Amazon DoTD The Beatles Rockband 360/PS3 $28.49 or the Premium bundle $139.00

This is a very tempting deal , but I think I'll wait until this game jumps down to 20$ as from what I've heard it's a bit on the easy side as far as rhythm games go.
[quote name='gage006']Thoughts on the controllers? They're pretty sexy but are they very durable? Tempting.[/QUOTE]
Compared to the RB2 Strat? I'd say no. My friend's got there's at launch and after about two to three months there were strum bar problems and the fret buttons started clicking loudly on one of my friends. Plus these things are not comfortable to rest your wrist on and the whammy bar though it looks chrome, is similar to the default Strat ones.

Drum wise is basically as durable as the RB2 one.

Mic. Stand feels like a cheap mic. stand as in it doesn't tighten as much as you want it too.
I too am waiting on Target to be under $100 for the premium bundle. They're $124.98 all over my area so I'm hoping I can snag one at the next drop!
I believe it is "theirs" and "completist" (completionist is incorrect video gamers' slang).

Just making friends.
Popped my Mass Effect 2 $10 gift card on this, so it IS the magical $20 price point that I've been waiting for.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']Hmmm, very tempting. I still have barely played Rock Band 2 though and I completely suck at music games.[/QUOTE]

Same here, music rhythm games are not my thing. Like most gamers, I play games that hurt things.
bread's done