Amazon Double Shipped


2 (100%)
I recently placed about 5 orders with Amazon, since their BF deals were so great. Well, they double shipped a package apparently (unfortunately not Halo 3 Legendary). I ordered Spongebob Squarepants S1 (it's uh, for someone else... no, it's for me) and How I Met Your Mother S1 (never seen it but heard good things). Anyway, I received one package with this, and then another this weekend. I checked Amazon, and I see the order is for one of each, and I see the order only once. I then checked my CC statement and there is only the one charge for that package.

Anyone else ever experience this? I'm thinking I'll either send the package back or hold onto it for a while to see if Amazon catches it and sends an email like the ones I've read about (return or be charged).

And, would anyone consider this stealing? I am getting something I didn't pay for, but then again I didn't ask for it. It just came.
This would be kind of like handing a millionaire his $10 bill back after he dropped it while he was too busy counting his money to notice.
[quote name='whoknows']No need to be embarrassed about Spongebob. It's one of the greatest cartoons ever.[/quote]I agree. Have only talked about Spongebob to a few people, so wasn't sure what the general consensus on it was. I know most people here can see that animation != only for kids, but Spongebob really does seem offputting if you don't give it a chance. The humor is so bizarre and sometimes very adult.

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']This would be kind of like handing a millionaire his $10 bill back after he dropped it while he was too busy counting his money to notice.[/quote]Perhaps, but it is his money. I would most likely give it back if he were still there. But I think this is more like Amazon dropped some money right on my freaking door and went home. They even left a note saying, "Ebay me!"
I agree with both statements above. Spongebob is awesome and no I wouldn't tell them or anything. It will just cause more hassle then you think.
I would not recommend returning them. Though theoretically, it is the "right" thing to do, it is also wrong, because someone would lose their job in the holiday season, which is wrong.
I also received a double shipment. I ordered a Play and Charge Kit (360) through a freebie site about a week ago and today 2 identical packages came, each with 1 in it. I of course didn't use my credit card so I have no idea if it was double billed.

This is the second time I've received a mistake from Amazon in my favor. A number of years ago I received a copy of Pokemon Silver in my order.

EDIT: I just looked at my invoices and the order ID is different for each. The freebie site might have made 2 orders. I don't know though.
Sponge Bob is awesome, and I would keep the second package. I'd wait a while like you said to see if they catch their mistake, but if they didn't, I'd keep it. That's just me though.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Sponge Bob is awesome, and I would keep the second package. I'd wait a while like you said to see if they catch their mistake, but if they didn't, I'd keep it. That's just me though.[/quote]I think at this point I will be keeping it. I hadn't considered that this might cost someone their job, or that this would most likely not be an easy return. And if I would have to pay shipping, no way is going back (although I think if I simply closed it up and wrote return to sender on it, it would be okay).

Since I did already get both of these shows though, I'll have to try and ebay them or something; not sure I can even think of anyone that would want them as gifts. An extra PS3 controller would have been much better :p
[quote name='linkpwns']I would not recommend returning them. Though theoretically, it is the "right" thing to do, it is also wrong, because someone would lose their job in the holiday season, which is wrong.[/quote]

Unless the person responsible habitually makes mistakes like this for a period of time and this is the straw that broke the camel's back, I highly doubt they'd lose their job over it. Shipping mistakes happen.
[quote name='darthbudge']I agree with both statements above. Spongebob is awesome and no I wouldn't tell them or anything. It will just cause more hassle then you think.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, I've done the right thing one time and learned my lesson.
You have terrible taste with TV shows. How I Met Your Mother is aterrible! SpongeBob is just loved by a lot of gay men.

My grandma got an extra $250 blender before, then when she went to hook it up it didn't work.
[quote name='darthbudge']I agree with both statements above. Spongebob is awesome and no I wouldn't tell them or anything. It will just cause more hassle then you think.[/QUOTE]

Create more hassle for them or you? I got an extra item with my replacement order, and since I have to ship the original order back anyway, I was gonna just chuck in the extra item in there with it.

If it causes more trouble for them, I'd love to hear your story.

OP, you probably won't be charged for the extra Spongebob since it was their mistake. I contacted a customer rep about my extra item, and it was pretty clear that I wasn't required to return it. Even if they charge you, the cost of a Spongebob DVD seems negligible enough for your credit card company to just credit you no questions asked.

I'm also surprised that not a single person advocated returning it. Where's your holiday cheer, fellas?
[quote name='bigdaddy']You have terrible taste with TV shows. How I Met Your Mother is aterrible! SpongeBob is just loved by a lot of gay men.

My grandma got an extra $250 blender before, then when she went to hook it up it didn't work.[/quote]I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. But FWIW I've never seen how I met your mother, just heard good things, and it was a blind buy.
[quote name='whitereflection']
I'm also surprised that not a single person advocated returning it. Where's your holiday cheer, fellas?[/quote]

I'm pretty sure that due to postal rules, if Amazon sent it via usps then he owns them and does not have to send them back. This rule is used to keep a company from just sending you random crap and then demanding, a month later, that you pay for the product you "kept." You might think this sort of thing doesn't happen anymore, but my wife was sent some scrapbooking stuffs a while back and the company send a letter a few weeks later demanding payment for it. This is what is known as mail fraud, we knew as much and did not return or pay for the stuffs. However, I'm sure there are many scared scrapbookers who did not know that and send in the payment.

As usual, no one should take legal advice from me and you should assume I am usually wrong (however, I would be happy to refer you to my lawyer if you are looking for one).

[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. But FWIW I've never seen how I met your mother, just heard good things, and it was a blind buy.[/quote]
It's both. I do hate How I Met Your Mother, I watched the slapping episode last year online, it's supposed to be the best episode of a sitcom in years. I hated it with such a passion. But the gay SpongeBob thing is a joke from a few years ago when a study came out saying that about half the people watching it were gay men over 40. Then the fucking "right wing" freaks came out and said SpongeBob was having sex with his friend and that it was teaching that being gay is alright. Heaven forbid we teach children science, what's next? That human came from apes?!? :)

And I will never make fun of people buying true cartoons and not CGI or animee bullshit. I'm getting The Adventures of the Gummi Bears (bouncing here and there and everywhere...) for Christmas, if it ever comes in, so I'm not one to talk. :D

And if you are doing a blind buy, next time Wonderfalls is on sale, buy it right away. :)
Spongebob is garbage.

OP, you know that Chance Card in Monopoly? "Bank errs in your favor. Collect $x."
This is like that. Keep/resell/giveaway the extra copies.
[quote name='InvaderZim']Agree... great cartoon.

Also... Chowder is pretty damn funny. It's by someone who did some work on the old Spongebob shows (writer or producer I think).[/quote]That was pretty funny, I'll have to keep that in mind. Never heard of it before.

Was just reading Wikipedia - did you guys know TIME named Spongebob as one of the greatest television shows of all time?
Other cool stuff:
Stephen Hillenburg (creator) is a Marine Biologist, and had worked previously on Rocko's Modern Life, along with quite a few other Spongebob people, and some others worked on Hey, Arnold! and The Angry Beavers. It's no wonder I love Spongebob as those are some of my favorite Nicktoons.

[quote name='bigdaddy']It's both. I do hate How I Met Your Mother, I watched the slapping episode last year online, it's supposed to be the best episode of a sitcom in years. I hated it with such a passion.[/quote]Well, I'll have to come back when I watch it and let you know what I think... I don't know that I'll like it as it looks like Everybody Loves Raymond, which can be entertaining but never has anything about it that stands out. But that's a first glance sort of thing.

But the gay SpongeBob thing is a joke from a few years ago when a study came out saying that about half the people watching it were gay men over 40. Then the fucking "right wing" freaks came out and said SpongeBob was having sex with his friend and that it was teaching that being gay is alright. Heaven forbid we teach children science, what's next? That human came from apes?!? :)
I was aware of the gay men spongebob thing (although I thought the stereotype had included mexicans as well; I could see why it would since when I was in Mexico about 5 years ago there were Rugrats pictures and bootlegged merch EVERYWHERE).

And I will never make fun of people buying true cartoons and not CGI or animee bullshit. I'm getting The Adventures of the Gummi Bears (bouncing here and there and everywhere...) for Christmas, if it ever comes in, so I'm not one to talk. :D
Gummi Bears - haven't seen that in a while. I loved that show, along with Whinney the Pooh; made for a great morning before school. But, as far as Anime - I have quite a bit and love it. Just because it's a different kind of animation doesn't make it wrong, and in most cases since it's target audience is older and more mature, you get some great storylines out of it.

And if you are doing a blind buy, next time Wonderfalls is on sale, buy it right away. :)
Heard that before, but for some reason can never pull the trigger. I'll have to sometime.
Buy Wonderfalls, I got it last time when Amazon had it for $20. Never saw it before, completely blind buy, and I LOVE it! One of my favorite shows ever.
spongebob can be a funny show especially the bad word episode funniest shit ever. how i met your mother is funny but be patient with the first few episodes. neil patrick harris makes that show though im sure down the road the rest of the cast will get jealous over his popularity.
Personally I would have returned the 2nd duplicate shipping. That's just me though.

Besides, I like Amazon. They are a good company
You could always send it back saying you don't want it now and make your other one free. That is if they let you do stuff like that. I dont know how Amazon is with returns.
I really like How I Met Your Mother. I just started watching it recently and bought season 1 from amazon on black friday too.
[quote name='cdrober']I like both of those shows, if you end up hating How I Met Your Mother I will take it off your hands;)[/quote]Sorry, I ended up liking it, so it's staying with me. (Although I do have that extra, but it ain't free, and I'm not sure it would be worth buying from me - Amazon has S1 and 2 for $20 each, so even if I sold it for the $13 I paid for the first copy, I'm sure after shipping and such it would be so close to $20 it would be easier to just buy it there). I'm nearly done with disc 1, and although it started out slow, and seems a bit more conventional than sitcoms I like, it still has it's moments. And the constant running gags from Barney are great, such as variations of "suit-up". It's something that would make little sense on first viewing but is really a part of his character, and it works very well.
bread's done