And the picture of the week goes to

It's the same old shit but I still can't help but be annoyed watching tea party forums cheer on the abuse of protesters being arrested en mass for trivial stuff. Imagine if the protesters were carrying loaded weapons around the same way the tea partiers were.
[quote name='speedracer']It's the same old shit but I still can't help but be annoyed watching tea party forums cheer on the abuse of protesters being arrested en mass for trivial stuff. Imagine if the protesters were carrying loaded weapons around the same way the tea partiers were.[/QUOTE]

I had someone at another political site post how these protestors are breaking laws. They dont have a permit, they are harassing police officers, gathering on private property etc etc. I just put it this way, imagine we suddenly made guns illegal and started confiscating them. How do you think the right would react? Do people think that they would just silently let it happen? Or for a less extreme example, what if we pushed back the amount of time women had to have abortions by another 2 or 3 months? Do they think that people would just let it happen or would the number of spur of the moment protests on private property and the level of hostility increase?
[quote name='perdition(troy']You're living in a bubble if you think confiscating guns in this country wouldn't lead to a new civil war/revolution.[/QUOTE]

Thats the point. Everyone has a boiling point and if you hit it people will protest, they will protest without permit, they will protest on private property and they will protest violently. Its just a matter of finding peoples breaking point.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Thats the point. Everyone has a boiling point and if you hit it people will protest, they will protest without permit, they will protest on private property and they will protest violently. Its just a matter of finding peoples breaking point.[/QUOTE]

Ehh...I get where you're going with the analogy, but there is just too big of a gap for it to really apply. Comparing it to confiscation of weapons starts to have historical associations and is a much more aggressive least that's how me, a minor firearms enthusiast who is middle of the road politically sees it.

It is an awesome sign though. I saw a friend post one that said: "Obama is not a brown-skinned, anti-war, socialist, who gives away free healthcare. You're thinking of Jesus"

Heh, I really liked that.
bread's done