Amazon DOTD - 12/30/07 - WoW Battlechest - $19.99

For $20 you can't beat this deal.

Now I must say the strategy guides are fucking useless for this game (now I have never seen the guides), but you can literally type the quest name into google and come up with results on how to do the quest (with exact coordinates too) :lol:
damn... i already have no life. someone talk me out of it quickly. will this work on my macbook pro? say no or just tell me it will run like shit. thanks.
[quote name='bigdsinferno']damn... i already have no life. someone talk me out of it quickly.[/QUOTE]

WoW blows. Save yourself the time, money, and self respect.

That work?
[quote name='bigdsinferno']will this work on my macbook pro? say no.[/quote]If you tried using it on that it would actually cause it to block all porn on it and cause anal bleeding so no.
[quote name='Master Shake']If you tried using it on that it would actually cause it to block all porn on it and cause anal bleeding so no.[/QUOTE]
no porn? well, i won't have time for porn with all that playing of wow anyway
[quote name='bigdsinferno']damn... i already have no life. someone talk me out of it quickly. will this work on my macbook pro? say no or just tell me it will run like shit. thanks.[/quote]
Do not buy it if you value your free time. It will suck you dry and one day, with 3 level 70 characters on your account, you will ask yourself "what the #@*# did I just do with the last two years of my life."

I did that with Diablo, Asheron's call, and WOW. I have promised myself to never play another MMOG again.
I was an addict. For a whole 12 months. got a level 70 character and all for nothing. Took me so long to finally decide to quit and it honestly hasn't been that hard for me(other people have had a hell of a time getting off this), because I uninstalled it and stopped paying for it, the only real fun part was making friends and raiding with your "guild", It literally sucks your life, the first week of playing your fine, still go out with friends etc, next few weeks your into the game more you stop calling your friends etc, next few months you've lost contant, once you reach 70 you get that urge to get your character all decked out, so you start raiding for these "epics" and you find yourself wasting 5 hours a night dying over and over ingame with 24 other people, all for what? Then the day you decide to quit your realize... "WTF?! am I doing?!", and all of a sudden all this ingame "gold" is worth nothing to you.

Since I quit I've regained contant with my old buddies, and started looking for a job, now I have a lot more free time and I actually do my homework now.

If you try the game the first 30 mins you'll most likely be saying "WTF?! how the hell do 10 million people play this crappy game?!" Keep playing and it will be 10 million and 1.
Don't get this if you are easily addicted. If you can smoke sigs and control yourself then you can probably be safe playing this game
This deal seems OK. I think a few other stores are offering the WoW:Battle Chest for 19.99 as well.

WoW is a perfectly legitimate hobby if you have self-control and spare time. Just don't get sucked into the whole "1 more ____ and I'll log off" thing many people get dragged into. For tips, see .

I, however, am addicted-ish and am a bad resource for advice on how to play moderately. At this stage in my life however, I could care less :p I'd either be playing 20 different games and spending $40+ each or doing this.
i thought it was a typo for a second, presuming it was the Warcraft Battlechest, but this is a good deal.
not giving in to the addiction, but thanx anyhow OP!
I tried WoW for like 2 hours a while back. I got so bored I gave up. I don't see how people run around and smack things so much that it ruins their lives.
I really enjoyed WoW until I hit level 40. I mainly played when I had an hour or two free, just like any other gaming I do. But when you hit around 40-45, you have to start doing "raids" and such, which are more or less 4+ hour excursions. Since I mainly played in the early morning (like 8 AM EST), very few people held the same hours as me (usually just the people still up from the night before finishing up).

I enjoyed it, but there's definitely a cap if you don't want to be in a guild around level 40.
I play WoW with my ex-military friends who are now living around the world. It seems like most of the population is high-school age, but if you have friends to play with, it can be very enjoyable.

Just remember it's all digital information and don't get carried away. Play for the sake of having fun while you're playing, not to get the next best item or whatever. I was on a raid with people last night who were complaining it took them x number of runs to get the particular item they wanted. Conversely, I was there because I enjoyed playing with my friends and didn't really care if I got anything or not.

In short, this game is fun if you don't make it into a second job.
Yea... The greed can get to you all over nothing, people can be real asses to others because of these "epics", raids can be disasters and end up making the game boring and you have 25 people yelling in a voice channel fighting eachother over some stupid game
[quote name='OMGpenguin']I play WoW with my ex-military friends who are now living around the world. It seems like most of the population is high-school age, but if you have friends to play with, it can be very enjoyable.[/quote]

Absolutely. If you already have friends who play it tends to be much more fun. It tends to make more of the excruciating aspects of the game (ie: some instances, most pick-up-groups) far more enjoyable, relaxing, and time-saving. It also makes hitting the higher levels much more tolerable, especially the somewhat large gap that exists around the 40's or so.

[quote name='OMGpenguin'] In short, this game is fun if you don't make it into a second job.[/quote]

Absolutely, once again. The second you start spending hours for a particular item, for equipment, or just to have more gold you should step back and reconsider what you're doing. Is it for a larger goal or is it just because it's something to do? If it's the former (ie: so you can thus join your friends in doing something-or-other), you still have a head on your shoulders. If it's the latter, you may need a self-imposed break for a while.

Just as it was already mentioned, moderation is key. If you are the type who can't stop playing a game or you've ever had those moments where you kept saying "just 5 more minutes" and several hours'll want to skip on this.
I was considering it, but Amazon figured it wasn't for the best as it apparently? it is sold out. has Burning Crusade for 13.99 though for any current users but its also "on order".
I don't think WoW is THAT addicting. Maybe some people are just weak :p

I quit after three months of playing and getting to Level 70. I actually profited from selling my account
bread's done