Anime & Manga Thread Vol. 2: Za Warudo!!!

Wow, that is so sickeningly cutesy it violently induces projectile vomiting. People can actually watch something like that? 

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Decided to watch Angolmois yesterday. It did not disappoint. Love me some samurai action. Definitely recommend it as an anime to keep an eye on.

So I noticed that RE: Zero pre-order specifically says "Season 1". Has a season 2 been announced? I know we're getting the OVA, but I don't remember seeing an announcement for season 2. I'd expect a season 2 since it's popular, but you never know with anime.

So I noticed that RE: Zero pre-order specifically says "Season 1". Has a season 2 been announced? I know we're getting the OVA, but I don't remember seeing an announcement for season 2. I'd expect a season 2 since it's popular, but you never know with anime.
RE: Zero will get a S2 when Konosuba gets a S3

Some spoiler thoughts for Stein's Gate:

Obviously Professor Leskin or whatever is the brain washing guy from the future. He knew where he'd be in the past and made sure that Kagari would hear the music to get her to go to him, probably pass along whatever message needed to be passed along. He knows everything about Okabe and Daru from her, which is why they are stalking him. She's clearly meant to be some sort of portable Amadeus. I'm also pretty confident their time-leap machine will get jacked....doubt the actual time machine will get jacked. Intro shows Mayurii using it after all. Real question is whether we get to the "Stein's Gate" line like the other series or not. Kind of hoping this goes in a way I haven't predicted, but we shall see. This last episode was really good!

Does anyone else feel like AoT is becoming more and more "meh"? I hope we get something cool out of the build up from last season and the build up in this season...

The anime sounds like it is around the time where I started to drift away from reading the Attack on Titan manga.

That said, it is an important time to watch because it should have a lot of history/world building information.
The anime sounds like it is around the time where I started to drift away from reading the Attack on Titan manga.

That said, it is an important time to watch because it should have a lot of history/world building information.
I haven't read the manga nor have I seen the current season yet since I am waiting for the dub, but from what I have heard this arc was really long and drawn out in the manga so a lot of people hated it, but the anime is adapting it at a much faster pace.

Does anyone else feel like AoT is becoming more and more "meh"? I hope we get something cool out of the build up from last season and the build up in this season..
That's a big YES. I'm caught up with this season and it's really boring. It's like when Walking Dead jumped from fighting zombies to humans. Just a lot of talking and I'm really confused with what's going on in the story. The action is nice.

I've been sick for the last couple of days, and I can't stop picturing it as an episode of Cells At Work.

Well, hell. Now that I'm caught up on MHA I have to actually wait for the next one? I didn't plan this out very well.
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Recently finished (including some older series):

Arawaka Under the Bridge: Pretty damn funny, especially S1. Parts of S2 are more weird than funny. The anime unfortunately doesn't get too deep into the underlying story. I read a summary of the manga afterwards to find out what happens.
Full Metal Panic IV: Harsher story than previous seasons. (mild spoiler)
It's titled "Invisible Victory", but there isn't much victory here. Mainly the cast being crushed in preparation for a comeback.
We better get a S5.
Hinako Note: Sometimes more boring than relaxing, and I found the fanservice unnecessary. It's a decent CGDCT to shut down your mind to.
Hoozuki no Reitetsu S2 (Part 2): Hilarious! I can't get enough of this series.
Sasasmi-san@Ganbaranai: Decent watch but nothing memorable.
Wotakoi: Very enjoyable romantic comedy. The two couples you follow have interesting personalities and relationships.
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I'd fallen behind, but finally got caught up on Hanebado tonight. So, there's some stuff I have for both outside and inside the spoiler. If you haven't watched through at least episode 5, don't read the spoiler and just know that it's got character stuff I strongly dislike.

The things I like require no spoilers. The show is very well animated, it has a fluidness to its motion and it's not just endless jump cuts from one player to the next. The atmosphere is on point too, feeling carefree and so-tense-it-could-snap at times that are appropriate. The stories we get with Nagisa and Ayano through 3, and Izumi through 6, are great. They're the kind of stuff I'm wanting/expecting from a sports show.

Then, there's the other stories.

What in the Wide World of Sports is going on here? I'm guessing stuff is getting truncated but for crying out loud. First, I guess we should no longer care about Nagisa? The one that sure seemed like the primary character when I started watching. Was her one job this season to be the head float in the "Let's hate Ayano" parade? Now that they've become teammates and friends, she's pushed to the background for the real story of "Ayano Sucks." I'm sure she'll be central again later, so we'll pin this and move on to the thing making Hanebado less enjoyable.

The whole storyline with Ayano is just awful; poorly written awful. Ayano+Nagisa makes sense, Ayano+everyone else is just comic book villainy.

Mom: Oh no, my daughter lost to Pinky, I guess I'll go to Denmark. Maybe I'll find a blonde kid who cries because people laugh at her, and train her to one day be kissing me on a two page spread in a sports mag.

Pinky: OHHOHO! It's great having pink hair and beating Ayano! It's the one and only reason I exist. How's you mom? OHHOHO! Remember that time I molested you to make you sick? Those were good times. I can't wait to be awesome in the next episode too!

Blondo: I don't OHO, but I do totally fly to Japan from Denmark. Because apparently the one and only thing missing in my life is to humiliate the biological daughter of the champion who came to Denmark and molded my career. Once I do that, I will become her new biological daughter through a process called The Quickening.

Sorry for the long windedness. I'm just killing some time.
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LOL @roger watersmelon! Your spoiler was pretty much spot on in how absurd it is. I'm also finding it hard to believe. The problem though is that the only perspective we have is Ayano's, which if they are showing us a "kid's perspective" we may not know the real reason for what's happening there. Everything else though...yeah, kind of dumb.

As for unrealistic stupidity, let me bemoan the ending of the latest episode of Stein's Gate

So she gets a d-mail video that is reminiscent of what happened in the last series. Then magically, literally fucking magically, a huge # of soldiers appear on the roof. How the fuck did they get there? That roof is a flat, wide open space. Did they para-jump? Did they zipline? WTF? She jumps out and starts shooting people, but their numbers suspiciously don't actually decrease. Oh and they decide to randomly shoot the girl in the flower dress who poses no threat. Whut? Oh and then they stop shooting after that cuz they want to see the other girl's reaction? I swear I got warped into the retard zone. All this stuff was so ridiculous it just destroyed my ability to immerse myself in the anime. It makes so little sense that it's going to make me turn on this show very quickly. Hopefully the next few episodes fix this stupidity.

Arawaka Under the Bridge: Pretty damn funny, especially S1. Parts of S2 are more weird than funny. The anime unfortunately doesn't get too deep into the underlying story. I read a summary of the manga afterwards to find out what happens.
I felt the same about season 2 as well. I enjoyed the first season a lot, but season 2 didn't go anywhere. Plus with the same gags being played over & over it got redundant. And with no real closure I was disappointed with the ending. And this is probably one of my favorite ending themes ever:

I felt the same about season 2 as well. I enjoyed the first season a lot, but season 2 didn't go anywhere. Plus with the same gags being played over & over it got redundant. And with no real closure I was disappointed with the ending. And this is probably one of my favorite ending themes ever:
I think I got through Season 1, but couldn't stomach going through another season. The show didn't go anywhere, which irritated me. It got forever condemned into the "meh" show pile as a result.

Also: Bo-Bobo-Bo-Bobo-bo, Lupin III, Psycho Armor Govarian, Space Warrior Baldios, Voltes V, God Mars, Area 88

Discotek going for the clutch with all these announcements. :whee: Especially for Voltes V
My first anime was DB or DBZ and I didn't really watch anything again until Kenshin and maybe Inuyasha came out on Toonami. So unfortunately all those shows mean nothing to me, but I'm glad you're excited!

I grew up with the Philippines English Dub of Voltes V given to me as VCDs by my grandma, so it has a special place in my heart. Would love it if Discotek somehow got the rights to it.


I grew up with the Philippines English Dub of Voltes V given to me as VCDs by my grandma, so it has a special place in my heart. Would love it if Discotek somehow got the rights to it.

Wasn't there an English version of this?? I feel like there was a Voltron sequel or knock-off that looked like this...

Wasn't there an English version of this?? I feel like there was a Voltron sequel or knock-off that looked like this...
An American English dub was made, but it condensed several episodes into a movie.

Part of the Super Robot genre / Robot Romance Trilogy, which includes Chōdenji Robo Combattler V and Tōshō Daimos, If you ever saw any image of them, that would explain it. And this show came out years before Voltron and the series it was adapted from, Beast King GoLion. You may also recognize it as part of Mattel's Shogun Warriors Toyline

Interesting Fact: Voltes V is incredibly popular in the Philippines and was believed to have a hand in inspiring its people to rebel against the rule of the Filipino President (Dictator) at the time, Ferdinand Marcos, which would be later be known as the People Power Revolution

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Through a labor love, we're finally getting this as well. Discotek is the real mvp

As much as I love Giant Robo, was that rescue really necessary? The DVDs are still really available and very inexpensive.

... I'll buy the bluray release.
So long CR Premium membership, we've had some great times over the last 25 days. I look forward to our last Overlord on Tuesday, and I'm sure we'll meet again somewhere down the road.

Also, young RBC and WBC have just jumped up to number 1 on my Cells of the Body List.
I tried watching Cyborg 009 on Netflix and it didn't pull me...

@roger watersmelon, why no more CR membership? Asides from their website sucking at streaming.

I liked CR Premium, but right now I don't really need another monthly subscription bill. I will say it was great for catching up on two seasons of MHA since there were no commercial breaks.

The worst part is going to be the two week wait for new Overlord, Cells, MHA, etc. to be added to the free member catalog. :D
So it seems like this latest episode of Overlord is going to herald a 2-3 episode ass kicking fest coming up. Curious to see how it ends up!

You already know what is going to happen to all those Workers. Real shame too, I like the members of Foresight. I hope Ains is somewhat merciful to them (highly unlikely though), especially for Arche but who am I kidding.

After the conclusion of this Exploration Arc is the arc I've been waiting for, the Battle of the Plains Arc.

You already know what is going to happen to all those Workers. Real shame too, I like the members of Foresight. I hope Ains is somewhat merciful to them (highly unlikely though), especially for Arche but who am I kidding.

After the conclusion of this Exploration Arc is the arc I've been waiting for, the Battle of the Plains Arc.
Mmmm, more fighting. Goodie. Show is really enjoyable when asses are kicked.

Latest episode of Stein's Gate doesn't make me feel any better than the last episode -_-. What I predicted came to pass...villain was supremely obvious. I feel like now I'm stuck watching the rest of the season to get closure, but that it isn't going to be all that great. First series so far >>>>>>>>>>>>> this series.

Latest episode of Stein's Gate doesn't make me feel any better than the last episode -_-. What I predicted came to pass...villain was supremely obvious. I feel like now I'm stuck watching the rest of the season to get closure, but that it isn't going to be all that great. First series so far >>>>>>>>>>>>> this series.
I'm watching the English dub so I'm a few episodes behind, but I'm pretty sure I know what's going and who the villian is. Like you said, it's pretty freakin' obvious.

Overlord has been fun. Team Momon and Nabe back in action.

@olengie, what's up with the collars around people's necks in this last episode of Overlord. Is that something that gets explained later? If so, don't need to tell me about it. I just thought it was really odd when Ains had one too. Either way, entertaining episode! Looking forward to the rest of the series as I suspect we'll get a near non-stop barrage of ass kickings.

That Conan thing was hilarious. What did you guys think of the latest AoT episode? I am happy they are finally starting to reveal some of the actual backstory of the world. My only worry is that it came too late to save this series, but we shall see. I think they should have started to provide some backstory in the last season, had ample opportunity to, but failed. Not providing that hook was just....such a let down. Also I have this theory:

The hairy titan from S2 is Erwin's dad. They look so much alike lol. Probably not true, but who knows

That Conan thing was hilarious. What did you guys think of the latest AoT episode? I am happy they are finally starting to reveal some of the actual backstory of the world. My only worry is that it came too late to save this series, but we shall see. I think they should have started to provide some backstory in the last season, had ample opportunity to, but failed. Not providing that hook was just....such a let down. Also I have this theory:

The hairy titan from S2 is Erwin's dad. They look so much alike lol. Probably not true, but who knows
Think harder on who is the Beast Titan. You'll be surprised.

Hrmm........this episode of Overlord was kind of unnecessarily drawn out. I guess the author felt that since he put forth the effort to flesh out some of these people for like 5 min it was worthy of an episode this last time. I disagree but whatever. At least the ending mostly made up for this waste of time. They didn't end up explaining the collars :( It kind of suggests that wasn't him out there in the battle at the end....meh I dunno. It's really confusing that they added those and then didn't explain them. I'll spoiler this last bit just in case. I don't think it's very spoiler-y at all, but who knows.

I find it interesting that he's using his name so casually given his relationship with the village and that the head warrior knows who he is. I guess that's what ultimately causes that battle we get a hint of in the intro and trailer. I actually think they should have stayed in stealth mode and slowly taken out empires or controlled them from the shadows. Presumably at some point there are enough strong people in the world that when faced with a threat can combine forces to destroy it. That's probably how this ends, but they can easily go the other way and it'll still be a good story. 5 episodes left :(

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Hrmm........this episode of Overlord was kind of unnecessarily drawn out. I guess the author felt that since he put forth the effort to flesh out some of these people for like 5 min it was worthy of an episode this last time. I disagree but whatever. At least the ending mostly made up for this waste of time. They didn't end up explaining the collars :( It kind of suggests that wasn't him out there in the battle at the end....meh I dunno. It's really confusing that they added those and then didn't explain them. I'll spoiler this last bit just in case. I don't think it's very spoiler-y at all, but who knows.

I find it interesting that he's using his name so casually given his relationship with the village and that the head warrior knows who he is. I guess that's what ultimately causes that battle we get a hint of in the intro and trailer. I actually think they should have stayed in stealth mode and slowly taken out empires or controlled them from the shadows. Presumably at some point there are enough strong people in the world that when faced with a threat can combine forces to destroy it. That's probably how this ends, but they can easily go the other way and it'll still be a good story. 5 episodes left :(
Since this was an Extra from the Author, here are the fate of Arche's sisters.
In the Light Novel, they get sold into slavery and eventually die from overworking.

In the Web Novel, Arche becomes Shaltear's concubine. The twins are given to Ainz as a sacrifice. They eventually give the twins to Arche and allow her to live as a civilian in Nazarick

Since this was an Extra from the Author, here are the fate of Arche's sisters.
In the Light Novel, they get sold into slavery and eventually die from overworking.

In the Web Novel, Arche becomes Shaltear's concubine. The twins are given to Ainz as a sacrifice. They eventually give the twins to Arche and allow her to live as a civilian in Nazarick
Lol........well, they definitely want to make you dislike him eventually if that's how they are rolling with things. I'll have to watch the episode again but....

Didn't they dismember Arche and Entoma stole her voice at the end of this last episode? Not sure how Arche survives to be a concubine (undead or otherwise) in that case.

bread's done