Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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In my opinion, I found the source material for SAO 2 much better than the second half of SAO.  The GGO (Gun Gale Online) Arc  seemed much more interesting than the initial ALO Arc (I enjoy the actual side stories in ALF much more though. :lol:)  when I read it last year. I do hope they do it justice. 

I'll second that. Pet Girl of Sakurasou is awesome. Really enjoyable and not fan-servicey....ok well, I might have to take that back, but it at least has meaning. I just found out that SAO 2 was announced (despite looking for the announcement and somehow missing it when the OAV came out!) and I'm stoked. Now that's a show I wish they cut out the unnecessary fan service and just focused on the plot/action. Most women don't wear tight shorts of any kind that squeeze their poon. That's starting to get old in these shows and manga.
That anime had so much drama in every episode... which i liked. Reminds me of Kokoro connect with its drama every episode.

Right Stuf was notified today that Media Blasters is changing their Koe de Oshigoto release to a sub-only set(and scheduled for a May 2014 release).  MB's CEO commented to someone(can't remember who right now), but apparently they couldn't get an english dub approved from the license holder.   So now that time & money goes towards a dub for Ladies vs. Butlers.

Media Blasters also mentioned that they're just now starting translation & adaptation work on Ladies vs. Butlers.  So it's going to be probably another 6 months before we'll see that.  Although apparently they are starting to ship that horrible Rio: Rainbow Gate show to retailers.

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What are your guys' thoughts on Sword Art Online? After watching the Glass Reflections review of it--and I normally mirror 90% of his opinions--it seems like a superficial and shallow bag of shit. I'd be curious to hear a more general consensus, though.

I enjoyed it, it wasn't great as it was originally hyped to be. But not as terrible as people make it to be. I think it is still streaming subbed on Crunchyroll if you want to give it a chance.

What are your guys' thoughts on Sword Art Online? After watching the Glass Reflections review of it--and I normally mirror 90% of his opinions--it seems like a superficial and shallow bag of shit. I'd be curious to hear a more general consensus, though.
I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I can understand people's issues with the second half (spoiler relating to second half relationships as well as character development that if you have heard people complain about the show you have likely already heard)
if they feel strongly against cousin love. I personally would never fall for someone I am related to, but really have no issues if two cousins want to hook up (I believe love is love, if both people are happy who am I to say it's wrong as happiness can be hard to find), so a love line down that path didn't matter to me, it was just another romance path to me.

What are your guys' thoughts on Sword Art Online? After watching the Glass Reflections review of it--and I normally mirror 90% of his opinions--it seems like a superficial and shallow bag of shit. I'd be curious to hear a more general consensus, though.
I think the phrase "shallow bag of shit" is too kind a description for Sword Art Online. That doesn't even begin to address the Gary Stu main character, the really strange playing-house-with-a-kid subplot, the complete gimping of a potentially strong female lead into a damsel in distress, or the most egregious sin of all - the use of the sister-who's-not-really-a-sister-who's-in-love-with-her-brother trope.

What are your guys' thoughts on Sword Art Online? After watching the Glass Reflections review of it--and I normally mirror 90% of his opinions--it seems like a superficial and shallow bag of shit. I'd be curious to hear a more general consensus, though.
I would say I enjoyed what I liked more than I hated what I disliked. I understand why a lot of people hate it but I don't think it deserves too much hate. I would check out Log Horizon if the premise is what got you interested.

What are your guys' thoughts on Sword Art Online? After watching the Glass Reflections review of it--and I normally mirror 90% of his opinions--it seems like a superficial and shallow bag of shit. I'd be curious to hear a more general consensus, though.
I liked it a lot, was my favorite anime of the season, but the second season did fall flat in terms of turning an awesome heroine into a damsel in distress as Kirin noted. The cousin-on-cousin action seems to happen in more Japanese anime these days, which is either a cultural thing over there or they just think there's something hot about that. So depending on your sensibilities, second season may turn you off. Taking that away and the fan service in season 2, the action and drama were interesting. I think most would agree the first season was fairly strong though. It's worth a free watch on Crunchyroll and you can decide about season 2.

It says free on the page but it's still trying to charge $1.99 for HD or $0.99 for standard.

Nevermind, you actually have to search for it to get the pass. You can't just use the ad that says it's free on the dash. That'd be far too convenient.
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My two cents on SAO is that it seemed good in the first episode then everything gradually started to fall apart. I managed to stomach through the first half and after seeing two episodes from the second half, I couldn't finish it. I'm still puzzled by the popularity behind it because wasn't dot hack a very similar series roughly a decade ago? I'll just stop right there. =P

Oh, and thanks for the DBZ deal. It worked for me on my PC.

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I'll admit that I had SAO preordered at for a very long time mostly as a big middle finger to Aniplex USA.  I actually just cancelled it today because I decided that I actually like my nose, and would rather spend that money on something else ($112 doesn't seem like a very good deal when you realize that Sentai or Funi would have released them in two sets instead of four).  Ironically, Amazon's unwillingness to break up shipments worked in my favor this time.  Parts 1-3 had already been released, but they weren't willing to ship any of them until part 4 came out as well.

Which brings me to another question.  Does anyone know if Right Stuf has changed their shipping policy?  I'm giving them until next week before I contact them, but I currently have 3 blu ray sets and 11 manga in the "reserved for your order" status.  In the past, they've shipped me out just a single book from a larger order without me asking them to do so, so I find it strange that I have so many items waiting to be shipped from them.

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They "try" to ship everything all at once. If you have a big order and have something on it that is a pre-order or out of stock. They will hold the item. The other items that are available won't ship until their next partial shipping date. Their partial shipping dates are twice a month. The first Monday of the month (which was yesterday). Their next partial shipping date is March 17th.

I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I can understand people's issues with the second half (spoiler relating to second half relationships as well as character development that if you have heard people complain about the show you have likely already heard)
if they feel strongly against cousin love. I personally would never fall for someone I am related to, but really have no issues if two cousins want to hook up (I believe love is love, if both people are happy who am I to say it's wrong as happiness can be hard to find), so a love line down that path didn't matter to me, it was just another romance path to me.
But they grew up as siblings, plus it wasn't even partially reciprocated at all, making it pretty much meaningless. Oh, should Kirito have said he was sorry even though he had no idea what the heck was going on? What was the point of that?

I watched SAO as it was airing, and I liked the first half a lot; I thought they did a good job of skipping the "boring" stuff a traditional MMO would have, even if it meant that he was mainly invincible. The plot twists seemed to get away from the most common cliches (in contrast, though I liked it in other media .Hack//Sign almost put me to sleep multiple times). Then the second half introduces family love, damsel in a cage (literally), creepy stalker fiance and even manages to throw in tentacles. Plus, aside from all that I much preferred the character designs of the first game than the elf designs of the second.

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They "try" to ship everything all at once. If you have a big order and have something on it that is a pre-order or out of stock. They will hold the item. The other items that are available won't ship until their next partial shipping date. Their partial shipping dates are twice a month. The first Monday of the month (which was yesterday). Their next partial shipping date is March 17th.
It could just be a coincidence, but in all the years I've shopped there I've never had this many items stacked up in queue before. I'm not really worried about it, it just struck me as odd was all.

Part 1, gold.

Part 2, rancid sewer shit.
Too much focus on the love story. Really depressing honestly. That show had SO much potential. But they put the central focus on the love story. I wouldn't of even minded the love story had it not been the central focus. The characters were even likable. It's a pretty decent show and gets a lot of unwarranted hate, but it could have been so much more than what it was.

On that note I'm watching another "stuck in an MMO" anime called Log Horizon and I'm loving it so far.

It says free on the page but it's still trying to charge $1.99 for HD or $0.99 for standard.

Nevermind, you actually have to search for it to get the pass. You can't just use the ad that says it's free on the dash. That'd be far too convenient.
Weird, I got it on Xbox One so there was no ad, I had to go directly to the Xbox Video app there to find the deal.

Oh, and thanks for the DBZ deal. It worked for me on my PC.
I always forget you can use the Xbox Video app on their other devices, I never use it haha.

is it free only for the time period or does it become apart of your library?
Is there a specific time? The Xbox One store was really vague and just said "free" and now says I own all the episodes in the first season, since it says own I would hope it's permanent...

Just finished Part 1 of Psycho Pass and am loving it so far. A nice change of pace from a lot of anime coming out recently.
That's next in line on my watch list.

I'm on Steins Gate right now. Six episodes in and I'm finding it very slow. I get everything that's going on, but not sure the point or purpose of most stuff. I usually cling on to a few characters as well when I watch anime, but I'm not finding any of interest. I do like these type of plots as I'm a huge sci-fi fan so I'm still intrigued. Just wish it wasn't this slow. It's still early...

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I'll second that. Pet Girl of Sakurasou is awesome. Really enjoyable and not fan-servicey....ok well, I might have to take that back, but it at least has meaning. I just found out that SAO 2 was announced (despite looking for the announcement and somehow missing it when the OAV came out!) and I'm stoked. Now that's a show I wish they cut out the unnecessary fan service and just focused on the plot/action. Most women don't wear tight shorts of any kind that squeeze their poon. That's starting to get old in these shows and manga.
well I may add it to the backlog of TV to watch in that case, also I don't know what women you are seeing but most these days dress lwith only slightly more clothing than porn stars(before they strip).

also thanks to whoever pointed out dbz season 1 is free....I now have something in my xbox video library lol

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well I may add it to the backlog of TV to watch in that case, also I don't know what women you are seeing but most these days dress lwith only slightly more clothing than porn stars(before they strip).

also thanks to whoever pointed out dbz season 1 is free....I now have something in my xbox video library lol
LOL, well, I guess on the east coast where we have 4 seasons, you generally don't see that all over the place. Even when it's nice, I don't see stuff like that.

Too much focus on the love story. Really depressing honestly. That show had SO much potential. But they put the central focus on the love story. I wouldn't of even minded the love story had it not been the central focus. The characters were even likable. It's a pretty decent show and gets a lot of unwarranted hate, but it could have been so much more than what it was.

On that note I'm watching another "stuck in an MMO" anime called Log Horizon and I'm loving it so far.
Log Horizon is interesting. Only thing that is off about that compared to SAO is that the people trapped in the MMO world don't seem to stress or care about getting out. They are just like, "Word, this is normal now, let's go farm for exp and gold! This is like a gamer-nerd heaven! Who cares about going back home!". Not sure I like the way they set up the plot that way honestly. They may as well have just done it .hack style and just said "this is an anime about people playing an mmo" since I don't feel any tension whatsoever in the plot. Ah well.

Log Horizon is interesting. Only thing that is off about that compared to SAO is that the people trapped in the MMO world don't seem to stress or care about getting out. They are just like, "Word, this is normal now, let's go farm for exp and gold! This is like a gamer-nerd heaven! Who cares about going back home!". Not sure I like the way they set up the plot that way honestly. They may as well have just done it .hack style and just said "this is an anime about people playing an mmo" since I don't feel any tension whatsoever in the plot. Ah well.
Well that plot is fairly realistic, about them not caring and just want to continue with the MMO. I know people that play MMOs that literally never log off, or play 10-15hrs a day.

Well that plot is fairly realistic, about them not caring and just want to continue with the MMO. I know people that play MMOs that literally never log off, or play 10-15hrs a day.
this reminds of the story a few years ago, about a guy who died playing world of warcraft online non-stop for almost a week in china.

LOL, well, I guess on the east coast where we have 4 seasons, you generally don't see that all over the place. Even when it's nice, I don't see stuff like that.
as an east coaster myself I see women dress in all manner of clothing regardless of the weather. in fact in colder climates I've been too(not that it doesnt freeze where I am at) I have seen plenty of women in short skirts in 30 degree weather. I've seen plenty of guys in shorts too....although unless the guys are at just used to the cold or at a sporting event they are more prone to wearing clothing.

maybe in 10 degree weather girls finally stop with the short skirts.....but I've been in plenty of 20-30 degree weather and seen girls dress in short skirts.....their top halfs are usually warmer than the bottom halfs....I guess the ass is greater than the boob in their logic.I think it also depends on whether they are single or not too.

Deepdiscount and DVD planet are running sales up to 55% off selected anime.  Mostly Discotech and Sentai Titles.

Only picking up a couple this time, them being GTO and Maid Sama

Deepdiscount and DVD planet are running sales up to 55% off selected anime. Mostly Discotech and Sentai Titles.

Only picking up a couple this time, them being GTO and Maid Sama
Thanks, picked up the Persona 4 blus. Too bad the pre-orders weren't 55% off :/

Yea, that's fine. I'm like the DUB cast and, hell, I'm used to them already.
I felt the same with Persona 4. Most of those interested in the anime are doing so because they enjoyed the game. I would rather have a higher res show with voices I recognize than sacrifice visuals for the JP audio option.
I'm getting the feeling you're one of those anime purest ...............................on the side note, the dub version of P4 was awesome

the black ranger did yu's voice !!!
Johnny Yong Bosch is also the voice of Trigun, Ichigo Kurosaki, Renton Thurston, Zero (Marvel vs Capcom), Izaya from Durarara, Lelouch vi Britannia, among others. :lol:

That's next in line on my watch list.

I'm on Steins Gate right now. Six episodes in and I'm finding it very slow. I get everything that's going on, but not sure the point or purpose of most stuff. I usually cling on to a few characters as well when I watch anime, but I'm not finding any of interest. I do like these type of plots as I'm a huge sci-fi fan so I'm still intrigued. Just wish it wasn't this slow. It's still early...
first half was boring too me Thu well done, it had too much randomness an comedy for my taste. i drop the show for while but later finished it.

it was around second half or so it got much better an worth watching love how it all played out don't want say much as i hate spoilers but it worth finishing, as it had a very good story.

I'm getting the feeling you're one of those anime purest ...............................on the side note, the dub version of P4 was awesome

the black ranger did yu's voice !!!
My only complaint was that he also does the voice of Adachi and he forces himself to sound more nasally or something to differentiate him from Yu lol.

So, I ordered Tenchi Muyo War on Geminar LE from GoHastings for $27. Figured I would sell my current Part 1 and upgrade to the fancy box.

Got the package in today and it has Part 1....AND Part 2!

Yay for Hastings!
bread's done