Animal Crossing New Leaf

Perfection! Of course I was paying attention, I meant to make her this way... actually, I was kind of hoping her head would be on the bottom. :p


I just need a poorly made snowboy and perfect snowtyke to get the small igloo.

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Opening up my Town Gates for my Bingo numbers/Shopping/Snowflake catching for a few hours.

Bingo Numbers:  38 and 46 (SE of Brewster's)

Free Ice Closet and Ice Table to those who need it, too.

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Been busy with Christmas shopping the past few days...I'll be on tomorrow though. I'm too tired tonight. I desperately need to sell a million turnips. My town is random pattern right now so I'll check it later but I'm not going to hope for anything good.

I built a perfect snow tyke! Just gotta make a perfect snow boy.
This thread has me curious and confused. Trying to figure if I want some weird game that everyone cannot stop talking about.
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I had a random pattern this week and have 54 or something low as my final price. Wish I could add another digit to the end of that number.

Manuka, Dayna, Puddle, and myself



Manuka, Dayna, Miranda, and myself  


Fun times :)


Santa Concert letting out lol  No fights in the streets ;)


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Yeah that was weird.  We didn't see you inside either when we left...  we had just finished listening to one of the songs we thought might sound christmassy.  So maybe it had something to do with that...listening to KK.

I'm getting more snow on the ground each day since snowballs started appearing. It's nice compared to AC:CF where I would lose more snow each day as winter went on. So if anyone is having problems building snow people due to lack of snow, you might want to try looking around your town in areas that don't get a lot of traffic to see if it's possible to build them now. Maybe chop down some trees too, if you have a lot.

I purposely didn't plant a lot of trees and only planted two of each non-native fruit besides bananas and coconuts because I didn't want so many trees getting in the way and I haven't been big on selling fruit in this game like I was in previous ACs. The trees in my town are mostly how they were when I started the game since I wanted it to look more natural. I might chop down and replant stuff to have more open space once I start attempting perfect town status (after the last weed pulling badge), but for me it's fine how it is now.

Do I need a Google account to add my name to the list in the OP?
I tried opening it without being signed in and it looks like you're able to edit it without an account. I mostly don't use spreadsheets or lists and prefer to add people who actively post or PM me.

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Does anyone have Bingo Numbers 14 and 30?  I'd really appreciate it since I'd like to get those #'s before I get 18.

My number is 34 today and I won't have a bingo number for another 5 days since I'll be building everyone except snowtyke poorly starting tomorrow.

HOLY SHIT! I just bought 2 random paintings from Hopper and they were both legitimate!  Donated to the Museum so fast!


I'll open my Town Gates for Bingo Numbers, Shopping and Snowflake catching. Don't pick flowers though.


I have an Igloo Visitor too.  Some Female Pharoah Cat.

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I think if you have a certain fortune for the day (not sure specifically what the lovely phone/Katrina says) and you're wearing your lucky item and have good feng shui in your house, you're more likely to get real artwork from villagers. I remember one day, Muffy (uchi villager) kept offering me paintings while I was wearing my lucky item - I would turn her down at first to get her to drop the price, then accept at half off (you could try your luck and say no again to maybe get it free, but I didn't try) and they all ended up being real.

I've never had Ankha as a villager, but I've seen her before, she'd be pretty cool to have.

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I noticed that too about more snow! I've had a dead area outside my house this whole time that I tried planting flowers to grow grass...gave up but now it's all snow which is nice.

Ooo yea Anka would be cool to have.

I'm at work right now but I'll check my number when I get I can probably open up for a few hours after 10pm.
I had a unicorn show up in my camping site once. I wanted him so bad but I was full on villagers. It always seems like cool ones visit right after I get the max number of animals.

Legit Jolly Painting from Redd's in my town today, in case anyone wants to visit. (Gates are open).

Bingo numbers are 30 and 28.

I agree about the Villagers in Tents/Igloos thing. I wish anyone could convince those villagers to move into their town.


I still need...

- Jingle Chair

- Jingle Clock

- Jingle Dresser

- Festive Wreath

and I don't think I'm going to get them this week :/

And the items in front of my Train Station are free for pickup.

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I just got the game yesterday so I have no clue what most of you are talking about.  Snowflake catching?  Cool.  Anyways I'm addicted to the game, I think I might have a problem.

I've been so busy this past week that I haven't been able to make any snowman. I was able to finally figure out what each animal wants for Toy Day tomorrow. I'm assuming Jingle gives us the toy he asked for rather then us actually having to buy something for each animal... Right?
You have to be dressed in a Santa outfit, too. gotta pretend to be Jingle...I guess.

I found that each animal had 2 descriptors, and all but 1 gave me both (screw you, Dotty).  Maybe there were more, but oh well, that's enough to go on in all of my cases.

EDIT:  8:34am ET here.  I'm opening my gates for Bingo Numbers and Snowflake giving to a Perfect Snowmam (In front of the Police Station).

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Alright then.

I'll open after Toy Day in case people want to help me with the rest of the Jingle items for Cataloguing.  I have Bingo # 36 as well as one Perfect Snowmam, so...yeah. many items can you get from the Bingo game?


And now my Gates are open.  There are a few free items available as well.

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I've ordered all of Broly's Jingle items.  If anyone needs Jingle items let me know and I can order them for you.  I think the only Xmas orderable item I am missing is a small Christmas tree.  I have the big one but I heard there is also a small one from Nooklings that I don't have.  Can someone clarify?

Toy Day was really cute.  Fast too so you don't have to spend half your evening on it like with Halloween.

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I want to keep the Santa bag - apparently it turns into a mystery bag tomorrow that you can walk around with and hold. I think I'll deliver presents with my main character and just hold onto the bag with the other characters.

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Yeah there is a big festive tree and a festive tree. I got both so if you need one I can bring one over, I'll have to order it from the catalog first. I'm missing quite a bit of the Jingle series. The same items kept showing up in the shop, had the wallpaper and carpet constantly and the shelves a lot. I missed the dresser, wardrobe, sofa, piano, and clock.

Yeah there is a big festive tree and a festive tree. I got both so if you need one I can bring one over, I'll have to order it from the catalog first. I'm missing quite a bit of the Jingle series. The same items kept showing up in the shop, had the wallpaper and carpet constantly and the shelves a lot. I missed the dresser, wardrobe, sofa, piano, and clock.
I need the regular festive tree so if you can bring one over to catalog that'd be awesome. I don't really need to own it, I just want it in my catalog. I can also order those Jingle items if you want. I'll just have to do it tomorrow because the Dept Store is closed now. Let me know. Thanks!

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I need a Big Festive Tree. I have a regular Festive Tree that I can order.
Broly, I need the regular tree. I can have you catalog my Big Festive Tree and I can catalog the regular one. Deal? Hell you can have the Big Tree if you want, no reason to have it on display much anymore. ;)

Looking for high turnip prices if anyone has them... preferably more than Broly's 124.

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I have the Festive Tree for you.  Just open up or come over.

I might have higher turnip prices in the morning, since Thursday morning is when prices are usually their highest.


I'll just open up and put it next to the Bench.

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I'll be over shortly.  Was out for Xmas dinner and then I have to take care of our cats.  So probably a little before 6:30.

Edit: Thanks, got it!! :)

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I have played every Animal Crossing game and have never cheated. I'm tempted to reset my clock to take part in Toy Day. Is there a way for me to do so without losing my Turnips?

I have played every Animal Crossing game and have never cheated. I'm tempted to reset my clock to take part in Toy Day. Is there a way for me to do so without losing my Turnips?
No unfortunately. Sell your turnips first. My price sucks but Broly's is decent at 124. Better than a loss.

bread's done