Anchorman was the most overrated movie of last year.

[quote name='GameDude']A comedy that wasn't funny! Wow, what a concept. Who concurs?[/quote]
Wow, I thought the exact same thing. A lot of people told me it was funny and i felt totally opposite!
I hated the movie, too. Glad I'm not the only one. You know what I loved, though? Napolean Dynamite.
Yeah, I thought it was overrated but still kinda funny. It had some good moments, though most of them were from the retarded guy.
[quote name='GameDude']Anchorman was the most overrated movie of last year[/quote]

Hey, you misspelled "Napoleon Dynamite" up there.
I thought dodgeball was overrated more than Anchorman. I laughed more times during Anchorman than i did Dodgeball. One of the only things funny in dodgeball was when he pumped it up down there and cam walking down the steps with a dictionary to impress that one lady. I was rolling on the floor laughing
[quote name='Scorch'][quote name='GameDude']Anchorman was the most overrated movie of last year[/quote]

Hey, you misspelled "Napoleon Dynamite" up there.[/quote]

heh. I absolutely agree that Anchorman was overrated. Towards the end it was somewhat funny, but otherwise, it wasn't that funny, especially considering it's Ferrell. The hype for Anchorman was all media though.

But Napoleon - It wasn't purposefully overrated by the media (like Anchorman) as much as it was simply "talked" about, relentlously, by fans - thank them for making it so popular. Everyone who saw it was parroting it. It's hard not to have interest in something when everyone and their brother was walking around "GOSH"ing all day...
[quote name='Scorch']And now Hot Topic is whoring the hell out of it. Hot Topic really sold their soul.[/quote]

That movie poster... it wallpapers so many cubicles where I work. He's the anti-hero of 2004.
Well Dodgeball got the same amount of publicity if not more so then Anchorman and I don't remember laughing once during the whole damn movie. I thought Anchorman was hilarious though.
[quote name='Scorch']Hot Topic really sold their soul.[/quote]

Heh, sold their soul? I can't be the only one who has always thought that Hot Topic is for brooding, angsty, teen "goths" and wannabe, hardcore "punks" and other various "alt" dipshits, can I? Seriously, down here in SoCal at least, the kind of people that shop at Hot Topic are the kind that I despise. You know the kind who buy a TMNT backpack because they think it makes them punk, then go home and listen to their new Green Day CD's cuz they're hardcore.
I thought Anchorman was okay and pretty funny. Just not as great as some people would have you believe.

Dogeball was f-ing hilarious, though.
The only part of Anchorman that I'd ever want to see again is the big battle between all the rival news anchormen. All the cameos were great. Otherwise the movie was pretty "meh". I personally loved Napolean Dynamite and Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle, but I didn't see Dodgeball til recently (after months of my friends hyping the shit out of it), and I wasn't all that impressed. I mean it was pretty funny, but I don't think I'd want to see it again.
[quote name='RaekwonThaChef']

Heh, sold their soul? I can't be the only one who has always thought that Hot Topic is for brooding, angsty, teen "goths" and wannabe, hardcore "punks" and other various "alt" dipshits, can I? Seriously, down here in SoCal at least, the kind of people that shop at Hot Topic are the kind that I despise. You know the kind who buy a TMNT backpack because they think it makes them punk, then go home and listen to their new Green Day CD's cuz they're hardcore.[/quote]

hahahahahaha - I know it's not just SoCal, though I've seen it here since at least '90 when I was a 9th grader (and started going to malls more). Hot Topic always catered itself to that wannabe crowd, and they did it well. All the skull and dagger cheap jewelry, the emo look of the place and when backpacks finally became "accepted", everyone bought kid backpacks (and metal lunchboxes to match). Ah backpacks... remember when if you wore both straps, you were a dork. You had to wear only one strap off your shoulder, or you were a SMACK. Then... then it became cool to wear both! Oh the mind games us kids had to endure.
Anchorman was a complete mess, sporadic moments of humor (such as the newscrew melee) but for the most part, completely forgettable. Dodgeball had a higher laugh/silence ratio and was entertaining all the way through, but only above average.

To summarize Dodgeball decent, Anchorman one of the most overatted of last year.
I liked bits of Dodgeball, and found Anchorman frickin hilarious. Yep. All of it. For any MI people here, watch it while thinking of Bill Bonds, pre drunk driving charge
Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but I thought Anchorman was actually the BEST movie of the past year (Although Dodgeball is quite good as well). It's simply hilarious throughout, and rarely falters on any level. Ferrell and the rest are great, and I'd love to see a sequel. I've seen it around 5 or 6 times, and can't get enough of it. I guess some people just don't like crazy improvised humor, that's all. :) You're a pirate hooker...

For me, Will Ferrell is on an incredible streak.. Old School, Elf, and Anchorman all kick @$$. :p

EDIT: I've also noticed that perhaps people are trying to take Anchorman too seriously or something? You should know when coming into a Will Ferrell movie that it is not going to be serious in the slightest.. so don't expect it (that wasn't directed specifically at any of you). Just let yourself actually enjoy the humor..

And yeah, the news crew fight gets my vote for best sequence out of any movie this past year.

ANOTHER EDIT: And on the topic of Dodgeball and Napolean Dynamite... Dodgeball rocks... and ND.. well.. it's certainly not bad.. but it's nothing special. I wouldn't want to watch it again, but I'm glad I at least saw it.
I didnt like it at all the first time i watched it (cept for the big fight) but then i went and watched some with my friend and it i was laughing alot, so i dunno.
everyone just do themselves a favor and watch harold and kumar go to white castle, then it can be settled as what is funny. That was by far the funniest move last year, heads and shoulders above anchorman( and this is coming from a guy with an old school poster), and extremely underrated. Harold and Kumar deserved a lot more attention then they got. I think anchorman just had high expectations, it does well for a comedy movie, i dont know what everyone was expecting out of it to be so disappointed.
Just finished Dodgeball, and thought it was very funny. Was nervous because it had Stiller in it, who I hate, but I took a chance on it based on the previews and the rest of the cast more than makes up for him. Plus, it helps that you're supposed to hate him in this flik. ;)

ND, I haven't seen. Looks like one of those indy comedies that I usually hate, but I guess I'll add it to my Netflix list & see.

Speaking of Netflix, Anchorman should be coming next week so I can weigh in on it then.

And on the topic of...uhh...Hot Topic, I agree that nearly everything they sell is targeted to preppy kids who want to be cool by looking goth. But I have found some occasional cool things. Got a really cool Mario dominoes set on clearance there. Ceramic dominoes w/ the Mario gang on them, in a metal lunchbox-type container. I love strange videogame-related merch, so I was all over this. ;)
[quote name='XboxMaster']They do have video game apparrel at Hot Topic...[/quote]

yeah, mostly retro stuff
I liked anchorman, hated napoleon dynamite and dodgeball. I think those types of movies really depend on your mood when you see them and who you see them with.

When I saw dodgeball in the theater with some friends, for example, I thought it was pretty funny; but when I rented it later it just seemed absolutley horrible.
[quote name='starman9000']I liked anchorman, hated napoleon dynamite and dodgeball. I think those types of movies really depend on your mood when you see them and who you see them with.

When I saw dodgeball in the theater with some friends, for example, I thought it was pretty funny; but when I rented it later it just seemed absolutley horrible.[/quote]

You are exactly right. It all depends on the environment and who is with you. I saw The Animal (with Rob Schneider) in the theater, and everyone was laughing, having a good time, and I really enjoyed the movie. Rented it when it came out on DVD, and watched it with just my girlfriend, and we both agreed it wasn't very good. The environment around you makes a big difference in movies (I watched the first Blair Witch movie on a thirteen inch television.. mm-hmm..), especially comedies..

I still can't believe all the hate I'm seeing about Anchorman. Damn, that movie is awesome. I'd even go as far to say one of the top ten best comedies of all time.
[quote name='guardian_owl']Anchorman was a complete mess, sporadic moments of humor (such as the newscrew melee) but for the most part, completely forgettable.[/quote]

Exactly, to me this movie felt like they took a bunch of snl skits and mashed them together to make a full length movie. I've never appreciated the art of editing until I saw this film... because apparently whoever pieced this film together had no appreciation for continuity. I'm all for random comedy and improvosation but when I see a movie I expect some semblence of coherency and plot... anchorman really failed to deliver that.
Normally, I avoid comedies like Anchorman like the plague. I soon tired of the glut of "guy" comedies that were released over the past few years. But, I love Will Ferrell, so I went to see it with low expectations.

For whatever reason, I was laughing harder than I had in quite some time. It was mostly the cast (David Koechner and Steve Carell are two of the funniest comedians that noone's ever heard of) and improvisation that I enjoyed.

Call me crazy, but even after repeated viewings, I'm still laughing at this movie.
Napoleon Dynamite I suspect would give Anchorman a run for its money...but I didn't see Anchorman. Admittedly, didn't see all of ND...couldn't make it. Ugh.

Kill Bill's up there too...the first one, at least. Never saw the second.
[quote name='Ledhed']Normally, I avoid comedies like Anchorman like the plague. I soon tired of the glut of "guy" comedies that were released over the past few years. But, I love Will Ferrell, so I went to see it with low expectations.

For whatever reason, I was laughing harder than I had in quite some time. It was mostly the cast (David Koechner and Steve Carell are two of the funniest comedians that noone's ever heard of) and improvisation that I enjoyed.

Call me crazy, but even after repeated viewings, I'm still laughing at this movie.[/quote]

I missed it in theaters, but I bought the DVD (the set, I haven't watched the second Burgandy movie yet), and I found it very funny. Carell had me in stitches. As soon as I saw the hand grenade, I just burst out laughing. And I really like the bit parts for the actors/comedians (Stiller, Wilson, Vaughn, etc.) who are in all the other movies like it. It gives it the feel of being put on by a comedy or acting troupe, and you can tell that they all love doing it (making the movies, that is).
[quote name='guessed']I missed it in theaters, but I bought the DVD (the set, I haven't watched the second Burgandy movie yet), and I found it very funny. Carell had me in stitches. As soon as I saw the hand grenade, I just burst out laughing. And I really like the bit parts for the actors/comedians (Stiller, Wilson, Vaughn, etc.) who are in all the other movies like it. It gives it the feel of being put on by a comedy or acting troupe, and you can tell that they all love doing it (making the movies, that is).[/quote]

It's a shame you missed it in theatres; that was the superior version. The version you see on DVD actually has some of my favorite jokes removed and replaced with not nearly as funny jokes, and deleted scenes that would have been better left out of the actual film. Still though, I'm glad to see someone else whom I repsect say they enjoyed this movie.

And yes, the grenade was great. The shot of him just standing in the center of the fight screaming with his grenade-filled fist jutting into the crowd makes me laugh every time.
I'd like to see one movie with Will Ferrel without him in a speedo. It seems like every commercial I see with this guy, he's wearing a speedo, or spandex, parading around like an idiot. It's just not funny.

Granted, I haven't seen many of his movies, so maybe the commercials are misleading ...

Also! Haven't seen Napoleon Dynamite ... it looks retarded if you ask me, but okay. Dodgeball was overhyped. Definitely not that funny, but it had a few moments. Maybe one or two. Too bad I can't remember them.
"Anchorman" was probably the funniest movie I saw last year. Every time I think of the big "fight" scene I freakin' lose it.
I guess different comedy styles are a lot like fetishes. You find one that really "tickles ya" and everyone else is like, "why is that getting you worked up?"

I don't think Ferrel wore a speedo in Zoolander, now that movie I really enjoyed just for the originallity of the premise.

An older snappy comedy I would recommend is "Noises Off" staring Michael Caine, Carol Burnett, John Ritter, Christopher Reeve, etc. Get a good sized group together and you will be dying with laughter.
bread's done