Annoying growing trend on CAG


6 (100%)
Some posters are starting to type everything in 1 sentence paragraphs now, with like up to 10 paragraphs per post. It makes it hard to read their posts and takes up a lot of space. Is there any reason for doing this, I cannot see one. Sorry if this post annoys people but better grammar would be better for everyone. The posts I'm talking about look like this:

What do you think of eating?

I saw this guy over at the tire fire and he was eating donuts.

The police don't care if the birds fly south in the winter because its not summer and thats how things work.

Maybe he was asian.

If we were to go fishing and I caught a catfish would you take a picture?

I like how people fart in public.

When he was seven he would run all the way to the post office with his items to sell on ebay.

Separate tags using using a comma.

And it's even more annoying when it's usually always not completely separate topics as these sentences were, but a continuous thought throughout all of them. Makes me :bomb:
It's like online news articles. Why the hell do they do that? It makes no sense! Everything is its own line, and I hate it.
[quote name='Cracka']i'd take that over the 10 sentence run-on anyday[/quote]
Sorry, rather than quote someone and defame them, I just wrote some quick crap up.

[quote name='Ikohn4ever']people complaining about CAG is also a trend thats annoying, as are goodbye I'm leaving CAG threads[/quote]
Not complaining about CAG, complaining about some rogue users. Also, people complaining about people complaining about CAG is annoying, especially when there issue is not with the website. edit sorry if I was rude, but I'd hate to see this 1 sentence paragraph crap get worse, maybe it can be curbed if brought to attention. While we're at it we should also curb those walls of text too, those are even worse.
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It is annoying. But posters who seem not to realize their keyboard has an enter key and type everything in one huge wall of text with no paragraphs are much worse. I don't even bother reading such posts.
you know what i hate is those damn human beings polluting the environment and making species extinct. ALIENS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also hate women with nice jugs who refuse to go braless. damn that fuckin ticks me off.

and i hate when i run people over with my car and they have the nerve to ask me for help. its like hello i have places to be and you already wasted some of my times by being bumpy when i ran over you.
It really is annoying.

It could get on your nerves pretty quickly.

It doesn't seem like it'd be too hard to simply put everything in "regular form"

Hey, who am I to judge?

I guess that's not really my forte.

To each their own

I guess
I was hoping this post would be about beggars, the motherfucking reflink spam, people who can not find the trading forum, or the large mass of unintelligent noobs with less of a grasp on English than I!
Do you have a wide screen monitor? Cause CAG stretches the comment windows to fit your screen. So when you type it in the box (or quick reply box) it looks like you are forming pretty meaty paragraphs, but once you Post it and view it on a wide screen monitor it turns into one line per paragraph. It kind of annoys me as well, but I just try to keep my window minimized so it doesn't happen.

I also hate women with nice jugs who refuse to go braless. damn that fuckin ticks me off.

Well, if they have nice 'jugs' than they must be pretty big. And if they are nice they'll want to keep them that way, if you go no bra than they will start to eventually sag big time.
I'd rather have ten separate lines that are well thought out with minimal spelling/grammar issues than a huge block of text or fewer lines/paragraphs filled with errors.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Do you have a wide screen monitor? Cause CAG stretches the comment windows to fit your screen. So when you type it in the box (or quick reply box) it looks like you are forming pretty meaty paragraphs, but once you Post it and view it on a wide screen monitor it turns into one line per paragraph. It kind of annoys me as well, but I just try to keep my window minimized so it doesn't happen.

Well, if they have nice 'jugs' than they must be pretty big. And if they are nice they'll want to keep them that way, if you go no bra than they will start to eventually sag big time.[/quote]

they could always wear those hott nylon shirts or at the very least wet white sports bras. those are acceptable compromises imo.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Do you have a wide screen monitor? Cause CAG stretches the comment windows to fit your screen. So when you type it in the box (or quick reply box) it looks like you are forming pretty meaty paragraphs, but once you Post it and view it on a wide screen monitor it turns into one line per paragraph. It kind of annoys me as well, but I just try to keep my window minimized so it doesn't happen.
I know what you're saying, but some people aren't even attempting that. They have lines as short as a few words and then start the same thing on a new line.

[quote name='captainfrizo']I'd rather have ten separate lines that are well thought out with minimal spelling/grammar issues than a huge block of text or fewer lines/paragraphs filled with errors.[/quote]
Is it too much to ask for both! ;) People must be able to type normal paragraphs if they try hard enough.
I occasionally do that on my when typing on my ipod, because you have to go to a different set of keys to get to the period and comma buttons, which takes a couple seconds.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Do you have a wide screen monitor? Cause CAG stretches the comment windows to fit your screen. So when you type it in the box (or quick reply box) it looks like you are forming pretty meaty paragraphs, but once you Post it and view it on a wide screen monitor it turns into one line per paragraph.[/QUOTE]
I use that format to make it easier for other people to read. Unless your post is particularly long, it makes sense to use a bullet style.
I don't see what the problem is. Haiku is a valid literary form. Seriously, stop crapping on other people for trying to be creative in their posts. Seriously!
[quote name='Sleepkyng']OMG annoying trends on CAG, ARGH!


Let's talk to cheapyD about it, i dunno if i can handle it anymore![/quote]
Hey, I'm trying to bring it to people's attention that others do not enjoy reading their posts like that, I literaly have to skip them. Others don't like it either. What are you contributing? Absolutely nothing but making CAG a worse place to be.

[quote name='willardhaven']I use that format to make it easier for other people to read. Unless your post is particularly long, it makes sense to use a bullet style.[/quote]
Unless it is something that necessitates bullet style, it has the opposite effect.
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