Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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I am sooooooo disappointed with this Senran Kagura blunder. I was really hyped for this release. Funimation has really be acting like screaming amateurs for the past couple of months. No one can be THAT incompetent. My guess is that someone forgot to include them when authorizing the discs so they don't want to eat the cost of recalling sets and discs and also repress new discs. Probably still sour about eating the costs for Ben-To, Sankarea, and Psycho-Pass.

What's worse is that I know it will be in the inevitable Anime Classics re-release.

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What is with FUNimation's quality control this past year? Is there something going on with Navarre? Did they get downsized or something?
Good thing I didn't bite and get eureka seven just yet. Some dude just posted his collection of the 12 individual volumes ending tomorrow. They're on DVD with a 10 buck bid and 11 for shipping. No bids yet. May be more cost effective but then again DVDs bleh. Oh well might as well bite and use my 10 credits for astral ocean limited edition.
Good thing I didn't bite and get eureka seven just yet. Some dude just posted his collection of the 12 individual volumes ending tomorrow. They're on DVD with a 10 buck bid and 11 for shipping. No bids yet. May be more cost effective but then again DVDs bleh. Oh well might as well bite and use my 10 credits for astral ocean limited edition.
If it helps you feel better, the Blu-ray release is just an upscale.

If it helps you feel better, the Blu-ray release is just an upscale.
just a tad. it's not that big of a deal to me since most oop anime is only dvd like cowboy bebop or the original fullmetal alchemist. however, whenever i buy anime in today's day and age i always try to get the blu ray. smaller packaging, more features (dbz blu rays anyone) and nicer resolutions. in this case this a deal i cannot let go by. 20 bucks for the whole series as opposed to 50 for a blu ray. yeah ill pass.

The way Funimation is handling this reminds me of what Media Blasters did last year with Juden Chan. Retailer sites & MB themselves mentioned the mini-specials would be included in the set months before it's release. Then when people started getting the sets, found out that they were missing from the discs. It wasn't until someone asked on MB's facebook a couple weeks after that MB fessed up and said they couldn't get the rights to them.

It's stuff like this is why I wait a couple weeks after the release date to buy anything anymore. Won't find out until it's out if there's something wrong with the release.

Refusedchaos- don't forget that they also botched the Evangelion 3.33 dub and that's what is preventing it's release. Which is causing them to redo the dub(which is funny, as the sub name for the movie is "You Can (Not) Redo")

What is with FUNimation's quality control this past year? Is there something going on with Navarre? Did they get downsized or something?
They're not even owned by Navarre anymore. They were sold to an investment group in 2011 with the original owner, Gen Fukunaga, in that group. Maybe Navarre kept them on a tight leash and they've been getting lazy since the buyout?

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Looks like I have a bit of catching up to do on responses.


In regards to home video format, it's less an issue of them being the same and more an issue of what format I want the show in.  If I want any of them on blu ray, then I'll want all of them on blu ray.  I used to say that comedies didn't need to be in HD because it didn't make them any funnier.  I realized though that it wasn't about "needing to improve" the show; it was about having the best possible version of something that I enjoy.  If that happens to be the DVD (like the movie Predator, or a season with no blu release) then I'm perfectly content with it being mismatched.

Mismatched packaging from the same company  on the other hand, there's just no excuse for.  Spice and Wolf, I'm looking in your general direction here.


As for Senran Kagura, I'll start by letting you know this is coming from someone that didn't buy the set (perhaps I'd be more upset if I had).  I don't really mind this too much, as it seems like an honest mistake.  Someone sends out a listing to stores saying it includes them, plans fall through and they get removed, and then a follow-up listing is never sent out.   I'll continue to keep this opinion right up until the moment that they say "Hey, we're going to release the OVAs now.  Money Please." 


Finally, I've been meaning to mention this since this weekend.  The last shipment I received from RS had my usual mint looking books, but it also had a letter inside.  It basically said that Right Stuf makes every possible effort to ship out the best quality copy they have in the warehouse.  They also said that if you were unhappy with the quality, to contact them and they'll work out something for returns.

Was there a big quality issue with their merchandise recently that I missed, or is this just being driven by things like the Psycho Pass box?

Thanks to Chris ( no sarcasm) I bit on a region free player and got the Sword Art Online from Amazon UK.  You guys recommend anything else from Amazon UK?  I almost bought the Sherlock Hound set on DVD, but I own the Pioneer R1 release.

Was there a big quality issue with their merchandise recently that I missed, or is this just being driven by things like the Psycho Pass box?
Not sure if it may be due to it, but there was an issue back in last May/early June that people were getting their LE Attack on Titan Part 1 sets with scratched discs. Right Stuf was one of the retailers that got the sets with the scratched discs.

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Not sure if it may be due to it, but there was an issue back in last May/early June that people were getting their LE Attack on Titan Part 1 sets with scratched discs. Right Stuf was one of the retailers that got the sets with the scratched discs.
I guess I still need to open mine and check. Meh.

Thanks to Chris ( no sarcasm) I bit on a region free player and got the Sword Art Online from Amazon UK. You guys recommend anything else from Amazon UK? I almost bought the Sherlock Hound set on DVD, but I own the Pioneer R1 release.
Madoka, Fate/Zero, and (if you're into this type of movie) Gyo. Honestly, any Aniplex title that you'd like but not quite at the price that they want for it here. There's also Durarara and Gurren Lagann, but they've been significantly cheaper on Amz UK than they are now.

Also check regularly for copies of The Powerpuff Girls movie if you want it in the proper aspect ratio. :)
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Tempted to pick up Oreimo 2 LE even though it's Aniplex price.

If the first one is any indication of how difficult it's going to be to get it after it's sold out, I don't want to take that same chance since it is Aniplex after all. T___T

Tempted to pick up Oreimo 2 LE even though it's Aniplex price.

If the first one is any indication of how difficult it's going to be to get it after it's sold out, I don't want to take that same chance since it is Aniplex after all. T___T
just bummed it's a dvd release. :(

Tempted to pick up Oreimo 2 LE even though it's Aniplex price.

If the first one is any indication of how difficult it's going to be to get it after it's sold out, I don't want to take that same chance since it is Aniplex after all. T___T
Just get the Japanese is exactly the same, sans the AoA card



RAWRAWR@#$%KJ@%#$LK#$%^J#$L%^JK#$J%JLJ!!!!!! *flips every table in sight*
Lol when why didn't ya get it when it had a counter on TRSI? I still refuse to pay $200+ for this 12ep release.

Lol when why didn't ya get it when it had a counter on TRSI? I still refuse to pay $200+ for this 12ep release.
I can confirm that ordering Oreimo when it has a counter does, in fact, not get you a copy of Oreimo.

So I just went to Right Stuf to see if Oreimo 2 was out of print and whatnot, and I took a look at the LE contents. Please tell me that's not an error in the promotional image and that they will put <(1) and (5)> on the disc cases to number them :)

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Thanks to Chris ( no sarcasm) I bit on a region free player and got the Sword Art Online from Amazon UK. You guys recommend anything else from Amazon UK?
Awesome! What player did you get?

Madoka, Fate/Zero, and (if you're into this type of movie) Gyo. Honestly, any Aniplex title that you'd like but not quite at the price that they want for it here. There's also Durarara and Gurren Lagann, but they've been significantly cheaper on Amz UK than they are now.

Also check regularly for copies of The Powerpuff Girls movie if you want it in the proper aspect ratio. :)
Madoka, Fate, Gurren Lagann, and Blue Exorcist w/movie are all highly recommended. I believe the Ultimate edition of Gurren Lagann hits I believe in September in the UK and it looks really nice. I think it was around the $100ish range but I put my pre-order in early so my price was a little cheaper.

I'd say avoid the Durarara! release for now. According to the president of the company they outsourced to Australia for the QA on the release and it's filled with problems. Like if you're watching the dub, it switches to the sub with no subtitles the next episode, badly timed subtitles, and no subtitles for the chat scenes (for like what they're saying on screen in the chat rooms and most importantly Celty's cell phone -- which made a few scenes confusing when she doesn't say what's on the phone). I was told the corrected Blus are hitting in September which they promised to me for free and I'm hoping they do a re-release on top of that.

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RAWRAWR@#$%KJ@%#$LK#$%^J#$L%^JK#$J%JLJ!!!!!! *flips every table in sight*
Lol when why didn't ya get it when it had a counter on TRSI? I still refuse to pay $200+ for this 12ep release.
keep your eyes peeled on ebay. i was able to get the set brand new for $180 shipped from a 0 feedback seller.



Edit: I was actually annoyed when they re-released Oreimo shortly after I bought mine. I had no idea how much it was worth nowadays.

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Quick question how do you guys feel about mix match series on different media (buy Season 1 and 2 on DVD but Season 3 on bluray?)
I'm usually against it, since my DVDs and Bluray are on different shelves. They are a different size/don't fit. I had to make a few exceptions of course for Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell:SAC, and Trigun. Since I've had the series on DVD for years and got the movies on Bluray, because I'm all for the best version, and the prices were the same per title anyway. Cowboy Bebop (movie) was actually a double dip, since I had the DVD version before Bluray existed.

was referring to the blu-ray. assumed others were too?
I assumed that at first, but it doesn't make any sense. The first season of the LE on bluray was almost $300 when it was in stock, and I see it for less than that on eBay.

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Has Fairy Tail Part 5 gotten incredibly rare or something? I am selling the DVDs only on eBay and it's up to $20. Parts 6-10 only have one bid each.
Has Fairy Tail Part 5 gotten incredibly rare or something? I am selling the DVDs only on eBay and it's up to $20. Parts 6-10 only have one bid each.
No, it's still in print. It's probably cause you've got morons that think it's some rare DVD-only set or you might have someone not intending to buy and just making the price climb. The combo is still stocked at retailers and the cheapest I see it right now is $25.49 on Amazon.

It could also be that they only looked at Right Stuf's price($41) and think that it's cheap, although the BRs are missing.

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Has Fairy Tail Part 5 gotten incredibly rare or something? I am selling the DVDs only on eBay and it's up to $20. Parts 6-10 only have one bid each.
Guessing it's just low in production or it could be that Funimation is preparing the collections here (or so I hope).

Guessing it's just low in production or it could be that Funimation is preparing the collections here (or so I hope).
But it's only Part 5 in a bidding war. Part 6 still only has one bid for $10. And the only picture is of the 2 discs themselves. No cover art or anything.

Note that I am not complaining or anything. I just find it incredibly weird.
Awesome! What player did you get?

Madoka, Fate, Gurren Lagann, and Blue Exorcist w/movie are all highly recommended. I believe the Ultimate edition of Gurren Lagann hits I believe in September in the UK and it looks really nice. I think it was around the $100ish range but I put my pre-order in early so my price was a little cheaper.

I'd say avoid the Durarara! release for now. According to the president of the company they outsourced to Australia for the QA on the release and it's filled with problems. Like if you're watching the dub, it switches to the sub with no subtitles the next episode, badly timed subtitles, and no subtitles for the chat scenes (for like what they're saying on screen in the chat rooms and most importantly Celty's cell phone -- which made a few scenes confusing when she doesn't say what's on the phone). I was told the corrected Blus are hitting in September which they promised to me for free and I'm hoping they do a re-release on top of that.
This is the one I picked up:

I'm definitely getting Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann box set in Sept. on blu. That is my favorite anime. I was just reading reviews of that Durarara set so I will wait.

But it's only Part 5 in a bidding war. Part 6 still only has one bid for $10. And the only picture is of the 2 discs themselves. No cover art or anything.
Note that I am not complaining or anything. I just find it incredibly weird.
Awwww if only it was the complete FT prt 6 :(
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Just looked it up on Amazon (FT Pt. 5) and it seems it's still part of the comic con sale or whatever for $25. I think you just got a few people into a random bidding war who don't know how to Google. But hey, it's to your benefit, right? lol :p

Ladies and Gents this is why you read before buying. The dude selling the Eureka Seven set is selling all the volumes except for Volume 11. Volume 11, is 49.99 used. Tried to pass it off as complete, my ass. Back to square 1 which is the LE Blu Ray of Part 1. Win some lose some. 

Bad news though. The dude i bought endless waltz from has yet to ship it or answer my emails. His paypal is unverified and his feedback is only for being a buyer. I'm scared. Do i start something with eBay?UGHHGHGH

Ladies and Gents this is why you read before buying. The dude selling the Eureka Seven set is selling all the volumes except for Volume 11. Volume 11, is 49.99 used. Tried to pass it off as complete, my ass. Back to square 1 which is the LE Blu Ray of Part 1. Win some lose some.

Bad news though. The dude i bought endless waltz from has yet to ship it or answer my emails. His paypal is unverified and his feedback is only for being a buyer. I'm scared. Do i start something with eBay?UGHHGHGH
Is there a reason the original release is so expensive when there is a new release?

also... had I known the market on dvd 11 would turn out like that I would have bought more. (image from 2009)

I still wear some of those t-shirts, and those boxes hold a good amount of my anime collection (each of the special editions had their own boxes that would hold like 5 dvds, plus the 2 or 3 ones that came with harder boxes to actually hold the eureka seven series... thus I have something like 10 or 11 eurkea seven boxes holding anime in my collection lol)

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Is there a reason the original release is so expensive when there is a new release?

also... had I known the market on dvd 11 would turn out like that I would have bought more. (image from 2009)

I still wear some of those t-shirts, and those boxes hold a good amount of my anime collection (each of the special editions had their own boxes that would hold like 5 dvds, plus the 2 or 3 ones that came with harder boxes to actually hold the eureka seven series... thus I have something like 10 or 11 eurkea seven boxes holding anime in my collection lol)
because its bandai and bandai is oop. also because of the cover with the two female characters and it being the end of the series. not sure why else.

Is there a reason the original release is so expensive when there is a new release?

also... had I known the market on dvd 11 would turn out like that I would have bought more. (image from 2009)

I still wear some of those t-shirts, and those boxes hold a good amount of my anime collection (each of the special editions had their own boxes that would hold like 5 dvds, plus the 2 or 3 ones that came with harder boxes to actually hold the eureka seven series... thus I have something like 10 or 11 eurkea seven boxes holding anime in my collection lol)
Some random volumes have a low print run. Such as the last volume of Hayate the Combat Butler, Code Geass S2 Part 1, Code Geass S1 Part 4, Gundam 00 S2 Part 4, etc. Of course, this applies to others as well.

It pissed me off when my brother bought some of the box sets for Eureka Seven, as I was aware of how hard some of those volumes will be to find. Luckily, I have the blu ray set now, so no more worry. Now those 5 box sets he bought are in the closet, forever hidden away. What a waste of money there. :lol:

Some random volumes have a low print run. Such as the last volume of Hayate the Combat Butler, Code Geass S2 Part 1, Code Geass S1 Part 4, Gundam 00 S2 Part 4, etc. Of course, this applies to others as well.

It pissed me off when my brother bought some of the box sets for Eureka Seven, as I was aware of how hard some of those volumes will be to find. Luckily, I have the blu ray set now, so no more worry. Now those 5 box sets he bought are in the closet, forever hidden away. What a waste of money there. :lol:
well ill buy those box sets if he has #11 lol.

lucky for me i got code geass r1 the complete series for 25 bucks the one with the limited edition art boxes that held the individual dvds. such a steal.

Bad news though. The dude i bought endless waltz from has yet to ship it or answer my emails. His paypal is unverified and his feedback is only for being a buyer. I'm scared. Do i start something with eBay?UGHHGHGH
Not every seller ships immediately. Could take up to 5 days from my own experience. They could have also shipped it but did not update ebay with a package sent icon.

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Not every seller ships immediately. Could take up to 5 days from my own experience. They could have also shipped it but did not update ebay with a package sent icon.
reason why he hasn't messaged me back. he isn't verified on paypal. and barely started selling. i'll give him the benefit of the doubt until Friday when I'll take action. It says ships immediately upon receiving payment. Payment has been received.

well ill buy those box sets if he has #11 lol.

lucky for me i got code geass r1 the complete series for 25 bucks the one with the limited edition art boxes that held the individual dvds. such a steal.
Too bad Volume 11 did not have a Special Edition.

That's nice to hear. I personally would wait for the Blu Ray editions to come out. I'm definitely down to buy them when it goes down to 21.49 like the Eureka Seven sets recently did.

Just because it said they will ship it immediately does not mean they always will.

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Too bad Volume 11 did not have a Special Edition.

That's nice to hear. I personally would wait for the Blu Ray editions to come out. I'm definitely down to buy them when it goes down to 21.49 like the Eureka Seven sets recently did.

Just because it said they will ship it immediately does not mean they always will.
Well hot damn no special edition for 11. it's super rare. all listings on ebay are like "Super Rare Eureka Seven Volume 11"

well i haven't splurged on r2 yet lol so the blu ray set will be my savior especially if it has a special edition. r2 only came out in parts which had art books (BLEH) and the anime legends set. R1 is a surefire collector's item. Very nice artbox.

Any suggestions on an anime to buy on amazon. Looking for cheap-ish I really just wanna get the shipping for free.
uh.... soul eater complete. it's $27.50 and has all 1275 min of soul eater. Fun series at a good price o.o;

trigun for 19.50 old but a classic

mushishi save 16 for an interesting show

romeo x juliet 16 for a surprisingly decent show

my bride is a mermaid 16 for a decent comedy

ghost hunt 17.50 for a solid supernatural show

Utawarerumono 14.50 for a decent action/intellectual/ sorta herem show

aka mostly just search funimation s.a.v.e on amazon.

uh.... soul eater complete. it's $27.50 and has all 1275 min of soul eater. Fun series at a good price o.o;
trigun for 19.50 old but a classic
mushishi save 16 for an interesting show
romeo x juliet 16 for a surprisingly decent show
my bride is a mermaid 16 for a decent comedy
ghost hunt 17.50 for a solid supernatural show
Utawarerumono 14.50 for a decent action/intellectual/ sorta herem show
aka mostly just search funimation s.a.v.e on amazon.
Have em all :( I know I have a problem
bread's done