Any deals on Call of Duty 4?


2 (100%)
I've been wanting to get a Call of Duty game for awhile and COD4 looks to be the best out there. However to my surprise, the game is still quite costly, despite being released over 18 months ago. Is there anywhere I can find it new for around $30?
Damn, you just missed the $30 GOTY edition in the amazon gold box DOTD. You could wait till 11/10/09 to get Modern Warefare 2, but if you're big into the story then you would want to get the first 1.
If you put this in the "request a video game deal" section you might get a lil quicker/better feed back. But yeah...what blader said.
I think the game had a universal price drop. You should be able to get a used copy for $29 at EB Games as of a few weeks ago.

$10 for COD4 isn't an easy find.
Think im about ready to play my copy now, ive had it for almost two months, been messing around with all the fallout 3 dlc and having a blast with it... :bouncy:
bread's done