Any Burn Notice Fans?


1 (100%)
As an immense fan of the Wire and The Shield (Seasons 1-4, Season 5's side stories were cliched and Season 6 was just a huge mess) this show is a step down for me, but for casual watching I found this show pretty enjoyable. Not to sound too much like an effete male here but as a man who enjoys a good suit, the main character sure dons some expensive ones, which are ironic for his current status.

Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone enjoyed this show as well and knew how this show was doing in the ratings? Its not anything award winning, but I like its mix of wry humor and quasi Spy know how, and I would like to see how the show develops.

Also, I know there are a lot of Bruce Campbell fans on here.
I haven't had time to watch it but I was interested in it. Although it didn't interest me as much as Blade or Over There did (what happened to Over There? I thought a season 2 was in progress but it never aired) I would still watch it if I have time. What time is it on anyways?
Ratings are good as far as I know, it's like a better version of Psych, which got old after a few episodes.
I watched the first couple episodes two weekends ago and thought it was pretty good. I really like Jeffery Donovan so I hope it's doing well in the ratings. I still think Donovan's previous show on USA, Touching Evil, was better though.
rating wise it is doing had roughly 4 million the first week, and retained most of them for the 2nd week...I haven't found any other info on it since then...I have been watching it, it is ok imho and I wouldn't mind if i forgot to dvr it. It does entertain me, but sometimes it is really really slow.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']No, but I am a fan of Soda Popinski.[/QUOTE]

Hell yeah. For him being one of my favorite boxers in Punch-Out I can barely remember any of his between round retorts. I think thats because he is so easy to knock out in the first.
[quote name='lordwow']The editing of the show pisses me the fuck off.[/QUOTE]

Are you talking about the bits inbetween scenes? Yeah, it seems like a poor mans Michael Man or Tony Scott edit job. Although Tony Scott is already ridiculously atrocious as it is.
i think my biggest problem with the show, is that it bills itself as a action comedy, but I find the funny parts fall flat..if they just made it a straight procedural action show I think I would like it more. I really enjoyed last nights episode
[quote name='strayfoxx']Are you talking about the bits inbetween scenes? Yeah, it seems like a poor mans Michael Man or Tony Scott edit job. Although Tony Scott is already ridiculously atrocious as it is.[/QUOTE]

That and the freaking freeze-frames in the middle of action sequences.
bread's done