Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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Fancied up the OP a little bit to include some notable upcoming titles. May change it in the future to just upcoming titles, but will have to see. 

Anybody have any other ideas for the OP?

But when did Funimation stop putting the slip covers on Evangelion 2.22? The one I got is just the case w/ Mari on the front, with no orange slip cover. Now that I'm searching, even Rightstuf & Amazon updated the product image to the case's cover.
They haven't had those slipcovers for a very long time now.
Sorry to the hit the "way back" button on this thread, but I was able to procure one fairly inexpensively. Long version: after reading this post, looking at Amazon, Best Buy, etc....I figured eBay was the only was to go. I made an offer of $25 on one listed for $35, turned down. Walked away for a while on it, but kept tabs on the Wal-mart listing. I had luck with ordering from their site after my LOTR: EE Two Towers debacle. Four orders from Amazon, all with missing slipcover (individual EE release) or badly damaged, plus one from Best Buy missing it too. Decided to try my luck with Wal-mart and ordered two....neither came in perfect, but I picked the better of the two and returned the other. So I just got in my Evangelion 2.22 US Blu with slipcover from them today. Not perfect, but 9/10 quality.

TL;DR version: link No guaranteed slipcover, but got mine for 23.XX with tax + ship. Good luck!

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Not technically anime, but Kmart has the Seiki region-free bluray player available for shipping and in store pick up here.
I forwarded this to my friend and they told me the site claimed it was already sold out. Checked myself and it said in stock, but at checkout it says it's not in stock. So, yeah. It's dead or it could have been just a glitch that switched it to being in stock. Who knows? (Kmarts site is crap anyway)

Alright CAG family. I have a question and request. First of all: does anyone else get burned out watching anime and then come back a few years later? This has happen to me a number of times in the 30 plus years I have been watching anime. I think I got burned out in the mid 90s and came back in late 97 with Berserk, Bebop and Trigun. Then it happened again in 2003 after watching Agent Aika and other fan service shows that just killed it for me. I came back to for Gurren Lagann, but again in 2009 I got burned out after watching Baccano, which I know is a cult favorite, but I despised it. I still watch the Studio Ghibli Films, dragon ball, sailor moon and Digimon with my daughters.

So my request I want to watch something good again to bring me back. Something by myself. tv series or movie doesnt matter. I don't have a specific type of genre; I love all types of anime from Captain Harlock to Maison Ikkoku, from Paranoia Agent to Evangelion. Bloody, violent, stupid funny, action packed, romance or horror it really doesn't matter to me as long as its solid. I know everyone's taste is different so I will keep that in mind. But yeah; what do most of you consider good? Attack on Titan is on my list.
Alright CAG family. I have a question and request. First of all: does anyone else get burned out watching anime and then come back a few years later? This has happen to me a number of times in the 30 plus years I have been watching anime. I think I got burned out in the mid 90s and came back in late 97 with Berserk, Bebop and Trigun. Then it happened again in 2003 after watching Agent Aika and other fan service shows that just killed it for me. I came back to for Gurren Lagann, but again in 2009 I got burned out after watching Baccano, which I know is a cult favorite, but I despised it. I still watch the Studio Ghibli Films, dragon ball, sailor moon and Digimon with my daughters.

So my request I want to watch something good again to bring me back. Something by myself. tv series or movie doesnt matter. I don't have a specific type of genre; I love all types of anime from Captain Harlock to Maison Ikkoku, from Paranoia Agent to Evangelion. Bloody, violent, stupid funny, action packed, romance or horror it really doesn't matter to me as long as its solid. I know everyone's taste is different so I will keep that in mind. But yeah; what do most of you consider good? Attack on Titan is on my list.
Steins;Gate maybe? I think it's one of the best series I have seen recently.

Also, while not as new, you didn't mention it, so I must suggest Code Geass as well.

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Alright CAG family. I have a question and request. First of all: does anyone else get burned out watching anime and then come back a few years later? This has happen to me a number of times in the 30 plus years I have been watching anime. I think I got burned out in the mid 90s and came back in late 97 with Berserk, Bebop and Trigun. Then it happened again in 2003 after watching Agent Aika and other fan service shows that just killed it for me. I came back to for Gurren Lagann, but again in 2009 I got burned out after watching Baccano, which I know is a cult favorite, but I despised it. I still watch the Studio Ghibli Films, dragon ball, sailor moon and Digimon with my daughters.

So my request I want to watch something good again to bring me back. Something by myself. tv series or movie doesnt matter. I don't have a specific type of genre; I love all types of anime from Captain Harlock to Maison Ikkoku, from Paranoia Agent to Evangelion. Bloody, violent, stupid funny, action packed, romance or horror it really doesn't matter to me as long as its solid. I know everyone's taste is different so I will keep that in mind. But yeah; what do most of you consider good? Attack on Titan is on my list.
To answer your first question, it's not "burning out" per se, but some seasons I just don't have the time to watch as many shows as I want, and end up only getting maybe 2 or 3 shows in. Others, I have more time and can watch upwards to 10-15. I usually never skip watching anime seasons though, there's always something every year that interests me.

Regarding what shows to recommend, I'd say most of the popular ones of the previous years are safe bets (i.e. Toradora, Gurren Lagann, Code Geass, Bakemonogatari, Angel Beats, etc.). If I had to recommend one show out of all of the ones I've seen, I'd suggest Fate/Zero.

There is so much good anime out there, I don't know what to tell you. Now if you are like one of my friends that only likes shows like Trigun, Berserk, Gantz, Attack on Titan, sword of the stranger.....then I am sorry to say that you will only find shows to your liking like once a year.

Nowadays most anime that is being produced are slice of life anime. Some of them are very good.
Anyways here's a list of good anime that has come out this year.

Hataraku Maou-sama (The devil is a part timer)
Attack on Titan
Dragonball Z: Battle of Gods
Suisei no Gargantia
Valvrave the Liberator
Genshiken Nidaime
HighSchool DxD
Blood Lad
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui (It's not my fault that I'm not popular)
Servant x Service
Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu
Danganronpa the Animation
Ghost in the Shell Arise: Border 1
One Piece
I would not start Shingeki no Kyojin. That ending was horrid. Hopefully the manga can make up for it.

I'd second recs for Fate/Zero, Angel Beats, and Blood Lad. (Steins Gate would probably make the list too, but I haven't finished it yet.)

I'd also recommend Durarara!!, Anohana, Gin no Saji, Kannagi, Psycho-Pass, Tsuritama, Uchouten Kazoku, and Aku no Hana. (Tsuritama and Psycho Pass are two of my favorites.) Dangan Ronpa was good but the game was much more detailed imo. I think they could've stretched out the anime a bit longer and had better results.

Also, do any of you use MAL?

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I would not start Shingeki no Kyojin. That ending was horrid. Hopefully the manga can make up for it.

I'd second recs for Fate/Zero, Angel Beats, and Blood Lad. (Steins Gate would probably make the list too, but I haven't finished it yet.
Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan was awesome. Just flipping through the manga online, I'm pretty sure that a second season will be on the way after that little hint at the end. I'd actually recommend it. (I've seen good anime's that have had terrible non canon endings... Blue Exorcist and Soul Eater to name a few while AoT's ending was more or less canon)

As for what I like mainly... are just anme's that generally have a beginning and an actual end. I've noticed that Japan has finally gotten the hint that it can finally do separate seasons of anime's (they are adapted from ongoing manga's) instead of just making up endings which imho has been the most annoying anime trend for decades.

I also only go for the more action based anime rather than fan service typed anime. I know some CAGs like that stuff but I absolutely hate it. And if you have kids, you probably don't want them walking on you on half of crap they have out today anyway.

As for my recommendations... I'd agree on:

Steins;gate (Season 1 is pretty goofy and has a lot of humor, mainly with memes and whatnot, but then the second season gets dead serious)

Angel Beats

Darker than Black S1 (The OVA is great but it leads into S2 which is pretty bad. Watchable, but be prepared)

Black Lagoon S1/S2/OVA

Hellsing Ultimate (especially if you loved the original Hellsing anime) --Episodes 9 & 10 aren't dubbed yet. But you probably know where to watch them if you get into it.

Dragonball Z: Battle of the Gods (solid follow up set after DBZ)


Psycho Pass

A little "old" now, but Mushi-Shi was laid back but it kept me hooked.

What I find hard to recommend is:

Fate/Zero - Starts slow... and can be confusing. But still it's way better than Fate/Stay Night.

One Piece (Starts great, gets slow, fillery, and starts to drag out. TL;DR - It's over 600 episodes)

Any harem or moe anime that focus too much fan service.

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Fanservice anime has gotten a lot better since the days of Maburaho, Magikano, Happy Lesson, Sister Princess, etc. Heaven's Lost Property is pure awesomeness, Sekirei starts slow but the plot really gets going, High School DXD is funny as hell, Highschool of the Dead is basically The Walking Dead with more schoolgirls, and Baka and Test is hilarious. It does help that most of those have an underlying plot that gets stronger as the series goes on.
As you can see, there is a great list of anime that has come out recently that is pretty awesome. I believe all of the anime listed here has come out within that past 3 years.

I do agree with One Piece. As awesome as the show is, I have a hard time recommending it to anyone. It is a labor of love to watch that show. Best part is that the filler episodes are pretty good. Yes it is at 615 episodes as of today. the show is little over halfway done. This is partly because the author is having so much fun writing One Piece. As an avid reader, I can see how much fun he is having.

Regarding Attack on Titan, I've been reading the manga for almost 3 years now, so I knew about this show before it even aired. The manga is great, there are some issues with the characters getting boring/stale. But in my honest opinion, Attack on Titan is the best thing I've seen in the last 3 years.

I'm not even going to recommend the new anime that has just started airing because as I mentioned, you have been given an awesome big list of some really good stuff for you to enjoy.
Angel Beats!  (I think I'm the 5th person to recommend this so hopefully not causing too much hype)

Anyway some of my more recent favorites.

Attack on Titan (pretty sure there will be another season of this)

Sword Art Online (Yes, I will be the one that mentions this... what can I say)

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet

Accel World

Hataraku Maou-sama (The devil is a part timer)  (I still need to finish this but enjoyed what I've watched of it)

Current season,  I haven't had time to get into much of it but I have enjoyed the first 2 episodes of Log Horizon.

a few more people didn't mention

Kino's Journey

Spice and Wolf

Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo

Texhnolyze (starts pretty slow so give it some time.)

Ergo Proxy

Katanagatari (Also starts a bit slow)


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Thank you guys for giving me some titles to check out...damn new DBZ movie! The 16 year old in me just got excited. Some of the titles mentioned I've already seen.

I will be checking out:

Steins gate
Angel Beats
Code Geass
Highschool DXD

For starters..may check out seasons two of Spice and Wolf and Darker than Black. I saw that Black Lagoon had a new oav out as well.

I think the last episode of One Piece I saw was in the 400s. But I have kept up with the manga. Bleach ever wrap up? Or did they finally stop airing it due to fillers?

I remember how upset I was to hear of Satoshi Kon's passing. Did they ever release his final film domestically? Thanks again guys!
It says something about anime MSRP that these half-off prices are still higher than Amazon.
Golgo 13: Complete Collection ($62.39), Sengoku Basara: Complete Series ($36.49), and Freezing: Complete Series ($33.49; it's just called "Complete Series" at DD for some reason) are all higher at Amazon.
Yeah there's a few good deals on there, Panty & Stocking with Garter Belt, Freezing, Sengoku Basara, and Haganai are all lower than Amazon prices. Picked up a couple, thanks!

Thank you guys for giving me some titles to check out...damn new DBZ movie! The 16 year old in me just got excited. Some of the titles mentioned I've already seen.

I will be checking out:

Steins gate
Angel Beats
Code Geass
Highschool DXD

For starters..may check out seasons two of Spice and Wolf and Darker than Black. I saw that Black Lagoon had a new oav out as well.

I think the last episode of One Piece I saw was in the 400s. But I have kept up with the manga. Bleach ever wrap up? Or did they finally stop airing it due to fillers?

I remember how upset I was to hear of Satoshi Kon's passing. Did they ever release his final film domestically? Thanks again guys!
Code Geass and Steins;Gate are fantastic!

Bleach was cancelled after the fullbringer arc. I have a soft spot for Bleach but it was mainly because I watched it weekly from probably 2008-2012. I remember telling a friend about a cool fight in the series only to see that it was actually split between three episodes and you never really know when a fight will resume. It's an anime that's better to marathon than anything due to how long the fights take or in some cases, are put on hold.

Anyway, Bleach is technically over in anime form. I do recommend watching where you left off, but to obviously skip the filler. The last filler arc wasn't too bad (Kon got screen time, a lot of screen time!) but the story and writing fell apart mid-way as always. The final canon arc I personally thought was a breath of fresh air into the manga/anime due to Ichigo not whoring out his Bankai/Mask in every fight, but I suppose that Japanese fans weren't having it. And it was cancelled. 

Since then, Bleach has gone to hell in every way possible, and it even had a movie in hell! But in all seriousness, the manga was seemingly forced onto it's final arc and it was even bumped out of the "big 3". The last arc is still guilty of many of the annoying Bleach trends (predictable story, faked deaths, training nonstop, etc) but a lot of the mysteries that were around in Bleach are finally being answered. It's worth reading... or watching since I'm sure an anime version will be made if/when Kubo ends the manga.

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Considering that Kubo got lazy to the point of not even drawing backgrounds and his drawings just getting worse as  he went along,it doesn't surprise me they forced him to start the final arc.

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Considering the Kubo got lazy to the point of not even drawing backgrounds and his drawings just getting worse as he went along,it doesn't surprise me they forced him to start the final arc.
The backgrounds thing has been ongoing for years. I think the fact is that since he dragged out the whole Aizen thing and that it ended sort of flat, that people didn't even bother watching/reading it anymore.

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He was forced to extend that arc due to the popularity of the Arrancars. I doubt the Primero Espada and the first Ulquiorra fight would have happened originally and the battles with the Fraccion in Fake Karakura Town would have likely be shortened.

I personally didn't care about the backgrounds much anyway. They weren't scenery porn like Negima or anything.

The Fullbring/X-Cution arc were OK, but felt like the anime fillers. The current storyline has been much improved.
I wanna see som captains die. Just when it seems I get my wish, ofcourse they find a way to power themselves up. I' not reallying feeling this final arc, and would prefer to watch it then read it.

Yamamoto and Unohana have died, though the former needed to be needed by Aizen first while the latter has fans in uproar.

It's also pretty telling that the Quincies pretty much decimated the Soul Society in about 5 chapters while Aizen's Arrancars barely made any lasting impact.A

I wanna see som captains die. Just when it seems I get my wish, ofcourse they find a way to power themselves up. I' not reallying feeling this final arc, and would prefer to watch it then read it.
Yeah, I hear ya. It makes me wonder if Studio Pierrot will even bother with it by the time it finishes. I'm sure it will get green lit, but who knows how many seasons it will need just to wrap it up. Without spoiling too much, I don't get the point on why Kubo never lets many characters ("good guys") die. And notice how almost no characters set in the present time die. Naruto and One Piece do kill off characters here and there and both mangas do it pretty well (which I still feel makes a lot of certain arcs in those mangas unforgettable). But when you think of Bleach? Just a few epic fights here and there and that's about it.

Yamamoto and Unohana have died, though the former needed to be needed by Aizen first while the latter has fans in uproar.

It's also pretty telling that the Quincies pretty much decimated the Soul Society in about 5 chapters while Aizen's Arrancars barely made any lasting impact.A
This is true. I'm pretty sure Yamamoto is dead, with him probably being the first captain dying in probably forever.

Unohana I can sense some BS on Kubo on bringing her back. But she did make it sound like that Kenpachi had to kill her in order to make him "stronger". We've seen characters in Bleach get limbs sliced off and live from fatal injuries several times so I'm not sold on Unohana's death quite yet. And knowing how Kubo loves to space out certain scenes until probably a dozen chapters later, we'll probably never know the aftermath of that battle for a few months. =S

When I saw Byakuya come back I was sort of bummed. I think his death could of brought on a real good chapter, but nope.

But yeah, I think we already talked too much about Bleach. Let's move on... =P

Deepdiscount running another sale of about 52% off a lot of anime titles from different publishers.

Link here -
Yeah... a few Sentai titles maybe worth it for a few people but I don't see any must buys for me. I still like how DD has some titles named "Collection one" and "PT 1". Great job as always, DD. =)

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Naruto and One Piece aren't exactly shining examples of good guy death. Of Naruto's 2 major good guy deaths, 1 was greatly impactful while the other had more impact in the anime where he had more focus. No, I don't count the Pain arc or the current arc.

As for One Piece, there is a reason why, until recently, the joke was that you only died in flashbacks. Why hello there, Pell!
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Where do you guys recommend buying more mainstream anime? I recently got into Fairy Tail and im hooked. I actually prefer the dubbed to the subbed (Only this and FMA). Netflix has the first 48 episodes (Everything up to Collection 2). I want to buy Parts 5 and 6 with 7 coming in December, so Im assuming we wont see a Collection 3 till Spring 2014.

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Where do you guys recommend buying more mainstream anime? I recently got into Fairy Tail and im hooked. I actually prefer the dubbed to the subbed (Only this and FMA). Netflix has the first 48 episodes (Everything up to Collection 2). I want to buy Parts 5 and 6 with 7 coming in December, so Im assuming we wont see a Collection 3 till Spring 2014.
I got the Fairy Tail collections for 30ish each on Right Stuf and I got both collections on the same order so that I didn't have to pay any shipping. Amazon has them... but in recent years, they stopped discounting anime for the most part. Sometimes Funimation will have a sale on their anime, so I'd keep following this thread as I'm sure the OP will hear of any future deals. With black friday/the holidays coming up, we're bound to have some sort of Funimation sale here soon.

Naruto and One Piece aren't exactly shining examples of good guy death. Of Naruto's 2 major good guy deaths, 1 was greatly impactful while the other had more impact in the anime where he had more focus. No, I don't count the Pain arc or the current arc.

As for One Piece, there is a reason why, until recently, the joke was that you only died in flashbacks. Why hello there, Pell!
True, but at least they kill off more characters than Bleach ever did. Then again both of those mangas are longer than Bleach, but still. I haven't kept up with Naruto/One Piece in several months now (both anime/manga) but I've heard from the interwebs and some friends of my mention some pretty major deaths... I guess I'll have to catch up eventually and see for myself on how "major" they were.

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Naruto's World War arc (specifically the final battle still going on) has killed a large number of supporting characters, but none of Team 7 nor the Gokage have died yet and someone who supposedly died years ago in real time was revealed to be alive and NOT via Edotensei. Speaking of which, Edotensei pretty much brought back every named character who died in the series anyway.
Amazon discounted the fairy tail collections before they came out to around $26, and they are both around $32 on there, atm.  Deepdiscount is currently running a big sale.  They can be super-slow, but if the price is right, it's worth it.

Amazon discounted the fairy tail collections before they came out to around $26, and they are both around $32 on there, atm. Deepdiscount is currently running a big sale. They can be super-slow, but if the price is right, it's worth it.
Do you think they'll ever go back down to $26 or should I pick it up now?
Do you think they'll ever go back down to $26 or should I pick it up now?
It seems to be locked down at $30-33 between Amazon, DD, and Right Stuf as of now. If you want it a few bucks cheaper, it may hit between $25-29 during a Funimation sale on Amazon, but if you're gonna get it, I don't see any point on waiting just to save less than five bucks.

Honestly, unless you seriously must have Parts 5 and 6 right now (or absolutely love the coverart), I would wait for Collection 3 or the Blu-ray only sets. The Collections typically go for $30, more or less, which is similar to the parts themselves.
Do you think Collection 3 will include parts 5,6, and 7? Every collection usually covers 2 parts. From what ive read this is where Fairy Tail gets pretty damn good (No saying that what ive watched so far wasn't awesome).

Damn, I hadn't realized that there was that much time between part 4 and collection 2.  Glad I don't have to own it.

I think the release date gaps were due to Funimation taking their time in licensing the rest of the anime. I think a few people thought that they were going to pull a D.Gray-Man on Fairy Tail but it ended up that Funimation licensed the rest of the anime. I guess the collections really shot up the sales compared to the parts (which makes sense). 

Since Parts 5-6 are out with 7 on the way, I'm sure the next collection set will probably be out by the Spring of next year. 

In addition to the current sale at Deep Discount, you can take an extra 10% off of some recent anime releases until 10/31 using the code DDBB77.

The list of eligible titles is:

Yu-Gi-Oh Classic! Season 1

Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail

Eureka Seven Ao Part 1

The Future Diary Part 1

From Up on Poppy Hill


Legend of the Legendary Heroes Complete Series

One Piece Season 5 Voyage 1

Case Closed S.A.V.E. Editions: Seasons 1-5

Fairy Tail: Collection Two, Part 5, Part 6

Is This A Zombie Season Two

Guilty Crown: Part 1 and Part 2

Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Wing Part 1 and Part 2



Elfen Lied

Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine

The Garden of Words

Golgo 13

Medaka Box

New Dominion: Tank Police

High School DxD

Nyan Koi

Patlabor TV: Collection 2

Phi-Brain: Puzzle of God (The Orpheus Order: Season 2, Collection 1)

Queen's Blade Rebellion

Shining Hearts

This Boy Caught a Merman


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