1.84 cheaper than buying the American Blu-Rays from Amazon :)[/QUOTE]

So let me get this straight. You bought a dead format from a foreign country to save $1.84. hmmm....
[quote name='merkman']So am I reading this right? About $15 for Tomb Raider 2 if I add it to your order christophles?

If that's cool, I'm in for one and I'll be happy to Pay Pal you the money.[/quote]

From the exchange rate yesterday, it came out to be around $15.35 to ship the item here and then plus whatever method you choose to have the item shipped to you from my location. If you live in the US and have it shipped First Class Mail, it shouldn't be no more then $18.00 total.
[quote name='christophles']From the exchange rate yesterday, it came out to be around $15.35 to ship the item here and then plus whatever method you choose to have the item shipped to you from my location. If you live in the US and have it shipped First Class Mail, it shouldn't be no more then $18.00 total.[/QUOTE]

So you're charging around $2.70 for the shipping cost to the U.S. If someone wants 2 will it be that cost split between both movies or what?
Purkey people are posting in here about the deal and that trolling is not appreciated.
[quote name='Sarang01']So you're charging around $2.70 for the shipping cost to the U.S. If someone wants 2 will it be that cost split between both movies or what?
Purkey people are posting in here about the deal and that trolling is not appreciated.[/quote]

USPS First Class Mail to anyone in the US for a 6oz package is $2.16 with delivery confirmation and I have to use a mailer to send the item to you. If more movies are ordered; then the cost to ship the item to you will increase here in the US, but shipping costs associated with the order shipping to myself will decrease slightly for your order. I am splitting the shipping cost from between the number of movies ordered.

If I am considered trolling for doing this, then I am sorry for posting this and I didn't mean to start anything. I just wanted to help people out that wanted just one movie.
[quote name='Purkeynator']So let me get this straight. You bought a dead format from a foreign country to save $1.84. hmmm....[/QUOTE]

No, I bought it on a format I actually own and the fact it was cheaper than the Blu-Rays was just a happy thumbs-up (since that almost never happens with imports)

But hey, my Saw on a dead format has more extras than the "superior" Blu-Ray so :booty:

- "KINGZ" - Short film presented in high-definition (Access via dynamicHD / HD DVD only)
- "SAW" - The original short film presented in high-definition.
- Additional bonus content can be downloaded over the Internet via the dynamicHD feature found exclusively on the HD DVD version. (HD DVD only)
[quote name='christophles']From the exchange rate yesterday, it came out to be around $15.35 to ship the item here and then plus whatever method you choose to have the item shipped to you from my location. If you live in the US and have it shipped First Class Mail, it shouldn't be no more then $18.00 total.[/QUOTE]

Count me in. Will be interesting to see the look on peoples faces if they realize I have an HD-DVD disc that was never released in the US. And I don't mind switching the audio to english and subtitles off. :)
In case anyone's interested, I just saw that they lowered the price of (Green Street) Hooligans to EUR 11.97 from EUR 23,97. Great flick for that price!
You guys get awful defensive about a plastic disc. Give it a rest. I am no Troll. Your logic about buying these "great HD-DVD deals" is a little off. I have around 12 HD-DVD's from when the format was alive and I did not pay more than around $10-12 at the time. Now with the format dead I definitely wouldn't pay the $15 or more that you would be paying for these movies.
[quote name='Purkeynator']You guys get awful defensive about a plastic disc. Give it a rest. I am no Troll. Your logic about buying these "great HD-DVD deals" is a little off. I have around 12 HD-DVD's from when the format was alive and I did not pay more than around $10-12 at the time. Now with the format dead I definitely wouldn't pay the $15 or more that you would be paying for these movies.[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm glad you are the keeper of logic.
[quote name='Purkeynator']You guys get awful defensive about a plastic disc. Give it a rest. I am no Troll. Your logic about buying these "great HD-DVD deals" is a little off. I have around 12 HD-DVD's from when the format was alive and I did not pay more than around $10-12 at the time. Now with the format dead I definitely wouldn't pay the $15 or more that you would be paying for these movies.[/QUOTE]

Yeah like "Renaissance" is just coming out next year on BR from Miramax as well as "La Haine". Yeah just try bsing me like that. /roll eyes
Remind me when some of these titles might be coming out on BR cheaper.
Well enjoy rebuying all your movies on Blu-ray in 5 years when you bring your "library" to your mom's house and she says "what the hell is an hd-dvd?" Look I actually liked HD-dvd better than blu-ray for the fact I could get DTS 1.5 mb out of my Xbox 360 instead of regular dolby digital from my ps3 via optical hook-up. However I know when to cut my losses. A true fan boy will continue to support a dead format even after the manufacturer has given up. At least Sony supported betamax in Japan until 2002. And how many people do you know that own a betamax player today even with that kind of support? go buy some zip drives, I am done arguing with fanboys.
Hah, Amazon actually pricematched the current price and refunded me my 2 EURO. Awesome :applause:

[quote name='Purkeynator']Well enjoy rebuying all your movies on Blu-ray in 5 years when you bring your "library" to your mom's house and she says "what the hell is an hd-dvd?"[/QUOTE]

Um, yeah. I don't bring my movies anywhere and why would I rebuy it just so somebody else can watch it? I'm not Blockbuster, these discs still work and if my player breaks, I can always buy a used one off eBay.

But, no, you're right...we must be fanboys because we are buying imports for half the price they normally are. WHY WOULD ANYBODY DO THAT?!?!?!? I should spend the same exact amount for these on Blu-Ray and than go buy a $400 player so I can actually watch them. THAT'S LOGIC IN MOTION BABY!
[quote name='Purkeynator']Well enjoy rebuying all your movies on Blu-ray in 5 years when you bring your "library" to your mom's house and she says "what the hell is an hd-dvd?" Look I actually liked HD-dvd better than blu-ray for the fact I could get DTS 1.5 mb out of my Xbox 360 instead of regular dolby digital from my ps3 via optical hook-up. However I know when to cut my losses. A true fan boy will continue to support a dead format even after the manufacturer has given up. At least Sony supported betamax in Japan until 2002. And how many people do you know that own a betamax player today even with that kind of support? go buy some zip drives, I am done arguing with fanboys.[/quote]
1) Please read the sticky about Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD
2) Who cares how I or anyone else spends our money. I think I have bought the same movies like 7 times because of special features, bonus discs, enhanced picture quality. Get over it. I have 10 versions of Scream. 6 on VHS alone. I have 3 copies of Silent Hill and I don't mind purchasing each one. I may want a movie now and, guess what, I'll spend the few extra bucks to own it now on an import HD-DVD if I want. If I could only watch it on Laserdisc, I would buy it on that format too.
[quote name='Purkeynator']Well enjoy rebuying all your movies on Blu-ray in 5 years when you bring your "library" to your mom's house and she says "what the hell is an hd-dvd?" Look I actually liked HD-dvd better than blu-ray for the fact I could get DTS 1.5 mb out of my Xbox 360 instead of regular dolby digital from my ps3 via optical hook-up. However I know when to cut my losses. A true fan boy will continue to support a dead format even after the manufacturer has given up. At least Sony supported betamax in Japan until 2002. And how many people do you know that own a betamax player today even with that kind of support? go buy some zip drives, I am done arguing with fanboys.[/QUOTE]

The irony in the bolded part is funny.
i just like movies and i'll buy the best possible version if one is better than another

if they're the same i'll buy whatever is cheaper

all the movies i bought aren't available on blu ray anyway and i dunno if they ever will be
[quote name='lurknomore']I am interested in Hooligans and the Stanley Kubrick HD box-set...but I think that the shipping will be just too much.[/quote]
No matter how many movies you buy, Shipping will be 14 EURO or about $20.
[quote name='lurknomore']the Stanley Kubrick HD box-set[/QUOTE]

The Stanley Kubrick HD German boxset is the exact same thing as the American release only with a little slipcover/ I'd just buy them from Amazon US if I were you.


Shipping stays the same (14,00 EURO) no matter how many HD-DVDs you buy so it takes the sting off if you buy more than one.
[quote name='DX']The irony in the bolded part is funny.[/QUOTE]

A fanboy wouldn't own both competing formats. Besides people, you wouldn't buy a VHS tape now would you? Why? Because its a dead format. I would not buy a VHS movie for $15 an call it a deal.
[quote name='Purkeynator']Besides people, you wouldn't buy a VHS tape now would you? Why? Because its a dead format. I would not buy a VHS movie for $15 an call it a deal.[/QUOTE]

No, I wouldn't buy a VHS now because it's inferior quality-wise to both DVD and HDM.

In this case, these HD-DVDs are just as good if not slightly better than their Blu-Ray counterparts and in some cases, the movies aren't even available on Blu-Ray yet.

Why wouldn't I buy them?

The price is almost half of what it usually is, that makes it a deal. If you disagree, take it elsewhere because people are interested in this regardless of your opinions.
[quote name='Purkeynator']A fanboy wouldn't own both competing formats. Besides people, you wouldn't buy a VHS tape now would you? Why? Because its a dead format. I would not buy a VHS movie for $15 an call it a deal.[/QUOTE]

the difference between a movie on VHS and a movie on dvd DVD or VHS and Blu Ray/HD DVD are huge

the difference between Blu Ray/HD DVD isn't
[quote name='Purkeynator']A fanboy wouldn't own both competing formats. Besides people, you wouldn't buy a VHS tape now would you? Why? Because its a dead format. I would not buy a VHS movie for $15 an call it a deal.[/quote]

we don't buy VHS because the picture quality sucks even compared to a dvd.
Man... only found out about the region free bit with HD-DVDs in mid-January. Got trigger happy and got both of the Terry Gilliam movies for "EUR 47,54"... owie :/
Can anyone confirm whether "La Haine" has Lossless or not? I know Studio Canal's shit has DTS-MA 5.1 for the UK edition but I see a Universal cover for this.
Anyone see a pricedrop for "Ghost Of Mae Nak"?
[quote name='Sarang01']Can anyone confirm whether "La Haine" has Lossless or not? I know Studio Canal's shit has DTS-MA 5.1 for the UK edition but I see a Universal cover for this.
Anyone see a pricedrop for "Ghost Of Mae Nak"?[/quote]
I think La Haine is only in French DTS 5.1 and German DTS 5.1. I'll know in 2 weeks.
[quote name='djbooba']I think La Haine is only in French DTS 5.1 and German DTS 5.1. I'll know in 2 weeks.[/QUOTE]

I ask because they usually don't actually label if these discs are DTS-MA even if they actually have it.

Look at "Renaissance". It mentions both of the audio options being Dolby Digital. While I know this is not the German release I can't imagine the SAME studio that did the German version wouldn't just port over the DTS-MA track for English. Seems foolish to me and I don't see a reason why they wouldn't include it.
slaps self. Sorry when I see the Deutsch I think Dutch.
anyone know how to ask for a price match in german?

or do you think if i type it in english they'll understand

the price of serpico dropped about 1.5 euro from when i ordered it
[quote name='hwong3']Thanks, I just emailed them in English and I'm hoping they respond. If they don't by tomorrow, I'll try Babelfish.[/QUOTE]

They gave me a refund to match the lower prices. They have the same 30 day price guarantee on the German site. Their customer service is actually pretty good. So if anyone is worried about prices coming down after you order, don't worry, they're pretty good at giving refunds, even if you can't speak German. ;-)
For those who have PM'ed me about adding movies to my order, I've decided to take off my pre-orders to have this order ship out instead of waiting. I have ordered a few extra copies of movies for anyone that might want Silent Hill, Death at a Funeral, The Island, or Tomb Raider 2 on HD DVD. It will ship from tomorrow and I will message everyone regarding cost once I know a final price. Also I have placed another order with the pre-orders in it, so if anyone wants to get it on that order to save on shipping, just PM me and I'll add your movies and that order should ship from there by the end of March. I have great feedback on eBay so please PM me if you are interested.

Thanks, Christopher
[quote name='azeledge']I'd be interested in your extra tomb raider 2 and silent hill. I will PM you Thanks![/quote]

I have PM'ed you back regarding your request.
Man, does not fuck around.

9 days from Germany to America

[quote name='Sarang01']Does SH include Lossless?[/QUOTE]

According to the back of the box, yeah it has DTS-HD.

[quote name='Sarang01']How is Kingz btw?[/QUOTE]

I can't tell you. When I try to access the online features, it crashes my Xbox :/

Nothing really new, my UK Jimi Hendrix HD-DVD (which also uses dynamicHD) did the same thing. I'll have to use my parent's HD-A2 to check it out.

Saw does have 7.1 DTS-HD though so that's pretty cool.

I plan to watch all three tonight.
[quote name='Sporadic']According to the back of the box, yeah it has DTS-HD.

I can't tell you. When I try to access the online features, it crashes my Xbox :/

Nothing really new, my UK Jimi Hendrix HD-DVD (which also uses dynamicHD) did the same thing. I'll have to use my parent's HD-A2 to check it out.

Saw does have 7.1 DTS-HD though so that's pretty cool.

I plan to watch all three tonight.[/QUOTE]

You mean it specifically says DTS Master Audio there or in the disc menu? Sorry I just hate hearing DTS-HD because that usually refers to DTS-HD HR which is Lossy and not Lossless.
bread's done