Amazon Goldbox DOTD: Alien Quadrilogy $25.99 plus shipping


2 (100%)

Sorry, last night I was tired after writing a Precis and making a PowerPoint, each for a different class, idk what I was thinking(I stayed up til 4 am and woke up at 8 am the previous morning)

First off, AVP was not a "good or great" movie, I would possibly say "okay." For some reason I was thinking it was better than it was.

Also I blame my second comment "...newer" on my lack of sleep aswell, I don't think like that normally , and I don't limit my self to a certain timeline for movies that I watch.

Alien/ Aliens /Alien 3 /Alien Resurrection
[quote name='TahoeMax']Umm what? AVP good, but the real movies not? Oh dear...[/quote]
2 of those came out before I was born.

I am not even sure if I have sat through any of them completely, therefore even if I did watch aliens 3 or w/e I have no clue what is going on because I have never seen the first 2.

Let me rephrase my comment on AVP, it was "better" because it was newer. I thought the game for xbox(i think) was entertaining but nothing special.

I got to get back to my American History H.W. but with this and the WOOT-OFF I am a little distracted. ;)
[quote name='aea414']Let me rephrase my comment on AVP, it was "better" because it was newer. [/QUOTE]

Wow, somebody need to grow up a little bit and expand their horizons.
[quote name='aea414']2 of those came out before I was born.

I am not even sure if I have sat through any of them completely, therefore even if I did watch aliens 3 or w/e I have no clue what is going on because I have never seen the first 2.[/quote]

Ahhhh, there's your problem. Alien (the first one) pretty much invented the sci-fi horror genre, while Aliens (the second one) invented the military sci-fi genre. I'll admit that Alien is a bit slow and isn't exactly my favorite, but Aliens is fucking fantastic. With Alien 3, you either love it or you hate it (I think it has an amazing mood and feel to it), but you definitely won't have a clue what's up if you haven't seen the others. It was actually my first, as well, and I didn't really care for it until I was older and had seen the others.

And don't bother with the fourth. It's silly.
Alien = Awesome
Aliens = Awesome on top of Awesome
Alien 3 = Had it's moments...
Alien Resurrection = What the hell did I just watch?
AVP = I used to believe in God. Then after watching this movie I realized to be crap, because how in the name of God can you RUIN a movie about Aliens fighting Predators?! FORSAKEND!
AVP2 = OH GOD! MY EYES, THEY'RE REJECTING MY SKULL!!!! This movie couldn't be worse unless the Predator had a wise cracking duck as his sidekick.
It was $23 right before Christmas, so the price isn't completely rare.

However I only really like the first two movies, so it's not really worth it.

Still hoping they make a 5th.
I'm not into this series but after reading "AVP was pretty good" I had to post...That was one of the worst movies I ever paid to go see (Jason X and the Hulk also come to mind) and only stayed because I paid to see it.Maybe if I saw it for free I wouldn't be so critical of it,but for $10 it definitely did not live up to even a fraction of my expectations...
[quote name='bardockkun']AVP2 = OH GOD! MY EYES, THEY'RE REJECTING MY SKULL!!!! This movie couldn't be worse unless the Predator had a wise cracking duck as his sidekick.[/quote]Paul W.S. Anderson is gonna be calling you to ask for help writing the next movie any moment now. :D

I managed to pick it up Black Friday for $20, but that's still an excellent price for the Quadrilogy considering the Special Editions usually go for $10 a piece on sale. As for Alien & Aliens being to old to be enjoyed & AVP is better than both. ROFLMAO!
[quote name='bardockkun']Alien = Awesome
Aliens = Awesome on top of Awesome
Alien 3 = Had it's moments...
Alien Resurrection = What the hell did I just watch?
AVP = I used to believe in God. Then after watching this movie I realized to be crap, because how in the name of God can you RUIN a movie about Aliens fighting Predators?! FORSAKEND!
AVP2 = OH GOD! MY EYES, THEY'RE REJECTING MY SKULL!!!! This movie couldn't be worse unless the Predator had a wise cracking duck as his sidekick.[/QUOTE]

AVP3 ---- Howard the duck vs predator vs aliens with a suprise appearance by john lithgow!
i remember the trailers for Alien when I was a kid (i would have been 7 at the time) and they scared the crap out of me. However when I was finally old enough to watch it it became one of my favorite movies.
Wanted to get these for a while. But kind of holding out till they hit BD. So far, no news on them hitting BD for a while. Have to think about it and see what happens. Tempted though.
[quote name='xxtheycallmedxx']I'm not into this series but after reading "AVP was pretty good" I had to post...That was one of the worst movies I ever paid to go see (Jason X and the Hulk also come to mind) and only stayed because I paid to see it.Maybe if I saw it for free I wouldn't be so critical of it,but for $10 it definitely did not live up to even a fraction of my expectations...[/QUOTE]

Crazy talk! Jason X was fucking hillarious!
first 2, definitely worth it with the third being ok to watch and the fourth is well, just time taken away of my life I can't get back (thankfully only on cable).

AVP 1 was trash and the sequel wasn't as bad as the first but wasn't that good either.

AVP 3 = them Vs. Critters if anyone remembers those lovable Easter Egg demons:evil:
[quote name='Sporadic']Wow, somebody need to grow up a little bit and expand their horizons.[/QUOTE]

QFT... if you only like movies because they are newer, you are missing out on a ton of quality cinema... take Seven Samurai for example... despite being old, black and white, and subtitled... it is one of the best movies ever... there is so much out there, lots of movies today hide story flaws and sub par acting with flashy special effects
[quote name='geeknhard'] As for Alien & Aliens being to old to be enjoyed & AVP is better than both. ROFLMAO![/quote]

Sure the computers are old and outdated, but that's not what the movie is about.

It's like saying you can't like Wizard of Oz because part of the movie is in black and white.

They are great movies and look stunning and extremely well made considering the time they were made in. Plus the first one came out before I was born, and I was too young to watch the sequel when it first came out, that doesn't take away from the movies.
[quote name='Deadpool']Crazy talk! Jason X was fucking hillarious![/quote]
Seconded simply for the premarital sex and pot scene and it ending with those virtual girls beaten to death in sleeping bags.

AVP3 = Alien vs. Predator vs. Vin Diesel from the movie The Pacifier with his wise-cracking duck sidekick. At one point in the movie I imagine the Predator has Vin cornered and the duck comes and bites the Predators toe and Predator screeches in pain and Vin Diesel then knocks it unconscious with a box full of pots and pans...Rated PG-13.
[quote name='Sporadic']Wow, somebody need to grow up a little bit and expand their horizons.[/quote]

Sorry, last night I was tired after writing a Precis and making a PowerPoint, each for a different class, idk what I was thinking(I stayed up til 4 am and woke up at 8 am the previous morning)

First off, AVP was not a "good or great" movie, I would possibly say "okay." For some reason I was thinking it was better than it was.

Also I blame my second comment "...newer" on my lack of sleep aswell, I don't think like that normally , and I don't limit my self to a certain timeline for movies that I watch.
AVP2 is excellent. You have the Predator kicking everything's ass, and the new technology is very well done.

The first one is very watchable as well, but the Predators were portrayed poorly.
[quote name='bardockkun']Seconded simply for the premarital sex and pot scene and it ending with those virtual girls beaten to death in sleeping bags.

AVP3 = Alien vs. Predator vs. Vin Diesel from the movie The Pacifier with his wise-cracking duck sidekick. At one point in the movie I imagine the Predator has Vin cornered and the duck comes and bites the Predators toe and Predator screeches in pain and Vin Diesel then knocks it unconscious with a box full of pots and pans...Rated PG-13.[/QUOTE]

Thirded, Jason X rocked!
Dead now. Back up to 49.99.

P.S. I bought Jason X because it's so hilarious. I even bought Super Mario Bros. because they are so funny and hilarious. (3.99 years ago clearance).
bread's done