Anime & Manga Thread Vol. 2: Za Warudo!!!

Damn you, Otakon schedulers! Putting both FUNimation panels at Otakon at the same time as the concerts! And I was hoping to see Eva, but at the same time is the return of Mystery Anime Theater 3000!

At least I can see Unicorn Episode 6 with no conflicts.

Also, why the hell does Bandai have a panel when they don"t exist anymore?
I don't know where the Usagi Drop anime ends, but I'm assuming it only covers the first half. The second half is... well... uncomfortable at best.

Yes do not under any circumstances read the Usagi Drop manga to pick up the story where the anime leaves off.

I kinda agree with One Piece. Too many divergent storylines to keep track of, and a million new characters. I'm sure it'll read much better collected though.

And that's weird because I'm such a sucker for tournaments. Toriko is actually the one I look forward to reading the most now.
Here's the first visual for the Assassination Classroom special that will air during the Jump Super Anime Tour in Japan this fall.


It's being speculated that this short/special is being made to test the waters for a full on series. Like they did with Toriko a few years ago.

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Viz is having an End of Summer sale on digital manga available through and the Viz Manga App. The ad says up to 20% off, but from just briefly looking through the site it seems everything is just a $1 off it's normal price.

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Reminder to everyone attending Otakon: To attend Sunday's concert, you need to get a concert pass between 1-3pm on Friday or Saturday, though they will have a simulcast set up in a Video Room for everybody else.
That's because 20% of $5 is $1. Though the Eva 3-in-1's are $9.
Yeah I can do math, but there are a lot of volumes priced higher that $5, not just the Eva 3-in-1's. Just looking through the Mature section alone, Tenjo Tenge volumes normally go for $8.99 and volumes for Dorohedoro are usually $5.99. Now each is a dollar cheaper.

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With the very last chapter now out, Soul Eater has officially come to a close. A lot of boob references in the last chapter though lol.

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Seems like more news is coming out of Otakon than Anime Expo this year.

Viz announced a couple big ones.  Mainly that Ranma 1/2 is getting a re-release on DVD and will also be on Blu-ray, although it wasn't mentioned when they'll come out.  They also announced that they're re-releasing the manga version of Monster in an big omnibus editions with colored pages that will contain 2 volumes in each book coming out next summer.

Also Sunrise revealed what shows they were in talks with between Sentai & Funimation.  Here's the shows that each company got;

Sentai got:  The Big O, The Big O II, Argento Sama, Infinite Ryvius, s-Cry-ed, Z Mind, Betterman, Zega Pain, Kurokami, Sacred Seven & The Girl Who Leapt Through Space, Brainpowered, Overman King Gainer

Funimation got: Cowboy Bebop(yes, it includes the Blu-ray rights), Witch Hunter Robin, My-Hime, My-Otome(including 0-s.ifr and Zwei OVAs), Escaflowne movie and tv series, Outlaw Star, Angel Links, Tales of the Abyss, Crest of the Stars, Banner of the Stars I & II(along with the Passage of the Stars prequel episode) & the first two seasons of Code Geass & Akito the Exiled OVA

Some of these just seem confusing as I don't remember some of these being even decent hits when Bandai released them.  Also this is the first time Sacred Seven will be released, as Bandai licensed it but never released it.

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Nobody picked up The Girl Who Leapt Through Time? Odd. I would have figured Funi would jump on it after releasing Summer Wars. I also would have figured Scrapped Princess would have been picked up over some of those other titles.

Nobody picked up The Girl Who Leapt Through Time? Odd. I would have figured Funi would jump on it after releasing Summer Wars. I also would have figured Scrapped Princess would have been picked up over some of those other titles.
All the stuff that Funimation & Sentai picked up is Sunrise owned stuff.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time & Scrapped Princess are both owned by Kadokawa. Which means they'll have to deal with them to license those(and means good luck with BR rights with Kadokawa).

Here I thought Bandai let the rights to Z-Mind, which is not very good anyway, expire years ago.

I already own most of the series listed. Might pick up Code Geass. Definitely R2, but season 1 only if they include the sound dramas and stuff from the Bandai discs. Might pick up Bebop and stuff the movie in there.

Anyway, at Otakon they had a Home Made Kazoku/TMR concert. Both were awesome. Kazoku got the crowd shouting "fuck yea!" which made the Otakon Staff members near me white as ghosts. Then they did it again. Then they apologized. Then they did it a third time.

TMR also had an....interesting outfit on. Feather boa, feather shoulder pads, backless top with plunging neckline, and full on Zettai Ryouki.
All the stuff that Funimation & Sentai picked up is Sunrise owned stuff.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time & Scrapped Princess are both owned by Kadokawa. Which means they'll have to deal with them to license those(and means good luck with BR rights with Kadokawa).
Oh, I know. I wasn't commenting particularly on Sunrise titles, just Bandai's catalogue in general.
I think the number of Gundam games we've gotten in the US this gen shows how much nobody cares anymore.
Wait, you're gauging interest in Gundam from the video games!? Gundam in America is built on DVDs and model kits (though that also applies to Japan too). The former was still selling great before Bandai called in quits and the model kits are still one of the most popular imports.
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Nobody picked up The Girl Who Leapt Through Time? Odd. I would have figured Funi would jump on it after releasing Summer Wars. I also would have figured Scrapped Princess would have been picked up over some of those other titles.
I want a redistribution of this so bad, I've been tempted a few times to buy a region free player just so I can import the actually reasonably priced UK release, but I'm still holding out faint hope that they will decide to release it again. One of my all time favorites ^_^

Wait, you're gauging interest in Gundam from the video games!? Gundam in America is built on DVDs and model kits (though that also applies to Japan too). The former was still selling great before Bandai called in quits and the model kits are still one of the most popular imports.
Oh you're right. I can definitely tell the models are what's popular from all the stores I've never seen them in. Good point.

Because they're imported from Japan and most hobby stores don't like import fees.

You go ahead and tell BlueFin and HobbyLink that their Gundam models don't net them any money. Hell, at Otakon there are as many shops that sell Gundam Models as there are DVDs and manga.

Your reasoning is along the lines of saying nobody likes Naruto or One Piece because you can't buy their toys at Walmart anymore.
I want a redistribution of this so bad, I've been tempted a few times to buy a region free player just so I can import the actually reasonably priced UK release, but I'm still holding out faint hope that they will decide to release it again. One of my all time favorites ^_^
I'm very happy to have my bluray copy of TGWLTT, but I've certainly been tempted to sell it on a number of occasions due to the price it's going for.

Because they're imported from Japan and most hobby stores don't like import fees.

You go ahead and tell BlueFin and HobbyLink that their Gundam models don't net them any money. Hell, at Otakon there are as many shops that sell Gundam Models as there are DVDs and manga.

Your reasoning is along the lines of saying nobody likes Naruto or One Piece because you can't buy their toys at Walmart anymore.
There's a new Naruto game released every week or so, so I'm pretty sure that confirms its popularity. I can also go to Wal-Mart and pick up my favorite Naruto season or one of the more recent mangas. How many years ago was the last Gundam game released in the US? Exactly. Because nobody cares.

There's a new Naruto game released every week or so, so I'm pretty sure that confirms its popularity. I can also go to Wal-Mart and pick up my favorite Naruto season or one of the more recent mangas. How many years ago was the last Gundam game released in the US? Exactly. Because nobody cares.
You're joking about the Naruto games as it's about once or twice every year. The main reason they still make them is because they can still sucker people into buying them. They know that there is still enough people out there that will still buy it, even if it's mediocre crap, just because it has Naruto in the title.

The limited number of Gundam games released is due to how Namco Bandai is picky on what they publish(since they're the ones with the Gundam game license). That company really doesn't know how to release games in North America anymore and has become a former shell of what it used to be during the PS1/PS2 days. FYI, the last Gundam game released here was Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 just so you know.

As for you being able to pick up Naruto DVDs or manga at Wal-Mart(huh? Since when did Wal-Mart sell manga?), that's likely due to Viz negotiating with the company to get them in stores for mainstream customers(probably at a discount too). Plus it's marketed towards a more targeted customer for Wal-Mart, the teenager.

Gundam is more a niche title in this region of the world. As a former Bandai employee mentioned that they sold well(always broke even w/ the expenses). But they didn't sell as well as some more mainstream stuff like Haruhi Suzumiya & Cowboy Bebop did.

By your logic, I guess Evangelion is also a series that no one cares about, right? Because Wal-Mart doesn't carry the DVD/BRs, there's no games out and they don't carry the manga. Sailor Moon would also fall in this category too with your reasoning.

Just because something doesn't have toys, games and DVDs out in stores doesn't mean no one cares about them. If that's the way the market worked, NISA & Aniplex wouldn't release any of these limited edition sets like Fate Zero, Toradora & Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl. The more niche stuff has been driven to online sales now due to stores being picky on what they carry on their shelves.

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I only visited this thread once or twice before and this time, I've only read the past 2 pages but I want to chime in.

Gundam FTW!

Gunpla is where it is at!  You walk in to places like Fran and Son and you will see a ton of vendor specializing in it. Naruto is just anime merchandise, like any other.  You don't see the same amount of passion as with gunpla since you just buy and be done with it.   

Hell, for kicks, I searched naruto on amiami, returned 17 pages. good!  searched gundam, 127...

I actually love Naruto also, but I won't dismiss gundam's popularity, even in the states.

not gunpla but metal build and metal composite... didn't do cool poses but I love them!


The Gundam game situation isn't helped by the last non-DW game being released in the US was hyped up a ton and ended up being a broken mess of a game.

Also, as said earlier, Sunrise/NamcoBandai have no clue what to do here in the US. They were almost ready to pull the entire franchise after MSG failed because they thought nobody wanted ANY Gundam anymore. Then they stuffed toy shelves with Matador and Mandala Gundam figures because they were Ensemble Darkhorses in Japan. SD Gundam Force, as good as it was, didn't help much.
Surprised none of the Gundam shows were picked up,unless they plan to wait a bit on those.
What were you expecting to get picked up anyways? MSG AGE? I wasn't a fan, so I'm fine with it staying put and I don't think it was even popular enough to be picked up outside of Japan either. There's also pretty much a 100% chance nobody licenses the next upcoming Gundam series as well. The fact that it's entirely based on Gunpla doesn't bode well.

Right Stuf is however releasing MSG Unicorn Parts 1 & 2 (Episodes 1-2 and 3-4) later this month.

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Yoko Kanno concert was fun. Had to do the simulcast since nobody could tell me where to go for the passes. They were very anal about electronics. You couldn't have any electronic devices showing, even Nekomimi ears.

They started out with another artist (who's name I forget) but the simulcast only showed music videos. The actual concert was great with some interesting visual tricks. Most of the music was from the new anime Piano Me, which most people have never heard of. Not sure if it's related to the other Piano anime or not. Yoko herself was very bubbly, coming out with cat ears and blowing kisses to the crowd. Her seat even had a cat tail. Surprised us all by playing the Star Spangled Banner at the end.

Overall, despite doing relatively less than I usually do at Otakon (only went to a couple panels and a few screenings) I still had fun. The concerts were awesome and I picked up way more Gunpla than I had wanted. Couldn't find a HG Super Gundam, which makes me sad, and part of me is tempted to plunk down the $40-$55 for the HG Shianju and Delta Plus kits.
Nice to see i caused some arguing lol. Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 is a lot of fun. Episode 3 of SAO was kinda lame, too emotionally manipulative.

I'm surprised Funimation picked up banner/crest of the stars. Can't wait for them to release that. Of course, I'm also going to be getting bebop blus and outlaw star.

I'm surprised Funimation picked up banner/crest of the stars.
Good point. I find it hard to believe more people care about Banner/Crest of the Stars (no offense to those who like it, it is a good series) and Z-Mind over anything Gundam, even AGE. Who here has actually heard of, let alone know anything about it or have seen it, Z-Mind besides me?
Grantland's weekly Trailers of the Week article had a section about Miyazaki's new film The Wind Rises.

Silver: I honestly don’t know how else to say this, but Hayao Miyazaki is the truth.


Silver: To label him Japan’s version of Don Bluth and Pixar blended together would be doing him an immense disservice, and yet, from my American-centric point of view, those are the filmmaking entities I’m always reminded of most when I experience one of Miyazaki’s films. Yes, “experience,” that’s the right word. From Porco Rosso to the more well-known Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, and Ponyo, each of Miyazaki’s film envelopes and transports. But it’s Miyazaki’s characters and the journeys they take that have captivated audiences on a global scale.I’ve always respected Miyazaki for sticking with animation. It’s the medium/tool that allows him to be most effective. What intrigues me about The Wind Rises is that the film appears to be one that, with any other filmmaker steering the ship, could have been a big-budget and glossy live-action period war drama. There are no mystical worlds or creatures, just human drama. So I’m excited to see what Miyazaki does with a much more grounded narrative.

Yoshida: I can't really overstate how excited I am for this. I would be excited about pretty much whatever Miyazaki put out next — he's on my permanent short list of living geniuses, alongside Wong Kar-wai and, like, Björk — but the fact that this is such a departure from the more fantastical Ponyo and Howl makes me so happy, because his ability to transport and create wildly inventive creatures and visuals is matched only by his intimate understanding of the most mundane human phenomena. I think of Satsuki and Mei exploring the house in Totoro, or more recently, Sosuke's stressed-out mom downing a Sapporo and then fixing some magical ramen in Ponyo, as some of the most simple yet universally true images ever put to film.Dealing critically with pre- and postwar Japan has raised some nationalist hackles back home (where The Wind Rises has been no. 1 at the box office for four weeks), but this makes me hopeful for something as unwavering as Strong Candidate for Most Depressing Film Ever Grave of the Fireflies, which Miyazaki's Studio Ghibli produced back in 1988. Given Miyazaki's known love of flight, and the horrific use to which Japan put it in World War II, I don't expect this to be anything less than devastating.
To piggyback on DNukem170's post and if anyone was interested, here's an English subtitled trailer for The Wind Rises:

And here's some visuals from the live-action Patlabor that's coming next year:


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Pocket Monsters: The Origin is a special that will air before the X and Y anime premiere and will be very close to the original Red and Blue games. Red has his Gen III look, all the characters have similar faces to the original Sugimori designs, and will be very game-accurate, as it shows Red's battle against Brock with their Pokemon only knowing basic attacks like Scratch and Tackle instead of Flamethrower or Dig.

Pocket Monsters: The Origin is a special that will air before the X and Y anime premiere and will be very close to the original Red and Blue games. Red has his Gen III look, all the characters have similar faces to the original Sugimori designs, and will be very game-accurate, as it shows Red's battle against Brock with their Pokemon only knowing basic attacks like Scratch and Tackle instead of Flamethrower or Dig.
Can't wait for it! = )

bread's done