Any Gamestop employees want to give me advice?


I have been trying to earn a job at a game store for a while now. I've come to understand that it's pretty difficult since there are tons of applicants all the time, but I'm going to try and give it another shot.

For a little backstory, I live in a small town called Nacogdoches, TX. It's basically a college town. The nearest game store is Gamestop, which is about 45 minutes away in the next town over. I just got back for summer classes, and lo and behold, a Gamestop is set to open up in our town.

So anyway, the grand opening was Friday morning. I called a few days ahead of time to see if they were taking applications. They were, but they already were fully staffed. Oh well, not a big deal. The person advised me to come down anyway.

Yesterday I went over there and was browsing; noticed a few other guys ask for applications. I was browsing some PS1 games when I started talking with the manager about the PSP. We ended up chatting for about thirty minutes, and after a while he told me he'd recognized me from the other store in the next town over. He had sold me my Gamestop Card about 6 months ago.

Anyway, after more chatting, he asked me if I'd filled out an application yet. I told him I had thought about it, but figured there were going to be a ton of applicants already. He said in the last two days he'd received nearly 200, but I should still try. So I accept and took the application home with me.

All right. So my question, if anyone has any experience in this sort of thing is, why would he offer me an application if his staff is full and he has 200+ applications already sitting behind the counter? It struck me as odd, but then again we did have a fairly good conversation going on, and he did recognize me from the other store.

I guess I'm just wondering what my chances are, and what kinds of things to do when going for an interview (if I get one). Essentially I read in another thread that you're looking to sell your retail abilities rather than your fanboy persona. Someone else told me they only hire people who like sports games.

So, help me out here.
I think you're getting some random, misguided advice. The fanboy persona is not preferable, but you do not need to have a vast amount of sports game experience.

I'll tell you from experience, after having been an EB manager for years, it does not matter how many applications there are sitting in a pile.

If you:
1) Are over 18.
2) Filled the application out in its entirety.
3) Have previous retail experience.
4) Interview well (as you said you already did).
5) Include a resume.
6) Know games, but know when your opinions are not as important as the sale.

Then you should be golden!! Persistence is also key - they'll never say "Damn this guy wants this job TOO much... We shouldn't hire him." So keep at it!

He probably asked you to fill out an application in case one of his staff members doesn't work out. I think you have a good chance.
From what it sounds like, the manager has you in mind. If it's a new store and it's fully 'staffed', it's most likely people from other stores filling in until they can get local help. I agree with the not being a fanboy, even if you have preference to a particular console, your JOB is to sell games. You must be objective & decisive when selling a product & keep your personal fanboyism aside.
Cool. Thanks guys. I had been wondering if I should put a resume in there, too. I guess that seals the deal. Thanks again. If there's any other advice, lemme know. ^___^
[quote name='psiufoxx2']
If you:
1) Are over 18.
2) Filled the application out in its entirety.
3) Have previous retail experience.
4) Interview well (as you said you already did).
5) Include a resume.
6) Know games, but know when your opinions are not as important as the sale.

A gamestop opened by me about 6 months ago and I put in an app and meet all of your requirements except 4. but every time I go in the store there is new employees. and the never called me or nothing. it seems some places are hard to get a job. electronic stores are the same way as well BB CC, blockbuster.
[quote name='EddieBelfour']do they make you take a drug test to work there?[/QUOTE]

At GameStop, no. The others, I have no idea.
[quote name='EddieBelfour']do they make you take a drug test to work there?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Ledhed']At GameStop, no. The others, I have no idea.[/QUOTE]

My "old old" manager made me take a urine test back when I worked there, but that guy was a total cock. Same with his incompetent sucessor.
As for tips? Nothing about getting hired, but try not to idealize the job. Trust me, it's not as fun as you think and depending on your supervisors it could destroy your interest in videogames (as it almost did with me). If the employees are laid back and professional, it shouldn't be too bad.
Just remember Gamestop's customer service policy:

1. fuck the customer.
2. The customer is always wrong.
3. fuck the customer.
4. Lie to the customer.
5. fuck the customer.
6. Sell the warranty, tell the customer that it is unconditional and covers everything, even though it only covers water damage.
7. fuck the customer, they are always wrong.
No offense but I was being serious, so if you want to flame Gamestop employees please take it somewhere else. Thanks guys!
As a Gamestop employee, I can tell you Quackzilla is partially right; you have to be prepared for the likelihood that your scruples and ethics will be put to the test, and the answer the company wants is sometimes not the answer that will let you still look at yourself in the morning.

Also, even if you're really good at your job, it's not all fun and games. For every cool customer who comes in that you have a great conversation with about games while you try to help him find things, you will have at least one horrible one who makes you hate your life.

And it's not all about the sales either. You will spend many an hour sitting behind a counter stickering used games, alphabetizing shelves in a stupid manner that your regional manager demanded which is guaranteed to last a whole 5 minutes after you finish, and counting every single item in the store on inventory days.

Also, expect to meet your numbers if you care to stay employed, and be prepared to start at $6.50/hr, at best, with a possibility of a 50 cent a year raise. Promotion is different, and they occur often, but it's as much because of the high turnover at most stores as it is the fast growth of the company.

In short, there are far worse places to work, but there are far better too. It's not the dream job you expect, and be prepared for that before going in.

As far as tips to get the job go, be knowledgable. Just talk about your general knowledge and experiences. Mention Nolan Bushnell for extra points with a good manager. Don't be a fanboy, but have a ton of general knowledge of the industry, genres, top quality titles, top hype titles, and most importantly, of the types of games you don't normally play (they'll ask you what your favorite games are; don't let those be the only knowledge you have) and be ready to toss it around liberally. Managers love that because that's the kind of knowledge that will sell games that customers want to play, and keep everything flowing smoothly.

And yes, there are a huge number of potential employees in the queue; we get applications every day. But most of them are people with no references, and a few misdemeanors (occasionally a felony). If your record is clean, you've already beat out half of them.
Thanks for the actual answer; I don't expect it to be a dream job, I just need money to pay for school. Currently I'm working a crappy on campus job that pays minimum wage, and no pay for overtime -- and I work a LOT of overtime.

I just need something different, and I figured it'd be a good thing to apply for. I've put my application/resume out a lot of places but this would be the number one choice (as opposed to food service, which I've done, or grocery bagging ... you know).

Anywho, turned in my app/resume about an hour ago and spoke with some of the employees about the upcoming Zelda game, and the new Batman one. I guess we'll have to just wait and see now. Thanks guys.
bread's done