Ann Arbor, MI area PS3 camping

Broccoli Storm

28 (100%)
Any UM students (or other) CAGs planning on camping for the PS3 come Wednesday/Thursday? I know that our Best Buy is one of the midnight launch stores getting 40 of each type of PS3 and there are an abundance of other stores in the area. If you're planning on going and wanted to have a fellow CAG to wait with/guarantee your spot in line so you don't have to wait there for the entire 24 hours, send me a PM or respond here. Also, I'd be up for any other alternatives...just figured BB was the best bet with the large quantity of units they're getting.
I was thinking of coming out to Ann Arbor after hearing about the 12AM opening. I'll come by in the morning and see if they already have 10,000 people waiting or not. Us CAGers should band together, so we can do food runs, etc for each other.
I'll be there--I'm going in about an hour just to make sure they're enforcing the midnight thing and then if they are, I'll be back at Best Buy at midnight. I'll post what I'm wearing in case others want to meet up.
I wish I could but between work and school, I don't have the time. I will just wait six or eight months until they're easy to find.
When I get there (likely mid-morning to early afternoon), I'll decide if there are too many people there already. If there are, I have a few backup BBs. I'm not bothering with any other stores, since BB has the best policy for the PS3 around here.

>I'll be there--I'm going in about an hour just to make sure they're enforcing the midnight thing

What do you mean by "midnight thing"? Selling the PS3 at midnight or letting people line up only close to midnight? I assume the former.
they arent letting people line up untill midnight, last night, for the midnight launch tonight. also, if you are reading this and not in line somewhere, your fuck 'd
bread's done