Answer me this question about Star Trek


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I was looking at some of the Blu Ray releases of the original Star Trek movies and I wanted to ask this:

Why is the "Original Motion Picture Trilogy" movies II, III and IV? I've never watched any of the old Star Trek movies and I'm thinking of giving them a go but wondered why I can't seem to find a blu ray of just the first movie anywhere.

I assume I should be starting with the first movie, right?
[quote name='ZForce915']Thanks genius :D I'm just looking for the first movie not the whole series.[/QUOTE]

it is only available in that set :bouncy:
Because 2, 3, and 4 were directed by Nimoy and were written as a continuing story arc; the other Trek movies are pretty much singular stories only occasionally referencing the shows or previous movies.
[quote name='JoeyIA']Because 2, 3, and 4 were directed by Nimoy and were written as a continuing story arc; the other Trek movies are pretty much singular stories only occasionally referencing the shows or previous movies.[/QUOTE]

Thank you, this is exactly what I wanted to know.
[quote name='JoeyIA']Because 2, 3, and 4 were directed by Nimoy and were written as a continuing story arc; the other Trek movies are pretty much singular stories only occasionally referencing the shows or previous movies.[/QUOTE]

you might want to Wiki Star Trek 2 and check who directed that movie ;)

Besides, shouldn't this be in the Star Trek Thread?
Anyone who wants to start watching Trek, I always recommend starting with II. The Motion Picture bores the crap out of me, and I'm a pretty diehard fan.

It's a trilogy because there's a story arc between the three. 3 starts off immediately following the end of 2, and 4 shortly after the end of 3. They were not all directed by Nimoy, but it's one of the greatest story arcs in the franchise.
[quote name='lordwow']Anyone who wants to start watching Trek, I always recommend starting with II. The Motion Picture bores the crap out of me, and I'm a pretty diehard fan.

It's a trilogy because there's a story arc between the three. 3 starts off immediately following the end of 2, and 4 shortly after the end of 3. They were not all directed by Nimoy, but it's one of the greatest story arcs in the franchise.[/QUOTE]

Yea Star Trek 1 starts off very, very slowly. They spend a lot of time showing off the new enterprise and if you look carefully, in the pod it's a cardboard cut out of Kirk :|
Star Trek 2 Wrath of Khan is considered the best of the Star Trek movies. Star Trek First Contact is also excellent.
[quote name='Xevious']Star Trek 2 Wrath of Khan is considered the best of the Star Trek movies. Star Trek First Contact is also excellent.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure that's true. Most Trek fans I know (including me) prefer IV. Wrath of Khan is certainly awesome though.
[quote name='bvharris']I'm not sure that's true. Most Trek fans I know (including me) prefer IV. Wrath of Khan is certainly awesome though.[/QUOTE]

Either IV is a typo or there's no way you can be serious.
[quote name='camoor']Either IV is a typo or there's no way you can be serious.[/QUOTE]
IV was a light hearted change of pace movie after II and III were super dramatic. It was fluff. (IV is 4)

2, 3, and 6 were the good ones. 4 was OK. 1 could've been OK if they cut out half the movie, but I understand why its so long since they wanted to show eveything off and they figured it would be the only one. 5 shouldn't have happened.

I don't really consider anything after 6 to be a Star Trek movie, Generations isn't just the worst Trek movie, its one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The ones that followed weren't real good and highly derivative of what came before.
[quote name='camoor']Either IV is a typo or there's no way you can be serious.[/QUOTE]

Not at all, it's an excellent movie. It was very well received at the time, and has held up well. In fact, the success of IV played a big part in getting TNG off of the ground a few years later. Yes, it's much more light-hearted than the two that preceded it, but Star Trek has had some of its best moments when it didn't take itself too seriously.

I don't care enough about it to delve into an internet argument over which Star Trek movie is better though.
[quote name='JoeyIA']Because 2, 3, and 4 were directed by Nimoy and were written as a continuing story arc; the other Trek movies are pretty much singular stories only occasionally referencing the shows or previous movies.[/QUOTE]

Star Trek 2 was directed by Nicholas Meyer and it is the best. With the Journey Home a close second.
[quote name='dafoomie']Watch that video and tell me it doesn't suck. The whole movie didn't make any sense.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, I watched Generations a little while back and just recently watched The Final Frontier and can undoubtedly say that The Final Frontier was much worse then Generations.
[quote name='docvinh']Hmm, I watched Generations a little while back and just recently watched The Final Frontier and can undoubtedly say that The Final Frontier was much worse then Generations.[/QUOTE]

That doesn't make Generations good.
[quote name='Xevious']Star Trek 2 Wrath of Khan is considered the best of the Star Trek movies. Star Trek First Contact is also excellent.[/QUOTE]

Seconded on First Contact. Awesome movie.

I was not a big fan of Star Trek growing up and even then, I still thought Star Trek IV was an excellent film when I saw it as a child.
[quote name='bvharris']Not at all, it's an excellent movie. It was very well received at the time, and has held up well. In fact, the success of IV played a big part in getting TNG off of the ground a few years later. Yes, it's much more light-hearted than the two that preceded it, but Star Trek has had some of its best moments when it didn't take itself too seriously.

I don't care enough about it to delve into an internet argument over which Star Trek movie is better though.[/QUOTE]

Well there's no arguing over matters of taste.

It's a fun movie, but they go back in time to save whales. Whales are cool and all, but I'm not sure some hippie cause-du-jour is a justifiable reason to risk disrupting the space-time continuum in the supposedly more rational Star Trek universe.
I didn't really mind Generations, although it was obviously just a way to get Kirk and Picard in the same movie. First Contact has always been my favorite of the Trek movies though.
[quote name='camoor']
It's a fun movie, but they go back in time to save whales. Whales are cool and all, but I'm not sure some hippie cause-du-jour is a justifiable reason to risk disrupting the space-time continuum in the supposedly more rational Star Trek universe.[/QUOTE]

But they needed to save the whales in order to stop the giant cylinder thing from destroying Earth! Don't you see - protecting the planet today can prevent future destruction by giant space cylinders! :D
What was bad about 6? It was a fun, had some action, and wrapped things up nicely after the turd of 5. I haven't watched 5, 9, or 10 in a long time so I'm not sure which one is the worst of the worst. Probably 5 or 9.
6 was on of those movies that made you clap at the end... I remembered shedding a tear at the end of the movie as it was so moving.
[quote name='lordwow']That doesn't make Generations good.[/QUOTE]

I didn't think it was awesome, but it was okay. I was just saying because he said it was the worst movie he has ever seen.:)
[quote name='bvharris']Not at all, it's an excellent movie. It was very well received at the time, and has held up well. In fact, the success of IV played a big part in getting TNG off of the ground a few years later. Yes, it's much more light-hearted than the two that preceded it, but Star Trek has had some of its best moments when it didn't take itself too seriously.

I don't care enough about it to delve into an internet argument over which Star Trek movie is better though.[/QUOTE]

IV was a big success, but I think II is the better movie. It also captures the feel of the original TV show better, even though IV has some good moments. I just think as a whole II is the better movie personally.

[quote name='SithFran']What was bad about 6? It was a fun, had some action, and wrapped things up nicely after the turd of 5. [/QUOTE]

Nothing wrong with VI, who says there is? I enjoyed the action and the whole "who done it" mystery vibe.

Also agree First Contact is great.
[quote name='bvharris']But they needed to save the whales in order to stop the giant cylinder thing from destroying Earth! Don't you see - protecting the planet today can prevent future destruction by giant space cylinders! :D[/QUOTE]

Pretty much. It makes "Dude Where's My Car" look like Hamlet (then again, at least it was better then the Star Trek reboot)
[quote name='keithp']IV was a big success, but I think II is the better movie. It also captures the feel of the original TV show better, even though IV has some good moments. I just think as a whole II is the better movie personally.[/QUOTE]
The thing about II is that it would've been a great movie whether it was Star Trek or not. It had absolutely everything. Thats why Nemesis tried to rip it off.
My list in order would go like this:

1. Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan

2A. Star Trek 4 The Voyage Home

2B. Star Trek-(2009)

4. Star Trek: First Contact

5. Star Trek 3 The Search for Spock

6. Star Trek: Generations

7. Star Trek: The Motion Picture

8. Star Trek 6 The Undiscovered Country

9. Star Trek: Nemesis

10. Star Trek 5 The Final Frontier

11. Star Trek: Insurrection
I think youll find the type of Star Trek fan can be determined by the listing of their favorites movie order. I think the more typical Sci-Fi fans tend to like the evens from the TOS movies, where as the more character based fans tends to prefer the odds.

I personally prefer 1 and 3, they are slower and markedly not as cool as some of the others, but they really show off the characterization which in my opinion makes TOS the best of all the Treks.
[quote name='ajh2298']My list in order would go like this:

1. Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan

2A. Star Trek 4 The Voyage Home

2B. Star Trek-(2009)

4. Star Trek: First Contact

5. Star Trek 3 The Search for Spock

6. Star Trek: Generations

7. Star Trek: The Motion Picture

8. Star Trek 6 The Undiscovered Country

9. Star Trek: Nemesis

10. Star Trek 5 The Final Frontier

11. Star Trek: Insurrection[/QUOTE]

First off, most if not all these are now streaming on Netflixs for those interested... as for your list, and I understand everyone is allowed their own opinion, but Star Trek: Nemesis is not only the worst Star Trek movies every made, it is one of the worst movies ever made...and this is just my opinion (Proud Trekkie since 1974)
[quote name='Bug42']First off, most if not all these are now streaming on Netflixs for those interested... as for your list, and I understand everyone is allowed their own opinion, but Star Trek: Nemesis is not only the worst Star Trek movies every made, it is one of the worst movies ever made...and this is just my opinion (Proud Trekkie since 1974)[/QUOTE]

And thats why its 9th on my list, to be honest I only ever seen Insurrection once so thats why thats listed 11th.
I've only seen Insurrection once, but I remember thinking that even if it was just a regular episode of TNG it would've sucked hard.
I think I'd rank Nemesis above Insurrection, if only because it had a pretty good ending for Data. Other than that it wasn't very good. Insurrection didn't even have that.

I think I've seen all the OT movies, but I don't remember all of them, so I can't really rank them.
[quote name='bvharris']But they needed to save the whales in order to stop the giant cylinder thing from destroying Earth! Don't you see - protecting the planet today can prevent future destruction by giant space cylinders! :D[/QUOTE]

wasn't there an excuse to shoot at Monterey Bay Aquarium?

clip link:

damn, 1986?! friggin' 24 yrs ago... oh wow. timeless.

for me, first contact, then the trilogy. :)
[quote name='Xevious']Star Trek 2 Wrath of Khan is considered the best of the Star Trek movies. Star Trek First Contact is also excellent.[/QUOTE]
I don't recall the name offhand, but you should definitely look into the one ST novel that follows up after the events of Generations.
Kirk gets resurrected by the Borg.
[quote name='ZForce915']Why is the "Original Motion Picture Trilogy" movies II, III and IV?...I assume I should be starting with the first movie, right?[/QUOTE]

Most would say start with II, as that's kind of what set the tone for the rest of the series
(personally, I like the director's cut of Motion Picture, but it's not at all the rest of the series, nor is it available on blu-ray, which is theatrical only). They took it from the attempt at a big budget version of the TV series that was Motion Picture, and turned it into a kind of Horatio Hornblower meets Das Boot nautical adventure in space. II was directed by Nicholas Meyer, who is mostly famous for his Star Trek work, and his Sherlock Holmes pastiche novels (Time After Time is great too).

Nimoy took over and directed III and IV (Meyer returned to do script work on IV), which along with II form a trilogy within the series, where each movie is a direct sequel to the last. IV is a much light-hearted film with a ridiculous sounding premise, but actually works really well on its own merits.

V (direct by Shatner) ties up a loose end from IV in the beginning but is otherwise a wholly unrelated and unwatchable film, and can be easily missed.

VI should have been included in that set you mention, but people seem to like trilogies so for some reason it was left out. In the same way that character motivations in III are strongly based on events in II, character motivations and major plot points in VI are based around the events of III. It also serves as a wrap up to the original crew series as a whole. Nicholas Meyer directs again, and I think it's a pretty damned brilliant piece of work that never gets mentioned amongst the best entries in the series.

Generations - Felt like they resurrected two corpses for the sake of continuing the franchise. Kirk, who had been sent of extremely well in VI, and the entire Next Generation crew, which had a fantastic series finale not too long before, one that did not beg continuation. Felt really pointless, until...

First Contact - Which is all sorts of good. I suppose if suffering through Generations was the price of getting First Contact, then it was worth it.

Insurrection - Really long, not terribly impressive episode of the TV series.

Nemesis - Really long, not terribly impressive clip show episode of the TV series. Seriously, large portions of this movie feel like they were cherry picked from people's favorite episodes and re-purposed as a movie plot. Not offensively bad, but the writing was on the wall, and when you consider the next Trek movie we got, it was, like Generations, worth it
bread's done