Any new sidescrolling metroids in the works?


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Just curious...or there may of even been one recently, i just am now getting into DS gaming well..not officially yet, ill have my system this weekend or early next most likely :p

But i grew up on the original Metroid when it came out and i loved Super, id be all over a side scrolling new Metroid!

Any coming out?
Bummer nothing substantial, youd think they would be all over that kind of like the 2D Castlevanias still.

I have to say, ive honestly never latched onto the Primes, its just to me not the way Metroid should be. Similar to how i feel with castlevania and Sonic as well.
Im another one that could never get into the Prime games. They may be good games, but they aint Metroid. To me at least.

I'd settle for a revamped Super Metroid for the GBA or DS, but an entirely new 2D adventure would be sooo sweet.
Dread was cancelled about a year ago. I wish I had a concret link to post. But I read it in a Game Informer.
I liked Prime 1, didn't care much for Prime 2 (quit 16 hours into it without finishing it) and thought the DS game sucked donkey balls.

Super Metroid is my all time fave, so I'm too itching for a new 2D metroid on the DS.
[quote name='Ace Harding: Private Eye']As great as another 2D Metroid would be, it would still probably be a disappointment compared to Super Metroid. The last two GBA titles were decent, but fell short in a lot of areas.[/quote]

Gotta just say, awesome avatar man...i thought i was one of the only people in this world that loved Deja Vu and those games on NES, Shadowgate, Uninvited.

Any games similar on the handhelds?
[quote name='theflicker']Not new new, but maybe new to you, Metroid Fusion came out in 2002 and is the most recent sidescrolling Samus adventure.[/quote]

Don't forget Zero Mission!
Hey, "the kids" love that 3-D, and the long-time Samus fans will gnash their teeth and buy whatever Nintendo offers, anyway. I'd love to think that we could see a game on the DS (and we should see one), but I don't think they'd want to dimensionally 'regress' after Hunters. It's a perceived overall interest thing, I believe.

Also: I'd place the odds of seeing an original 2-D Metroid on the VC someday at 250:1. Absolutely no math went into that number.
I'd absolutely love for another 2D Metroid, they seemed like they were on such a good run with the GBA titles, it was 2D on handheld and 2D on the consoles. I loved the Prime games, but I really want a traditional game.

Nintendo has a tendency to just sit on gold mines and not do anything about it. Look how long it took for New SMB to come out - the 1st traditional Mario game in what, 10 years??? Zelda seems to be the only Nintendo franchise which has gotten consistently excellent games that continue to please fans across all platforms (although there's no verdict on Phantom Hourglass yet).

I love that they revitalized Metroid - after the N64 era I assumed I'd have to be content replaying Super Metroid over and over, but now that they've got interest back, why slow down? It'd be really great if they followed up on Zero Mission with a remake of Metroid II Return of Samus, I loved it back in the day but it hasn't aged all that well.
[quote name='jollydwarf'] I'd love to think that we could see a game on the DS (and we should see one), but I don't think they'd want to dimensionally 'regress' after Hunters.[/quote]

NSMB after Mario 64 and Sunshine disagree

Secondarily the DS castlevanias after the 3D console excursions
i forgot the site, but videos of metroid dread were posted somewhere.

the site stated the footage was from a promotional video shown to the press only.

don't know the validity of the videos, but metroid dread looked like shit...
[quote name='EdgeOfThorns']Gotta just say, awesome avatar man...i thought i was one of the only people in this world that loved Deja Vu and those games on NES, Shadowgate, Uninvited.

Any games similar on the handhelds?[/quote]
Thanks, I think Uninvited might be my favorite, but I love them all. I'm surprised nobody's remade them for DS. I'm currently playing Hotel Dusk, which is similar to Deja Vu, but far more dialog-driven. The Phoenix Wright games are kind of in the same league as well.
[quote name='bboynujen']
don't know the validity of the videos, but metroid dread looked like shit...[/quote]
If they're real, I'm sure they're very early beta videos, which always look like shit (the first E3 video for Metroid Fusion looked horrible).
If you like Metroid, pick up the more recent Castlevanias. It's like Metroid in a gothic environment and with RPG elements.
[quote name='Kawnhr']If you like Metroid, pick up the more recent Castlevanias. It's like Metroid in a gothic environment and with RPG elements.[/quote]

Thanks for the suggestion bro but already on it ;) i been playin Castlevanias since the first back in 87 or so when it started, i just really wanna see a new 2D metroid though.
Nintendo will definately have a 2d mertroid coming out on the DS.
I dont think we will here anything about it for awhile .
I just hope they keep it real with the 2d and none of this 3d,2.5d garbage.
bread's done