amiibo Deals and Discussion Thread


25 (100%)
So the last one was locked, here is the new one.

Don't talk politics or argue.

Don't piss off the mods with reporting posts. If you can't take what someone else is saying don't report them unless it violates the rules of CAG.

Trades are done here amiibo Master Trade Thread

For updates on amiibo check Amiibo Alerts and Amiibo News on Twitter

Master List of amiibo and product details from reddit

Retailers that sell amiibo

Best Buy- Rember that amiibo are 20% off with GCU


Toys R Us




Credit to Modoru for next section.

Imports/Other sellers:
Nintendo World Store [NY Location, In-Store only]

Foreign Amazon links:

Amazon UK
Amazon GER

Amazon SPN
Amazon ITA

amiibo compatibility chart


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I find it equally offensive that people would throw around their child's illness as an excuse to not have to pay for things. I don't want to sound like a jerk but if my child was terminally ill I would have made sure I was first in line for the toy he wanted for Christmas instead of advertising it to people that I didn't care enough to do anything in my power to make it happen. Requests like these always feel disingenuous to me because if this really is the one thing he wants they could have made it happen. If I couldn't make the release date I would have called and spoke to the store manager and pleaded with him with our story. Who's not going to set aside a toy for a sick child? How much over face value are these going for? Is it so much that it's worth losing your dignity or self-respect for?
She didn't ask to not pay for it ... she asked a scalper if they would be willing to take less than the crazy eBay prices. I'm not sure why you find it offensive that she is trying to make the last few christmases she has with her son special. As a parent, I would throw away any dignity I had for that.

I'm surprised you guys are taking a message from a possible eBay buyer as if it couldnt possibly be a scam message to get a cheap price.  Surely I'm not the only one on this site who has seen scumbag buyers before on eBay?

I'm surprised you guys are taking a message from a possible eBay buyer as if it couldnt possibly be a scam message to get a cheap price. Surely I'm not the only one on this site who has seen scumbag buyers before on eBay?
She gave specifics on how to reach out to her outside of eBay. It could be a scam but it's really easy to verify in this case.
She gave specifics on how to reach out to her outside of eBay. It could be a scam but it's really easy to verify in this case.
Well....the Facebook page (DDD) seems legit and the Facebook personal page (Staci) seems even more so. This boy has been featured on SMOSH / Prank it Forward and got to work with Helmsworth, Lawrence, and Hutcherson along with the Smosh guys on a double prank.

The only question marks would be

1) Is the person on Ebay really the mom?

2) Are you offended that someone would make this request? I definitely get the "Can't hurt to try" / "you have not cause you ask not" mentality in this kind of situation.

As far as not being able to get there at opening....I can think of many reasons why a sick child could effect that.

I don't have a MYY, but if someone wants to be super nice they could verify through Facebook (send a question about MYY) and then help 'em out. I could pitch in a 5-10 bucks via PayPal. I get the feeling one has already been located, though.

Well....the Facebook page (DDD) seems legit and the Facebook personal page (Staci) seems even more so. This boy has been featured on SMOSH / Prank it Forward and got to work with Helmsworth, Lawrence, and Hutcherson along with the Smosh guys on a double prank.
Not the same kid. Just an article raising money for the disease in general.

Anyone else gets these pity messages on eBay?
No I'm not making fun, I'm just asking people are these eBay pity messages ever real. I've been getting bombarded with messages (some hostile..) over these mega yarns.
Wow, some people have no shame. and the number of people on here defending this type of behavior is unbelievable.

She didn't ask to not pay for it ... she asked a scalper if they would be willing to take less than the crazy eBay prices. I'm not sure why you find it offensive that she is trying to make the last few christmases she has with her son special. As a parent, I would throw away any dignity I had for that.
This is not a response particular to you, just to these types of general sentiments.

1. a toy doesn't fix a terminal illness. she is simply begging for a personal handout.

2. she invoked God

3. good chance it's a scam

4. This is the big one. you really think this is the only time they've used this letter format to get what they want? you really think they only msg'd one person for Mega Yarn Yoshi?

5. "we cannot afford it" yeah, lots of people cannot afford a lot of things. This is a toy. There are dozens of charities that will give this child toys.

6. if you're a homeowner and you have donated money in the past, you'd understand. I get about a dozen envelopes in the mail each month asking for money for various causes, most of which are reputable charities. If you gave away money every time someone asked, you'd have less than nothing for yourself.

7. He is an individual Ebay seller. that's right, a person. he's not a corporation with tens of thousands of dollars of profit that can afford to donate. ebay sellers are not some evil entity like how lots of you choose to rationalize it. you don't like it? don't shop there. go buy it in the store.

8. everyone had weeks in advance to make a plan for someone to wait in line at TRU on release day for mega yarn yoshi.

Social Justice Warriors can stand down. Most people choose their own one or two charities to donate. Feel free to help this person yourself if you'd like. Dozens of other people are already doing it.

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Really if your child was terminally ill I feel like you'd be spending all the time you can with them and not standing in line for hours away from them for a toy..
Which is why you ask a close friend or relative to do it for you while you look after your child.

Yea, my store had 12 so I left one on the shelf. Had no idea they were rare, I thought Nintendo solved the stock problem.
...You bought 11 MYY just to list them on eBay?

Get out.

I don't have a MYY, but if someone wants to be super nice they could verify through Facebook (send a question about MYY) and then help 'em out. I could pitch in a 5-10 bucks via PayPal. I get the feeling one has already been located, though.
I already did, well I told her about still having preorders up and the cost being $47 shipped and that it should get here before xmas. She replied and said she got a seller to lower their price.

Wow, some people have no shame. and the people on here defending this type of behavior are unbelievable.

This is not a response particular to you, just to these types of general sentiments.

1. a toy doesn't fix a terminal illness. she is simply begging for a personal handout.

2. she invoked God

3. good chance it's a scam

4. This is the big one. you really think this is the only time they've used this letter format to get what they want? you really think they only msg'd one person for Mega Yarn Yoshi?

5. "we cannot afford it" yeah, lots of people cannot afford a lot of things. This is a toy. There are dozens of charities that will give this child toys.

6. if you're a homeowner and you have donated money in the past, you'd understand. I get about a dozen envelopes in the mail each month asking for money for various causes, most of which are reputable charities. If you gave away money every time someone asked, you'd have less than nothing for yourself.

7. He is an individual Ebay seller. that's right, a person. he's not a corporation with thousands of dollars of profit that can afford to donate. ebay sellers are not some evil entity like how lots of you choose to rationalize it. you don't like it? don't shop there. go buy it in the store.

8. everyone had weeks in advance to make a plan for someone to wait in line at TRU on release day for mega yarn yoshi.

Social Justice Warriors can stand down. Most people choose their own one or two charities to donate. Feel free to help this person yourself if you'd like. Dozens of other people are already doing it.
Spot on post! It's nice to know that for every smelly neckbeard that lives in their parents basement there is a contributing, tax paying member of society like you and I to offset them. I'm like you, I have specific charities that I donate to. We are all playing the game of life and anything can be taken away as fast as it's given, but why not live it to the fullest while you can and be thankful and donate to specific charities if life has been good to you?

It's just a shame that certain people abuse the gift of life and resort to being neckbeards, dudebros, hipsters, or whatever abnormal lifestyle they chose only to wake up later and ask themselves what the hell were they thinking. They know who they are. And then when someone points it out, they get criticized for it. Oh the irony! Anyways, keep doing what you are doing because you are doing it right.

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Guy can't reasonably complain about any sob stories, scam or not, since he's chosen an equally unsavory path.

In this situation, the first person was most likely a sucky human being from the beginning. Then another candidate for suckage simply entered the scene.

I have respect for ebay sellers. Those who make and sell their own products, offer older items that are no longer available for purchase elsewhere, and/or conduct otherwise honest business. Those sellers are awesome. That said, there is absolutely no one to defend here. Yes, the scalper is a person (both parties are btw), but when should simply being a person excuse that person's life decisions? Come off of it.

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The Target ad for tomorrow has a 10% off entertainment and electronics offer. Does anyone know if that  will work for amiibo? 

Totally forgot Lottie came out tomorrow. Checked on Brickseek and basically every store here got 32-52. The one nearest me got 100. I'm guessing this will be one you can easily cruise in tomorrow afternoon and get.

Totally forgot Lottie came out tomorrow. Checked on Brickseek and basically every store here got 32-52. The one nearest me got 100. I'm guessing this will be one you can easily cruise in tomorrow afternoon and get.
Same here. Some stores getting as low as 20 but most getting 32-40, with 140 at the two targets in my town (100+40)
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Pick up my Falco from my best buy today and there was a sticker on front falco.......-_-'. Luckily, I peel it off with no damage. Went to another best buy and my cousin found two more since the last one was only for people who pre-order it. Also, I got a Dark Pit there too. So, I'm good now. 

The Target just down the road is showing 40 Lottie's in stock. Hoping they're not gone by noon. Won't be able to make it there before then.
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Well I got the Sunday paper in front of me and don't see any Target coupon, not even a target ad inserted inside. Unless it skipped my area.
No line at my target. They have 32 but they are all in the back. Picked 2 up but the employee didn't bother bringing them out so everyone after me he would go back and get them theirs. Went smoothly and the ten percent works
My store apparently got 50. Walked in 15 minutes after they opened and got one with no lines, no waiting. They only had a few displayed though.
Lottie Dottie, she likes to party

She don't cause trouble, she don't bother nobody.....

Easy pickup at target today.  Didn't have to deal with any neckbeards so the day is starting off good.

once i go thru checkout, lottie is gone.

EDIT: I decided not to get it. Gotta save money. Running out of space soon. I'll just stick to the Smash Bros characters instead.

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I received confirmation email. Darkshado thanks for the heads up. More time to devote to football pre game and Battlefront. I said I was not buying these things. At least I returned AC Festival game prior to opening after reading poor reviews.
No line at my target either. Picked up Lottie and Triforce heroes for $8 (got the price with a couple of coupons and unused GCs I just decided to blow instead of leaving my family on thanksgiving). Used the 10% code and 5% with the target card. Good morning.
I got to my target around 11 this morning and they hadn't even pulled the Lottie's out from the back to start selling.  I had to track down an employee to show her the item on my phone and give her the DPCI to look the item up.  She called to the back room to have them bring them up.  They were busy and understaffed, so I just left and placed an order online because it was taking them a long time to bring them up.  But apparently I was the first person to ask about them today. 

Something tells me these Animal Crossing amiibo aren't going to be as popular as the smash ones are....

I was bored, so I updated the wiki post with the rest of November (Ike restock at GS, Chibi-Robo at Amazon, and Modern Mario at Walmart). I also included the LIST coupon there too. 

I just opened my Falco and Mewtwo preorder pick ups. I was curious about adhesive on hold labels so pulled them off. Came off easy peasy. No residue or tearing.
bread's done