Amazon Trade-In FAQ 5.0

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20 (100%)
Welcome to the Official CAG Trade-In Thread



I'm getting an acceptance rate of about one per day; it makes me think some supervisor is standing around with a glass of absinthe next to a couple of dumptruck loads of games...while the one responsible for the glitch is made to scan each item and recite its TIV with tears in their eyes. - Indigo_Streetlight Trade-in Home Page

Useful links:

-- BlueLobstah

-- CheapAssGamer


This thread’s primary purpose is to discuss’s video game trade-in program. Conspiracy theories about AFS smashing games before sending them back / stealing children / sneezing and touching public door handles / etc welcome, but try to avoid going nutso. PLEASE READ THE TRADE-IN DEAL DETAILS AND FAQ BEFORE ASKING ANY QUESTIONS.
Trade-In Procedure

1. SELECT ITEMS: Search for items to trade in. Your trade-in items must meet the product eligibility criteria.
2. SHIP GAMES FREE: Print a shipping label and packing slip, package your games, and ship them
3. GET A GIFT CARD: An Gift Card will be deposited into your account upon receipt of games

Shipping Instructions

1. Print this entire page. (Packing slip and shipping label once you have submitted a trade)
2. Cut out the shipping label and the packing slip.
3. Make sure your items are in good working condition and include the case and cover art.
4. Securely pack the items in a box or envelope and include the packing slip in the package.
5. Attach the shipping label squarely onto the outside of the package and add your return address.
6. Take it to your nearest UPS Store and mail it by (one week from submission of trade)
7. Or you can ship to:
note to self: look up new address
Trade-In Product Eligibility

Trade-in items must match the exact version displayed in the Amazon Trade-In Store, not be damaged, include original packaging (e.g. the manual, cover art, and case), and be postmarked no later than 7 days after submission. You will receive an e-mail confirmation and an Gift Card will be deposited into your account within 2 business days of item receipt and verification by the merchant. Items not accepted by the merchant will be returned to you approximately 14 days after receipt.

GENERAL FAQ (Updated 12/26/2012)
Can I post a question on this thread?
Only if you can't find the answer from below. And please let me know if it needs to be added to FAQ.

Can I edit this FAQ? (updated 6/7/11)
You bet!

Since when did Amazon start doing trades?
The program began in 2009 and is handled by a third party merchant, previously known as NorAm International. Now known as AFS (Amazon Fulfillment Services).

What kind of shipping does Amazon provide us?
Free UPS ground ---- USPS is no longer available for free. There is now also an option to provide your own shipping.

Do I have to provide my own box or envelope?

Do all my games in the same trade-in submission have to be shipped in the same box? (updated 3/9/11)
Not necessarily - people have sent in multiple boxes for the same trade-in submission successfully. It's even possible to send half at one time and the other half at the end of the valid shipping period. However, it's probably best to always ship everything at once.

Can I put separate trades in to a single box? (updated 6/7/11)
Sure, and they'll likely be accepted just fine. However, it isn't recommended since you would only have proof that you sent one of the trades (whichever mailing label you used). So it can be pretty risky.

Can I send in sealed games?
Yes. They won't reject games that still have the original shrink wrap.

Can I add Delivery Confirmation and Insurance to my shipment?
UPS Ground already provides you with tracking information, and I imagine you could get some sort of insurance added at a UPS store or location if you were so inclined.

I don't trust UPS ground. Can I pay for postage myself? What's the address?
Yes. You're more than welcome to do so. Just use the address on the amazon provided shipping label and make sure to get some sort of tracking.

When do I have to send my games once I have submitted my trade order?
You have 1 week (7 days) to send your games. There have been reports of submitting trades up to 15 - 20 days late, but that is definitely ymmv and not in the written rules. Send on time for the best chance at success!

Crap, I have one day to go before my shipment deadline, but the website states that my deadline has already passed. How do I print out a shipping label and packing slip? (Updated 9/9/13)
Load up any existing order (if you don't have any, check your browser's history or just submit a new one to use the link), and substitute the transaction ID for the trade-in order you need at the end of the URL.

Some step by step directions:
1. Go to your trade-in page on Amazon and find the Trade-In ID of the transaction:

Trade-In Placed:

August 24, 2013

  • Total Amount Submitted: $35.00
  • Amount Paid: $0.00
2. Copy the entire Trade-In ID (i.e. TRN-1234567-1234567) to your clipboard by highlighting it and hitting Ctrl+C or right click -> copy with your mouse

3. Paste the Trade-In ID to the end of this link:

So it should look like this:

The Print Shipping Label screen for that trade should now come up.

How long does the whole trade-in process usually take?
From the time you send in your games, it may take up to 14 business days for the package to arrive. Most people usually receive their credit (Amazon GiftCard) in 3 to 5 business days, however.

How long does the "processing" status usually take? (Updated 10/11/12)
Usually a day or two with little delay at all. It may take multiple days or even weeks if it's an usual item/hardware.

My games were received on Friday (based on Delivery Confirmation), will I have to wait until Monday to receive credit?
People have received credit on a Saturday.

I do not have the manual, cover art, or original case for a game I want to trade in. Will they accept it? (updated 6/9/11)
While the details specifically state that original packaging is necessary, people have reported in the past that their trades were accepted despite missing some of these. This is extremely YMMV, however since some were also rejected by missing manual or cover art. On the other hand, older gen games; such as SNES, N64, and GB cartridges, normally get accepted without the original box and manual, but still YMMV.

It should be noted that with the new condition requirements (see later in the FAQ), you may be able to send an item in missing some or all of the required items (manual / cover art / case) and still have it accepted in "Acceptable" condition.

I do not have the manual, accessories, original box, original included game, etc for a console or accessory I want to trade in. Will they accept it? (updated 3/9/11)
The current wisdom is "probably not" - it's pretty YMMV but AFS seems stricter than they should be on this. Your chances seem to be better for them accepting a console or accessory without the box / manual / etc if it's older generation or rare. You're more than welcome to give it a shot though if you're feeling lucky - just pack it well and include as much as you can! Don't expect greater than 'acceptable' condition though.

My game is really beat up, what are the chances they’ll accept it?
This is YMMV. Some people have reported in the past that they sent in games in bad shape that were still accepted. Your best bet is still to trade in games in mint condition. Minor scratches are expected as these are used games.

My game came with DLC codes and I used them. Will my game be accepted? (Updated 12/28/11)
It is expected that included DLC codes have already been redeemed, so you should be fine. It is a kindness however if you have no use for it to not redeem it and let the next lucky soul who buys it from awd or wherever have a crack at it. Up to you!

My cover art (PLATINUM HITS) differs from the pic on amazon, will my trade be accepted?
It all depends on the UPC so just turn your game around, type in the UPC into the amazon search box. If the game comes up, then it's accepted regardless of cover art. Click on that result to submit your trade.

I have a game from a limited edition bundle, will they accept it?
If the game’s cover art has a UPC barcode, they will most likely accept it. If your game's cover states "Not for Resale" and does not have a UPC barcode, the game will most likely get rejected. Some people have had their games accepted in the past, but this is very YMMV.

The UPC barcode is not intact on my game's cover art, will that be accepted? (updated 3/9/11)
This is YMMV, but probably not. The UPC is all powerful within the walls of AFS..

I sent in my games, all of which were in pristine condition with the original packaging, but they said that one game is damaged and is now being returned.
Always pack your games well. Put a lot of newspaper around your games in the box to secure them and to prevent any damages from haphazard box cutting. People in the past have requested their entire trade-in order if it’s obvious the damage wasn’t their fault, and Amazon ended up accepting the rejected game. This is YMMV as well.

Can I trade in multiple copies of the same game?
Yes. Once you click “Trade in” for a particular game, you may change the quantities. Once you submit, you can no longer change quantities on that trade-in batch.

How many multiple copies of the same game can I trade-in (updated 1/11/11)?
Maximum of 2 copies within 3 a month period.

I locked in X copies of a game but I now only have Y available to send. Can I just send in Y without being penalized? (updated 3/9/11)
Yes, you can always just send in a portion of your trade-in order and they'll just credit you for whatever they receive. However, the quantities you submitted for will stay locked in that instance (I think) so if you, for example, submitted for 2 copies and only sent 1, you may not be able to trade any more copies of that game for 3 months (see previous question).

Will the Trade-in of the Day TIV stay for 24 hours?
It's been reported that there is a limit (maximum # of copies) that will get the promoted TIV so lock yours.

So if I find a good flip, I can just send 2 copies of that game and not worry about Amazon accusing me of stolen merchandise?
Technically yes, but do keep in mind that other CAGs might want to participate in the current deal, and trading in a large number of the same game will definitely lower the TIV of said game. Let’s be nice to other people. This is probably moot for most folks now with the per account / address trade-in limit.

Wow, these TIVs suck (updated 3/9/11)!
Really? Hrm. While that may be true, they're often better than other comparable places. Your options of what to do with your used games are greater now than they've ever been, so feel free to shop your trades around or just sell them off on glyde/ebay/whatever. Also, not a question.

What the fuck? The TIV of a game I just bought for this deal tanked! What do I do?
The TIVs on Amazon fluctuate depending on the number of trades that are submitted, and we really can’t do anything about it. The best course of action for trading in games is to lock in your trade if you already have the games or are absolutely sure that you can obtain them. You can always cancel the trade submission if you end up not finding the games.
LOCK = SUBMIT YOUR TRADE, Don't just put it in the cart.

Can I edit a submitted trade?
Nope - once upon a time you could modify trade in quantities of submitted trades, but that ability has been removed.

Can I use my credit on items that are not video game-related?
Yes. This is the other perk for trading in games at Amazon since you're not limited to just video games.

Can I use my credit on items sold by third-party merchants on Amazon?
According to the fine print of the Amazon gift card use, some merchants are excluded. Your best bet is to try it on the checkout page of your order.

Strategy guides? I can trade in game/strategy guides? Whaaaaa?
Go to the Textbook Buyback section ([/URL]). You can either search on the title of a strategy guide you have to see if they'll accept it, or search for guides. The two best search strings to start with are 'prima guides' and 'bradygames'. Might try 'doublejump' if you want to trade in some of those. (Thanks eugaet)

I locked in some hilariously overvalued trade for some weird rare game/accessory/etc that I can pick up for cheap cheap cheap. They didn't accept it. What should I do? (updated 3/9/11)
The truth is that AFS can reject things for any reason they see fit. While some people have managed to get silly things like a $200 credit for some cheerleading game (or for a PS2 - just ask io!), it's sooooooo YMMV that often it's not worth the effort. EXPECT REJECTION ON THINGS THAT ARE CLEARLY MISVALUED. That said, as long as you're willing to risk it, go for it!

What's all this item condition nonsense? And how can I get screwed over by it? (updated 6/9/11)
We're still kinda sussing out the details surrounding the new item condition portion of Amazon Trade-Ins, but it looks like there's a couple things to consider:
Good Condition eligibility (games):
- The video game, original manufacturer packaging and all original elements are included, but shows wear from normal use
- Game still plays perfectly
- Disc may have light scratches and other elements may have minor damage
- Item may have been personalized (marked or identified)

Acceptable eligibility (games):
- Game still plays perfectly
- Item may have been personalized (marked or identified)
- Item may be missing or have irreparable damage to one or all of the following: case, manual, artwork, bundled accessories, UPC

Note that a game will almost certainly not be accepted if it meets any of these conditions:
- Game does not play perfectly
- Disc is cracked
- Marked Not for Resale (or is otherwise marked not for sale)

Consoles/accessories have some slightly different criteria, but the idea is the same.

Did it seriously just ask me if I wanted my game / other item returned if they refuse to give me credit for it? (updated 6/9/11)
Yes, that just happened.

Unless you're purposefully sending them things you deem to be trash, please remember to choose the option that has them return your item to you during the checkout phase.

Who is AFS? (updated 9/14/13)
Amazon Fulfillment Services (previously known as NorAm). Dunno if they changed names, were bought up by Amazon, or what. Not too interested anyhow.

Why does my package jump back and forth between states? (updated 9/14/13)
Look at a map of the involved cities and it'll make sense. Something to do with UPS hubs and proximity to the state border/cities.

Post away!

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I dropped a trade off today and when I checked the tracking just now to make sure it was registered as dropped off it says "Returning to seller".  Says it's going to Hebron, KY still so hopeffully it's all good but I've never seen that before.

Okay, with the holidays and all I totally spaced my trade in and the 7th days is today (Sunday), so obviously can't drop it off at UPS today and will have to wait until Monday.

Will I be fine? I did the whole instant pay thing and am afraid of them charging my card $137 for my trade in, mainly just did it to finish up my Christmas shopping last week.

Okay, with the holidays and all I totally spaced my trade in and the 7th days is today (Sunday), so obviously can't drop it off at UPS today and will have to wait until Monday.

Will I be fine? I did the whole instant pay thing and am afraid of them charging my card $137 for my trade in, mainly just did it to finish up my Christmas shopping last week.
should be fine. I've mailed stuff in a week after the 7th day and had no problems.

Okay, with the holidays and all I totally spaced my trade in and the 7th days is today (Sunday), so obviously can't drop it off at UPS today and will have to wait until Monday.

Will I be fine? I did the whole instant pay thing and am afraid of them charging my card $137 for my trade in, mainly just did it to finish up my Christmas shopping last week.
Prepare to get raped by the wrath of amazon

So any veteran traders know when a new ban wave typically hits? And if selected, is the ban permanent or only for a set period? (i.e. a year). :oldman:

Edit: Whoops, wrong thread. Sorry guys. But if anyone here knows, I'd appreciate any info. Thanks.

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I have two questions. First, if Amazon rejects your stuff and loses it a lot, and you get promo credit each time, does that make it more likely that you'll get banned from the whole site? I know that getting a lot of promo credit and doing a lot of returns will get you banned, but what about trade-ins?

Second, is anyone having trouble with printing out the shipping label? The expiration date hasn't passed yet and the "Print Shipping Label" button is still there. When I go to the next page, the "Print" button was replaced with "Try Again to print your label." Anybody got banned from trading on Amazon?

I have two questions. First, if Amazon rejects your stuff and loses it a lot, and you get promo credit each time, does that make it more likely that you'll get banned from the whole site? I know that getting a lot of promo credit and doing a lot of returns will get you banned, but what about trade-ins?

Second, is anyone having trouble with printing out the shipping label? The expiration date hasn't passed yet and the "Print Shipping Label" button is still there. When I go to the next page, the "Print" button was replaced with "Try Again to print your label." Anybody got banned from trading on Amazon?
No one has ever been banned for trade-in reasons before to my knowledge and if you select "need more than one label" a second print button should appear. See if that works for you.

As for account concessions (promo credit issued) you must tread carefully. I don't think they issue warnings for the "high maintenance customer" type ban. And once banned, you're done for life, short of creating a stealth account which isn't easy or convenient at all. If you're a high enough volume trader you should just take the fluke rejections as losses and move on because in the end you will come out way ahead anyway. That's my attitude, but I honestly don't have too many rejections or lost items/packages.

I think Amazon will only ban you after you cost them more money and effort than they can make off of you. Similar companies will excuse you if you take up too many of their resources (buffets, service providers, etc.)

The next gen upgrade expires 12/31 but I have a NFS rivals that will be delivered tomorrow on the 30th. I'm pretty sure I wont get credited until after the 31st but will the promotion disappear from the trade in? The promotion actually expires sometime in January but that's once it's been applied to your account. I'm wondering if I'll lose it since the credit won't be credited until after the 31st.
a quick question, i just dropped off a trade in package in my local ups store today, when i check the status just now, it says " returning to seller".  what does it mean? i have never seen this message before with my trade ins to amazon.

a quick question, i just dropped off a trade in package in my local ups store today, when i check the status just now, it says " returning to seller". what does it mean? i have never seen this message before with my trade ins to amazon.
I got that for the first time ever as well. I'm not sure. Only thing I can think is that it's tied to them recycling the tracking number maybe?

My Mario Kart Wii Bundle (A) trade-in arrived 10 days before Christmas and then expired two days after.  It never went into processing at all.  I reached out to CS and they had no problems issuing me a $117.xx promotional credit.  This was my first trade-in win in a while.

For those with the "returning to seller" message, the labels have always said "merchandise return label", so maybe the tracking wordage has been updated to reflect what kind of package it is.

On an unrelated note to that, I have a question. 

I sent in textbooks recently that sat as "not yet received" for over a week after they were delivered, so I contacted support. First they told me that sometimes the package is marked as delivered to the local postal area, but they may not have made it to the warehouse yet. I accepted that answer and told them goodbye, but then the customer agent asked me to stay on the line. I did, and he disappeared for a while. He came back eventually and said he confirmed that the package was lost, and they issued me promotional credit.

But now, my packages have entered processing. What happens if they are accepted and I get the gift card deposited? Do I just contact them to take it back?

Anyone have this happen to them before?

On an unrelated note to that, I have a question.

I sent in textbooks recently that sat as "not yet received" for over a week after they were delivered, so I contacted support. First they told me that sometimes the package is marked as delivered to the local postal area, but they may not have made it to the warehouse yet. I accepted that answer and told them goodbye, but then the customer agent asked me to stay on the line. I did, and he disappeared for a while. He came back eventually and said he confirmed that the package was lost, and they issued me promotional credit.

But now, my packages have entered processing. What happens if they are accepted and I get the gift card deposited? Do I just contact them to take it back?

Anyone have this happen to them before?
Don't contact them again; if something like that happens again, wait longer before contacting CS, as it can take longer than expected for packages to be processed (as you've seen).

atleast we are on the same boat. lol
I don't want to be on this boat! Let me off, let me off!!! :whee:

But now, my packages have entered processing. What happens if they are accepted and I get the gift card deposited? Do I just contact them to take it back?

Meanwhile at Amazon HQ:

"What? This guy's trying to give us money back? He must be up to something; better ban him."

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Meanwhile at Amazon HQ:

"What? This guy's trying to give us money back? He must be up to something; better ban him."
They refunded me twice on one order this one time, and they wanted to charge back my credit card because I notified them that I received more credit

fucking sware to god I was pissed lol

Seriously like wtf.

Well, I certainly wouldn't want to get banned..

..maybe I should just keep it then :whistle2:
seriously it may not make sense but it just generates waaay too much confusion with cs to try and give accidental credit back. as long as you're in good standing with them I'd say just let it ride.
They refunded me twice on one order this one time, and they wanted to charge back my credit card because I notified them that I received more credit

fucking sware to god I was pissed lol

Seriously like wtf.
This is what they actually do too from what I understand. It's like we can't possibly take our funny money back, it was a gift for you, so you should just share some of your money with us and we'll call it even.

Oh, interesting. Others have been saying the same thing about amazon as well. I'll sit on it for a bit and see what happens. 

Thanks a lot for your input, guys!

Anyone know why amazon is returning my trade in for no reason and that I paid for free shipping?
How was it free if you paid for it?

Tearaway back to $39.99 now that my trade-in has processed. Oh well.
Aw durndle. Mine got accepted today as well and was going to pick up another copy for $10. We only have until the end of January so hopefully something goes on sale between now and then.

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amazon is giving 19.76 for Dishonored GOTY for Xbox 360. Great value for people that bought it for 20 or 25 on Black Friday and already finished it.
Or for people who bought it and just installed the DLC, so they can trade in the GotY now, pick up the vanilla edition later for much cheaper, and have the DLC ready to use. ;)

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How strict is Amazon about accessory packaging? I've got an old fight stick--the stick is in great condition, but the box is fairly damaged. Do you think I'd be able to swing a "Good"?

If you have Forza 5 Day one and don't care about the case, AMZ is giving

Trade it in and buy yourself the reg edition at BB for $32(GCU)
Finally tanked down to $25. My only regret is not thinking to pull and sell the day one dlc codes before sending these off to amazon, but at least it should make whoever buys them off AWD happy. Without the code isn't it just the exact same as the vanilla version with a shinier case?

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