[Amazon] Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Collector's Edition ($99.99)- PlayStation 3 Preorder is up

So my extra copy has become available again. I'm looking for eBay prices minus all the fees that I would incur (which brings the price down a fair bit). I might as well pass that savings on, eh? Pm if interested.

I'm getting kind of upset about some Gamestops' eagerness to release their holds on pre-ordered copies. Normally, I would agree with reaperztoll, and assume that the buyer would be excited to pick up their CE on the day of release. Flippers, of course, are eager to do that because to them it's "inventory" not a game. Buy, maybe you're traveling, getting off work late, studying for a test, going out on a date, or it's just inconvenient for you to to pick up a game until the weekend. Most people have other priorities besides playing video games. Gamestop should hold it until you pick it up, or at the very least make additional attempts to contact you before releasing the order. With a regular game, the 48 hour hold isn't a big deal because they'll have more copies soon. With a CE that's not a given and I think a MINIMUM 2 week hold is perfectly fine, even if it's to scrounge together enough cash to pay off the remaining balance. You're not really buying the game with a CE- you're buying all the extra stuff that says how much you think you'll like the game. You believed in the game before it was rare/valuable and know you'd only get 1 shot to buy it at a reasonable price. And don't respond that you should just order from Amazon or BB.com- ordering in-store will provide far less likelihood (though not guaranteed) that you'll get a damaged copy.

tl;dr - I shouldn't have to worry about GS selling my reservation before the weekend. Being willing to to put money down on that a few months out from release should buy more than 2 days' peace of mind.
Stores will hold your preorder for you as long as you communicate to them ahead of time. I've heard of stores holding games for 2 weeks for customers that were traveling before.

Stores will hold your preorder for you as long as you communicate to them ahead of time. I've heard of stores holding games for 2 weeks for customers that were traveling before.
Yeah. I travel a lot and unlike many on here my GS stores aren't across the street from eachother so sometimes I'll have a preorder in at a GS store 60+ miles away. As long as I give them a heads up they've held games for me almost a month until I've been able to grab them. But I've never flaked on a preorder either.

Two weeks is too long. No retailer holds orders for that long.

If you are out of town call your local GS store; most would be more then happy to hold the item longer. That or go in before release and pay it off in full.
If a regular game is a $5 deposit for 48 hours, then a CE $25 deposit should get you 240 hours - so 10 days. I'll go further to revise that the minimum should be through the weekend. Best But holds in-store pick ups for 7 days. Does paying off the item guarantee that they'll hold it indefinitely? As far as I can tell, it's just another pre-order until they actually ring it up and you get refunded $99.99 instead of $25 when they sell it at 49 hours.

If a regular game is a $5 deposit for 48 hours, then a CE $25 deposit should get you 240 hours - so 10 days. I'll go further to revise that the minimum should be through the weekend. Best But holds in-store pick ups for 7 days. Does paying off the item guarantee that they'll hold it indefinitely? As far as I can tell, it's just another pre-order until they actually ring it up and you get refunded $99.99 instead of $25 when they sell it at 49 hours.
Sounds like you're looking for a service like layaway.

GS doesn't want a bunch of hopefuls to preorder a CE "hoping" they can pay it off and then flaking so they have to now find shelf space for these CE's which have a significantly lower chance of selling at MSRP if not bought on release week. I mean GS stores are TINY compared to most retail establishments.

Just call on Sunday/Monday---give your name and reason for not being able to pick it up and I can almost guarantee they'll hold it for a week or more... unless you preorder and then don't pickup/cancel frequently.

So my extra copy has become available again. I'm looking for eBay prices minus all the fees that I would incur (which brings the price down a fair bit). I might as well pass that savings on, eh? Pm if interested.
You're all heart. Bless you sir.
Sounds like you're looking for a service like layaway.

GS doesn't want a bunch of hopefuls to preorder a CE "hoping" they can pay it off and then flaking so they have to now find shelf space for these CE's which have a significantly lower chance of selling at MSRP if not bought on release week. I mean GS stores are TINY compared to most retail establishments.

Just call on Sunday/Monday---give your name and reason for not being able to pick it up and I can almost guarantee they'll hold it for a week or more... unless you preorder and then don't pickup/cancel frequently.
For the record- I agree with you 100%. I've got an upcoming trip and made those exact arrangements to secure a Dark Souls II CE since I won't be in town to pick it up until later in the month. Then again I'm a responsible adult. If the kid behind the counter decides to sell it to a friend after 48 hours, I'll still be stuck paying scalper prices or going without unless Namco overproduces them. Since GS pushes pre-orders so hard and bases employee metrics on pre-order numbers it bothers me that the service is so limited. That and I fall into the trap of getting upset at the someone's sense of entitlement when they get angry that a preorder wasn't released after 48 hours.

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You're all heart. Bless you sir.
I could sell it on eBay for eBay prices and get the same amount--post fees--that I'm asking for here, or sell it for the reduced amount here. This allows me to make the same amount of money, but someone else saves like $25. I guess I'm just a bad person for giving someone the option to save $25.

^^you might have better luck selling on a different forum, this is cag, we don't even like paying retail here so I doubt anyone's going to pay above msrp
[quote name="The 2nd Coming" post="11572013" timestamp="1393717404"]

^^you might have better luck selling on a different forum, this is cag, we don't even like paying retail here so I doubt anyone's going to pay above msrp[/quote]
I have 3 people waiting in line for it here with another 4 on CE.org. I know we all like to get things cheap, but when your options are $175+ (ebay), mine for $149, or don't get it at all, there are some people that would choose to buy it for the cheaper of the two options.
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Finally got to pick up my copy from the office... and no damage. But geez, did I get a high number, in the 16Ks. 

Ended up scoring a ToS CE at GS yesterday, but, man, it was a pain.

I went in because my closest store showed In Stock instead of Low Stock (which usually means they have more than 2 of something) and as I was browsing around, I heard one of the employees on the phone talking about how they "got more of that collector's edition you were looking for" so I assumed they were talking about ToS. I went up and asked to see if they had any and the guy checking was super cool about it, but then the guy on the phone was just like "yeah, sorry, we don't have any of those and haven't for a while." Of course, I got frustrated because I could just tell they wanted to hold it for a friend/employee/whoever was on the other end of the phone. 

So I was salty and went outside and immediately sent in a survey talking about how I felt like my intelligence was insulted because they were obviously on the phone talking about having a game that they told me they didn't have.

Lo and behold, the GS District Manager called me 10 minutes later. Turns out that HE was the guy on the other end and he was trying to get the copy held for himself because he missed out on the pre-order too. He apologized like crazy and decided to sell me his copy of the game, but I felt like a douche afterwards. A douche who has the ToS CE. :(

Ended up scoring a ToS CE at GS yesterday, but, man, it was a pain.

I went in because my closest store showed In Stock instead of Low Stock (which usually means they have more than 2 of something) and as I was browsing around, I heard one of the employees on the phone talking about how they "got more of that collector's edition you were looking for" so I assumed they were talking about ToS. I went up and asked to see if they had any and the guy checking was super cool about it, but then the guy on the phone was just like "yeah, sorry, we don't have any of those and haven't for a while." Of course, I got frustrated because I could just tell they wanted to hold it for a friend/employee/whoever was on the other end of the phone.

So I was salty and went outside and immediately sent in a survey talking about how I felt like my intelligence was insulted because they were obviously on the phone talking about having a game that they told me they didn't have.

Lo and behold, the GS District Manager called me 10 minutes later. Turns out that HE was the guy on the other end and he was trying to get the copy held for himself because he missed out on the pre-order too. He apologized like crazy and decided to sell me his copy of the game, but I felt like a douche afterwards. A douche who has the ToS CE. :(
Same thing happened with me yesterday, though I called ahead of time. Called maybe about 4 stores and the last one said they did have it and dude was chill about reserving it for me, then I heard some mumble come from the back and the dude corrected himself that they actually had it on reserve for someone else. So then just gave up on finding one for the day. Was kickass of him to call you back up and offer his CE to you though! aha

If you work as a Manager at GS you don't even the get the perks of getting all the CEs you wanted?

Working at GS must suck big time then, I assume the wage is not so high and there are no real benefits/perks. Kinda feel bad for the guy.

fuck that dude
As a gentle reminder, everyone on the internet had ample opportunity to preorder a pile of these as well. Don't blame the reseller, blame yourselves for not preordering in the month or more that Amazon had these available. FYI, Amazon requires no money down and you can cancel at any time. There's really no excuse to not preorder something you might want, unless it goes out of stock insanely fast.

As a gentle reminder, everyone on the internet had ample opportunity to preorder a pile of these as well. Don't blame the reseller, blame yourselves for not preordering in the month or more that Amazon had these available. FYI, Amazon requires no money down and you can cancel at any time. There's really no excuse to not preorder something you might want, unless it goes out of stock insanely fast.
But doesn't AZN limit to 1? This guy probably got around the AMZ limits or hit all the GS in the area.

But doesn't AZN limit to 1? This guy probably got around the AMZ limits or hit all the GS in the area.
No, you could order as many as you want. I had two preordered in the same order, but canceled both last Sunday (kind of regretting it in hindsight). Even if Amazon limits an order quantity, you can place multiple orders and they won't cancel them. I was able to preorder two PS4s that way (one for my office, one for myself).

Don't blame the reseller, blame yourselves for not preordering in the month or more that Amazon had these available.
Maybe I'm suffering from selective memory, but I don't recall Amazon having this available for longer than a few days. Everybody in this thread ordered it Oct. 15 or 16, from what I've read. I got mine early on the 16th, and I thought it sold out soon after.

Even if it was GS, he still could have preordered several at different stores. It's much more likely he used Amazon, though - as he would have saved taxes and increased his profits. In any case, the people who are mad about not being able to get one of these are people who did not preorder, but they easily could have - so there's no reason to be getting mad. It's not the reseller's faults that you didn't preorder on Amazon or at GS. In all likelihood, most of you wouldn't even want one of these if it wasn't sold out and selling for $200. I've seen stuff like this happen on CAG a million times. Rarity and value cause a "need it now" mentality in people who normally wouldn't want these things (I remember all the reseller hate in the Xenoblade thread, a game that was amply available for half a year).

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Maybe I'm suffering from selective memory, but I don't recall Amazon having this available for longer than a few days. Everybody in this thread ordered it Oct. 15 or 16, from what I've read. I got mine early on the 16th, and I thought it sold out soon after.
I'm probably wrong about it being available for a month but I do recall it going out of stock by the time I checked in November and then coming back into stock again a while later (I guess when Namco increased the print run). Both periods may not have been more than a few days, or at most a week, but there was still ample time to get an order in. My idea of insanely fast would be a preorder that is gone in a matter of hours. Even a few days is enough time for someone who is a fan of this series to put a preorder in.

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I'm probably wrong about it being available for a month but I do recall it going out of stock by the time I checked in November and then coming back into stock again a while later (I guess when Namco increased the print run). Both periods may not have been more than a few days, or at most a week, but there was still ample time to get an order in. My idea of insanely fast would be a preorder that is gone in a matter of hours. Even a few days is enough time for someone who is a fan of this series to put a preorder in.
It wasn't in stock in November. I ordered it on Gamestop on the Oct 18th cause Amazon was sold out, and I didn't want to risk not getting it.

It wasn't in stock in November. I ordered it on Gamestop on the Oct 18th cause Amazon was sold out, and I didn't want to risk not getting it.
I know, that's when I saw that it was out of stock. I preordered mine in October, and didn't check it's status again until November. It did come back in stock at some point after November, though - but I don't really know for how long. In any case, you kind of proved my point. You were still able to preorder at Gamestop when Amazon was out.

I know, and admit, that I'm completely talking out of my ass about how long the thing was available for, so no need to argue semantics there. I do know that it was definitely available for several days, or even full weeks between Amazon and GS - so there was absolutely ample time for people to preorder the thing. No need to hate the resellers when there was an opportunity to avoid them.

Everyone should learn from this and preorder any CE you're even marginally interested in. There's no risk and you won't have to sit around cursing at resellers in the future.

I preordered from Amazon, but cancelled not long before release. I decided my Gamecube copy was good enough. I valued the $99.99 more than having a second copy of the same game.

So for those of you actually have the time to play the game, how does Symphonia look/run? I know it was brought up before, but any dips in the framerate? 

I'm only curious about Symphonia... I don't plan on touching Dawn of the New World. 

I regret not buying one of these from Amazon or Gamestop, as I really want one.

I would have ordered one via their website, but boycott that POS digital river.

As a gentle reminder, everyone on the internet had ample opportunity to preorder a pile of these as well. Don't blame the reseller, blame yourselves for not preordering in the month or more that Amazon had these available. FYI, Amazon requires no money down and you can cancel at any time. There's really no excuse to not preorder something you might want, unless it goes out of stock insanely fast.
What are you talking about this sold out in a few days and has been sold out for months

1) this never came back in stock, I have been tracking it
2) a few days is NOT enough time for fans to find out its available and order it
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What are you talking about this sold out in a few days and has been sold out for months

1) this never came back in stock, I have been tracking it
2) a few days is NOT enough time for fans to find out its available and order it
Yeah, that's why I'm really glad I can rely on CAG. As long as I check on it once a day using my phone, I won't be missing out on anything usually.

For those that bought a copy on the Namco store when the small restock happened a couple days ago, has anyone's order been shipped?

For those that bought a copy on the Namco store when the small restock happened a couple days ago, has anyone's order been shipped?
I tried for the hell of it and ordered one on the 27th w/ 1 Day shipping. Since then, it still shows "Order in Process". I'm pretty sure it was a goof up though.

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What are you talking about this sold out in a few days and has been sold out for months

1) this never came back in stock, I have been tracking it
2) a few days is NOT enough time for fans to find out its available and order it
I wouldn't really consider myself a fan of the series, and I found out about it with ample time to preorder. It was available from Amazon, GameStop, and Namco's store. I've already admitted I have no real idea of the window in which it was available, but I do know it was available for at least a few weeks across all three of the aforementioned sites. I'm relatively certain I remember Namco having it for a long time (I guess cause people hate Digital River). If you follow any game blogs or even visit CAG regularly, you should have seen this thing announced.

Between this, the Bravely Default CE, and Xenoblade - I've just gotten tired of people blaming resellers for their misery when the things in question were readily available at some point. I guess I opened a can of worms with my post, but it really gets my goat. I'm generalizing (so I know this isn't the case with everyone) but a lot of people here will sit around and speculate if something will be overprinted - rather than just preordering the thing - once they find out it's not overprinted then they decide they want one. By then, it's sold out - which is always the resellers' faults. Not, you know, your own for not preordering. It's easy to point the finger.

What I'm trying to get at - just preorder things you might want. Preorders aren't a binding contract, so you can cancel if you don't want it in the end. You'll save yourself a ton of hassle in the long run. As a bonus, every preorder you make is one a reseller can't. :)
I tried for the hell of it and ordered one on the 27th w/ 1 Day shipping. Since then, it still shows "Order in Process". I'm pretty sure it was a goof up though.
I'm not too sure. I ordered mine the same day and did it well before everyone said the item had gone OOS. I don't really have an order status though, just an order confirmation. Have you received your order confirmation? I'm hoping I ordered fast enough to get one.

I'm not too sure. I ordered mine the same day and did it well before everyone said the item had gone OOS. I don't really have an order status though, just an order confirmation. Have you received your order confirmation? I'm hoping I ordered fast enough to get one.
That's weird, I placed an order right after someone had announced it in one of the threads. I had the confirmation sent to me about a minute after I checked out the cart and paid for.

Where do you see the phrase "Order in Process"? I can look up my order and it just gives me the basic order details and the option to view my invoice. My card was initially charged to make sure I had the funds, but those charges have since vanished. I'm assuming they'll charge when it ships. It'll probably just ship tomorrow, I'm hoping...

Where do you see the phrase "Order in Process"? I can look up my order and it just gives me the basic order details and the option to view my invoice. My card was initially charged to make sure I had the funds, but those charges have since vanished. I'm assuming they'll charge when it ships. It'll probably just ship tomorrow, I'm hoping...
Oh, I probably should have said it says "order in processes" in my "order history" tab.


:( this thread title needs to be updated.. I keep getting my hopes up for nothing. I ain't paying $170-200 on eBay
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If you work as a Manager at GS you don't even the get the perks of getting all the CEs you wanted?

Working at GS must suck big time then, I assume the wage is not so high and there are no real benefits/perks. Kinda feel bad for the guy.
It depends on how much the District manager really cares. I know a few managers that have had CE's on hold for themselves for years at a time. All the DM would do when people complained is say they they'd "look into it" yet the Ce's never were sold until they converted to used (and then I assume the manager snagged them).

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I preordered back when it was listed Gamestop.com. Credit card expiration, updated a week before, even customer service said it's okay. Then, order cancellation later on release day. Their customer service is so slow in respond emails. I'm not paying resellers so I'm just gonna move on.
I preordered back when it was listed Gamestop.com. Credit card expiration, updated a week before, even customer service said it's okay. Then, order cancellation later on release day. Their customer service is so slow in respond emails. I'm not paying resellers so I'm just gonna move on.
I had an order with several preorders in it. The same thing happened - called and updated my credit card information and was assured it was all good. Then I got a cancellation notice. I called and was told that my credit card company was refusing the payment. I called the credit card company and was told that Gamestop was attempting to put through a charge of $0, which their system automatically rejects. Gamestop couldn't do anything about it.

Funny though, because that order is still open and I've been getting emails with the digital content preorders for everything, but none of it has shipped.

Mine was cancelled completely as I checked order history. I wrote back long email, pretty sure customer service will just delete it. I can see why GameStop is evil, lol.
i wonder if this is a low print run. will be waiting for the standard edition to be like 19.99 or something before i buy. i have the gamecube version but i wouldn't mind getting the hd sometime in the future.

Just recieved this through an email reply regarding my question the other day for an order update/refund and was replied with this; "Thank you for contacting the Namco Bandai US Online Store. We show that your order is complete, and it will be shipping soon via UPS Overnight. You will receive a separate shipping notification email when your order ships." I thought it was a goof tbo, but seems they do have some leftover.
bread's done