Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread X

So tempted on these Thief deals...

Also, chiming in on why I own a PS4 now at the start of the lifespan. I did it largely because I have never done the new console thing before and wanted to this time around. There are exclusives I want to play when they come out and not after waiting for a price drop for a few years. Plus knowing that I could get most games from AWD within a month of release for like $30 really helped. I bought mine new on launch day from GameStop and haven't regretted it for a second. Well, maybe I regret it sometimes when I'm playing Outlast and freakin' out.

Czak, go for it. I love Scribblenauts Unmasked. I got it for $15 on BF because Walmart had it mislabeled (thought Unmaksed and Unlimited were the same thing) and I had a blast with it.

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So tempted on these Thief deals...

Also, chiming in on why I own a PS4 now at the start of the lifespan. I did it largely because I have never done the new console thing before and wanted to this time around. There are exclusives I want to play when they come out and not after waiting for a price drop for a few years. Plus knowing that I could get most games from AWD within a month of release for like $30 really helped. I bought mine new on launch day from GameStop and haven't regretted it for a second. Well, maybe I regret it sometimes when I'm playing Outlast and freakin' out.
Lol dat library door doe...

Me too, Graces f, Xilia, and Abyss.

Maybe one day.
Yeah for me it's Vesperia, Graces F, and Xillia.

And then eventually Xillia 2.

And then Zesteria down the line.

Comes full circle with Symphonia HD as that was my first Tales game (GC) and the reason I'm hooked into the series. :p

Anyone have access to a hyperbolic time chamber?

Damn that is tempting, but I have to resist. Didn't know that the warehouse sold import games, that's cool.

Yeah for me it's Vesperia, Graces F, and Xillia.

And then eventually Xillia 2.

And then Zesteria down the line.

Comes full circle with Symphonia HD as that was my first Tales game (GC) and the reason I'm hooked into the series. :p

Anyone have access to a hyperbolic time chamber?
Damn that is tempting, but I have to resist. Didn't know that the warehouse sold import games, that's cool.
Haha I know right. The only problem with using the hyperbolic time chamber is you're going to age a year so don't use it too much :p

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Well, after reading a few comments regarding people's PS4's, I was definitely a bit nervous about mine (which finally came today after weather issues).

Needless to say, I believe it might be brand new. Everything is included (original box, all cables, manuals, etc. All still sealed as well. Codes worked). System works perfectly. Happy and surprised.
Why would that be needless to say?

Damn that is tempting, but I have to resist. Didn't know that the warehouse sold import games, that's cool.
Most likely is a dinger. The imports you see are the ones from 3rd party sellers on amazon that send their items to the warehouse and something happens to the item and amazon pays the seller and sells the item on AWD.

So I was packing up the box that my NFS PS4 came in yesterday and lo-and-behold, there was a PS4 camera in the box as well. I guess whoever returned their console put the whole kit and kaboodle in there.

Definitely not complaining about a totally functioning PS4 and camera for $280.

Depending on the taxes, it's closer to $200 off for some people.

Half the price 4 months after release for a console that many would say didn't have any must have launch titles.

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Depending on the taxes, it's closer to $200 off for some people.

Half the price 4 months after release for a console that many would say didn't have any must have launch titles.
$150 isn't half off. Regardless, getting a new console for $100 off this close to release is too good to pass up. Had I not already gotten both a PS4 and X1 at launch, I would have jumped at this.
My VG Xbone Day One for 370 came in today. Brand new without a dent on the box. I don't know how they grade these things, but I like it. 

Thief is going to faaaaaaaaaall in price quick. Game got bad reviews, probably fun to play but either way the hype for it fell hard.
Yeah i had it preordered but i canceled cause people streaming early and looked just ok. I love hard games and stealth so 35 is good for me.

Yeah i had it preordered but i canceled cause people streaming early and looked just ok. I love hard games and stealth so 35 is good for me.
Hell don't trust them, try the game out. I have to admit though I've heard bad things from past Thief fans. I'm not a stealth sorta guy so I can't go either way but never trust those big review sites. I'm not saying they're paid or anything of the sort, but it's just one guy or one blog's opinion.

Hell don't trust them, try the game out. I have to admit though I've heard bad things from past Thief fans. I'm not a stealth sorta guy so I can't go either way but never trust those big review sites. I'm not saying they're paid or anything of the sort, but it's just one guy or one blog's opinion.
I played at a friends house he plays like cod on easy. I see it as a filler only since i am bored waiting for randoms to join me and stay on dead nation ps4. The game is awesome but takes 30 mins to get someone then they quit mid level often... Thief is so linear but seems good deal for 35 for a new game. I bet it goes 10 cheaper but by then games i want will be hitting retail. If i had more choices i would wait for 20...

Another PS4 just popped up. Just added to my cart and bought it because it said it was in stock and due to arrive on Tuesday 3/11. My order from earlier today is backordered until March 18. 

Goy my replacement from the $363 Xbone AWD from MS...Thanks to the person who suggested the swap! Brand new unit/refurb...

Fully playable game is included; downloadable content (DLC) or codes for online play may require additional purchase. Missing shrink-wrap, activation codes for bonus online content may be missing or expired. Small mark on disk. Small wrinkle / bend on Cover Art.

Small mark on disc means damage or writing and is this a bad sign?

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Fully playable game is included; downloadable content (DLC) or codes for online play may require additional purchase. Missing shrink-wrap, activation codes for bonus online content may be missing or expired. Small mark on disk. Small wrinkle / bend on Cover Art. see less

Small mark on disc means damage or writing and is this a bad sign?
Actually it doesn't look like a dinger on second glance.

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296 LN PS4 went up, backordered and was out of stock. I refreshed and clicked one click buy for about 2 minutes and then one went through. Hope someone else gets that with my strategy.

Also you're all welcome since as seems to be the norm lately everything that sounded interesting went up while I was in the kitchen cooking.

Umm... I don't know if you've been tracking the last 20 pages, but this is the used PS4 thread. Get that crap out of here.

First time I've seen a dinger of one for less than $200 since all you jerks want a system that's worth it and not one of those worthless PS4s.

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bread's done