Any emo CAGers?


7 (100%)
Yeah I know this will probably turn all anti-emo, but are there any other CAGers who are emo? I've been skateboarding for ~10 years now and am working on sponsorships and whatnot. Right now I'm filming a shop video and a few other video parts, and basically I realized that I need to dress more like a skater to make the video look more legit. I usually dress preppy and if you saw me on the street you would not think I skate, its funny, I'll go to a skatepark in a button down and outskate the people wearing skate clothes, the look on their faces is priceless. I decided I'd try dressing emo for a bit and see how that worked, mostly because everytime I see kids skating they're always in tight pants, I figured it was just a fad but I wanted to see how skating in tight pants were. I got myself a few pairs and realized they are really comfortable and awesome for skating. So now that some time's gone by I think I'm going emo, At first friends thought it was funny and something totally random which they would expect from me, but now I'm getting serious about it.

So basically, any emo CAGers here? Any tips on what I can do to make the emo image better? I have tight shirts, mostly black ones, the tight pants, stud belt, and am growing out the emo hair, but anything else I should go for? I usually have a hard time finding shirts to go with the pants, any suggestions? And for the pants themselves, I have brown, black, grey, blue, and then the jean kind. Any other colors I should try to get?
[quote name='Urban Dictionary']emo 10415 up, 4148 down

An entire subculture of people (usually angsty teens) with a fake personality. The concept of Emo is actually a vicious cycle that never ends, to the utter failing of humanity, and it goes something like this:

1. Girls say they like "sensitive guys" (lie)
2. Guy finds out, so he listens to faggy emo music and dresses like a dork so chicks will see that he is sensitive and not afraid to express himself (lie). He dyes his hair black, wraps himself in a stupid looking scarf, develops an eating disorder, and rants about how "nobody understands".
3. Now an emo guy, he meets Emo chick and they start dating, talking about how their well-off suburban lifestyles are terrible and depressing (lie)
4. Emo guy is just too much of a pussy. His penis is too small, he's too depressed to bathe, and has more mood swings than emo chick, and he doesn't even have a menstrual cycle. Emo chick dumps him, saying "It's not you, it's me." (lie) as she drives off with Wayne, the school jock and captain of the football team.
5. Emo guy goes home and cries, proceeds to write a weak song and strum a single string on his acoustic guitar. Another emo chick sees how he is so in touch with his feelings, and the cycle continues.

This is the sad truth of the emo lifestyle/music, and now that I look at how pathetic it really is, maybe the emos DO have something to cry about!

When she sees how sensitive and emo I have become, she'll definately go out with me![/quote]
Problem solved.
[quote name='THPS']Yeah I know this will probably turn all anti-emo, but are there any other CAGers who are emo? I've been skateboarding for ~10 years now and am working on sponsorships and whatnot. Right now I'm filming a shop video and a few other video parts, and basically I realized that I need to dress more like a skater to make the video look more legit. I usually dress preppy and if you saw me on the street you would not think I skate, its funny, I'll go to a skatepark in a button down and outskate the people wearing skate clothes, the look on their faces is priceless. I decided I'd try dressing emo for a bit and see how that worked, mostly because everytime I see kids skating they're always in tight pants, I figured it was just a fad but I wanted to see how skating in tight pants were. I got myself a few pairs and realized they are really comfortable and awesome for skating. So now that some time's gone by I think I'm going emo, At first friends thought it was funny and something totally random which they would expect from me, but now I'm getting serious about it.

So basically, any emo CAGers here? Any tips on what I can do to make the emo image better? I have tight shirts, mostly black ones, the tight pants, stud belt, and am growing out the emo hair, but anything else I should go for? I usually have a hard time finding shirts to go with the pants, any suggestions? And for the pants themselves, I have brown, black, grey, blue, and then the jean kind. Any other colors I should try to get?[/quote]

You can't be serious.
More power to you OP for being what you want to be and not caring what people say. I'm not emo but its your life and its up to you as to what you do with.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Wait, how does skater image=emo image?[/QUOTE]

The latest trend is skateboarding has been tight pants. Its gotten to the point where some companys's clothing new lines for later in the year consist of all tight pants.
[quote name='CitizenB']More power to you OP for being what you want to be and not caring what people say. I'm not emo but its your life and its up to you as to what you do with.[/quote]

Err....did you read his first post? He is dressing emo because of other people.
[quote name='seanr1221']Err....did you read his first post? He is dressing emo because of other people.[/QUOTE]

I read it I was being sarcastic in my post, sorta of a reverse way to say just be yourself, and not dress emo.
IT'S NOT "CAGERS" DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is getting out of control. We need an official statement from Cheapy. I'll quit hijacking your thread now.
[quote name='seanr1221']*set up chair*

This is going to be good.[/QUOTE]

I suppose so. It seems that it's not really much different from wanting to wear a nice suit to a job interview instead of your chuck taylors and "Halo" t-shirt.

Now, personally I prefer the more authentic 'waver look to the emo look, since the latter is a bastardized version of the former. Nevertheless, if that's what you're going for, go sit in a mall food court and take notes.

I'm not kidding. Unless, of course, your goal here is just to get people to make fun of emo kids. Which I laud, of course, but this thread won't make or break emo kids getting mocked, to be fair.

Take notes. Adapt.

I can't believe stretch jeans are popular again; I did that shit for 8 years or so, and accomplished little more than drinking heavily and hurting other people. I have no fuckin' idea how people can skate in stretch jeans.
Emo= no go. You can wear skating clothes and not be emo. Elmo's hate life and all rebellius. Look at t3h tony hawking. He slitith not the wrists of hate and love. He slit not the pain!

[quote name='CitizenB']I read it I was being sarcastic in my post, sorta of a reverse way to say just be yourself, and not dress emo.[/quote]

Sorry bout that. I thought you were being serious since in the thread about fat people you were saying how who cares if you are happy with yourself.

Dude seriously. Don't go dress like an emo. Wear normal skating clothes IE: T-Shirt, Cargo pants, a helmet. Be yourself dude. Nobody likes emos. They so fucking gay and emotional. dON'T BE a slutty emo biatch.
[quote name='anomynous']any emo CAGs? *coughRoufusscough* fuck emos[/quote]Beat me to it :lol:.

[quote name='Brak']Why not be yourself?[/QUOTE]There ya go.

[quote name='Xevious']I rated this thread one cheapy head. I thought it would be more entertaining.[/QUOTE]

Yeah this thread fails on so many levels.
[quote name='CitizenB']More power to you OP for being what you want to be and not caring what people say. I'm not emo but its your life and its up to you as to what you do with.[/quote]

I totally agree. Just be yourself, don't try to fall into a trend, a fad, or a crowd, you'll just be a walking cliche. The only reason to dress a certain way like that is unless you want people to preconceive all kinds of things about you just by looking at you. If that sounds good, then cool.
[quote name='Moxio']Boring.[/QUOTE]

Why bother posting if you're only going to say a word or two in every thread? It's just a waste of space.
Personally it's the Emo's fault that all the college bands I hear on the Community Radio station sound the same and like shit. For ruining college band's you sob's need a whipping.
dude, i say be even more preppy. that would be tight, you'd totally make yourself standout and you'd pretty much be a non conformist in the skate park. start by wearing collared shirts with a sweater vest or something. go buy a blazer with a school emblem and if you're a good skater they really can't give you shit.
[quote name='Collectordragon']Wouldn't tight pants be restrictive and make skating more difficult?[/QUOTE]

Actuall, I'm a tech skater (which involves doing flips with your board), so tight pants make it so the bottom of your pants don't get in the way, and with tight pants you can also see your board. What I'm going to do is not stick to one style, I'm going to sort of alternate. I've actually gotten a lot of compliments from girls I know, who claim my ass looks amazing in emo pants. But theres also a ton of other friends who like my old style better. And I noticed that now when I'm skating in emo clothes around people its different. There's nothing that makes me stand out since I look like every other person. At least with the preppy clothes when I see some emo person at the skatepark screw up on a trick and then I go up and do it first try, I get weird looks and everyone's in shock because you don't expect someone dressed like that to be able to do that. It's also good to look different so people recognize me. For a while I rode all hot pink skateboards (trucks, deck, hardware, wheels, everything all pink). And this worked quite well in putting my name out there. When I got a new board and went to the skatepark, I had random people who I didn't even know ask me what happened to the pink boards. I think being unique and not conforming to what everyone else is doing is key in making a name for yourself, so I think I'm going to only dress emo on occasion. It was fun while it lasted though.
damn. skating in my day was so much easier. you just got a board similar to the ones in this link and put your favorite skate shirt on with some
baggy pants and went downtown to harass bums and businesses. oh yeah, footwear was either airwalks or my personal fav, converse hightops.

sounds like you are doing a fucking beauty pageant or something. maybe you need to hire a professional stylist to help you dress for your skating events.
[quote name='Brak']Why not be yourself?[/QUOTE]

It sounds like the OP is purposely casting his identity aside to market himself.

OP-- I think what you're looking for is just an indie rock fan look. Maybe that's what people consider "emo" but I've always thought emo was just a state of mind.

Anyway, you'll need black shirts, tight black jeans, stud belts, and thick-frame glasses (and I'm pretty sure people who don't need glasses get non-prescription pairs for fashion reasons....) Get a tight black hoodie with patches on it. Converse all-stars too. that's about all you need to look like a stereotypical emo person, if that's what you're going for. make sure to have some 3 day stubble. maybe a studded leather bracelet.

or just go to your thriftshop and find the ugliest, tackiest clothes possible.
God what is the world coming to. I wish Emo was what it was back in the early 90's. Sunny Day Real Estate and a bunch of indie unknown bands. Now it's just a new marketing scheme for Hot Topic to sell clothes.

You want to be Emo? How about listen to Hum, Sunny Day Real Estate, Texas is the Reason or many of the Deep Elm Records bands. None of the G,D,Em,C garbage on the radio (you would have to know music to understand this).

Emo isn't a hairstyle, tight t-shirts, or tight pants. That sounds alot like bad 80's hair rock to me.

Yes you have right idea, become EMO, buy everything you said you should and be different just like everyone else.

Not a sermon, just a thought.
[quote name='fenderhutz']God what is the world coming to. I wish Emo was what it was back in the early 90's. Sunny Day Real Estate and a bunch of indie unknown bands. Now it's just a new marketing scheme for Hot Topic to sell clothes.

You want to be Emo? How about listen to Hum, Sunny Day Real Estate, Texas is the Reason or many of the Deep Elm Records bands. None of the G,D,Em,C garbage on the radio (you would have to know music to understand this).

Emo isn't a hairstyle, tight t-shirts, or tight pants. That sounds alot like bad 80's hair rock to me.

Yes you have right idea, become EMO, buy everything you said you should and be different just like everyone else.

Not a sermon, just a thought.[/QUOTE]

Cheer up, emo kid!

(it had to be said.)
[quote name='Apossum']Cheer up, emo kid!

(it had to be said.)[/quote]

Another bad that has to be said.....................

Have you heard of the new EMO pizza?................ Yeah it cuts itself. (I know it's old and bad)
Original "Emo" was to perform music emotionally -- not necessarily "emotional" lyrics, weeping on stage, or even sadness, for that matter... but putting a lot of emotion into the performance.

Now, it's about wearing tight girl jeans, typing away in your LiveJournal about how your comfortable, middle-class suburban lifestyle is so bad and being "sayud".
[quote name='Brak']Original "Emo" was to perform music emotionally -- not necessarily "emotional" lyrics, weeping on stage, or even sadness, for that matter... but putting a lot of emotion into the performance.

Now, it's about wearing tight girl jeans, typing away in your LiveJournal about how your comfortable, middle-class suburban lifestyle is so bad and being "sayud".[/quote]

I thought it was funny when The Used was considered EMO because he vomits and cries on stage. Well if that's the case, I was at the bar last Wednesday and a dude hurled and cried telling this guy he loved him. He is WAYYYY EMO then.

Yes I was in an Emo band in 98. We didn't have the hairstyles or black clothes. We played emotional rock. Yes we had the stereo-typical name too. Soulmate 86. Even though our singer spit on a few people, he never cried on stage. He wasn't depressed on stage, and our band photos we didn't even have black eyeliner on.

Emo died when MTV called it hip.
yeah, I always understood it as extremely personal, emotional music that could be about any, politics, traumatic experiences etc. etc.

now it's devolved into songs that sound like a teen trying to wax poetic while confessing his love to a girl who doesn't know him.

the fact that the OP will probably have a better chance at sponsored if he dresses "emo" says a lot.
[quote name='fenderhutz']I thought it was funny when The Used was considered EMO because he vomits and cries on stage. Well if that's the case, I was at the bar last Wednesday and a dude hurled and cried telling this guy he loved him. He is WAYYYY EMO then.[/QUOTE]
He seriously vomits on stage?
[quote name='Brak']He seriously vomits on stage?[/QUOTE] I've heard that with the way he screams, he makes himself vomit sometimes.

I think he just needs vocal lessons. :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I've heard that with the way he screams, he makes himself vomit sometimes.

I think he just needs vocal lessons. :lol:[/QUOTE]
There's actually a pitch, when I sing, that makes me gag.

Kinda weird.
bread's done