Another CAG League 2 (Fantasy Football)


13 (100%)
I'm willing to start another league if we have another 11 people that want to play fantasy football. I started "another cag league" last year with pretty good results. I just want to play with active players (I need to be more active too).I'm not sure about prizes maybe we can all chip in a couple bucks for Amazon credit or MS/PSN points. Respond to this thread slots will be filled in the order of responses. I prefer to use ESPN for fantasy Football as an FYI.

Owners please go to the league Website and vote on the prize amount in the poll

WE are full and a go for an 11:30 pm eastern draft tonight!!!!!

Update: I'm going to set the draft time for 10:30 pm Eastern.

Owners Below PM your E-mail address so I can forward you an Invite

Update: Below is the tentative owner list for a 10 team ppr league. We need 2 more owners and we are a go. There was a request for a draft tonight. Could all make tonight?

Here is the link below to the front page of the league. You can see the scoring and rules there. The only thing I changed from ESPN standard scoring is 1 point per reception for receiving.
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I'd be interested, especially if it turns out to be a 10-team league. Prizes not necessary for me, just looking for an active league with people who know how to play.

What are your rules/scoring?
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yeah I think you did BoSox. Yeah I like 12 personally but we can do 10 (one of my pay leagues is 10 so it works for me too). I would rather let as many play as possible though. So we need a min of 7 more CAGS to start this league up.
Hey, id def be interested in joining and be committed. Can their be some sort of incentive to win? even if we all have to contribute something
Need 4 more for a 10 teamer. Also we can discuss maybe a winner take all prize (Amazon gift card maybe for 10 or 20 bucks?). Depends on how the majority feels. Also I usually like standard ESPN scoring with maybe PPR. we can vote on that when we get our full roster of owners.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']I would like to do a 10 team ppr league. That would be fun[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I agree. Also, I'd be more than happy to chip in a couple bucks for an Amazon certificate.
Count me in if the draft is Monday night. That's the only night I have available this week before the season starts with my Vikes on Thursday at the Superdome. Would be my first PPR league.
Cool, depending on time, I could make tonight (later is better for me). What's the scoring and rules for the league so I can put together my draft board?
I'm with fatboyjam. Later is better, but whatever works with everyone else is ok. I don't do autodrafting, so if it can't be tonight, I would have to respectfully bow out. Here's hoping...
Sent e-mails of the 4 owners who sent me their addresses. The rest of confirmed owners please forward me your address. We also need two more to complete the league. Hopefully we can draft tonight guys should be lots of fun!
[quote name='jlarlee']What time are you drafting I'd love to get in another league[/QUOTE]

We hadn't decided on a time yet, but sometime tonight was the plan.
aaah i only have about 3 hours until i need to be at work. If it falls through and has to happen tomorrow someone pm me
PM sent.

Commander0Zero - Maybe you should set a draft time so that everyone has an idea if they can make it or not. You can always push it back right?
Not only do we need two more members to join, we need a couple people who have joined to sign up (they're invited, but have to accept the invite via email). I tossed out the invite to my gameshare group and threw it in the Madden group to see if we could get a couple more teams.
Steggy was on board earlier but he wanted a prize of some sort. Which is fine something small like a $10 to $20 amazon gift card can be discussed. If we all contribute a buck or 2. I just don't want to force that on anyone. Still we do need one. Steggy you out there?
I would be willing to do a $10 or $20. Or even $50 if everyone is willing to go $5 a man. It doesn't matter to me anyway.
[quote name='xfyre']I'm fine with prizes also. Are we having the draft tonight?[/QUOTE]

If we get one I'm willing to go tonight still but we would need another owner in 15 to a half hour more that likely for the east coast folks. I;m willing to start the draft as late as 11pm east coast. I changed the time for selection to 60 seconds if that is fine with everyone.
Since we're crunched on time, what do you think about posting this on the free contest page (the mods will take it down, but it'll get front page notice and likely one CAG willing to jump in).
[quote name='ltrain23']Dude, I haven't played Warsong in ages! One of the best strategy RPGs ever![/QUOTE]

I love that game. I lost count of how many times I've played through it. Definitely in my top 3 SRPGs of all time.

I have no problem contributing to a winner's prize. If we're going to draft soon, I need to know so I can rush home. I'm posting from my phone right now.
bread's done