Amazon DotD 10/24 Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock Game $41.99 Guitar Bundle $69.99

I want this mainly because all the new DLC doesn't work on GH5 or Band Hero, so kinda forced into upgrading. I can hold out for a much lower price though since the value of GH games plummet fast.

I really do NOT like the look of the new GH guitar.
A friend of mine has this and, while I haven't played it myself (The achievements I have are from said friend and another friend's girlfriend playing on my profile, lol) it seems to be worth the price. I would personally wait until $30 or below, but for fans this is definitely a good game. Better than both World Tour and 5, based on the soundtrack alone.

And besides, you can do this in the game:

I mean, how cool is that? Probably the greatest thing I've ever witnessed in any Guitar Hero game, ever.
it sold like 86,000 copies it's first weekend since release or something...that's pretty low for a triple A title.
It'll be 10-20 bucks soon. Can u blame it for selling poorly? People are tired of guitar hero, myself included..and I loved the HECK out of gh..I even bought a world tour band set.
I wasn't going to get it but it ended up being the third game I picked up for the TRU B2G1. It's a good game, it's just the same good game we've been playing for 5+ years. It all depends on whether you like the song selection.
I like to pick up these GH games for about $20 or less, which will come very soon. Especially through used stores like Gamefly. Good find though, OP.
Yep... Put out 5 games in the same year that are all crap and the consumers alienate you.... What a quick price drop.

Tempting, but since the GH5 / GH:VH shovelware I've sworn off any GH games unless they're on clearance.

Good deal for some though!
muahaha it was only a matter of time...
Saw gh3 guitar set (ps3)is still $30 online and at my grocery outlet store as well.
Has anyone played with the guitar that came with this bundle? How does it perform?

The strumming mechanism in my GH5 guitar broke after a couple of months, and so I cannot up-strum (so if I want to alternately strum fast notes, I can't do this), yet my Xplorer guitar of 2 years is working great, but I have that odd feeling it's going to break sometime. Any thoughts on the new guitar?
[quote name='hypertails02']Has anyone played with the guitar that came with this bundle? How does it perform?

The strumming mechanism in my GH5 guitar broke after a couple of months, and so I cannot up-strum (so if I want to alternately strum fast notes, I can't do this), yet my Xplorer guitar of 2 years is working great, but I have that odd feeling it's going to break sometime. Any thoughts on the new guitar?[/QUOTE]

My guitar broke and I actually bought this a week ago. You will probably love this guitar because it's based off the Xplorer. Strumming won't be an issue. But the actual strum bar is a bit shorter. You will know what I mean when you start playing it. It's isn't as tall/thick as the Guitar Hero World Tour/Guitar Hero 5 one. But this is probably one of the best strumming guitars.

My only issue has been the overdrive activation button below the guitar. It's in the same place as the Guitar Hero 5 guitar, but I had no issue with that one. I have to press it down so hard on this one it's not even funny and sometimes I miss notes because of it. And don't even try to tilt to activate on this guitar. I can do 360's and 180's and it activates when it feels like it. If you're a tilter, go elsewhere.

Overall, if my guitar had a softer overdrive button, it would have been my second favorite to the Xplorer. I bought Rock Band 2 for the Xbox 360 and played for that month wait the PS3 users had to endure. Loved that guitar.

If your Xplorer is good keep using that one or buy another cheap, in my opinion.
Aesthetically, the Les Paul is the perfect controller...they just break down too easy.

On a lighter note, the setlist on this is simply epic..why did they wait so long to start having stuff like Bohemian Rhapsody, Fortunate Son, Money for Nothing, The Outsider, Bat Country, Cryin', Renegade, etc...these songs are just great for rock junkies.
[quote name='100xp']it sold like 86,000 copies it's first weekend since release or something...that's pretty low for a triple A title.[/QUOTE]

Activision will probably have to go back to the drawing board and figure out a better "story mode" for next year's 15 Guitar Hero titles, since story mode is where it's at with rhythm games. ;)

Maybe my comments of Guitar Hero: Modern Warfare aren't too far off.
[quote name='Pescado Plus']Make it $41.99 for the guitar bundle and you've got yourself a deal.[/QUOTE]

Yep. Amazon had GH5 bundle for $80 with $40 credit around this time last year, so that's the benchmark for this deal.

Of course, if you don't need the guitar, $10-$15 seems to be a realistic target for the game if you don't mind until next year.
Used a $10 credit I had, so I got it for $31.99. I was initially going to completely pass on this game, but why not? I've played every other game, willingly and unwillingly; Band Hero included.
GH graphics look like 8-bit graphics when you compare it to it's competitor Rock Band 1/2/3. Plus Activision has really worn out the franchise by releasing a new game every few months. They've saturated their market for GH games.
bread's done