any dinner ideas for valentines day? how about Castillo Bianco LOL!

That's hiliarious...

I have a pretty kick ass idea for Valentines dinner.. uh the one problem is I have no idea who I'm going to have said dinner with, but we'll get there (hopefully).

valentines day is all about cooking at home if you can.. i think the ladies respect you for it (if you can make something good, obviously). These suggestions are all super easy.

And cheap too...

Let's see.. here's three things I might do:

plan a

Two cornish game hens ($8) and soak them overnight in a bottle of not too expensive dry white wine and pepper. Then you chop up a cup of fresh parsley and a few cloves of garlic and put it in a bowl. make some little tiny slits around the skin of the hens and carefully stuff the insides of the skins with the mixture. takes a little while but you can do it before they soak if you like. they look awesome while they are cooking and taste super good. baste them with a little butter and salt near the last twenty minutes. so good.

or plan b

a nice roast (3lbs) ($15). get it to room temp and roll it in a huge pile of crushed peppercorns. until it is coated solid black. then either bake it on a rack pan (or even better, rotisserie, if you have one). don't over cook it. it should be a little pink in the middle. cut into slabs. whip up some whip cream and fold in a bunch of horseradish or wasabi and serve that on the side.

or plan c

fondue - which is a pretty relaxed dinner since it gets a little messy.
1 stick of emmethaler cheeze, one stick of gruyere, one stick of nice swiss. shred it all up and coat it in a tablespoon of cornstarch or flour.

get a big slow cooking pot and put about 2 cups of white wine and some white pepper in there. simmer a clove of garlic and get to a light boil. then take the garlic out and slowly stir the cheese it. don't overcook it or it will get tough. ideally you should have something underneath it to keep it warm while you eat (some candles or a sterno can). then you just dip crusty bread into it (use a fork or something) and veggies. whatever you like. and chug the rest of the wine.
I used to have a picture of the flyer from a White Castle advertising something special on Valentine's Day. Wish I still had it.

Oh, and the one time I've cooked dinner for the GF on Valentine's day, I set off the fire alarm. Stupid dorm kitchens.
I've been thinking that I would totally do this if my boyfriend were here, just for shits and giggles. And then after/before we would have a real Valentine's Day dinner. I'm just curious about the whole thing.
bread's done