Analyst Say Ps3 Price Cut has to happen


30 (100%)

Now my point is PS2 is most likely considered dead after this christmas holiday, so why not leave the ps3 at it current pice maybe pack in a game but cut the PS2 so low with packaged DVD remote to the point maybe they almost don't make money on it but don't lose money either and kinda market it to people as last chance to get teh ps2 at such a low price and to other people has heres you a cheap dvd player that plays good games. The populus Knows God of War (somewhat), Tombraider and Madden and all 3 have new or new remakes this year that can really push a cheap ps2 to even BigTime Sony haters. Look at how well the Dreamcast sold when it was drastically cut and officially annouced that support would end back a few years ago.
the ps2 has been and will be sellign well for a while now mainly due to late adopters coming in and buying alot fo the games theyd always wanted to play at reduced prices. even after the holiday season of this year the ps2 will continue to do big numbers because of its vast library of great games and the system as i hear it is selling better then the ps3 so there wont be a price drop for it unless sales taper off considerably.

even with ps3 sales going slow i think sony is making plenty of money with the ps2 right now that they can easily hold off on a ps3 price drop until the next holiday( or rather this coming one) unless they want to try and grab up as much of a foothold as they can right away. but a price drop now would make them look weak and chances are if they drop their price other 2 companies will follow suit.

i think what theyre doing is lookign to see where they can cut corners to make the systems cheaper but me personally i think they need to bite the bullet drop the thing down 150 bucks add a controller and get on with it.
[quote name='mercilessming']

Now my point is PS2 is most likely considered dead after this christmas holiday, so why not leave the ps3 at it current pice maybe pack in a game but cut the PS2 so low with packaged DVD remote to the point maybe they almost don't make money on it but don't lose money either and kinda market it to people as last chance to get teh ps2 at such a low price and to other people has heres you a cheap dvd player that plays good games. [/quote]

Holy shit man. Do you know what a "run on sentence" is?

Edit: Most "analysts" don't know what the hell they are talking about.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Holy shit man. Do you know what a "run on sentence" is?

Edit: Most "analysts" don't know what the hell they are talking about.[/quote]

Yes, and I also know what adjectives, adverbs, punctuations and explicitives are especially considering I have a Bachelors in Computer Science, Minor in Math and Microsoft Certified Applications Developer (Charter Member). I do :applause: applaud you for knowing what one is, however. But seeing that this is a Game discussion/deal/trade forum, not english class, and adversely not meant to be a professional Formal atmosphere, i type fast and with disregard to grammar, plus I don't try to build my ego or base any delusion of grandeu on an online persona and how elloquently I might be able to constuct a sentence in such a forum or by being some sort of online bully or trying to prove how someone may be wrong.

But after saying all that, if one would like to talk about the English Language or Discuss grammar please feel free to in a forum for such topics like,
[quote name='mercilessming']Yes, and I also know what adjectives, adverbs, punctuations and explicitives are especially considering I have a Bachelors in Computer Science, Minor in Math and Microsoft Certified Applications Developer (Charter Member). I do :applause: applaud you for knowing what one is, however. But seeing that this is a Game discussion/deal/trade forum, not english class, and adversely not meant to be a professional Formal atmosphere, i type fast and with disregard to grammar, plus I don't try to build my ego or base any delusion of grandeu on an online persona and how elloquently I might be able to constuct a sentence in such a forum or by being some sort of online bully or trying to prove how someone may be wrong.

But after saying all that, if one would like to talk about the English Language or Discuss grammar please feel free to in a forum for such topics like,[/QUOTE]

It is, however, nice to be able to read what somebody is saying without being distracted by something like that atrocity you called a sentence.
[quote name='mercilessming']Yes, and I also know what adjectives, adverbs, punctuations and explicitives are especially considering I have a Bachelors in Computer Science, Minor in Math and Microsoft Certified Applications Developer (Charter Member). [/QUOTE]
I don't really know what those degrees have to do with grammar, but carry on.
Why are the Japanese bitching, they already got a price cut?
If anyone has a right to complain on price, it's the UK people ;)
[quote name='mercilessming']Yes, and I also know what adjectives, adverbs, punctuations and explicitives are especially considering I have a Bachelors in Computer Science, Minor in Math and Microsoft Certified Applications Developer (Charter Member). I do :applause: applaud you for knowing what one is, however. But seeing that this is a Game discussion/deal/trade forum, not english class, and adversely not meant to be a professional Formal atmosphere, i type fast and with disregard to grammar, plus I don't try to build my ego or base any delusion of grandeu on an online persona and how elloquently I might be able to constuct a sentence in such a forum or by being some sort of online bully or trying to prove how someone may be wrong.

But after saying all that, if one would like to talk about the English Language or Discuss grammar please feel free to in a forum for such topics like,[/QUOTE]

ever heard the saying "when you point your finger, three more point back at you" this quote is, perhaps, the best example of this saying ever :lol:
Playstation 3 just needs a killer piece of software. All it has rite now is Rehashes and third party releases. It's best game, Resistance, is just a generic First-Person shooter.
[quote name='mercilessming']Yes, and I also know what adjectives, adverbs, punctuations and explicitives are especially considering I have a Bachelors in Computer Science, Minor in Math and Microsoft Certified Applications Developer (Charter Member). I do :applause: applaud you for knowing what one is, however. But seeing that this is a Game discussion/deal/trade forum, not english class, and adversely not meant to be a professional Formal atmosphere, i type fast and with disregard to grammar, plus I don't try to build my ego or base any delusion of grandeu on an online persona and how elloquently I might be able to constuct a sentence in such a forum or by being some sort of online bully or trying to prove how someone may be wrong.

But after saying all that, if one would like to talk about the English Language or Discuss grammar please feel free to in a forum for such topics like,[/quote]

What is an "explicitive"?
[quote name='mercilessming']Yes, and I also know what adjectives, adverbs, punctuations and explicitives are especially considering I have a Bachelors in Computer Science, Minor in Math and Microsoft Certified Applications Developer (Charter Member). I do :applause: applaud you for knowing what one is, however. But seeing that this is a Game discussion/deal/trade forum, not english class, and adversely not meant to be a professional Formal atmosphere, i type fast and with disregard to grammar, plus I don't try to build my ego or base any delusion of grandeu on an online persona and how elloquently I might be able to constuct a sentence in such a forum or by being some sort of online bully or trying to prove how someone may be wrong.


Who cares if this is a game discussion board? As a semi-educated individual, you can't take the extra eight seconds and post a logical coherent sentence? Is it really that hard to slow down and type in a "normal" fashion?

Oh, I wouldn't go around bragging that you are a charter member in .net btw.
$600 is insane for a video game system regardless of it's media features. Especially unproven ones. Soccer moms buy Wiis for their kiddies, most teens and gamer nerds buy Xbox 360s for the price, graphics, and games. Only the most hardcore Sony fans, and uber tech geeks are actually purchasing PS3s now. The highest price, extreme lack of quality software, and very under-developed online features are making the PS3 extremely unatractive to anyone with a brain.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']$600 is insane for a video game system regardless of it's media features. Especially unproven ones. Soccer moms buy Wiis for their kiddies, most teens and gamer nerds buy Xbox 360s for the price, graphics, and games. Only the most hardcore Sony fans, and uber tech geeks are actually purchasing PS3s now. The highest price, extreme lack of quality software, and very under-developed online features are making the PS3 extremely unatractive to anyone with a brain.[/quote]

i see you are on XBL silver ps3 has free online universal gamertags :lol:
[quote name='Chris in Cali']$600 is insane for a video game system regardless of it's media features. Especially unproven ones. Soccer moms buy Wiis for their kiddies, most teens and gamer nerds buy Xbox 360s for the price, graphics, and games. Only the most hardcore Sony fans, and uber tech geeks are actually purchasing PS3s now. The highest price, extreme lack of quality software, and very under-developed online features are making the PS3 extremely unatractive to anyone with a brain.[/QUOTE]

actually the current online set up is pretty close to live (it should surpass xbl with home) and there's a decent amount of games out. ever actually seen a ps3 running?
[quote name='panasonic']i see you are on XBL silver ps3 has free online universal gamertags :lol:[/QUOTE]

Stop being such a fucking tool.

Tell me, oh Sony fluffer of CAG, which games use these "Universal" friends lists, 5 months into the PS3's life?

Oh yeah, and hey, have you played this really great online game, It's the most recent played on my gamertag.

OH right, Sony's got their head up their ass for online so Ubisoft couldn't release that one until 6 months later for PS3, that's REAL next generation.

LAST EDIT: By the way, how many of those games on my gamercard are on PS3? I'll give you a hint, it's one less than two. Tell me again why I'd want a PS3?
Analysts say a lot of things... usually they're wrong too.

I'm amazed that so few people aren't mentioning the fact Sony is selling consoles even with all of this bad press.
[quote name='jer7583']Stop being such a fucking tool.

Tell me, oh Sony fluffer of CAG, which games use these "Universal" friends lists, 5 months into the PS3's life?

Oh yeah, and hey, have you played this really great online game, It's the most recent played on my gamertag.

OH right, Sony's got their head up their ass for online so Ubisoft couldn't release that one until 6 months later for PS3, that's REAL next generation.

LAST EDIT: By the way, how many of those games on my gamercard are on PS3? I'll give you a hint, it's one less than two. Tell me again why I'd want a PS3?[/QUOTE]

I find it hiarious when people get called out for shitty grammar and then all of the sudden pull out big words and try to write proper. Then, they make up words like "explicitives" and use other words like "adversely" completely out of context to confuse the reader into thinking they know big words. Way to go!
[quote name='jer7583']Stop being such a fucking tool.

Tell me, oh Sony fluffer of CAG, which games use these "Universal" friends lists, 5 months into the PS3's life?

Oh yeah, and hey, have you played this really great online game, It's the most recent played on my gamertag.

OH right, Sony's got their head up their ass for online so Ubisoft couldn't release that one until 6 months later for PS3, that's REAL next generation.

LAST EDIT: By the way, how many of those games on my gamercard are on PS3? I'll give you a hint, it's one less than two. Tell me again why I'd want a PS3?[/QUOTE]

not too defend panasonic, but the two online games I have, MK2 and Resistance, use universal game tags. I think all of the online games do, actually.

but man, no one is coming out of this thread clean :lol: I mean, if you call someone a fanboy of one system, there's a very good chance you're a fanboy of another one. why doesn't anyone get this...
From what I've read games all have their own unique game names so far. Wasn't motorstorm like that? Call of Duty 3 I remember the reviews said it wasn't universal, and same for Madden and such.

Excactly what the problem is, nobody has any idea if game tags are universal or not.
The early games don't have universal tags as they didn't have the tools to use them yet.

CoD3 has it's own system.
And probably the early sports ones. They all use their own servers.

Oh, and to continue this fine thread, you're a fanboy!
[quote name='jer7583']From what I've read games all have their own unique game names so far. Wasn't motorstorm like that? Call of Duty 3 I remember the reviews said it wasn't universal, and same for Madden and such.

Excactly what the problem is, nobody has any idea if game tags are universal or not.[/QUOTE]

You're half right. All games (at least the ones I have) sorta transfer your PSN name tag into their game. So, you're not signing up for a new gamertag with each game. you use your PSN for each game. The problem is, you can't do anything outside the game. So, when I play Resistance, I use my PSN, but I have a completely different buddy list and messaging system. Kinda lame, and not really 'universal' at all. Hopefully they do something about it soon.
[quote name='mercilessming']Yes, and I also know what adjectives, adverbs, punctuations and explicitives are especially considering I have a Bachelors in Computer Science, Minor in Math and Microsoft Certified Applications Developer (Charter Member). I do :applause: applaud you for knowing what one is, however. But seeing that this is a Game discussion/deal/trade forum, not english class, and adversely not meant to be a professional Formal atmosphere, i type fast and with disregard to grammar, plus I don't try to build my ego or base any delusion of grandeu on an online persona and how elloquently I might be able to constuct a sentence in such a forum or by being some sort of online bully or trying to prove how someone may be wrong.

But after saying all that, if one would like to talk about the English Language or Discuss grammar please feel free to in a forum for such topics like,[/QUOTE]

And yet this post is MUCH easier to read than your first post thanks to the extra punctuation. In fact, I gave up reading your first post.
[quote name='jer7583']From what I've read games all have their own unique game names so far. Wasn't motorstorm like that? Call of Duty 3 I remember the reviews said it wasn't universal, and same for Madden and such.

Excactly what the problem is, nobody has any idea if game tags are universal or not.[/QUOTE]

hmmm, yeah. those are games I don't play so I have no idea.

to add to what Dpatel said, MK2 does use your buddy list and you can send text messages, but not voice messages. It's really not the end of the world and it'll be straightened out when Home comes out.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Holy shit man. Do you know what a "run on sentence" is?

Edit: Most "analysts" don't know what the hell they are talking about.[/quote]

QFT.... Just remember anal-yst has the word anal in it, meaning they're all full of $#!%. FYI...

I still wanna know what those choads know about gaming anyway, and have been wondering that for over 5 years now, shame all the mainstream gaming press has so many stories that include them, if I have to read another story with Wedbush Morgan analysts somewhere in the body of the text again...
bread's done