Amazon PCDD - Important Update New Community Manager Incoming!

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I’ve got some news I’m both excited and sad to share with you at the same time. I’ll be leaving the Digital Video Games team in Mid-March to join the marketing team for’s Loyalty and Rewards program, Amazon Coins. My boss and I have talked extensively about how to maintain and continue our presence here and across the other communities we’ve created in the past couple of years. To that end I’d like to introduce you to Josh, who take over monitoring, updating, and responding to this thread. Josh will be ramping up over the next couple of weeks, he  will be posting shortly to introduce himself.

Now that the “what’s going on” part of the message is out of the way I want to tell you all how much I love CAG and the posters here. This was the first community I joined when I started this job (anyone still remember that first thread?) and all of you have had a huge hand in shaping how we think about and execute Community Development and Management here at Amazon, which has in turn shaped my career these last two and a half years.

I started to write out a section calling out the regular posters and realized the list would be both overly long and incomplete at the same time. Instead I’d like to thank you all again, you all have my deep and sincere gratitude. I’ll still be around and my gaming accounts aren’t going anywhere so feel free to hit me up anytime you want to chat. I’ll probably still hang out in the thread too :).

Thanks again everyone, let me or Josh know if you have any questions!

The Indie Store has launched! is launching a storefront dedicated to supporting and promoting PC/Mac/Web-based Indie Games. Our Digital Video Games team is a small group of passionate gamers and we’re all really excited to help Indie developers reach more customers quickly by providing a quick and simple process for bringing their games to market. Additionally we’ll be supporting the Indie Store with a ton of promotions, both at and after launch. Many of these promotions are designed to give the developer the opportunity to maximize their revenue. For example, Amazon is forfeiting all royalties from bundle sales and passing them along directly to the developer, we’ve also created an “Indie Spotlight” program to help customers learn more about the games and developers they love. We view the Indie developers as some of the most creative in the industry and we want to help them continue to create new and innovative experience for customers.

Why we are doing this:

  • Allow customers to discover an entirely new category of games on
  • Help developers reach new customers quickly. Our onboarding process is straightforward and we want to sell every Indie game available
  • We want to leverage our strengths to support and help the developers who are driving forward innovation and creativity in the games industry
General Information

Hi CAGs,
I'll be posting deals we're running on Digital Games (PC/Mac, Free to Play, Sony/Microsoft Points/Subs).

I'm also here to answer questions you might have, get you closer to the developers by hosting Q&As, setting up podcasts, live streaming gameplay etc. If I don't respond to a question you have in thread please send me a PM. These ping my email address and make it more likely that I will see your question and respond more quickly.


FYI. EA Games sold by Amazon will not activate on Steam.

1. Does the game I'm buying from Amazon Activate on Steam/Origin/Uplay? What DRM does the game use?

There are two places to identify DRM on a digital video game detail page:

At the top of the page, below the title:


In the "Product Description" section:


2. Note on Electronic Arts Games - For the most part, EA games sold on Amazon do not activate on Steam. Most activate on Origin.

3. Note on DRM with limited activations:

Our Policy

4. Sometimes I'll do giveaways.

5. I work with developers and publishers to get fun (or at least what I think is fun) content to share with you all. Here are some examples:

a. Check out the Pax Gameplay videos here: Xcom: Enemy Unknown I played Xcom with Jake, the Creative Director for the game, a few months before the game came out Also, on this page, check out the Q&A, also a community driven event.

b. Check out the interview on this page: Borderlands 2 we did this interview at E3 with Randy Pitchford this year.

c. We've partnered with the ++GoodGames Podcast to feature many of the games we carry. They talk to the developers about the game development process, how the games are conceptualized and managed, all kinds of fun stuff. I'm working on putting together full link list and will update when I have it.

What else do we sell?

Xbox Live Points and Subscriptions:

1600 Microsoft Live Points
4000 Microsoft Live Points
12 Month XBOX Live Subscription
3 Month XBOX Live Subscription]
12 Month + 1 XBOX Live Subscription

PSN+ Subscriptions and PSN Points:

$20 PSN Points
$50 PSN Points
12 Month PSN+ Subscription
3 Month PSN+ Subscription

We also have a Free-2-Play store supported by our GameConnect technology. Gameconnect allows you to link your account with free-2-play and MMO accounts so that you can buy things like in game currency, premium game time/subscriptions, in game items, etc. on using your payment options and have this content delivered directly into your game.

5. Price Matching notes: Generally we do not match international retailers (GMG, Gamersgate, etc) or physical retailers (Best Buy,, etc.)
To check out the Free-2-Play games we offer you can visit our storefront here: Free-2-Play Store

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I feel like a dumbass after buying Orion Dino Horde and reading this article :

"Introducing Spiral Game Studios, creator of ORION—an indie developer with an obscene list of accusations, scandals, and damage control. Head of the team is David Prassel, with his most infamous act being his alleged KickStarter scam. Supposedly, he received $20,000 in community donations, and then proceeded to fire his team without warning, leaving them with no compensation for their work."
that crap dude that lying article u really should read his info u cant trust htat the crap it was rumor or gossip that the truth

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Never played Far cry 1 and 2. How do they compare to 3?

Never played Blood Dragon either, but the visuals make my eyes hurt.

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Never played Far cry 1 and 2. How do they compare to 3?

Never played Blood Dragon either, but the visuals make my eyes hurt.
Far Cry 1, for its time, was great. That was developed by Crytek - i.e. the current developers of Crysis series. Far Cry 1 is a linear FPS w/ huge open-spaced areas for awesome shootouts. The thing w/ that was - The 1st half of the game focuses on killing humans out in this paradise (well, it looks like a tropical paradise); while the 2nd half focuses on battling mutants on this Dr. Moreau-like island.

Far Cry 2 was good, but not great. This was developed by UbiSoft Montreal, since UbiSoft got the rights to Far Cry IP from Crytek. Far Cry 2 turned the series into an open-world shooter like that of the STALKER series - of course, FC2 ain't horrific like STALKER. Mainly, the main quest stuff was awesome here - and this is the reason to play the game. But, it's the side-quests that were loaded w/ copy & pasted areas + sections + shootouts + Safe Houses all over the map. Also, back when I played it - the game had tons of bugs (which could corrupt saves + break your quests - and caused me a few times to restart from older saves or just quit out) + performance issues. A lot of that has been fixed, thankfully. It really set down a good foundation for the real jewel in the series, Far Cry 3.

Far Cry 3 is just awesome. Like AC2 did to AC1, FC3 takes all my complaints of previous game's repetitive questing & copy-and-paste areas - and chucks them right out the freaking window! Most of my time here actually was spent doing side-stuff. There's just so much to do on the side-questing and you'll always run into something to do, whether you intend to or not. The main-quest is solid stuff, but it doesn't tell the greatest story or have the best characters - which makes this an easy game for me to pick-up and put-down, whenever need be. So, this basically is my Skyrim FPS, more or less - the open-world FPS that I'll play for a good while; quit for a while b/c I've had whatever my fill was for the game (whether it's a few hours, days, weeks, whatever); and then eventually come back to when I've been away from it for long enough b/c it'll be calling my name.

Can't speak on Blood Dragon - ain't played it yet.

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Far Cry 2 was good, but not great. This was developed by UbiSoft Montreal, since UbiSoft got the rights to Far Cry IP from Crytek. Far Cry 2 turned the series into an open-world shooter like that of the STALKER series - of course, FC2 ain't horrific like STALKER. Mainly, the main quest stuff was awesome here - and this is the reason to play the game. But, it's the side-quests that were loaded w/ copy & pasted areas + sections + shootouts + Safe Houses all over the map. Also, back when I played it - the game had tons of bugs (which could corrupt saves + break your quests - and caused me a few times to restart from older saves or just quit out) + performance issues. A lot of that has been fixed, thankfully. It really set down a good foundation for the real jewel in the series, Far Cry 3.
Wait, wut? Horrific as in theme, scary, etc? Or horrific as in a bad game? Because STALKER is fucking amazing.

Also, there are a few choice mods that turn FC2 into an amazing game. Enhanced bullet damage, for one. Makes the game unbelievably difficult and makes it require a lot of strategy. Plus Dylan's Mod and SweetFX, FC2 is really good.

Wait, wut? Horrific as in theme, scary, etc? Or horrific as in a bad game? Because STALKER is fucking amazing.

Also, there are a few choice mods that turn FC2 into an amazing game. Enhanced bullet damage, for one. Makes the game unbelievably difficult and makes it require a lot of strategy. Plus Dylan's Mod and SweetFX, FC2 is really good.
I'm sure he means theme...Mysterd has recommended the STALKER series to me in the past...still need to get around to playing it.

Wait, wut? Horrific as in theme, scary, etc? Or horrific as in a bad game? Because STALKER is fucking amazing.

Also, there are a few choice mods that turn FC2 into an amazing game. Enhanced bullet damage, for one. Makes the game unbelievably difficult and makes it require a lot of strategy. Plus Dylan's Mod and SweetFX, FC2 is really good.

STALKER is just loaded w/ scares, anomalies, supernatural elements, and many other horror-elements. STALKER is like you said "F'ing amazing."


I liked Clear Sky, but nowhere as much as the other 2 STALKER games.

And thanks for the info on FC2 Mods.

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I'm sure he means theme...Mysterd has recommended the STALKER series to me in the past...still need to get around to playing it.
Yes - horror-theme.

I can't recommend the STALKER series enough - especially since on numerous occasions, those games been dirt-cheap.

I think the STALKER series + 4A's Metro series do the horror-theme and atmosphere thing A LOT better than many of the other action-games do on the modern-day market.


how many mysterd it takes to ask a tebow heh ?
Thank God, there's only one MysterD like me.

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STALKER is just loaded w/ scares, anomalies, supernatural elements, and many other horror-elements. STALKER is like you said "F'ing amazing."


I liked Clear Sky, but nowhere as much as the other 2 STALKER games.

And thanks for the info on FC2 Mods.
Yeah, I'll agree with that. There are loads of post apocalyptic themes, horror themes, supernatural themes, but STALKER is fucking dark and scary because it delves into territory that isn't very far from fantasy, since you're dealing with world in which the very real Chernobyl disaster had some freakish effects. Just about crapped my pants running into some mutants for the first time
, like going down that hallway underground, then the thing screams from behind you? And then that invisible one? SHIT

Now I've gotta get back to that... It's just hard, because it's not the easiest game to stop playing and jump right back into. You have no clue what you're doing coming back into it. Not like I got extremely far anyways, but still.

Have you ever played MP on STALKER? I know it exists, but I haven't the foggiest clue how it works. DayZ style, perhaps? That would be pretty badass.

And off to add mods, I merrily go.
Granted there are still going to be annoying things that make people hate the game (such as malaria and the pills, which I think the mod tones down, but they're still there). Enemy checkpoints are still going to respawn too, leading to anger and frustration (it's a little ridiculous, but realistically, the enemies would send people back out to those places).

I played FC2 with those mods when I wanted a really intense, crazy difficult, serious jungle warfare experience where just surviving was an accomplishment in and of itself. You've gotta come at the game from a different perspective if you want to enjoy it most.

Or you can just crank everything to easy mode and breeze through it, which honestly just feels stupid to me in almost every shooter. Bullet sponge ho!

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Granted there are still going to be annoying things that make people hate the game (such as malaria and the pills, which I think the mod tones down, but they're still there). Enemy checkpoints are still going to respawn too, leading to anger and frustration.

I played FC2 with those mods when I wanted a really intense, crazy difficult, serious jungle warfare experience where just surviving was an accomplishment in and of itself. You've gotta come at the game from a different perspective if you want to enjoy it most.

Or you can just crank everything to easy mode and breeze through it, which honestly just feels stupid to me in almost every shooter. Bullet sponge ho!
I've replayed Far Cry 2 on 360 like 4 times and at least 3 times on PC. I... love that game, but it's been a couple years since I last picked it up, so these mods will add a nice new layer to our complicated love affair.

I've replayed Far Cry 2 on 360 like 4 times and at least 3 times on PC. I... love that game, but it's been a couple years since I last picked it up, so these mods will add a nice new layer to our complicated love affair.
I'd just like to add (mostly to people who are still debating on picking it up), that the foliage in the game is destructible, and it's awesome. Jumped in a car mounted turret once, rained down hell on a group of enemies through the trees as the bullets ripped off branches and cleared a line of fire. I've never come across that in another game before.

Also, the multiplayer of FC2 is STILL active, and the map making community is too I believe. People have made some utterly amazing maps, and the multiplayer is tons of fun. I believe the game comes with a map making program.

All in all, FC2 is more than worth the price. Seriously.

Blood Dragon is fun, but wears a little thin a lot faster than FC3. It also helps if you're a child/student of 80's action films/references. The color scheme, though, caused me headaches.

But, in all honesty, if this screen alone isn't enough to make you drop $5 on it, I don't think anyone/anything can persuade you.
why is it so blurry? WTF is it intentional or just bad frame rate?

btw, anyone here play Worms?  I have both Revolution Gold and Clan Wars as Steam Gift and don't know which one to play?

Someone told me that Clan Wars is more updated version of Revolution but Revolution Gold has more theme/maps than Clan Wars.

I am new to the Worms series

btw, anyone here play Worms? I have both Revolution Gold and Clan Wars as Steam Gift and don't know which one to play?

Someone told me that Clan Wars is more updated version of Revolution but Revolution Gold has more theme/maps than Clan Wars.

I am new to the Worms series
Worms: Armageddon is the best of the series, you should play that first before all the other Worms games.

Yeah, I'll agree with that. There are loads of post apocalyptic themes, horror themes, supernatural themes, but STALKER is fucking dark and scary because it delves into territory that isn't very far from fantasy, since you're dealing with world in which the very real Chernobyl disaster had some freakish effects. Just about crapped my pants running into some mutants for the first time
, like going down that hallway underground, then the thing screams from behind you? And then that invisible one? SHIT

Now I've gotta get back to that... It's just hard, because it's not the easiest game to stop playing and jump right back into. You have no clue what you're doing coming back into it. Not like I got extremely far anyways, but still.

Have you ever played MP on STALKER? I know it exists, but I haven't the foggiest clue how it works. DayZ style, perhaps? That would be pretty badass.
Never touched MP for a STALKER game, nope.

But, back to the horror-theme - it's just so well-done here. It's not like the game tries to always "Boo" scare you or anything of that sort. Everything in STALKER is dark - from the environments to the look of the enemies. And also, like the Metro games - STALKER games when they came out always looked top-notch technically....though, they certainly weren't the best-running games out there. Those games could slaughter framerates, if you turned so much graphical features on.

I remember when I first tried STALKER: SOC, coming out of the bunker and going up the street. And then, walking up the street, there were two guys there - and then they just...shot at me. And I was dead - slaughtered, no chance or anything; left w/ my jaw on the floor. It pretty much set the tone for the entire series, w/ its dark nature + theme and superb AI.

From the enemies that creep up on you; to the ghosts + ghouls; to its Chernobyl setting that not many other games have used (thankfully); to the freakish way the dogs + monsters look (ewwwwwwww!) - yeah, STALKER is a horror-fan + FPS's nightmarish bliss. Finding anomalies and things I didn't expect - that would often send me cursing and/or be scared when they came out of nowhere and unexpectedly.

Yes, STALKER series is tough as nails and hard as Hell. And even throwing that on Easy - well, even then, it's still a challenge and harder than many other modern FPS's are on their default to highest settings. Same goes for Metro, too - there was eventually a time, I had to drop difficulty down. Those games from GSC + 4A - they're both so damn hard, even on their default difficulty.

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btw, anyone here play Worms? I have both Revolution Gold and Clan Wars as Steam Gift and don't know which one to play?

Someone told me that Clan Wars is more updated version of Revolution but Revolution Gold has more theme/maps than Clan Wars.

I am new to the Worms series
Like someone said, if you have Armageddon, play that. It's just the superior game, though it doesn't have all the useless bells and whistles that the new ones do. It also has a thriving MP community last I checked, whereas I had Clan Wars at launch, and servers were consistently empty.

That said, Clan Wars more or less fixed the broken, sluggish physics that Revolution and some other new Worms games had. The framerate has serious issues, there are loads of flaws, and it's still inferior to Armageddon, but it's certainly a step above Revolution for the physics alone.

Never touched MP for a STALKER game, nope.

But, back to the horror-theme - it's just so well-done here. It's not like the game tries to always "Boo" scare you or anything of that sort. Everything in STALKER is dark - from the environments to the look of the enemies. And also, like the Metro games - STALKER games when they came out always looked top-notch technically....though, they certainly weren't the best-running games out there. Those games could slaughter framerates, if you turned so much graphical features on.

I remember when I first tried STALKER: SOC, coming out of the bunker and going up the street. And then, walking up the street, there were two guys there - and then they just...shot at me. And I was dead - slaughtered, no chance or anything; left w/ my jaw on the floor. It pretty much set the tone for the entire series, w/ its dark nature + theme and superb AI.

From the enemies that creep up on you; to the ghosts + ghouls; to its Chernobyl setting that not many other games have used (thankfully); to the freakish way the dogs + monsters look (ewwwwwwww!) - yeah, STALKER is a horror-fan + FPS's nightmarish bliss. Finding anomalies and things I didn't expect - that would often send me cursing and/or be scared when they came out of nowhere and unexpectedly.

Yes, STALKER series is tough as nails and hard as Hell. And even throwing that on Easy - well, even then, it's still a challenge and harder than many other modern FPS's are on their default to highest settings. Same goes for Metro, too - there was eventually a time, I had to drop difficulty down. Those games from GSC + 4A - they're both so damn hard, even on their default difficulty.
Yup, all around just a dark, unforgiving game that puts you into a modern, not-so-far-from-home hell and leaves you to fend for yourself. Learning everything the hard way in that game is the way to go. The Complete mod along with whatever add-on it had to increase bullet damage (just like that FC2 mod) makes things perfectly difficult. The stealth aspect is perfectly done, and since the gun physics feel so good, it's pretty amazing to take that shot with your pistol, hit a little off the mark and make your target stagger and fall to a knee, and finish him off with the second shot. Increased bullet damage makes most modern FPS games so much more exciting (as long as it's not online, because then it's just CoD MP).

Also, the graphics aren't bad at all with the Complete mod. [customspoiler=Example]

Yup, all around just a dark, unforgiving game that puts you into a modern, not-so-far-from-home hell and leaves you to fend for yourself. Learning everything the hard way in that game is the way to go. The Complete mod along with whatever add-on it had to increase bullet damage (just like that FC2 mod) makes things perfectly difficult. The stealth aspect is perfectly done, and since the gun physics feel so good, it's pretty amazing to take that shot with your pistol, hit a little off the mark and make your target stagger and fall to a knee, and finish him off with the second shot. Increased bullet damage makes most modern FPS games so much more exciting (as long as it's not online, because then it's just CoD MP).

Also, the graphics aren't bad at all with the Complete mod. [customspoiler=Example]
I can't recall which STALKER game it was - but I remember the first time I walked into the outside area of a base. And there were these guys dressed like typical STALKER NPC's in the game-world, but they were moving around slowly like they were all out of it. They were basically zombies, just not moving fast and firing there guns...whatever direction - maybe at me; maybe into the air.

It was just...creepy as hell, they way they had portrayed zombies in their game.

I never tried any of the Complete Mods for STALKER nor the FC2 Mods - but if I do replay them, I'm gonna have to give them a shot.

I'm sure he means theme...Mysterd has recommended the STALKER series to me in the past...still need to get around to playing it.
I think the STALKER series is my most played games, second to TF2. The original I have at least 6 playthroughs, and CS and CoP at least twice each. After building a new gaming rig later this year, I plan on going through them all again, with the highlight being this. And an awesome video to entice you:

But hands down, the best article I have ever read about STALKER is this one. Snippet:

It's a world that exists despite you, rather than because of you.
Pretty much sums it up.

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You know what was the other things that built tension in the STALKER series?

1. Gun-jamming.

Just when you're pounding enemies w/ bullets or you think you're about to eliminate an enemy - your gun will jam and it'll totally screw-up everything for you - hehe. It'll cause you to even melee or run away, just so you can try to un-jam your gun; so that you can get back into the action!

2. Bleeding.

If keeping track of your health wasn't enough to make sure you're in decent health, you can get cut big-time by montsters...and then keep on bleeding and losing health, if you don't go ahead and bandage yourself.

STALKER always finds more ways to build tension. It's as if the environment, enemies, stories, and anomalies ain't doing enough of that for you, as is, already - they just keep finding more ways to keep the game tense. :eek:P

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You know what was the other things that built tension in the STALKER series?

1. Gun-jamming.

Just when you're pounding enemies w/ bullets or you think you're about to eliminate an enemy - your gun will jam and it'll totally screw-up everything for you - hehe. It'll cause you to even melee or run away, just so you can try to un-jam your gun; so that you can get back into the action!

2. Bleeding.

If keeping track of your health wasn't enough to make sure you're in decent health, you can get cut big-time by montsters...and then keep on bleeding and losing health, if you don't go ahead and bandage yourself.

STALKER always finds more ways to build tension. It's as if the environment, enemies, stories, and anomalies ain't doing enough of that for you, as is, already - they just keep finding more ways to keep the game tense. :eek:P
Both of these were present in Wasteland (1988)

Edit: Hahhaha, right, now I can actually link that... Wasteland (steam, though drm-free)

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Have a key for Interstellars Marines.
First PM from a user with at least 25 post and account 1 month old or more gets it.
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btw, anyone here play Worms? I have both Revolution Gold and Clan Wars as Steam Gift and don't know which one to play?

Someone told me that Clan Wars is more updated version of Revolution but Revolution Gold has more theme/maps than Clan Wars.

I am new to the Worms series
Worms Armageddon or Worms 2, imo. I really enjoyed both, although my preference is definitely with 2.

Of the two you've listed there, I'd say either is reasonable (I hated reloaded but thought was Revolution wasn't too bad. I haven't played Clan Wars.)

I have the 3 stalker games and all the talk here now wants me to play one ...

Do I need to play in certain order or what?
Play them in order, so SoC, CS, then CoP. Playing them out of order screws up the story, and the story in this series is pretty awesome. My suggestion would be to use STALKER complete for each one, as it includes a ton of bug fixes and tweaks. There's some optional gameplay change stuff that can be disabled or simply not used. After that, you can consider some of the other cool mods available for SoC, then work your way up to CoP w/ Misery.

edit: And for anyone thinking of going through all three, I'd say a rough guess is 60 hours, with a moderate amount of exploring, atmosphere enjoying, side questing.

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Play them in order, so SoC, CS, then CoP. Playing them out of order screws up the story, and the story in this series is pretty awesome. My suggestion would be to use STALKER complete for each one, as it includes a ton of bug fixes and tweaks. There's some optional gameplay change stuff that can be disabled or simply not used. After that, you can consider some of the other cool mods available for SoC, then work your way up to CoP w/ Misery.
Thanks .. I installed Stalker SoC ... was getting Complete mod for it as well before I even read your post. :)

Play them in order, so SoC, CS, then CoP. Playing them out of order screws up the story, and the story in this series is pretty awesome. My suggestion would be to use STALKER complete for each one, as it includes a ton of bug fixes and tweaks. There's some optional gameplay change stuff that can be disabled or simply not used. After that, you can consider some of the other cool mods available for SoC, then work your way up to CoP w/ Misery.

edit: And for anyone thinking of going through all three, I'd say a rough guess is 60 hours, with a moderate amount of exploring, atmosphere enjoying, side questing.
damn u andd everyone and seipoth i hate u all now i want ot install it i lvoe u all fort making me amad

Both of these were present in Wasteland (1988)

Edit: Hahhaha, right, now I can actually link that... Wasteland (steam, though drm-free)
Sure - but Wasteland's a turn-based old-school RPG, not a open-world real-time FPS.

RPG elements (degrading weapons, weapons jamming, infected by radiation, poisoning, cuts causing bleeding) like that weren't commonly found in real-time FPS games.

Granted, I ain't played Wasteland.

Though, I love Fallout 1 + 2 + 3 + NV.


I have the 3 stalker games and all the talk here now wants me to play one ...

Do I need to play in certain order or what?
Play in order of how they were released - begin w/ SoC; then Clear Sky; then CoP.

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Sure - but Wasteland's a turn-based old-school RPG, not a open-world real-time FPS.

RPG elements (degrading weapons, weapons jamming, infected by radiation, poisoning, cuts causing bleeding) like that weren't commonly found in real-time FPS games.
FPS games didn't exist then. noob Wolfenstein referred to two 2D stealth games from Muse Software... not the progenitor of the FPS genre. ...though the more Gauntlet-like Into the Eagles Nest leaves a stonger impression.

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