Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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What exactly is the current code for deepdiscount? As much as people on here scream bloody murder about the site it's the only place I can find decent prices on anime preorders and they actually ship stuff separately if they have different release dates. is offering an additional 50% Off Used Movies, Games, Music, Books & More that are priced $29.99 or less when you apply code WAAAHT!(during checkout). Shipping varies depending on items purchase.

I am far to lazy to search myself since most of the time by the time I figure out something I want it is sold out :/

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One-Punch Man won Anime Madness.

So apparently RightStuf is trying to encourage customer written reviews. If you write 5 product reviews (for stuff you actually bought from them) by April 30th, then they will give you a 5% discount on your next purchase. As for if the discount is extended to "sale" items....i doubt it.

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So apparently RightStuf is trying to encourage customer written reviews. If you write 5 product reviews (for stuff you actually bought from them) by April 30th, then they will give you a 5% discount on your next purchase. As for if the discount is extended to "sale" items....i doubt it.
Do you have a link to the details?

Do you have a link to the details?
I recived it in an email as well. I'm not sure if it goes off of past order status (I've pretty much pre ordered the Funi catalog) or maybe got anime status. You can always try it out and see if they send you the code in May when it's over.

I'm bored as hell and have money to burn, so I'm gonna get about five or six of those .79 Blind Boxes.
I was going to stay silent but I bought a bunch of those $10 blind boxes that were on sale for $3 and got 3-4 duplicates. I wonder if the $0.79 items will be the same as last year.

So I bought 5, damnit.

The Skip Beat Kickstarter is doing really well right now. About $500 away from hitting 120K, which means we'll get another VA announcement. Please think about contributing if you haven't done so yet. Thanks!
I honestly thought this was dead in the water, i was watching it for like 5 days and it barely got any donations. Glad to see it inching closer, but it needs more marketing. Crunchyroll or MAL could post an article about it. The organizer really needs to step it up.

I honestly thought this was dead in the water, i was watching it for like 5 days and it barely got any donations. Glad to see it inching closer, but it needs more marketing. Crunchyroll or MAL could post an article about it. The organizer really needs to step it up.
CR published an article recently about hitting 100k and I think MAL also did something. Really hoping we see a continued strong drive in funding. Want those Blus!

There is a lot of stuff vying for my money this year (and just this month), and I actually just plain forgot about Skip Beat. I was planning to back it and I still might, but now I'll have to see how my money is before I do.
My wife asked what I wanted for my birthday and I responded with "I think I'd like to put $60 into the Skip Beat KickStarter fund"  Annnnd I realize that I have to spend $100 to get blu-rays, now I have to think about this

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Well, Kickstarter doesn't actually take your money until the end, so you can always pledge now and sort out funding it later.

20% of New blu rays at today with coupon code DEALOFTHEDAY

Some really great prices with the coupon on things like:
$51.04 Black Lagoon LE
$45.76 Noein LE
$48.00 Eden of the East complete edition
$45.67 Death Note Omega Edition
$16.00 Ghost in the Shell The New Movie

shipping totaled $6.45 for all of the above

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CR published an article recently about hitting 100k and I think MAL also did something. Really hoping we see a continued strong drive in funding. Want those Blus!
Glad to see this going on. It stalled around 80k and no one was talking about it...

I saw on the updates section on KS that "starkillr" donated 5k. Was that you? If so, mad props.
My wife asked what I wanted for my birthday and I responded with "I think I'd like to put $60 into the Skip Beat KickStarter fund" Annnnd I realize that I have to spend $100 to get blu-rays, now I have to think about this
Assuming the stretch goal is hit, that is.

I'm in at the $60 level now, but would likely upgrade to $100 if the stretch goal was hit. Assuming everyone at that level jumped to the $100 level, that's only an additional ~$10,000, which isn't even half of what is needed to the stretch goal, let alone fund the remainder of the project.

I'm certain the Kickstarter will succeed, but am doubtful the bluray goal will be met. Which I'm fine with as it's an upscale anyway.

I honestly thought this was dead in the water, i was watching it for like 5 days and it barely got any donations. Glad to see it inching closer, but it needs more marketing. Crunchyroll or MAL could post an article about it. The organizer really needs to step it up.
it was dead on indiegogo but once it moved over to kickstarter it was always doing fairly well. it got iffy towards the middle if the blu ray goal would be reached but never really a question if it would make it overall.

the last few days has really kicked off though and it looks like the blu ray goal is with in reach again (which anyone with a $100 or more pledge I believe gets the blu ray for free if they are also getting the DVD)

it was dead on indiegogo but once it moved over to kickstarter it was always doing fairly well. it got iffy towards the middle if the blu ray goal would be reached but never really a question if it would make it overall.

the last few days has really kicked off though and it looks like the blu ray goal is with in reach again (which anyone with a $100 or more pledge I believe gets the blu ray for free if they are also getting the DVD)
Yep you are correct. :)

Note: The $100 and $150 tiers will be upgraded to DVD/Blu-ray combo set upon reaching the $185K stretch goal to produce the Blu-ray.

Glad to see this going on. It stalled around 80k and no one was talking about it...

I saw on the updates section on KS that "starkillr" donated 5k. Was that you? If so, mad props.
Ya, that's me. As long as it gets funded for the initial goal, the blu ray will happen. Won't settle for less ;)

Ya, that's me. As long as it gets funded for the initial goal, the blu ray will happen. Won't settle for less ;)
I have a feeling ann might go with a "close enough" like my recent red dragon inn game did even if we don't quite make it.

I wish the blu ray was a lock, but i don't think many backers actually have a need to upgrade to get the blu ray. I mean there are only 350 or so backers below 100 and only 250 or so that are getting the base dvd. I mean if they all moved up to $100 for blu ray that would be 10k right there, but I doubt it will happen.

I mean personally I don't care to much about the blu ray, I just want something more to fit in my fancy box. In general I don't care if something is on blu ray or on dvd. Heck only reason I am at the $150 tier is because I love what ann is doing and skip beat. with the next project I might not go as crazy (if it is a show i am not a big fan of I will likely just do the base $60 order)

I'm already in for Skip Beat! at the $150 ($165) level, but I want the Blu-ray, and will be mighty pissed if it ends up being DVD-only. Justin Sevakis will be doing the upscale, and he said the SD masters are a prime candidate for an excellent upscale, so an upscale should get done about as good as it can possibly get - but I also like having it on Blu-ray just because the media is so much more rugged than DVDs, which develop major scratches just by looking sternly at them, lol... 

I'd probably simply donate more money to the campaign if I had to, to boost the pledging, as I'm not really interested in any of the addons; But the Escaflowne and Riding Bean Kickstarters also got a goodly sum of my money, and there's also a lot of Aniplex and Ponycan pre-orders shipping this month and next that I got to pay for, so I'm stretched pretty thin right now.  

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I have a feeling ann might go with a "close enough" like my recent red dragon inn game did even if we don't quite make it.

I wish the blu ray was a lock, but i don't think many backers actually have a need to upgrade to get the blu ray. I mean there are only 350 or so backers below 100 and only 250 or so that are getting the base dvd. I mean if they all moved up to $100 for blu ray that would be 10k right there, but I doubt it will happen.

I mean personally I don't care to much about the blu ray, I just want something more to fit in my fancy box. In general I don't care if something is on blu ray or on dvd. Heck only reason I am at the $150 tier is because I love what ann is doing and skip beat. with the next project I might not go as crazy (if it is a show i am not a big fan of I will likely just do the base $60 order)
I'll just say that if the KS gets funded, blu ray will happen :) Either way, I think if we can keep up this pace, the KS will hit the goal naturally. So hopefully more backers show up or people up their existing pledge.

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I'll just say that if the KS gets funded, blu ray will happen :) Either way, I think if we can keep up this pace, the KS will hit the goal naturally. So hopefully more backers show up or people up their existing pledge.
Are you saying this from insider knowledge or are you recklessly optimistic?

If it turns out bluray will happen after the campaign I'll just upgrade my pledge via Backerkit.

Are you saying this from insider knowledge or are you recklessly optimistic?

If it turns out bluray will happen after the campaign I'll just upgrade my pledge via Backerkit.
I'd say if you really want blu ray, upgrade from now. Can't say more than that.

I'd say if you really want blu ray, upgrade from now. Can't say more than that.
Of course you can. It's not like bluray will be magically made available for the limited number of people that backed at $100 and up. At a minimum it will be available via retail post-campaign.
Of course you can. It's not like bluray will be magically made available for the limited number of people that backed at $100 and up. At a minimum it will be available via retail post-campaign.
Provided the original goal for the KS succeeds, then the release overall happens. Nothing happens otherwise.

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How bad is the funimation store before place a preorder? Is it horrible? $30 bucks for Riding bean on blu-ray? It's only 45 minutes. I'm telling myself that so i don't buy it. 

How bad is the funimation store before place a preorder? Is it horrible? $30 bucks for Riding bean on blu-ray? It's only 45 minutes. I'm telling myself that so i don't buy it.
Crappy, there shipping it trash. It used to be sub par but then when Uni bought them it got worse. They used to ship crap in boxes with brown paper and USPS. Now it goes to like some crazy third world third party shipper and they just huge bubble mailers and it slides around. Also I thought Riding Bean BD is only here.

Glad to see this going on. It stalled around 80k and no one was talking about it...

I saw on the updates section on KS that "starkillr" donated 5k. Was that you? If so, mad props.
Ya, that's me. As long as it gets funded for the initial goal, the blu ray will happen. Won't settle for less ;)

Way to guilt trip the rest of us into pledging more. :applause:

bread's done