Amazon GC *SOLD*


Save $5 today, help a fellow CAGer while your at it too. PM if interested.

BTw, does amazon accept paypal?
[quote name='jbroush99']So you got $100 free from AOL, want to sell it for $95, and turn around and use the $95 on Amazon? That's believable.[/quote]

Caught on jbroush99's guard, will some mod please lock this?
nah man, I just want one thing from Amazon, I could use the code, and try to sell what's left, but it states that "This code can be used with one® account only." . So I'm out of luck. Amazon doesn't carry everything I need.
Jesus, guys. It good that you look for faults and try to save people from getting ripped off. But give me time. Sorry I didn't explain it very well.
If you don't think you'll use the entire giftcode, the CAG thing to do would be to strike a deal with someone and split the order with them. Your $95 pricetag is very steep, especially for something you got free. I wouldn't go as far as to say this thread needs to be locked, I just think you need a different approach.
I know that $95 is pretty hefty, but there has to be someone who can help me out?

[If not, it will just go on FW]
[quote name='D_s']I know that $95 is pretty hefty, but there has to be someone who can help me out?

[If not, it will just go on FW][/quote]

i believe FW is the PERFECT place for you :) they should accept you with outstreched arms!
Unless there's some special circumstances surrounding your gift code, Amazon generally keeps track of the gift codes you use. So if you don't spend all of it, it will save the leftover in your account, and you can use the rest of it later.
I also advocate Fatwallet's sale/trade thread - although amzazon certs usually go for 90% of face value, which would be $90 for you.

And for the person (people) above talking about how it was free, feel free to STFU. It doesn't matter where or how he got it, that doesn't lower the value of the GC.

What's next, someone posting a thread about how he got an extra Halo 2 for Xmas and is supposed to sell it for $20 because he got it for free? :roll:

Dave Olson
Sold for $80

Mod please lock. Delete.

The point here guys, was whoever was generous to me, to actually want to pay $95, in return I would be generous to them, thus resulting in they only had to pay $80....Congrats.
[quote name='zionoverfire']Glad to hear you sold it, I was going to suggest you offer it up for $80 or so but I've realized I've been thread craping way to much recently.[/quote]

bread's done