Any Differences between RE5 on PS3 or 360

I have seen both the demos (played the 360) one and I didnt notice anything, knowing Capcom they will be nearly identical
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Well the 360 version has all the built-in advantages of being on 360. ie; Live, Achievements, better controller, etc, etc.[/quote]

To spin the other way, I could say get the Ps3 version because of trophies, knowing your system wont crap out on you in the middle of the game, and also not having to have the sound turned up full blast to drown out the sound of the 360 :bouncy:
[quote name='MarkMan']load times on 360 a TAD slower and 360 graphics a bit cleaner vs PS3.[/QUOTE]

Load times are slower even with the install?
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Well the 360 version has all the built-in advantages of being on 360. ie; Live, Achievements, better controller, etc, etc.[/quote]
Really... I'd rather have another game each year than pay for live each year. So that cancels that "advantage" and puts it in the PS3 side. I could care less about meaningless achievements or trophies, and there really is no difference now. PS3 has the better controller, especially the dpad and more sensitize analog sticks, it also holds charges longer. Also those who played previous RE, will enjoy using the same type of controller for 5. I don't know what the etc etc refers to, I would say nothing. PS3 allows you to back up your save files and has better reliability so there's another plus to getting it on PS3, you'll never have to worry about losing saves ever.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Well the 360 version has all the built-in advantages of being on 360. ie; Live, Achievements, better controller, etc, etc.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't sound like any of those will make a difference with this game.
I would just buy it for which ever console your friends have. I wouldn't even think about playing this game by myself since you would then have a borderline retarded bot following you everywhere blowing through all of your ammo. The split screen isn't much better with a good quarter of the screen being completely unused.

As far as actual differences go MarkMan named the only ones I know of.
You forgot the unique sound of twelve year old children making noise on live yelling and calling everyone gay and stupid.
[quote name='Paco']You forgot the unique sound of twelve year old children making noise on live yelling and calling everyone gay and stupid.[/quote]

^ A person who obviously hasn't played a multiplayer game on PSN.
[quote name='J7.']Also those who played previous RE, will enjoy using the same type of controller for 5. [/QUOTE]

Not necessarily as people may have only played RE games on the Dreamcast and/or Gamecube/Wii.

But that's just personal preference. I've always hated the dual shock controllers as I prefer the offset analog stick set up and a larger controller.
[quote name='Paco']You forgot the unique sound of twelve year old children making noise on live yelling and calling everyone gay and stupid.[/quote]

Actually, I've only had one juvenile fucktard, but he didn't call anyone gay, he just sat on the mic and spamed it going "blblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblb" for about 20 strait minutes in Burnout.

Playing Resistance 2, there were a couple of people that had their music blaring over their mics... that was annoying.

[quote name='Maklershed']^ A person who obviously hasn't played a multiplayer game on PSN.[/quote]
im gonna go with the used cheaper ps3 version once people play it a few times and quickly trade it in for something else.
Since this has turned into an "I'm getting it for .." thread I guess I'll toss my hat in to the ring. Anyway, I'm probably getting it for the PS3 since one of my buddies is getting it and he wants to do co-op. (and he only owns a PS3)

[quote name='lokizz']im gonna go with the used cheaper ps3 version once people play it a few times and quickly trade it in for something else.[/quote]

FYI, I'm fairly certain you'll have a much easier time finding a used 360 version. Just sayin.
Can't have a proper thread without turning into some bullshit "X Vs Y" argument, Frisky.

I just hope Zoglog can get the lid on this thing before everyone's face starts to melt.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I've heard that one gives you cancer and the other gives you AIDS. Your pick.[/QUOTE]

Hmm. What kind of cancer?
when it comes to cross platform games do acheivements and trophies get earned the same way? by that i mean is the way you get each the same or do they choose diff ones for each system ?
[quote name='dmaul1114']Not necessarily as people may have only played RE games on the Dreamcast and/or Gamecube/Wii.

But that's just personal preference. I've always hated the dual shock controllers as I prefer the offset analog stick set up and a larger controller.[/quote]
The far majority of people played past RE on a PS console, RE1,2,3,CV,4,O,O2. DC had 1 RE game. Wii had 1 regular RE game. GC had all but other than RE 0,1,& 4 they were limited and rarely purchased as they were over priced.
[quote name='J7.']The far majority of people played past RE on a PS console, RE1,2,3,CV,4,O,O2. DC had 1 RE game. Wii had 1 regular RE game. GC had all but other than RE 0,1,& 4 they were limited and rarely purchased as they were over priced.[/quote]

Not only that, but I played RE1 before Sony had Analog controllers! Oh, the horror!
[quote name='Ronin317']Not only that, but I played RE1 before Sony had Analog controllers! Oh, the horror![/quote]

some of my scariest gaming moments came from trying to get the hang of the controlls in re2.going from the n64 to using a ps1 took some getting used to and that was the wrong game to choose for my first ps1 game. took me a long time to play it and finish because i could only handle it in 10 to 20 minute spurts. i always wished i could have played the version of that game where your clothes took damage over time. hell id like to play the original concept for re4 too.
[quote name='Zoglog']Anyone know any significant differences between the 2 (besides the obvious, controller/xbl vs psn/etc...)

Just checked the IGN review, and they didn't mention much, so just trying to see if anyone's got more info or if there really isn't much difference at all.

Hmm guess I answered my question by lookin up gamefaqs[/QUOTE]

All I'll say is that the demo for me personally was really distracting to play. On my 40" Sammy I had lots of screen tear. Hopefully this will not be as prevalent in the full version!

Anybody else had this issue?

EDIT: This was on Xbox 360. I'd be interested if any PS3 users had this?
[quote name='lokizz']some of my scariest gaming moments came from trying to get the hang of the controlls in re2.going from the n64 to using a ps1 took some getting used to and that was the wrong game to choose for my first ps1 game. took me a long time to play it and finish because i could only handle it in 10 to 20 minute spurts. i always wished i could have played the version of that game where your clothes took damage over time. hell id like to play the original concept for re4 too.[/quote]

The original RE (and the director's cut, for that matter), in retrospect, had horrid controls, groundbreaking as it was. I can't tell you how many times I ate it in that game because of the bad controls. It was funny when they put out the Director's Cut, and it had Dual Shock control, and it was no better. In fact, I don't think they got the control system down well until Code Veronica on the DC...
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I've heard that one gives you cancer and the other gives you AIDS. Your pick.[/QUOTE]


I'm getting kind of hungry right now.
I never had problems with the controls. I got used to it in RE 1 after about 20 minutes of play or so. I definitely see why the controls were the way they were, so you could do the moonwalk for instance to back up during fights.
Just heard the PS3 version will allow you to unlock an arcade game in Home! You need the game to access it.
I will agree with whoever said get it for whatever system your friends will get it on. I pretty much only plan to co-op with this, and I won't play with random strangers.
[quote name='Thongsy']I will agree with whoever said get it for whatever system your friends will get it on. I pretty much only plan to co-op with this, and I won't play with random strangers.[/quote]
And this is why I'm getting both.
There's some cleverly crafted wording in that article if you look close enough.

Interesting the techniques that are used... if it's similar to Killzone 2, then I can't say I notice it in action. Then again, I'm not sitting point blank at my TV with a tool that shows the screen at 200%.
[quote name='distgfx']

From the analysis they showed on the footage, the 360 almost never dips below 30fps while the PS3 dips to 28fps quite frequently. Every once in a while it dips to 26fps. Just saying what I saw in the footage on there and what I read.[/quote]

can you tell me what your avatar is. i see it every so often and i cant tell if its someones ass or something else.
[quote name='Maklershed']^ A person who obviously hasn't played a multiplayer game on PSN.[/quote]

I actually got a PS3 to get away from the idiocy of the average 360 owner. I still play on the 360 some frequency as I bum my cousins 360, but I can in all honesty say the PSN group is far more mature and far more sane then the live community. 90% of insults I see and hear are from Live. This is most likely because they give everyone a mic and mic + internets + general secrecy = SHITfuckCUNTASSGAY$$$TWATYOU or the fucktard complex. The PSN service may not have as many mic users, and I'm glad for that. Though I have met my share of idiots on PSN "Mostly from Home" But the worst idiot on PSN is about the average idiot on live. AND THAT is the TROOF.
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