Amazon: Resistance: Retribution $10.80 shipped with Prime

Me too, I've been checking on this game on amazon and wasn't interested. But with that's hard to resist. And this game has good reviews too. For this price, imo I think it's totally worth it.
Overated but still good. SP is great while and MP has to be dead by now it was one of the most fully featured out there.
Great game, picked it up for $15 from TRU a while back and recently finished it. A lot better than the demo suggests. Just wish the damn PSP had two analogue sticks but I believe you can play it with a DS3 if you have one. Multiplayer is pretty dead however if that is what you are looking for.
Cross posting this from the Sam's thread but it is currently selling for $9.81 there if you can find one. May be stickered at a higher price (mine was stickered at $15.41)
Thanks OP, picked one up. For the $10.80 seller, you don't actually need Prime for the free shipping (a different marketplace seller has it for $10.91 w/ free Prime shipping).
This game is definitely worth the price. I'd say its worth $20 at most. The game play was solid, and there was enough of a variety in weapons to keep it interesting. More enemy types would have helped. Also, from what I remember, the auto aim was pretty good, almost a little too good, but it helps since I hate aiming with the face buttons.
bread's done